NC - Eve Carson, 22, UNC student, shot to death, Chapel Hill, 5 March 2008 - #1

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Yes, and there seem more and more people like that in the world today. Sad isn't it? :(

I so agree with you, dean. And yes it's very sad.
This is such a different world these days, in so many ways.

So many have just forgotten about the Golden Rule!
Heck, I guess alot of people now days don't even know what that is!:(
does anyone know (I should, but don't) can a 17-yr. old even get the death penalty in NC?
I'm not familiar with the exact death penalty laws in this state, but I do know that the Winston-Salem Journal just today (maybe yesterday?) about a 17-year-old who is being tried as an adult for a kidnapping, so I'm pretty certain that the younger perp can and will be tried as an adult.
I'm not familiar with the exact death penalty laws in this state, but I do know that the Winston-Salem Journal just today (maybe yesterday?) about a 17-year-old who is being tried as an adult for a kidnapping, so I'm pretty certain that the younger perp can and will be tried as an adult.

The way I understood what Nancy Grace said tonight is that he can be tried as an adult, but not eligible for the death penalty.

Hope I am wrong about that though.
I just don't see Atwater sitting in the backseat with Lovett driving unless he was back there to control Eve. I am anxious to hear if they now have other surveillance video of these two creeps from other locations. They should be able to create some additional "medical conditions" for the creeps that will make them talk!

Maybe not to control Eve, but because he knew for a fact that there would be a camera at the ATM. Convenience store? Maybe. ATM? Definitely.
I do know that when Tiffany long (a 10 years old girl) was killed a few years ago in Burlington, NC by two boys and a girl ages 13,16 and 17 years old. They stated that the 17 year old girl was the only person eligible for the death penalty.

BURLINGTON — Two teens appeared in court Thursday to determine whether they would face the death penalty for the murder of 10-year-old Tiffany Long.

The Rule 24 hearing determined the state will proceed with a death penalty case against Dorthia Bynum, which requires her to be represented by two lawyers.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
§ 14‑17. Murder in the first and second degree defined; punishment.
A murder which shall be perpetrated by means of a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon of mass destruction as defined in G.S. 14‑288.21, poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, torture, or by any other kind of willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or which shall be committed in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of any arson, rape or a sex offense, robbery, kidnapping, burglary, or other felony committed or attempted with the use of a deadly weapon shall be deemed to be murder in the first degree, a Class A felony, and any person who commits such murder shall be punished with death or imprisonment in the State's prison for life without parole as the court shall determine pursuant to G.S. 15A‑2000, except that any such person who was under 18 years of age at the time of the murder shall be punished with imprisonment in the State's prison for life without parole.

Seems to be conflicting with the other information.
I agree. I don't completely understand the court system but, hopefully someone can find out if he can or can't be tried.

Oh also not sure if anyone has posted this or not but, The Raleigh Chronicle has his MySpace information posted on their website and, the title is Suspect In UNC Murder Logged Into MySpace Over Weekend. They even posted some of his pictures that were on there.
There was a recent change made to the DP regarding anyone under the age of 18. That is nationwide not state to state, federal law. They tried Malvo (DC sniper) in Va. because at that time they could pursue and did the DP. Had he gotten it, it would've been overturned by now anyway. Can't remember exactly when that happened but Malvo was the first person I thought of at that time.
Pics he has on his myspace:


The police were not certain if the driver was in Eve's Toyota Highlander or not. In Lovette's MySpace photo, he is in the drivers seat of a new-ish car with a similar light interior. Just a detail I noticed. In other words, he might have been driving his car at the ATM, not Eve's.

(p.s. I was told by a mod that the death penalty discussion belonged in the parking lot. Thanks.)
It could've also been taken in the car that he stole earlier.
It's no telling since they were smart enough to have their pictures taken after this crime. :rolleyes:
Well, it has been a long day. Hopefully tomorrow, we will wake to the news that Lovette has been arrested. I hope he is enjoying his last night of freedom. Until evidence is presented that proves otherwise, I will always believe there are more people involved in this crime. I truly believe there is a cadillac type vehicle parked beside the one Lovette is driving at the ATM photo. I sure hope LE come forward with information about where the ATM was located so we can see for ourselves what structures would have been naturally present. All of you Websleuther's have been amazing as usual. I truly believe - heck i KNOW - that for those of us who come here often, we learn from each case, and hopefully, can add value to any future cases that we follow. Good night everyone.
Thread #1

Latest updates about POI in custody brought over from last thread from Reannan:
THEY MAY HAVE HIM IN CUSTODY!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Breaking news:
For those who may have trouble linking to the news cast....or if it changes again, here is a picture from it:

The guy they arrested looks like the driver to me. He has a skinny face like the driver while the picture of the guy they are looking for has a fuller face and broad shoulders. The driver was skinny and the guy they arrested is skinny too. I wonder if they have the two guys backwards?
I think the arrested guy looks like the driver too. His nose may be a little different. I don't know that I would ever be able to recognize the 17 year old as the driver. Maybe his lips, but he sure looks different than he did at the ATM (if that was him).
I think the arrested guy looks like the driver too. His nose may be a little different. I don't know that I would ever be able to recognize the 17 year old as the driver. Maybe his lips, but he sure looks different than he did at the ATM (if that was him).

I know, I've been looking at pictures of both guys and watched the video of the guy they arrested. He doesn't look like the driver to me. The driver has really narrow shoulders in every pic and you can especially see it in the store when he has that big black jacket on. He's a skinny little thing. The other guy is much thicker then the driver. I think they have the two mixed up! Maybe we just aren't seeing a good pick of the guy in the back or something.
Confusing to me!

They probably went home and braided each other's hair hoping they wouldn't be recognized!
Heavily armed Durham police, surrounding a house before dawn Thursday, captured the second of two men charged with murder in the shooting of the student body president at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Lawrence Alvin Lovette Jr., 17, surrendered to officers from the department's Selective Enforcement Team outside a house on Cook Road. Police had surrounded the house hours before.
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