NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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So the adoptive family is saying they let her go live with bio grandmother. MSM states grandmother had died years before this time. Bio mom knows nothing about her coming to live with any bio family members and hasn't seen her.
Am I following this right?
Ok, I'm seriously confused. The adopted parents claim that the birth mother is named Carolyn Parsons, and is a relative of theirs. (Whose relative? His or hers?) And the grandmother that Erica was supposed to be staying with for the past two years died 5 years ago. So which side of the family is this 'grandmother' supposed to be on... the bio mom or bio dad's? Wasn't the bio mom the one who arranged this meeting with this 'grandmother' originally? So, how did she not know that Erica was missing, and this 'grandmother' was a fake? And the adoptive parents did not check on Erica in two years, go back and visit with her, contact the bio mom.... something??
What the heck is going on here? NOTHING is adding up.
I hope LE gets to the bottom of this, but I sadly fear that it won't turn out to be good news. Strange!
I have to wonder if this is some of the information that LE says didn't pan out....:sheesh:

I'm not sure I would take the word of this lawyer as gospel. He only knows what his clients are telling him, and who knows if any of it is the truth?
I wonder when "Meet Our Familly" was written? It is written on "Meet Our Family" that the Parsons have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Apparently, at some point they stopped counting Erica, as Casey Parsons states in October 2005 that they have 2 boys and 3 girls with another boy expected in 2006.

You may have already figured this out but the "Meet Our Family" page she mentions her oldest son was marred August 2011, so the "Meet our Family" had to be written within the last two years.

The Salisbury Post, dated September 27, 2011 references the son (same name as her husband with a "II" after it, along with the wife name for that wedding.

And thanks for that other link of her diary on her getting her tubes untied. :)

I feel like I'm following two different people with two different families!! Her diary seems to be written by a well educated person but I can't say the same for the "Meet Our Family" page.
What about the girls friends? Have they spoken to LE yet? Maybe that hasn't been made public. Seems like a teen girl would have a few close friends who would have tried to keep in touch with her.
This is just so confusing.
Police in North Carolina say the adoptive parents of a 15-year-old girl missing since 2011 did not report her disappearance for two years - and now they are refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

Erica Lynn Parsons was reported missing by her 19-year-old brother last week after she was last seen leaving the Salisbury home of her parents in November 2011.

An attorney hired by Erica's adoptive parents, Casey and Sandy Parsons, claimed that his clients were under the impression that the 15-year-old went to live with her biological mother and wanted to be left alone, the Charlotte Observer reported.

The lawyer, Carlyle Sherrill, said that two years ago, a person claiming to be a relative or friend of Erica's birth parents came by Parsonses' home on Miller Chapel Road to pick her up and take her to her family.

The adoptive parents said they did not raise an alarm at the time because Erica visited that person in Asheville on several occasions.

According to Sherrill, In February 2012, Erica called the Parsonses and informed them in no uncertain terms that she was not coming back because she did not want to live with them anymore, Asheville Citizen-Times reported.

‘They looked at it as being a rebellious teenager. That was an attitude they took,’ Sherrill said. ‘I don't know that at any time it dawned on them she was a missing person.’
They don't want to be bothered! OMG. Really? Just go ahead and lock them up now please.
What about the girls friends? Have they spoken to LE yet? Maybe that hasn't been made public. Seems like a teen girl would have a few close friends who would have tried to keep in touch with her.
This is just so confusing.

It's not only confusing, it's a very strange case. I guess because she was home schooled that she didn't have, or wasn't allowed many friends. Which is very sad.

I assume this mother takes better care of her dogs and hedgehogs!! :banghead:
I home schooled my two grandchildren for 4 years but they both had friends, previous friends from when they were in school, as well as neighborhood friends. I'm in Ohio and I followed the same public school schedule, including days off, holidays, even snow days, etc. for my grandchildren so they didn't feel isolated just because they were home schooled.

Now I don't know how it works in North Carolina but in Ohio, when we were home schooling, once you formally state that you are home schooling your child, the Board of Education for the school district you belong in are no longer allowed to contact the parent or person providing the home schooling. The only rule we really had to follow was the child had to attend 900 hours during a school year, and the teacher had to be either the parent or a person who was a High School graduate. But every year we submitted a progress report, and attendance chart to the district school, along with a form letter stating we planned to continue home schooling the following year.

Home schooling is a responsibility, not an excuse to pull your kids out of school or never enroll them. JMO
It's not only confusing, it's a very strange case. I guess because she was home schooled that she didn't have, or wasn't allowed many friends. Which is very sad.

I assume this mother takes better care of her dogs and hedgehogs!! :banghead:

For the reasons stated - home schooled, no friends, etc - this would be the only reasons to believe she actually did leave. I completely agree that the situation is very suspicious but I can certainly understand why she would want to get out of that house!
My oldest son was "acting out" last year. When I took him to therapy, I found out the he was trying (subconsciously) to divert the tension away from someone else. He didn't even realize it, but he was trying to protect another person by getting himself into trouble.

Could this be what James was doing? Could he are the horrible treatment of little Erica and he was "trouble" trying to take the heat off of Erica?

I too HATE it when family comes in AFTER a child is missing and talks about the abuse they witnessed (especially if they didn't report this abuse). Why do people think it is none of their business when someone is being abused?

After reading about the abuse observed by family member, I am thinking along those same lines that James could have been acting out to divert attention from Erica. I feel sorry for all the children in this family.
Trying to get a HEAD COUNT on the Children.......
(Note: Don't know exact date this was done but it has to be after August 2011)

"Meet Our Family"

"We have 5 wonderful kids and one wonderful daughter-in-law. I do homeschool my kids, only 3 is in school."

"My oldest son is in active duty in Fort Bragg, NC. (SNIP) He married a very wonderful girl in Aug. 2011."

"I have 3 boys and 2 girls. My oldest is 20 and the youngest is a boy and he is 6yrs. My kids are my life."


Salisbury Post - September 27, 2011 - Weddings

Sandy Wade Parsons II, 218 Miller Chapel Rd., Salisbury, and ......"


Casey's diary entry for October 2005:

5 kids (Sandy 13, Jamie 12, Brook 9, Erica 7, Sadie 1)
Tube Tied: 11/15/95
1st TR Baby: Sadie 8/20/04


Plus here's a screen capture from one of the MSM videos where they were saying another child was reported missing on 06/04/12 and her name is listed as Shelly Jean Parsons, age 16. Apparently they did find her but who is she, I don't see her mentioned with any of the other children's names?

Only two years too late for me to buy it! Try again, "mom".

Makes you wonder why "bio mom" didn't ask in the last two years where her daughter was, since she obviously knew who had Erica, and where her daughter was suppose to be.

And the bio mom stated in the interview that Erica's grandmother died 5 years ago. Soooooo, if Erica is with her grandma (6 foot under), then can we assume Erica's dead too?

There's a guy whose been posting on comments sections of media news article web pages. He stated that his parents live behind the Parson's house and that he was considering buying the house two years ago that the Parsons live in now. He posted that the house was purchased April 21, 2011 by Sandy Parson's parents. So the house is not even in Casey and Sandy Parsons names.

So this means Erica only lived in THAT house for 7 months, before she went to live with her dead grandmother !! (pun intended)
DSS investigated allegations of abuse of 2002 when Erica was just 2 years old.

About that same year, Casey Parsons had an agreement with a couple from anther state to be a surrogate mother for them. She later told the couple that she had a miscarriage and lost the baby. However, that was not true. The couple's attorney said they had evidence that Casey Parsons was trying to find other prospective parents who would pay for the baby. The attorney told the Parsons that the FBI had been alerted and they would be prosecuted for kidnapping if they attempted to keep the baby. The baby (who is now 11 years old) was turned over to the couple. In a letter to the couple, Casey Parsons apologized and told them that she "did not intend to hurt them."

The Parsons appearance on "Dr. Phil" will certainly be interesting.

More confusion...

According to the legal documents obtained by wsoc (link above), Casey Parsons was a surrogate around 2011/2012 (child is now 11 years old).

Casey, herself, wrote "tubes tied on 11-15-95. Reversal on 3-1-03."
This case just breaks my heart. I wonder how many people knew there was so much abuse in this home. I would call and call and call until something was done. People just need to be a pest and not let abusive parents get away with this stuff. A two year old beat with a belt? Seriously?! Makes me so sad. And that bio mom making her appeal now just makes me mad, too. She obviously didn't even speak to her child for two years and now she says she has always cared. pfww! :(
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