GUILTY NC - Bianca Tanner, 31, Charlotte, 8 June 2014

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A police search at their apartment turned up a belt, cellphones and evidence of blood. Tanner's son told detectives his mother's boyfriend "hurt mommy in the face," search warrants said.

It doesn't sound too good for Bianca. I am so glad the US Marshals tracked him down. They don't mess around. 2 Marshals came to my house one time looking for my ex when he went on the lam. They also visited both our grown children. That was an experience! They finally caught up with him holed up with some woman the next county over.

I try not to let my mind wander about what Bianca's son saw this sack o chit do to his mother because it upsets me. That poor little boy. :(

The Circuit Court Clerk of Cook County says the boyfriend of missing Charlotte teacher Bianca Tanner was not issued bail during a Saturday appearance in bond court.

Angelo Grayson Smith, Jr, was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Illinois on Thursday and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Police said this is an unrelated charge.

Smith is currently in Chicago police custody and is scheduled to be in court on Monday.
Being in an abusive relationship is so much more than a choice. I wish I could explain it. I came from an abusive marriage (thankfully I am happily married to a man that treats me like a princess) and it's not as easy as one would think to leave. Especially, when you are scared. I have to sit back and watch his new women go through the same thing and I can't do a damn thing about it. They won't listen to me, until it is too late. I hate abuse. It's a horrible thing to go through and try to break away from. :(

Yes! All of this! Not many understand the mental abuse portion of an abusive relationship. It never starts off as heavy abuse. It's gradual. They slowly make you feel dependent on them. They make you feel like you deserve what is happening. They make threats that if you leave them, they will harm either yourself or themselves. It's very very difficult when you get into the situation, so, if anything comes from this (assumed) tragedy, I hope that there is awareness raised about the need to empower and support women in these situations, and that people become hesitant to say things like "it's her fault for putting herself in the situation" or "she chose this" or "she should have just left". If it were that easy, she would have left.
Yes! All of this! Not many understand the mental abuse portion of an abusive relationship. It never starts off as heavy abuse. It's gradual. They slowly make you feel dependent on them. They make you feel like you deserve what is happening. They make threats that if you leave them, they will harm either yourself or themselves. It's very very difficult when you get into the situation, so, if anything comes from this (assumed) tragedy, I hope that there is awareness raised about the need to empower and support women in these situations, and that people become hesitant to say things like "it's her fault for putting herself in the situation" or "she chose this" or "she should have just left". If it were that easy, she would have left.

I liken it to how a pedophile grooms a child,slowly manipulating into trusting and depending on their abuser.Before you know it you are stuck like a spider in their web.
I liken it to how a pedophile grooms a child,slowly manipulating into trusting and depending on their abuser.Before you know it you are stuck like a spider in their web.

Yep, and you have no idea it's happening. It becomes your "normal".

I'm glad he didn't get out on bail, but how can they hold him for long on a contributing to the delinquency of a minor charge?

I hope they have some good evidence on him and he's arrested ASAP and held without bond. Sometimes I just despise defense attorneys and criminals' rights being protected. I don't hold any hope for her being found alive. I hate these cases!! That poor child. :(

Angelo Grayson Smith Jr., the boyfriend of missing teacher Bianca Tanner and the last one to see her before she disappeared, waived an extradition hearing in Illinois and will be returned to Charlotte, a police spokeswoman said...

CMPD spokeswoman Officer Jessica Wallin said there was no timeframe on when Smith would be returned to Charlotte. There was no record on Monday that he had been booked into Mecklenburg jail.
Thanks for the link OkieGranny! So the descriptive words for this guy are brilliant, charming, very self assured, & borderline cocky. Sounds like a dangerous combination, especially since he has an outstanding warrant for assaulting a female. I bet he is very controlling too! I wish we knew more about the text message that caused the argument...was it too/from BT or AS phone?

I hope LE has subpoenaed AS' bank records and cell phone records. My guess is that he has bought one of those untraceable phones by now if he is really that brilliant. Hopefully LE has sent out a BOLO for this to other agencies.

This case is beginning to sound a lot like Lacy Peterson's case. To me anyway. All JMO

Sounds like they are describing a narcissist! And an abusive one!
Why was he not arrested in the first place for the outstanding warrant?!

Sometimes they won't if the warrant is from another state and the other state will not extradite him for those "particular" charges. That is what I've been told by that is my guess.
Thanks for the link OkieGranny. The pictures of Bianca and her little boy in that video are adorable!

I don't think Bianca left that complex on her own accord. :(
I agree, and I don't think Bianca would have left without her little boy!
LE already called this a homicide, so it's a matter of finding Bianca's body. I don't think LE would jump to a conclusion of a homicide without some corroborating evidence. This is looking like another case of domestic homicide.

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