NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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With all the reported DV calls to this home, and grandfathers statement about her being an unhappy kid, it makes me wonder about the conditions these kids were brought up in. Parents claim she was rebellious, and apparently so was/is brother which would lead me to believe there are some grave parenting issues in that house. JMO
Was she afraid of her brother?

Did he report her, but was he actually responsible for her disappearance? Maybe he had been calling out for help, but... Could he want to be caught because he can't live with what happened any longer?

I am certain that whatever happened to darling Erica was not good. Why didn't anyone protect this little girl?? Where was her support?? Why didn't ANYONE report her missing?? What really has been going on in that house (I can't call it a home)?!
Seems the family had some significant things going on in 2011. Oldest son got married in August 2011, per the family business website:

Son number two had an "episode" the same month:

Trying to say this gently and keeping in terms of TOS. Mods, please remove if you need to. All MOO...

Maybe oldest son was a protector of sorts, he joined the military, got married and probably moved out of the house, all in 2011. Once that protector was out of the household, something happened to Erica and the family is trying to cover up for the person responsible. Now two years later, the party who is responsible is feeling guilty and, therefore, reported her disappearance to the police. This is just one theory.

Other big red flags to me: The thought of dropping off a 13 year old girl to a distant relative of the birth mother, without really knowing the person/people or where she was going? The birth mother was in Salisbury but is now in Louisiana?
Seems the family had some significant things going on in 2011. Oldest son got married in August 2011, per the family business website:

Son number two had an "episode" the same month:

Trying to say this gently and keeping in terms of TOS. Mods, please remove if you need to. All MOO...

Maybe oldest son was a protector of sorts, he joined the military, got married and probably moved out of the house, all in 2011. Once that protector was out of the household, something happened to Erica and the family is trying to cover up for the person responsible. Now two years later, the party who is responsible is feeling guilty and, therefore, reported her disappearance to the police. This is just one theory.

Other big red flags to me: The thought of dropping off a 13 year old girl to a distant relative of the birth mother, without really knowing the person/people or where she was going? The birth mother was in Salisbury but is now in Louisiana?

JMO, but I don't think the parents are covering up for someone else.

"Family members said Erica has had a painful life for as long as they can remember."

"I don't think I've ever seen Erica not scared."

"You couldn't speak to her because she was being punished you couldn't look at her, she couldn't look at you."

"I have witnessed some of the abuse myself, yeah I know she was abused."

"None of the information provided to investigators by the parents of a teenager missing nearly two years has been true, a Rowan County Sheriff's Office official said Wednesday."
this just breaks my heart-poor little dear.
I sure hope LE is talking to extended family members and friends to get their insight. And maybe scoping out FB too....

I wonder if the biological parent(s) were known to these 'faux' parents prior to Erica being born. And this was a open adoption...For there to have supposedly been contact amongst them , it seems like maybe there was some familiarity. Contact with bio family would be more rare/unusual if it were closed.
That is assuming any of that tale has any truth...

the best scenario is to hope is someone Good & Kind did her away from that 'mess'
the alternative is just horrid
this just breaks my heart-poor little dear.
I sure hope LE is talking to extended family members and friends to get their insight. And maybe scoping out FB too....

I wonder if the biological parent(s) were known to these 'faux' parents prior to Erica being born. And this was a open adoption...For there to have supposedly been contact amongst them , it seems like maybe there was some familiarity. Contact with bio family would be more rare/unusual if it were closed.
That is assuming any of that tale has any truth...

the best scenario is to hope is someone Good & Kind did her away from that 'mess'
the alternative is just horrid

Erica's biological mother is a relative of the Parsons.
Finally got another name, which is suppose to be the biological grandmother who Erica went to stay with !!

"Parsons said that she allowed Erica to go live with a woman she believed was her biological grandmother, an Irene Goodman of Asheville, around Christmas 2011.

Parsons said that Erica had visited Goodman twice before, after Goodman first contacted the family in July 2011.

“She knew everything about us,” Parsons said. “Names, birthdates, all of Erica’s information.”

Casey and Erica Parsons talked with Goodman on the phone over the next few month, Parsons said. In September, Erica said that she wanted to go meet the woman.

Parsons and Erica met Goodman at a McDonalds in Mooresville, Parsons said. Erica spent the weekend riding horses in Asheville with Goodman. By her third visit, Erica didn’t want to come home, Parsons said.

“They gave her everything,” Parsons said. “They won her over with gifts. They promised her a car when she turned 16.”

Parsons’ last contact with Erica was on the phone in February 2012, she said. Erica told Parsons that she was going to stay with Goodman. Parsons said she understood – the Parsons had four kids of their own and Casey Parsons was struggling with illness.

“I let her go,” Parsons said. “I never once doubted in my mind that she wasn’t safe there.” "

Another reference to maternal mother:

"Sandy and Casey Parsons, who adopted Erica when she was a baby, were contacted by the girl's birth mother several years ago, Sherrill said. The mother, also a Salisbury resident, told the couple she had relatives in Asheville that she wanted Erica to get to know, and requested that the teen be allowed to travel to Asheville to stay with them.

During each visit to Asheville, the Parsonses would meet the Asheville relatives in Mooresville to hand the child off, so they never went to an Asheville home, Sherrill said.

He said he doesn't know the birth mother's name but was told she recently moved to Louisiana."
Bio Mom:

WBTV also spoke with Erica's biological mother, Carolyn Parsons. Carolyn is a relative of Sandy and Casey Parsons.

The grandmother is referred to as "Nan" here:

"She was teenager. She was with her grandparent – completely safe, having fun, and just loving her life," Casey Parsons said. "She loves Nan. I met Nan. I talked to Nan. Nan is a very good lady."
yep that is who I thought the birthmother is

they are all 'friends ' on fb
How was this Nan, or whoever the heck these parents let this child go off with, suppose to enroll Erica in school, take her to the doctor/hospital, get any benefits for her, health insurance, Anything without some kind of guardianship set up? Erica would need a birth certificate and an adult would need some kind of supporting evidence as to who they are and their status as to Erica. I don't see how someone could have her and be on the up & up.
Heck I had a notarized statement from my daughter allowing me to seek medical attention if my grandun needed it, when visiting.
UNless there is some real scamming going on, geesh just insane.
Where is that pretty young lady?

and there is even Goodman's in the friends?
this is crazy, just crazy

how could some people NOT know what was going on????
"Missing teen's parents: We've done nothing wrong"


DSS has taken the two youngest children.

From Media Link Above:

"Casey and Sandy Parsons say they didn't do anything wrong. They say when Erica went for a three-week Christmas visit with her paternal grandmother – they believed she would be fine.

They say when Erica called two months later to say she was wasn't coming back - they accepted it. Now there's a police investigation.

WBTV also spoke with Erica's biological mother, Carolyn Parsons. Carolyn is a relative of Sandy and Casey Parsons.

"This is my kid. Imagine if it was you. How would you feel? I feel like I'm in somebody's nightmare and they will not wake up and let me out," she said.:

"The Parsons say social workers took their two younger children.

"We had done nothing wrong to these kids or Erica. Nothing," Casey Parsons said. "Even the social worker wrote on the paper we had nothing, there was nothing wrong with us to put our kids in danger."

So is the biological mother shocked that Erica is missing? Is that the way I'm reading that? And was Erica legally adopted by Casey and Sandy Parsons or were they just foster parents, keeping her for her mother, Carolyn Parsons?

That news article also states Casey and Sandy Parsons claim the young boy, James Parsons just reported Erica missing out of revenge.
Parsons’ last contact with Erica was on the phone in February 2012, she said. Erica told Parsons that she was going to stay with Goodman. Parsons said she understood – the Parsonses had four kids of their own, and Casey Parsons was struggling with illness.

The bolded statement above and the continued references to Erica being adopted bother me. I have both biological and adopted siblings. I've never referred to them that way and I've never thought of them that way, either, and I certainly never heard my parents refer to their biological children as being their "own". All of us were their children. Biology has nothing to do with love.
if some of the comments that are on some of the various media reports are to be believed, sounds like she was a 'whipping girl' of sorts...and supposedly family had reported stuff before
(I can't remember the link, I will see if I can find it)

It sounds like she was adopted, but NC vital statistics can maybe clear that up for LE

(I am adopted- I was always OURS, and the maternal side considered me theirs...but according to my paternal grandma, I didn't really count as I was not blood)

ETA- Link- see comments- take'em or leave'em

I wonder if Erica just plain ranaway and they couldn't have been bothered to have reported her missing?
Im sorry but I doubt anyone on here believed a word of any of the story from day 1. This completely infuriates me. I'm so mad right now I'm in tears. Just reading the initial post of the thread sends ones hinky meter off the freakin charts. It took 621 days for her to be reported missing. 621 days. We get worried when a child isn't reported missing for two days since last being seen. She was missing 621.

You don't take in a child for 13 years, love them and care for them and PARENT them and then just write them off. It's not how it works. I've raised my niece on my own since I was 19, and now I have a little girl of my own. I know how love works. I know what being a parent is just as most of you do. This. Is. Not. How. It. Works.

Yes some people might look at their situation and say the child would be better off with someone else. That in some cases can be the ULTIMATE showing of love. That doesn't mean they disappear from your life and stop mattering. It's been 533 days since the last time they said they spoke to her on the phone. I don't see how you can raise a child for 13 years and then go 533 days without speaking to or hearing from them. Even if you 'know' they are happy and safe where they are.

I can sit here in tears over a child I've never met to the point of counting the days since the last time she was seen, and they supposedly couldn't spare time in 533 days to check in to see how she's doing.

Even if she was only reported missing by their second son to 'get back at them' he still reported it. Because of that I don't think he was directly involved. He might know what happened I don't know, but I don't think he was involved. As troubled as he might be I just don't see someone reporting PART of their own crime. If the guilt was too much to live with I'd think he would of just confessed.

As always jmo. Not pointing fingers just the 'facts' as we're told and how I do see how they're possible.
Eyewitness News checked and that grandmother died about five years ago.


Family members said Erica has had a painful life for as long as they can remember.


"I have witnessed some of the abuse myself, yeah I know she was abused."

I will NEVER be able to understand...
"Oh look, that kid is being abused... let's move on with our life and LEAVE THEM THERE!"

We need to start charging the people who KNOW about abuse and look the other way.
I came *this* close to ending up in jail trying to prevent abuse... and these people just IGNORE it!

I never ceased to be horrified and disgusted when this happens. They could have SAVED HER LIFE! :banghead:
Finally got another name, which is suppose to be the biological grandmother who Erica went to stay with !!

Another reference to maternal mother:

Wait, I'm confused! Who doesn't know the birth mothers name?! If the parents didn't know....then how do they know that the lady who claimed to be her birth mother wasn't just some predator for sex trafficking? I thought there was another source who stated that the birth mother was a relative to the adopted parents. If that's the case then is it the lawyer who doesn't know the birth mothers name? Really?! Give me a break! They must think that LE and the rest of society are stupid if they expect anyone to buy that load of ****!!

What parent or caregiver allows 2 years to pass without at least calling?! I had a foster daughter live with me for 4 years, she decided that she wanted to live with her bio dad (whom she had never met). She went to live with him ages 16-18 but I called her constantly to make sure she was adjusting well and still happy (she wasn't but still wanted to stay and give it a try) she is now 25 and still a huge part of my life. I cannot fathom anyone just dumping off a child with someone they barely know and never following up! Especially a 13 yr old female! How did these parents know that this relative was legit? Have they given a physical description of the relative? I seriously doubt that they ever even met her or that this person even exists. Sorry, I'm just feeling really sick to my stomach now :( when other relatives are on TV saying they don't believe Erica is still alive, then they must have an inside look at this family and know what they are really about :( Prayers for Erica tonight!
My oldest son was "acting out" last year. When I took him to therapy, I found out the he was trying (subconsciously) to divert the tension away from someone else. He didn't even realize it, but he was trying to protect another person by getting himself into trouble.

Could this be what James was doing? Could he are the horrible treatment of little Erica and he was "trouble" trying to take the heat off of Erica?

I too HATE it when family comes in AFTER a child is missing and talks about the abuse they witnessed (especially if they didn't report this abuse). Why do people think it is none of their business when someone is being abused?
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