NC NC - Asha Degree, 9, Shelby, 14 Feb 2000

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I read this story and I am amazed that the exact same thing didn't happen to any one of my neighbor's children who live two houses down from us.

They have 8 kids, and many, many times we have seen one or the other of the youngest (youngest at the time of occurence, this happened numerous times over the years) walking barefoot up the road. Sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. We would always run down the driveway and snatch them out of the road and take them home, and it would always be the same response, "Oh, I had no idea he/she went outside."

The two most dangerous occurrences happened several years apart. One little girl went walking up the middle of the road (which is a curving country backroad with lots of woods, tobacco fields and ponds) barefoot and in her nightgown at dusk in the late fall. My mom was driving back from the grocery store and thank goodness she was driving slow and had her high beams on or else she could have hit the girl.

That time my mom carried the little girl back, had some very choice words with the parents and threatened to call the police if one more child ever wandered off from their home.

A few years later their little boy went missing and he had wandered off the road. Everyone was in complete panic. The police were called and they had a local pilot flying overhead trying to spot him from the air. People were in the tobacco fields behind our houses, searching the pond. This went on for hours. We spent hours looking for the little boy until he was, thankfully, spotted in another tobacco field that was about 10-15 minutes away from the house. He had followed the family dog that far, gotten lost and thankfully sat down where he was and started crying.

Ten minutes or less further up the road, he could have gotten to the bridge and drowned in the creek.

It was ONLY then, when the police brought him back to the house that time and told them what could happen to them if it happened again, did the parents realize they had to watch their kids and stop them from wandering off that way. Only then did it stop happening.

I think this is a fairly common story in small communities and country areas. People just think it's not possible for it to happen in their town. Also, I think that they believe their kids would never wander off, or that they know the area well, everybody is good and friendly, etc.

I feel terrible for this little girl and hope that one day she can be found alive, or otherwise to be laid to rest. If someone went to all that trouble to wrap up the bookbag and bury it, in my mind I think she is also buried somewhere. It's so sad.

Also, someone mentioned about the Dad looking in on his daughter. Did he work a late-night shift possibly? If he wasn't getting in until late, I would not find it unusual that a father would look in and check on his daughter. Maybe that's just me though....when I was a kid in the 80's-90's my mom did hang cans in my window sill and my Dad always checked on me one last time before he went to sleep at night, no matter how late he or my mom was up after I went to bed.
Shannon 2008 I almost never go to bed before my kids, I just can't sleep until I know they are tucked in. (And yes the two youngest are teens)

I also always check on them before I go to bed and if I have to get up in the middle of the night, I just go peek to see if they are alright. It's still a habit after all these years.

I grew up in the town next door to Shelby, NC and seeing prople/kids out in the middle of the night wasn't that unusual. I know that sounds weird but I used to nap then get up in the middle of the night to watch the stars. (Something I miss now that I live in the city) And lots of my neighbors would get up in the middle of the night to fish or hunt.
The road Asha walked up wasn't that highly traveled when I lived there. A few cars here then there, and a semi or three, but not like big city traffic.

I don't think she was thinking long term when she ran away and if she could, have would have come home in about 2 days. I believe someone local picked her up and I pray that the answers her family is looking for come soon.
Also, someone mentioned about the Dad looking in on his daughter. Did he work a late-night shift possibly? If he wasn't getting in until late, I would not find it unusual that a father would look in and check on his daughter.

i read somewhere that there had been a power outage that night. when the lights went back on in the middle of the night, it woke the father up, and thats when he checked on the kids.
Hmmmm, I wonder...
1. Did Asha ride the bus to school? What time did the school buses run in that area? I know here in our rural area, the buses run pretty early (around 6:30am or 6:45am, it's still dark, too) and I see children standing & waiting everyday, plus, some are walking to the road, where the bus stops. Mind you, there is usually a group, but, if I saw a 9 yr. old child out that early on a school day, especially with a book bag, I wouldn't think too much of it. So, I wouldn't discredit the people who drove by and didn't call the police about it. Were the school bus drivers in that area looked at, too?!
2. Were all the school workers (janitors, cafeteria workers, etc.) investigated? Could it be that someone from her school, offered to pick her up early for a special valentines party or something? Instead of her usual riding the bus? This was on a Monday, so she very well could have planned on doing something special for Mom & Dad at school that required getting there early, or it was suggested as such.
3. If she had a house key, (& she had the presence of mind to lock the door behind her) she was deemed trustworthy (mature) enough to let herself in after school or when Mom & Dad were not at home. So setting out earlier on her own to go to school for a "special" project wouldn't seem that strange. I believe someone she knew well & trusted, someone that knew her routine, picked her up or had her meet them. Could it be that she had mentioned, letting herself in & out of the house & the person took advantage of that? Did an adult, suddenly leave that area? Someone the parents were somewhat familiar with?
4. The mens pants, that were found, were they tested for DNA? What size were the pants? Were they worn & weathered, or in fairly decent shape?
I'll have more questions, but I'll wait until these are answered first. (8O
MadeaBecBec, Asha was seen by motorists at around 4:00 in the morning. No school bus comes that early. I can see how 6:00-ish would not warrant questioning, but any child out alone at 4:00 in the morning is suspicious.
MadeaBecBec, Asha was seen by motorists at around 4:00 in the morning. No school bus comes that early. I can see how 6:00-ish would not warrant questioning, but any child out alone at 4:00 in the morning is suspicious.

:waitasec: No, I wouldn't think so, if the people that spotted her were sure of the time. I wasn't able to find a time that she was actually seen, just that it was dark, so that's why I wondered, do you have a link that gives witnesses statements? Now, had I witnessed a child out THAT early, I sure would have stopped & questioned them.
I have a hunch that someone from her school was involved with her disappearance. But, that's just me!

16 Feb 09

Dozens of people turned out this weekend to remember a Cleveland County girl who has been missing for nine years.

Asha Degree disappeared on Valentine’s Day in 2000. She was last seen walking down Fallston Road.

Degree would be 19-year old now. Her parents say they haven’t given up hope.

There have been dozens of searched for Degree over the years. At one point, her book bag was discovered buried by the side of the road 13 miles north of Cleveland County.

video at link
Has anyone read or heard where Robert A. Williams and an SO by the name of Timothy Keatley supposedly took Asha to Afganistan? This was posted on topix here: a photo of Williams and Keatley here:
Anyone at WS close to this area?
Robert Alexander Williams of 814 East Stage Coach Trail, Fallston, NC lives in front of Fallston Elementary School that Asha attended - He has bragged in his newspaper, that he and his gang did it.
This quote was posted by missing child on Nov 16, 2008
Has this been investigated? Or is it speculation and rumor?
I've been thinking about Asha,today. For the life of me, I just cannot think of what could motivate a little girl to get up and walk off into the darkness at 4am. If an abductor told her to meet them somewhere at that time, they were taking a real risk that she'd be caught sneaking out, or stopped by someone while en route to their meeting location. She could have spilled the beans about where she was going and why. Why not just have her come after school, when her actions would be less likely to attract attention?

But if she wasn't lured out of her house, what motivated her to leave? 4am seems an odd time for a little kid to runaway from home. I know that I would have been terrified to be out on my own at that time, but perhaps Asha was a much bolder child than I was.

Regardless of why she left that morning, it seems obvious that the poor girl met with foul play, given that her belongings were found buried. So what happened? a planned abduction? Some sicko just coming along at the wrong time and spotting her? Maybe someone accidentally struck and killed her with their car, and decided to cover it up by burying her and her belongings?

I'd really like to hear more about the witnesses sightings of her. How good of a look did they get at her and her surroundings? are they positive that she was alone? Why didn't they stop and ask her what she was doing out there? I'm not judging them, I'm just curious to know the reasoning behind that one. When did they report having seen her? did they stop off and call the police at the next exit, or did they not come forward till news of her disappearance reached them?

Such a mystery, I'd really like to know what happened to this little one.
Shelby Mom Still Waiting For Daughter’s Return

In light of the case of a missing California girl who vanished and reappeared years later, that case gives this North Carolina mother hope.

Nine years ago; nine year old Asha Degree vanished near her Shelby home.

Asha would be 19 now; and police have no leads in the case. But her mother hasn’t given up hope she too may be found alive.

Aquilla Degree tells us, “I never give up hope—no—until they can prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt she is dead—no.“

She tells us the hardest part is simply not knowing what happened to her daughter.

The home of Harold and Iquilla Degree has just as many pictures of their daughter Asha as it did when she disappeared. That was 10 years ago, when Asha was just 9 years old. Mystery still surrounds her case.

“Us and the FBI and the police, [the] one thing we can agree on even after 10 years is that she willfully walked out,” Iquilla said.

On the night she disappeared, witnesses reported seeing Asha around 4 a.m., walking down Highway 18.

Initially, detectives questioned her parents.

“You suspect the parents regardless, so I accepted that, you know,” Harold said. “And like I told them, I ain’t got nothing to hide and whatever they need us to do, we'll do, no questions asked.”

Investigators have followed hundreds of tips about Asha in the years since her disappearance, including 262 from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Charles Pickett has handled her case there since the start. It’s still open and active today.

Pickett said mailers and age-progression photos have generated tips.
by DIANA RUGG / NewsChannel 36
E-mail Diana:

Posted on February 14, 2010 at 8:07 PM


WACO, N.C.-- It's one of our area's biggest mysteries: what happened to Asha Degree?

The nine-year-old girl disappeared ten years ago from her home in Shelby

Her church is keeping her memory alive by holding a church service Sunday in her memory.

Organizers of the special service want to remind people that after ten years and hundreds of leads to follow, no one has seen or heard from Asha Degree.

She was just nine-years-old on Valentine's day in 2000 when her parents went to wake her for school and found her bed empty.

Two witnesses reported seeing a little girl matching her description walking on Highway 18 about a mile from her home in Shelby around 3:30 a.m. and 4:15 a.m. but that's it.

Posted: 10:13 pm EST February 26, 2010
Updated: 10:44 pm EST February 26, 2010

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Detectives are working new tips in the case of a Cleveland County girl who disappeared a decade ago.

Tips started pouring in after Asha Degree’s family held a walk for her earlier this month to bring attention to the cold case.

Media coverage on the 10 year anniversary of her disappearance generated a lot of new tips, police said.
It's interesting to know now that the driver who spotted Asha at four in the morning did turn around to investigate, but that Asha, for whatever reason (probably fear of the car that turned around) ran off into the woods. In the woods at that time, and in February, anything could have happened. She could have met somebody (perhaps a transient), sure, but she also could have just succumbed to the elements.

I also didn't know that her hairbow (and candy wrappers) were found in a nearby shed.

I'm beginning to rethink Asha's case. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't so much a case of a child who met a predator, but of a child who got lost and never made it out of the woods.
If she just got lost in the woods, why was her bookbag found double wrapped in black plastic bags more than 25 KM from her home? It makes no sence for someone to do that unless they killed her and was hiding evidence. Why was her hairbow found in a toolshed? Someone put it there to hide it.

I think she decided to run away because of the book her class was reading that made it sound fun and exciting. I know that when I was her age, I was very naive and did have a secret fantasy of running away and living in a park. It sounds ridiculous now, but back then, I was so naive and child-like that it made sence.

I think a sick predator, maybe a truck driver on a long distance haul, saw his oppportunity to steal this child away. He took it and he got away with it.
I know the universe can deal out some tragic fates, and sometimes people just are in the wrong place at the wrong time -- but it just seems like such a weird coincidence that Asha ran into some roving pedophile/murderer in the middle of the night in such a rural area. Granted, one only has to turn on the news to see how prevalent these monsters have become, it just seems hard to believe that this crime was completely random and involved a chance meeting between Asha and a total stranger. Which is why I'm so curious to know about the sightings of her, and if witnesses are positive that she was alone.

It's hard for me to imagine a child of that age deciding to run away in the middle of the night without any apparent provocation. I really am starting to think she was either lured out of the house, or abducted from it, by someone she knew.
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