NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #3

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Ooooooh...I wonder how Carolyn feels under the weight of that Fisher Price bus......

Okay. My deductions from the video....

A few years ago, I was called in for questioning because a former workplace of mine had been burglarized about 5 years after I left. It was no biggie to me, because I *knew* that I had no involvement and the only reason that I was called in was because of my past knowledge of passwords, etc. Anyways.... as a part of my interview, the officer asked what a good restitution amount or form of punishment would be for whomever did it. I flat out told them that I had nooooo clue what to say because I had no idea what or how much was taken. Suffice to say, I was ultimately excluded as a suspect.

Listening to Carolyn, she is spitting fire and you can hear a sense of urgency and blame in her words and tone. Rightly so. Casey just tried launching her into the hot-seat and CarP's focus seems to be concentrated on finding Erica and addressing those responsible.

Casey's demeanour during the interview seems less focused on locating Erica or demanding that LE interrogate CarP further. If I sincerely believed, for one moment, that someone knew where my child was and could assist in alleviating the chaos in my life, I would be all over media and doing everything, in my power, with/for LE to legitimately extricate myself from the proverbial hot-seat.

CarP sounds as though she genuinely has no clue on Erica's whereabouts, while Casey appears to be more upset that she is losing a popularity contest and she is becoming desperate to implicate anybody else, but her. Watch out Sandy et al..... Casey is looking out for numero uno!

and all awhile instead of casey getting P I S S E D off at Carolyn and DEMANDING Carolyn tell her where Erica is because she is really really really worried about Erica's wellbeing....and DEMANDING that law enforcement get Carolyn back and interrogate her for days on end until she breaks......lazy lying casey just sits there and nonchalantly says [paraphrasing] "don't look at me, it's all Carolyn's fault"


Erica Lynn Parsons

The Charley Project

Respectfully Snipped by me...

OMG! Deja Vu....anyone remember Casey Anthony?! Grrrr
Casey also said LE needs to look at the Goodman family as well as Carolyn's family. :banghead:

Somehow I just got the feeling the Goodman family is not going to be happy with those accusations. I can't wait to hear their reaction to this latest !!

And what, pray tell, is Casey expecting to accomplish by fingering anybody period? Casey and Sandy are the one who admitted on local and national TV that they willing handed their daughter over to this "wavy haired, wrinkled" old lady named "Nan" and then admitted that they had ZERO contact information for nearly TWO years!! And if that wasn't enough, they admitted that they kept all of Erica's money for those two years !!

And what about "Strawberry" and "Kelly?" Did we get a description of them?

And what do they expect to accomplish to live in an empty house, sleeping on air mattresses, eating out of an ice chest? I heard DSS is cancelled for tomorrow. Perhaps they need to have Casey and Sandy get their heads examined first. Those two are not right. Is this the stable, balanced home they are trying to convince DSS they want to bring the children back to?

I agree that this is not a good environment for the children. As far as the couple not being right, I think it's their morals more than anything else.
it was probably the easter bunny who was pizzzzed that the mouse was trying to steal his easter candy. then since casey wanted to protect the easter bunny's character, hid the bloody hammer. not like that hammer would ever be used again for any of their zillions of projects they worked on at the house.

..yeah, that's what happened.

Probably what happened, Erica was probably hit with a hammer. Why else make up a stupid story like that?
I don't see where this latest interview has clarified anything regarding Erica's disappearance. Not that I really had any expectations that anything she says would let anyone know where Erica really is. The only thing CP has done is continue to try to deflect blame from herself onto Carolyn.
Only thing is should there be forensic evidence or they find Erica, these interviews will come back to bite her in the butt.
yeah because the legally binding search warrant was filled with lies. darn those lying cops.

uh huh.

Have we ever seen this before - a search warrent that had items listed that were not taken by LE? Does this ever happen?
Developing: Parsonses to be evicted

Paperwork has been filed that will evict the Parsons family from their home on Millers Chapel Road in Salisbury.

The complaint states the Parsonses failed to pay rent for the months of July forward, breached lease conditions, and states "criminal or other activity has occurred in violation of G.S. 42-63".

In explaining the criminal or other activity, the complainant cites removal of property from the premises (such as fencing, landscaping, bricks, air conditioner and boarded windows), unpaid property taxes in the amount of $982.12, abandonment of the property and failure to pay good faith money in the amount of $4739.68.

The paperwork states that Casey and Sandy owe their landlords a total of $25,863.58 in back rent and damages.
Yes, you would especially think that Casey or Sandy might have taken note of the vehicle (SUV) that they claim was full of of an entire new wardrobe for Erica, allowing her to leave behind her suitcase.

So we have a wrinkly old wavy haired lady calling herself Nan who drives an undescribed SUV. Alrighty then.

And really we should give the Parsons some credit. They are looking for their daughter - they even went back to the McDonalds they dropped her off with recently. Cause you know, there might be clues after two years. Maybe they will find some tire impressions :rolleyes

That suv full clothes sounds as believable as Casey Anthony saying Zanny had lots of toddler clothes so Caylee didn't need to pack a bag. Sounds like they are getting their stories from the same place of inspiration. So Nan and Zanny come from a fairytale land to whisk children away to a place of candy and rainbows? This whole thing stinks. I'm praying for a break soon.
I know it's hard to be serious when what we have heard from the family has been ridiculous but please remember this is about a child missing.

The level of snark on this thread of over the top...
That suv full clothes sounds as believable as Casey Anthony saying Zanny had lots of toddler clothes so Caylee didn't need to pack a bag. Sounds like they are getting their stories from the same place of inspiration. So Nan and Zanny come from a fairytale land to whisk children away to a place of candy and rainbows? This whole thing stinks. I'm praying for a break soon.

There are so many unbelievable parts of Casey's tale but as a mom of a daughter around that age, this is the most unbelievable. The child would have still grabbed her suitcase, no matter how much stuff was in that SUV. There would have been something, a favorite book or toy or stuffed animal, journal, music CD or MP3 player, hairbrush.....we can't even go for a weekend trip without some of this stuff. My DD even has a small blanket she is old enough to be embarrassed about but she hides it in her overnight bag. :heartbeat:
Developing: Parsonses to be evicted

Paperwork has been filed that will evict the Parsons family from their home on Millers Chapel Road in Salisbury.

The complaint states the Parsonses failed to pay rent for the months of July forward, breached lease conditions, and states "criminal or other activity has occurred in violation of G.S. 42-63".

In explaining the criminal or other activity, the complainant cites removal of property from the premises (such as fencing, landscaping, bricks, air conditioner and boarded windows), unpaid property taxes in the amount of $982.12, abandonment of the property and failure to pay good faith money in the amount of $4739.68.

The paperwork states that Casey and Sandy owe their landlords a total of $25,863.58 in back rent and damages.

Wow. Looks like bad times ahead for the adoptive parents.
Hmm sounds like the paternal side of the family is beginning to get serious about the situation, overall I hope...doesn't sound like CP can blame LE for any damages, since she indicated they didn't take certain items...hmm
and not paying rent for 3 months- would that take it back to stopping paying July??
What in the world was going on in that house in July ..that led up to JP talking with & reporting Erica missing end of July?
Developing: Parsonses to be evicted

Paperwork has been filed that will evict the Parsons family from their home on Millers Chapel Road in Salisbury.

The complaint states the Parsonses failed to pay rent for the months of July forward, breached lease conditions, and states "criminal or other activity has occurred in violation of G.S. 42-63".

In explaining the criminal or other activity, the complainant cites removal of property from the premises (such as fencing, landscaping, bricks, air conditioner and boarded windows), unpaid property taxes in the amount of $982.12, abandonment of the property and failure to pay good faith money in the amount of $4739.68.

The paperwork states that Casey and Sandy owe their landlords a total of $25,863.58 in back rent and damages.

CL ad still up.
I didn't think one could remove anything that was attached to something they rented even if they paid for it. For instance if I install an expensive light fixture in a rented apt. it has to stay if I leave. What they've done is basically vandalism!
I don't know what happened in July but I wonder if they have a stash of $ somewhere and were planning on absconding once they got the kids back. But with no home to go back to I don't think the kids will be returned.
Have we ever seen this before - a search warrent that had items listed that were not taken by LE? Does this ever happen?

THAT would be pretty sloppy police work to list items and not take them, or visa versa, to take items but not list them.

Apparently somebody in the family statements said that Erica was being punished by being locked in a closet, and that's probably the reason the closet(s) were checked.

I'd be shocked if there was only ONE closet in that house.

Also, RED, doesn't always represent blood, so it would be foolish to just collect everything and anything that had a red stain on it. The investigators would test the stain first to indicate that it was blood before taking it. They have the tools to do that.
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