NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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NO mom....

Why --- did YOU?


Shirley Stone is Casey Stone Parson's mother.

And YES, there is a Goodman on Miller Chapel Road, several houses down from the Parsons. However, I did run a search on those Goodmans and I'm not finding anything of relevance. There are A LOT of Goodman's in Rowan county so the mere presence of one on the same road is not all that crazy. While it's always a possibility they are somehow related, I didn't find anything in the basic searches that I feel me going super deep into them is warranted.
Shirley Stone is Casey Stone Parson's mother.

And YES, there is a Goodman on Miller Chapel Road, several houses down from the Parsons. However, I did run a search on those Goodmans and I'm not finding anything of relevance. There are A LOT of Goodman's in Rowan county so the mere presence of one on the same road is not all that crazy. While it's always a possibility they are somehow related, I didn't find anything in the basic searches that I feel me going super deep into them is warranted.

Thanks Swen...I thought so, just making sure ;)

Seems there's barely 2 degrees of separation sts...

There are Stone's a hop skip and a jump from the UID found a few nights ago up in Pilot Mountain, Surry County...fwiw.
Wow great work!!! So I'm curious about Irene's obit...any familiar names listed as family?
As far as the China Grove property maybe it was a rental property. Irene could have rented it from the previous owner. That would explain her coming up as the resident but tax records listing other owners.
Can you tell on FB what area this 30-ish women is currently residing in?

Read obits for both Irene and her husband - no familiar names

I would imagine the 3rd property is a rental, however, in my searches of Irene I came across a police blotter where residence had reported crimes against themselves or their residences and she apparently had a break in at her residence in 2006, this address was NOT the one owned by WP and JP. This was further confirmed as her obit provided the address she resided at when she died and it also was NOT the one owned by WP and JP but it WAS the one where she had the break in. Therefore, it doesn't appear she ever resided at the WP/JP residence which is what seemed even weirder about it all.

As for the 30-ish relative, her FB doesn't state her location but her husband does and it is not China Grove but it is within just a few minutes. I had checked that as well thinking that this relative maybe lived in the house, it still wouldn't explain why Irene and Mr. Irene would be listed there but I was just trying to cover all possible explanations.
Still hunting the elusive Nan. I'm starting to believe she's a figment of someone's imagination. (If I didn't believe that before.)
Read obits for both Irene and her husband - no familiar names

I would imagine the 3rd property is a rental, however, in my searches of Irene I came across a police blotter where residence had reported crimes against themselves or their residences and she apparently had a break in at her residence in 2006, this address was NOT the one owned by WP and JP. This was further confirmed as her obit provided the address she resided at when she died and it also was NOT the one owned by WP and JP but it WAS the one where she had the break in. Therefore, it doesn't appear she ever resided at the WP/JP residence which is what seemed even weirder about it all.

As for the 30-ish relative, her FB doesn't state her location but her husband does and it is not China Grove but it is within just a few minutes. I had checked that as well thinking that this relative maybe lived in the house, it still wouldn't explain why Irene and Mr. Irene would be listed there but I was just trying to cover all possible explanations.
I'm following your lead and just noticed the same thing her obit doesn't match the address for the WP/JP property. This is baffling. I think you are completely onto something. This is more than a coincidence with Irene.

I have been wondering the same thing about the properties so I did some digging. The house on Miller Chapel Rd as people have already said was purchased on 4/21/2011 by SP's parents WP and JP. And yes there have been some changes to the house and grounds both structurally and cosmetically since it was purchased. I too wonder if the parents own the home what the payment situation is, do SP and CP pay rent? You'd think the grandparents would have been around more often and noticed Erica missing. One would think.

Well, the grandparents own 3 homes in Rowan County. The Miller Chapel Rd house; then there is the house where they live in China Grove which by the way has just shy of 6 acres of land and plenty of places to hide a body; and there is a third house where the strangeness comes in. The third house is also in China Grove and was purchased 3/3/11. They bought two houses in two months for other people to live in? Well, I did a reverse search on the third house and almost fell off my chair when the name of the resident came up: IRENE!!! The last name is not Goodman, but still... ironic. So I ran some more searches on the address as I thought I was going crazy and they all came back to IRENE! So then I ran some searches on this Irene and found a 30-ish year old relative and found that relative: "Lived in China Grove, NC ... Asheville, NC"!!!!!!!!!!

So then I had to look further. I located the FB for this 30-ish year old relative with address ties to China Grove and Asheville. She is FB friends with a Parson and some other names linked to the Parson. She, Erica's mother Carolyn, Carolyn's son and several others all have FB friends in common, which to play devil's advocate may not mean much as this area is all related in one way or another. So then I was going through her pictures when I got to one of her father and her comment was talking about how he died and he was with his wife now. So then of course I ran obituary searches and confirmed yes, both of her parents are dead. Irene died in 2007 and her husband in 2010. Can someone please explain to me how the grandparents, WP and JP purchased a home in March of 2011 and the current resident is coming back to a woman named Irene who died in 2007 and her husband who died in 2010??? And yes I checked the sales and tax records on the property, they did not buy the house from this Irene.

I have no idea if any of all that means anything or if it's all just some crazy coincidences but I'm even more baffled than I was before. And I apologize for some of the vagueness in the info above as I'm fairly new here and still not positive on what info I can post on those who have not yet been identified by the media.

Now THAT"S what I call sleuthing !!!!

Care to share that info I highlighted in red, at least the names?

Is this Irene her birth parents or adopted parents?

Are we looking at the same FB for Carolyn cause I didn't find any photos there where they were talking about her father. I did, however find where she posted on her timeline on May 23, 2012, "well my birth dad passed may 20th at 8:12 pm az time."
Now THAT"S what I call sleuthing !!!!

Care to share that info I highlighted in red, at least the names?

Is this Irene her birth parents or adopted parents?

Are we looking at the same FB for Carolyn cause I didn't find any photos there where they were talking about her father. I did, however find where she posted on her timeline on May 23, 2012, "well my birth dad passed may 20th at 8:12 pm az time."

The information you were referring to in red relates to the 30-ish year old relative of the Irene I found residing at the 3rd home owned by Sandy Parson's parents WP and JP. I'm not going to put her name out there because the media hasn't and I could be totally wrong. That girl's FB page had the pic of her own father, and her mother was Irene. I would imagine they are this girls birth parents. The coincidence lies in the fact that there's a woman named Irene who relates back to an address owned by Erica's grandparents. That Irene's daughter relates to an address in Asheville.

As far as Carolyn's birth father and the FB post you are referencing, another Sleuther actually sent me a private message advising she found the information for the Carolyn's bio father's death. He did die on that date she mentions in Fountain Hills, AZ.
The information you were referring to in red relates to the 30-ish year old relative of the Irene I found residing at the 3rd home owned by Sandy Parson's parents WP and JP. I'm not going to put her name out there because the media hasn't and I could be totally wrong. That girl's FB page had the pic of her own father, and her mother was Irene. I would imagine they are this girls birth parents. The coincidence lies in the fact that there's a woman named Irene who relates back to an address owned by Erica's grandparents. That Irene's daughter relates to an address in Asheville.

As far as Carolyn's birth father and the FB post you are referencing, another Sleuther actually sent me a private message advising she found the information for the Carolyn's bio father's death. He did die on that date she mentions in Fountain Hills, AZ.

Okay, I get what you're saying. I thought you meant that you found Carolyn's parents and that one of them was named Irene who died in 2007.

I knew that Carolyn was also looking for her own BIO parents so when Carolyn was quoted in the media saying that both of Erica's grandparents are dead, I didn't know if she meant her own BIO parents, or her adopted parents.

Or if she meant her own mother and father (BIO and/or adopted) and those of Billy Dean Goodman's parents. Obviously if all 4 sets (both mothers and fathers) of all the parents are gone, then Erica can't be with any of them!!

New Article :)

How could Erica disappear and no one notice

"All in the family

Erica was born Feb. 24, 1998, “a happy baby,” says Crystal Owensby, who was being raised by Erica’s biological mother, Carolyn Parsons.

Owensby, 25, says Carolyn didn’t have the money to keep Erica, but was never at peace about giving her up. Now, with Erica missing, she’s heartbroken about the decision.

“It bothered her every day,” Owensby said. “She feels maybe if she had kept her, this would’ve never happened. She blames herself.”

On her Facebook page, Carolyn Parsons wrote: “I nor her dad have no clue where she is and we love her and want to find her and know she is safe.”

Carolyn Parsons did not return Observer phone calls for comment. She had been married to Sandy Parsons’ brother, and records show that Casey and Sandy took custody of Erica a few months shy of her second birthday. "

More... Pretty detailed and a nice recap.

ok those with built-in advanced face recognition - is this Erica??

(I've included the pic from the missing poster to compare...)

[removed additional image reason noted]

This picture is Erica. Maybe the way her head is turned or that the smile is bigger makes it somehow appear that it isn't her, but this is Erica.

But the picture in question was removed from that post, wasn't it? (I have not seen this mysterious picture, either.)

Quoted myself and BOLDED --- where to find THAT other pic to compare!!!!

I apologize for the confusion it was late for me.

:facepalm: OK. I've seen the correct photo now and have the opposite to say. That photograph is not of Erica.

I have nothing new to add right now, but I have to say the people sleuthing this thread are AWESOME.
From above link that ACandyRose posted: How could Erica disappear and no one notice


"Erica never attended the Rowan-Salisbury Public Schools, a school district official says.

Instead, she was taught at the Parsons Christian School, a home-school started by Casey Parsons in 2005 when Erica was 7, according to state records.

The state doesn’t do background checks on home-school administrators, and Casey never filed reports on the progress of her students, known only in state records as “three females and one male.”

Chris Mears, a spokesman for the state Department of Non-Public Education, said Casey Parsons never met with state officials during regional home-school visits, nor did she ever update her school information, which home-schools are urged – but not required – to do each year.

Casey Parsons also did not file the scores on the annual achievement test the students were required to take.

In fact, Mears said, the state has no way of knowing whether the Parsons Christian School still exists."

So many contradictions! So many questions!
When and where did Erica attend public school where Casey said Erica "would go after boys"?
Did the Parsons live outside of the Rowan-Salisbury Public School District in their previous residence?
Is there any real proof that Erica was even educated?

(I'm new here, I joined just for Erica and NC is my home state, this case just really breaks my heart.)
So many contradictions! So many questions!
When and where did Erica attend public school where Casey said Erica "would go after boys"?


Right now it just seems like LIE, after LIE, after LIE after LIE. :banghead:
From above link that ACandyRose posted: How could Erica disappear and no one notice


"Erica never attended the Rowan-Salisbury Public Schools, a school district official says.

Instead, she was taught at the Parsons Christian School, a home-school started by Casey Parsons in 2005 when Erica was 7, according to state records.

The state doesn’t do background checks on home-school administrators, and Casey never filed reports on the progress of her students, known only in state records as “three females and one male.”

Chris Mears, a spokesman for the state Department of Non-Public Education, said Casey Parsons never met with state officials during regional home-school visits, nor did she ever update her school information, which home-schools are urged – but not required – to do each year.

Casey Parsons also did not file the scores on the annual achievement test the students were required to take.

In fact, Mears said, the state has no way of knowing whether the Parsons Christian School still exists."

So many contradictions! So many questions!
When and where did Erica attend public school where Casey said Erica "would go after boys"?
Did the Parsons live outside of the Rowan-Salisbury Public School District in their previous residence?
Is there any real proof that Erica was even educated?

(I'm new here, I joined just for Erica and NC is my home state, this case just really breaks my heart.)

Welcome Ascha !!

Yeah, after reading that, I wonder also where Erica would be to "go after the boys."

As though that is even a bad thing for a young child to be interested in boys !!

But in her 6 part media interview, she stated regarding Erica going to public school:

Casey Parsons: "She went to Bastian Elementary in Rockwell, and then she also went to Mount Pleasant in Concord. Well, Mount Pleasant. It was the Cabarrus County school systems."
so... cp says ep attended public school, yet the schools deny this? is that correct?
Is that normal to keep your child's teeth? (I'm not a mother so I don't know and never thought about it before!!)

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I have all my children's teeth in my jewelry box. When one of them found them, ruining the "Tooth Fairy" belief, they all freaked out thinking I was going to make a necklace from them.
But in her 6 part media interview, she stated regarding Erica going to public school:
Casey Parsons: "She went to Bastian Elementary in Rockwell, and then she also went to Mount Pleasant in Concord. Well, Mount Pleasant. It was the Cabarrus County school systems."

Right, didn't recall that part of the interview, thanks!

I wonder, though... if officials have confirmed this and pulled her school records from any public school she may have attended.
Surely they have checked it out!
Might be some insight to be had from teachers or friends, anyone really that had contact with her outside of her family.

Also I wonder if anyone has came forward, other than family members, to speak of her.
Seems like the poor girl was very alone.
I have all my children's teeth in my jewelry box. When one of them found them, ruining the "Tooth Fairy" belief, they all freaked out thinking I was going to make a necklace from them.

Hahahah :floorlaugh:

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