NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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You're allowed to give your 13 year old child away and keep collecting their welfare checks?

There is the possibility of being charged with obtaining property through false pretenses. There are problems with that, though, since they obtained the money through true pretenses, but retained the money through false pretenses.

As posted earlier, there is a law set to become effect in NC making it a crime for a parent not to report a missing child. Just not now.
Janet Parsons, step-mother of Sandy Parsons, commenting on the polygraph expert on Dr. Phil stating that Sandy Parsons was "strongly deceptive" to the relevant questions he was asked:

“In all honesty, I think there's more to that story than just a matter of deception. I think there are things that maybe he's not telling,” said Janet Parsons.

Homicide Detective Gary McFadden (in Charlotte and not involved in this investigation) regarding the seizure of the Jon Benet Ramsey items:

“If you plan on doing something, you become fascinated with that particular crime...some people build their lives on it and build their case on how to abduct someone, cover up their tracks. What they did wrong in that we won’t do it in our case,” he said.
Anyone in NC and homeschool? Is it true what she said about not having to turn work in every week, and only having to report at the end of the year for "final grade?"

They are just required to take a standardized test once a year.
There are many large and strong homeschool community networks that help, support, and meet, but those are put together by the families. Once you let the state know you are going to homeschool you are on your own.
Regarding James Parsons, take a look at this older clip.

Even though the reporter refers to "family members", it is clear from the clip that only one person is interviewed. I suspect it is James Parsons for many reasons.

I would like to hear more from the birth mom. She did not dispute that she assisted taking Erica from her adoptive parents, she just pointed out that the real Nan had been dead. If SP and CP are better options to parent this child than Carolyn, what does that say about her?
Respectfully snipped

There's no way LE would allow Dr Phil to do a two day show begging people to help find Erica, if they knew exactly where she was.

Allow? Since when does Law Enforcement have any say over what Dr. Phil does on his show?

Besides, if Law Enforcement knows where Erica is but has a reason to withhold that information for the time being, a national call for help in finding her is either irrelevant to, or is supportive of, its purposes.

On the other hand, let's scrap my scenario and say that Law Enforcement is pretty sure Erica is dead and all they have to do is find the body. Then if they strongly suspect that Casey and Sandy know where she was buried or disposed of, the Dr. Phil exposure and the national call to find Erica create an overwhelming bombardment of SP & CP that is not unlike intensive interrogation and torture ... which should break them so that they confess and yield the info needed by LE.

On the other other hand (I'm running out of hands), lets follow Casey's penchant for trying to make money while doing no work (like getting government checks for Erica while farming her out to another family member so she doesn't have to deal with Erica's severe learning disabilities). If Casey sold Erica or gave her away or even killed her, she could be permanently rid of her, but how could she still make ongoing money off of her? By saying she's living with family, and by not terminating the checks because "Erica's health insurance" is tied to them. That would be like collecting a dead person's Social Security check.

I admit that all of these speculations are sheer speculation.
Before I get too deep in (on page 18).... I found an old newspaper report that BDG was arrested a few years ago, along with a Tiffany Scercy. Well lo and behold, Miss T.S. was also arrested on the 11th (three days before BDG). Coincidence?
Regarding James Parsons, take a look at this older clip.

Even though the reporter refers to "family members", it is clear from the clip that only one person is interviewed. I suspect it is James Parsons for many reasons.

I would like to hear more from the birth mom. She did not dispute that she assisted taking Erica from her adoptive parents, she just pointed out that the real Nan had been dead. If SP and CP are better options to parent this child than Carolyn, what does that say about her?

Maybe DSS didn't place Erica with Sandy and Casey Parsons because they were a "better option". Maybe Sandy and Casey were simply family members who were available to take Erica at that time. Perhaps, they were an just an "option". I've never heard it said that they were a "better option". We know none of the circumstances and details of Erica being fostered and adopted.
I'm not overly concerned with bio mom's character here--the whole family is clearly hugely dysfunctional. I'm concerned that these people have a ridiculous story about giving away their missing daughter to a near stranger whose existence they cannot prove.
Regarding James Parsons, take a look at this older clip.

Even though the reporter refers to "family members", it is clear from the clip that only one person is interviewed. I suspect it is James Parsons for many reasons.

I would like to hear more from the birth mom. She did not dispute that she assisted taking Erica from her adoptive parents, she just pointed out that the real Nan had been dead. If SP and CP are better options to parent this child than Carolyn, what does that say about her?

I guess I'm not understanding or else I missed something........when did the birth mom assist in taking Erica from her adoptive parents?
With the FBI involved in Erica's case I'm speculating that we may see some federal charges in the future. While we sleuthers may not be privy to all that LE is doing we can all hope that Erica is found.
Much of what we are privy to is thanks to CP and SP as well as their attorney. If what many of us view as a cockamamie story is false I'm sure LE will be happy to let us know when the investigation is at an end.
Welcome to all new members.
Excellent points. Here's a possible explanation: The minute James hears on TV or online that the parents have tried to hide Erica from him, he could go berserk. No telling what he might do. Better to let the police slowly amass evidence under the banner of James' accusation against the parents, until there's enough evidence to prove something one way or the other. Besides, we the public don't know that Casey and Sandy haven't already told the police where Erica is. In cases like this, it is common procedure to withhold extremely important information from the public eye. I've noticed more than once that when I've tried to do armchair sleuthing on high-profile cases, my conclusions can be wrong precisely because a major clue wasn't made public until the whole thing was over. It's hard to put the pieces together when every report you read is so garbled. But it does keep the public occupied in non-income-producing activity. (So why am I here?) :banghead:


if james was truly a threat, then law enforcement could EASILY deal with him and put an end to all this BS that the parents are doing. but nope....the already proven to be liars are just keeping the charade going.

if the parents know where she is there is zero legitimate reason that law enforcement would be putting up reward money and begging for information and literally destroying their yard looking for Erica. no way LE would waste all this time and money just to appease the parents of an [unfounded and alleged by liars] disturbed young man.
I haven't found full episodes. Maybe they're available by subscription.

Check out Youtube--also, I googled "Dr Phil episodes" and found a site with clips and whole episodes of some older shows. don't have links, but probably not allowed anyway. :kilroy:
IMO it is much more likely that LE is suspicious of the parents rather than James. ... I feel it is much less likely that LE ... are just pretending to suspect these parents of wrongdoing ...

MOO, if LE thought James was a danger to Erica and the adoptive parents were simply hiding her to protect her, they would simply arrest him or protect her, not engage in this convoluted plot to pretend to investigate CP and SP

Your points are all good. Except that LE couldn't "simply arrest" James, because he hasn't done anything wrong ... yet.
IF their story is true, they failed Erica, horribly.
They gave her to a stranger whom they didn't even check out, no background check on this person at all, saying she was "nice" "she had all of our info" without having the proper information to contact/see her at any given time.
They can't even say that they have an address, phone number of where she was supposed to be.
THIS tells me, they did not care at all of the well being of Erica, IF their story is true!
So, at the least, they are guilty of giving her away to a virtual stranger!
Still, They claim she is not missing..... still with Nan.

we KNOW their story is not true. FACT. there is no way that Erica was handed over to a dead woman. FACT.

we KNOW their story is not true. casey claims that nan is alive. LE say she is not.

we KNOW their story is not true. casey makes a claim that brooke went with her to drop Erica off with nan. brooke states that is not true.

we KNOW their story is not true. mom and dad are actively involved in criminal activity by telling the state they have custody of Erica when in fact they do not.

....bottom line is, there are enough lies to show that mom and dad cannot be trusted w/ ANYTHING that comes from their mouths.

sometimes when it walks and talks like a chicken, it really is a chicken.
Hasn't CP twice asked that Nan or Erica come forward to save them from all of this trouble?
Respectfully snipped

There's no way LE would allow Dr Phil to do a two day show begging people to help find Erica, if they knew exactly where she was.

nor would they offer up a $10k reward..............:facepalm:
Allow? Since when does Law Enforcement have any say over what Dr. Phil does on his show?
If LE knew that Erica was not missing, and then allowed The Dr Phil Show to say that she is, it would be akin to yelling, "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater. And if the show was breaking the law I'm sure LE could get a court order to stop it from airing. Dr Phil isn't above the law and he isn't an idiot, either. You can bet that his extensive staff looked into every detail, including checking with LE. It's just common sense.
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