NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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Forgive if this has been posted already, but it tells how adoptive dad had prior convictions for assaulting adoptive mom and they were still allowed to adopt her? Poor Erica. Something is broken in NC and it's not just the twisted tangled mess trying to pass as family.

Adoptive mom started her own christian school? Huh? And never had to account for the education her students were supposed to be receiving?

Forgive me, but in pics of Erica, her eyes look as dead and lifeless as adoptive mom's. Is adoptive dad more sinister than the country bumpkin he seems to be? jMHO, and all the opinions above are mine only and not to be used as fact.

The videos are very interesting. She [Casey, the adoptive mother] pretty much looks and speaks directly to the person interviewing her except for when she was asked if she thought that Jamie may have been abusing Erica while she was in the hospital. She says no but her eyes get busy and won't stay in one place.

Camille, what you noticed dovetails with a gut reaction I had about James Parsons. For some reason, as I read about all the weird things James was doing (biting a 3-year-old, threatening a baby with a knife, hitting his mother with a baseball bat), it occurred to me that maybe he was the one who killed Erica and his parents were trying to protect him. Then when you said that Casey was asked if James may have abused Erica, I realized that James was a danger to Erica both physically and sexually.

What if the parents were trying to hide Erica from James because they knew all too well that he would try to rape and/or kill her because she is so tiny and defenseless? What they didn't count on was the deviousness with which James might try to ferret Erica out: he would accuse the parents of killing her in order to get the world to do his bidding and flush her out of hiding.

If James was so out of control and was such a danger to Erica, that could very well explain why he was simply told she went to live with other family members. The difficulty in finding Irene "Nan" Goodman might have been entirely intentional, so that James Parsons would not be able to find Erica and harm her. What if these people are innocent and doing their best to protect Erica? The prying eyes of the world would make their job virtually impossible in such an extremely dangerous and difficult situation.

The public is very prone to jump to conclusions with almost nothing to go on, fabricating stories out of thin air, as even I have just done. But at least I have come up with a unique angle that explains a lot of things. All that domestic violence? Doesn't the evidence on the police records already show that it is James Parsons who is the wild man? He is the one who needs help, and fast. But our system (which is not preventative) is set up so that nothing can be done until something terrible happens.

How can any parents deal with such a stressful life? Casey spirited Erica away (perhaps to safety), and Sandy ultimately had to lock James out of the house for hitting his mother. Why hasn't anybody asked why James hit his mother? When Casey says James reported Erica missing to get revenge for being kicked out, she may not be revealing another possible reason James reported Erica missing. What if it was so that he could have help in finding her in order to victimize her? I'm not saying I believe this is true, but I'm open to more than one interpretation of this whole scenario.

Take the polygraph test that Sandy Parsons failed. It doesn't "prove" anything, because all it proves is that either the test was faulty (which is why NC doesn't allow lie detector test results as evidence) or simply that Sandy's not telling all that he knows. Perhaps he knows that Erica is being hidden from James and he helped hide her. In that case, when he is asked, "Did you have anything to do with Erica's disappearance," the correct answer is "Yes," but his dilemma would be how to avoid saying "Yes" so that her hideaway (from James) is not revealed.

Don't rush to judgment before all the facts are in. If the parents are guilty of murder, it may become evident. But they are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what makes America great.
I enjoyed the part of the interview with the FBI polygrapher when he let the adoptive parents attorney know that the polygraph results could be used in federal court.
I don't believe for one moment that everyone is lying on poor little CP.
I wondered how CP sat there as long as she did. I was mystified by her sister reporting her to DSS for abuse of Erica, so she just handed her over to sister to stop the madness. Yet said DSS had no proof of abuse. Then the reporting stopped. But I missed the part of how she got Erica back from sister, or did that even come up? Anybody know?
what I wonder about is all the stories about James and his violent behavior, have come from CP. And quiet frankly, she seems allergic to the truth. LE has been pretty clear that the Parsons are lying about just about everything they've told LE.

Perhaps James has always been the scapegoat for violence that happens in the home. That is what my gut has been screaming from day one.

Everything attributed to James could very well have been someone else in the home and he was simply made the fall guy when cops would show up.

Let's see, so far, the world according to CP is:

James lies.

The Parsons (CP in laws) all lie

CP's sister lies

CP's mother lies and won't talk to her

Carolyn Parsons (Erica bio mom) lies

LE mentioned that nan was dead but they only think that because Carolyn lies

LE lies because they are responsible for taking away CP's children due to her hiring an attorney.

the surrogacy client lies

Did I miss anyone?

My own personal opinion. Someone needs to explain to CP the definition of lie.
and Sandy Parsons reminds me a whole lot of Adam Baker. nuff said.
I wondered how CP sat there as long as she did. I was mystified by her sister reporting her to DSS for abuse of Erica, so she just handed her over to sister to stop the madness. Yet said DSS had no proof of abuse. Then the reporting stopped. But I missed the part of how she got Erica back from sister, or did that even come up? Anybody know?

CP took her back because she was afraid that DSS (?) would find out she wasn't living at home and she would be in trouble for still collecting the monthly check on Erica.
I wondered how CP sat there as long as she did. I was mystified by her sister reporting her to DSS for abuse of Erica, so she just handed her over to sister to stop the madness. Yet said DSS had no proof of abuse. Then the reporting stopped. But I missed the part of how she got Erica back from sister, or did that even come up? Anybody know?

I believe there's a quote from CP somewhere where she was concerned about the support checks so they took Erica back. (Someone else in the thread will be able to confirm/clarify this I am sure.)

I feel like that's probably around the time CP decided "can't live with her, but can't live without her checks" and decided to go for a more permanent solution. :(
I'm not a parent and I am usually the last person who will judge a parent in unclear circumstances, but seriously HOW ARE THEY NOT IN JAIL.
CP took her back because she was afraid that DSS (?) would find out she wasn't living at home and she would be in trouble for still collecting the monthly check on Erica.

yep, the same check their attorney now claims they did not know it was illegal to continue collecting when Erica "went to live with nan"

They must have forgotten. They seemed to know back then when they took her back from CP's sister.
Dr Drew is doing this story right now.. These parents really make me nervous.
I think LE is just getting their ducks in a row, making sure they have a good case before any moves are made. I'm sure the Parsons crew has been/are under surveillance too, waiting for that misstep...
I wonder why CP was admitted to the hospital and if she's out yet.

I believe mom may have an attention disorder, meaning she likes the attention received when "ill". she may also like the pain meds that hospitals freely give when "ill".

I am still reading, watching videos, etc....catching I wont give my full thoughts on this case yet.......

but I believe mom is as guilty as susan smith and IMO debra Bradley (little lisa's mom).

that entire family failed little Erica. she never had a chance no matter who in the family had raised her. they are all *&^% trash.
The videos are very interesting. She [Casey, the adoptive mother] pretty much looks and speaks directly to the person interviewing her except for when she was asked if she thought that Jamie may have been abusing Erica while she was in the hospital. She says no but her eyes get busy and won't stay in one place.

Camille, what you noticed dovetails with a gut reaction I had about James Parsons. For some reason, as I read about all the weird things James was doing (biting a 3-year-old, threatening a baby with a knife, hitting his mother with a baseball bat), it occurred to me that maybe he was the one who killed Erica and his parents were trying to protect him. Then when you said that Casey was asked if James may have abused Erica, I realized that James was a danger to Erica both physically and sexually.

What if the parents were trying to hide Erica from James because they knew all too well that he would try to rape and/or kill her because she is so tiny and defenseless? What they didn't count on was the deviousness with which James might try to ferret Erica out: he would accuse the parents of killing her in order to get the world to do his bidding and flush her out of hiding.

If James was so out of control and was such a danger to Erica, that could very well explain why he was simply told she went to live with other family members. The difficulty in finding Irene "Nan" Goodman might have been entirely intentional, so that James Parsons would not be able to find Erica and harm her. What if these people are innocent and doing their best to protect Erica? The prying eyes of the world would make their job virtually impossible in such an extremely dangerous and difficult situation.

The public is very prone to jump to conclusions with almost nothing to go on, fabricating stories out of thin air, as even I have just done. But at least I have come up with a unique angle that explains a lot of things. All that domestic violence? Doesn't the evidence on the police records already show that it is James Parsons who is the wild man? He is the one who needs help, and fast. But our system (which is not preventative) is set up so that nothing can be done until something terrible happens.

How can any parents deal with such a stressful life? Casey spirited Erica away (perhaps to safety), and Sandy ultimately had to lock James out of the house for hitting his mother. Why hasn't anybody asked why James hit his mother? When Casey says James reported Erica missing to get revenge for being kicked out, she may not be revealing another possible reason James reported Erica missing. What if it was so that he could have help in finding her in order to victimize her? I'm not saying I believe this is true, but I'm open to more than one interpretation of this whole scenario.

Take the polygraph test that Sandy Parsons failed. It doesn't "prove" anything, because all it proves is that either the test was faulty (which is why NC doesn't allow lie detector test results as evidence) or simply that Sandy's not telling all that he knows. Perhaps he knows that Erica is being hidden from James and he helped hide her. In that case, when he is asked, "Did you have anything to do with Erica's disappearance," the correct answer is "Yes," but his dilemma would be how to avoid saying "Yes" so that her hideaway (from James) is not revealed.

Don't rush to judgment before all the facts are in. If the parents are guilty of murder, it may become evident. But they are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what makes America great.

I like people that don't automatically believe the accused are the devil and 100% guilty because police say so. However, I don't think this is the case with these parents. If they were hiding Erica from their son then why don't they just tell the police that? That would be a much more believable story? And why would they want Erica's location to be unknown even to them? They would have been able to put Erica somewhere where James would not know but they could.
Anyone in NC and homeschool? Is it true what she said about not having to turn work in every week, and only having to report at the end of the year for "final grade?"
The videos are very interesting. She [Casey, the adoptive mother] pretty much looks and speaks directly to the person interviewing her except for when she was asked if she thought that Jamie may have been abusing Erica while she was in the hospital. She says no but her eyes get busy and won't stay in one place.

Camille, what you noticed dovetails with a gut reaction I had about James Parsons. For some reason, as I read about all the weird things James was doing (biting a 3-year-old, threatening a baby with a knife, hitting his mother with a baseball bat), it occurred to me that maybe he was the one who killed Erica and his parents were trying to protect him. Then when you said that Casey was asked if James may have abused Erica, I realized that James was a danger to Erica both physically and sexually.

What if the parents were trying to hide Erica from James because they knew all too well that he would try to rape and/or kill her because she is so tiny and defenseless? What they didn't count on was the deviousness with which James might try to ferret Erica out: he would accuse the parents of killing her in order to get the world to do his bidding and flush her out of hiding.

If James was so out of control and was such a danger to Erica, that could very well explain why he was simply told she went to live with other family members. The difficulty in finding Irene "Nan" Goodman might have been entirely intentional, so that James Parsons would not be able to find Erica and harm her. What if these people are innocent and doing their best to protect Erica? The prying eyes of the world would make their job virtually impossible in such an extremely dangerous and difficult situation.

The public is very prone to jump to conclusions with almost nothing to go on, fabricating stories out of thin air, as even I have just done. But at least I have come up with a unique angle that explains a lot of things. All that domestic violence? Doesn't the evidence on the police records already show that it is James Parsons who is the wild man? He is the one who needs help, and fast. But our system (which is not preventative) is set up so that nothing can be done until something terrible happens.

How can any parents deal with such a stressful life? Casey spirited Erica away (perhaps to safety), and Sandy ultimately had to lock James out of the house for hitting his mother. Why hasn't anybody asked why James hit his mother? When Casey says James reported Erica missing to get revenge for being kicked out, she may not be revealing another possible reason James reported Erica missing. What if it was so that he could have help in finding her in order to victimize her? I'm not saying I believe this is true, but I'm open to more than one interpretation of this whole scenario.

Take the polygraph test that Sandy Parsons failed. It doesn't "prove" anything, because all it proves is that either the test was faulty (which is why NC doesn't allow lie detector test results as evidence) or simply that Sandy's not telling all that he knows. Perhaps he knows that Erica is being hidden from James and he helped hide her. In that case, when he is asked, "Did you have anything to do with Erica's disappearance," the correct answer is "Yes," but his dilemma would be how to avoid saying "Yes" so that her hideaway (from James) is not revealed.

Don't rush to judgment before all the facts are in. If the parents are guilty of murder, it may become evident. But they are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what makes America great.

you are going on the assumption that anything casey says is true and factual.

and well, little erica is STILL MISSING. if they were soooooooooooooooo worried that brother would hurt little Erica why not speak up NOW and tell law enforcement where she is?! why continue this charade (which is what they are doing) when they have the attention of police and the national media to protect little Erica?! why did casey not show up at the court and allow charges to be dropped against james............if those accusations even happened.

sorry. I don't believe one single word that casey says. she doenst even come off as being anything but deceptive with severe issues.

casey has already been proven to be a L I A R according to police and other family members.
I believe people have said homeschoolers don't have to report at all. Encouraged but not required.
Aye, I guess I could have looked this up.

Operating on a 'regular schedule' at least nine months out of the calendar year
Maintaining immunization records and attendance records for each child being schooled at home
Administering a nationally standardized test to each child at least once per school year
Making attendance, testing and immunization records available to the DNPE for examination each year
Notification to DNPE when deciding to terminate your homeschool

I wonder if there was a termination process for Erica since she wasn't in the home anymore? Maybe that is also lax cause there was another child being homeschooled in the house.

I wonder why these rules in NC are so nonchalant, really crazy.
Don't rush to judgment before all the facts are in. If the parents are guilty of murder, it may become evident. But they are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what makes America great.

^^ is reserved for when a defendant is arrested and in court...."innocent until proven guilty." 'tis a court reference, not a reference to the public.

that does not apply for the rest of us......unless one choses to take that stance.

nobody here has rushed to anything. pages and pages of well thought out opinions and crap loads of research has been done. any opinion on what happened is founded in time and research and the evidence that has been presented thus far.
^^ is reserved for when a defendant is arrested and in court...."innocent until proven guilty." 'tis a court reference, not a reference to the public.

that does not apply for the rest of us......unless one choses to take that stance.

nobody here has rushed to anything. pages and pages of well thought out opinions and crap loads of research has been done. any opinion on what happened is founded in time and research and the evidence that has been presented thus far.

Clearly they have lost in the court of public opinion. They are, however, innocent of all crimes as of today, since there is no proof of any foul play. The court of public opinion has convicted them using suspicion and speculation.

Like their attorney said, the story about Nan and company doesn't sound logical, but it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Is it likely? Hell no, but it doesn't sound like we are dealing with a normal group of people here.

No one on here knows anything for sure, and we won't until Erica is found.
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