NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sep 2012 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
KR says she was asleep. I tend to agree with KR on that one. Except that it was a more permanent sleep. If Faith had sent those messages, then the people receiving them would have recognized it was her and understood the context. There was no context. The messages came out of the blue.
This is why it was strange, and this is why the police released those particular messages, but not others. They did not release the doubtless thousands of other messages in her phone because those messages were not of interest. They focused on those messages for a reason. They also know that sleeping people do not send text messages.
We already know who killed Faith Hedgepeth. It was MESO. His palm print was on the murder weapon. His DNA was on the murder weapon. His DNA was on the note. His DNA was on the pen which was used to write the note. And his semen was found on the victim's corpse. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth.

Therefore, any theory about this case which doesn't involve MESO is automatically wrong, and I don't see any mention of MESO in your post.
We already know who killed Faith Hedgepeth. It was MESO. His palm print was on the murder weapon. His DNA was on the murder weapon. His DNA was on the note. His DNA was on the pen which was used to write the note. And his semen was found on the victim's corpse. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth.

Therefore, any theory about this case which doesn't involve MESO is automatically wrong, and I don't see any mention of MESO in your post.
Can you give one example of a homicidal rapist in that age range who never committed the act over the span of 10 years?
Can you give one example of a homicidal rapist in that age range who never committed the act over the span of 10 years?

Can you give one example of a homicidal rapist in that age range who never committed the act over the span of 10 y
Are u saying you think MESO is innocent of any or certain charges? More generally, your posts imply you have a certain theory of what took place and/or who the guilty parties are... care to spell that out more explicitly?
Are u saying you think MESO is innocent of any or certain charges? More generally, your posts imply you have a certain theory of what took place and/or who the guilty parties are... care to spell that out more explicitly?
All that can be done is ask logical questions and have people come to logical conclusions.
To figure out what happened, all the obvious questions must have an answer which aligns with reality and past experience.
That last post about requesting an example of a homicidal rapist keeping it under control for 10 years is designed to highlight the fact that such a person is incapable of controlling himself. Since MESO has no record, neither prior nor after, leads one to certain conclusions, especially considering he stayed in the area and lived his life despite all the media attention while supposedly knowing he was a suspect. This doesn't align with reality.
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All that can be done is ask logical questions and have people come to logical conclusions.
To figure out what happened, all the obvious questions must have an answer which aligns with reality and past experience.
That last post about requesting an example of a homicidal rapist keeping it under control for 10 years is designed to highlight the fact that such a person is incapable of controlling himself. Since MESO has no record, neither prior nor after, leads one to certain conclusions, especially considering he stayed in the area and lived his life despite all the media attention while supposedly knowing he was a suspect. This doesn't align with reality.
Can you name examples of cases where there was a palm print on the murder weapon, DNA on the murder weapon, DNA on another major piece of evidence (the note), DNA on yet another major piece of evidence (the pen) and semen on the body that all matched someone who lived within 2 miles of the crime scene and yet, it was proven that someone else committed the crime? Of course it must also be an example where that someone was cleared by DNA testing, could not be linked through any electric correspondence and, presumably for the point I assume you're trying to make, never cracked or told conflicting stories after a decade of police questioning.
All that can be done is ask logical questions and have people come to logical conclusions.
To figure out what happened, all the obvious questions must have an answer which aligns with reality and past experience.
That last post about requesting an example of a homicidal rapist keeping it under control for 10 years is designed to highlight the fact that such a person is incapable of controlling himself. Since MESO has no record, neither prior nor after, leads one to certain conclusions, especially considering he stayed in the area and lived his life despite all the media attention while supposedly knowing he was a suspect. This doesn't align with reality.
If you think MESO is innocent, or even just that he could be innocent, you need to start coming up with a defensible theory which can account for the forensic evidence. Because as it stands, he's 100% cooked.

You need to at least clarify your position. Do you actually think that MESO could be innocent? If that's your position, then just say it.
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Can you name examples of cases where there was a palm print on the murder weapon, DNA on the murder weapon, DNA on another major piece of evidence (the note), DNA on yet another major piece of evidence (the pen) and semen on the body that all matched someone who lived within 2 miles of the crime scene and yet, it was proven that someone else committed the crime? Of course it must also be an example where that someone was cleared by DNA testing, could not be linked through any electric correspondence and, presumably for the point I assume you're trying to make, never cracked or told conflicting stories after a decade of police questioning.
From today:

From that time: Report Finds Serious Flaws in NC Crime Labs - Innocence Project

That last sentence, to whom are you referring?
One thing for sure is that KR's ex was not involved. Sure he said he would kill Faith. But he's a rapper, showing that he is just all talk. He would never back up his talk with the walk.
Go to 5 min 20 seconds.
Bag with food still in it. That tells us something very important.
Most people think it was an empty bag.
Then another key part follows right after.
Faith's very good friend first mentions the suspect as "a jealous girl, a jealous friend."
Almost everybody loved Faith. But for some reason, a very good friend's first thought is that it's a female ex-friend with jealousy issues.
Remember the texts sent from Faith's phone?
If she wanted to actually talk to someone and it was important, she would have called them.
The intended recipients cannot hear someone's voice in a text. That's why they were sent texts, and not calls, nor voicemails.
Well… except she says she prefers real conversation over texts AND phone calls. It doesn’t mean she never used those means of communication.
Using your logic, unless Faith personally drove to BE or TM’s house and talked to them (at 3:30 to 4 AM, of course), it couldn’t have been her.
I’ll just let everyone decide for themselves how persuasive they find that.
Well… except she says she prefers real conversation over texts AND phone calls. It doesn’t mean she never used those means of communication.
Using your logic, unless Faith personally drove to BE or TM’s house and talked to them (at 3:30 to 4 AM, of course), it couldn’t have been her.
I’ll just let everyone decide for themselves how persuasive they find that.
No one ever said she doesn't use those forms of communication. The point is that she has a preference. And her preferences go from most personal to less personal. A text is about as impersonal as it gets. Faith was obviously a people person and became invested in the lives of other people. That's why almost everybody loved her.
What makes no sense is that her roommate and best friend is allegedly having a very difficult time, very sick and needing to talk, and Faith just goes off to sleep without saying a word to her, but sends out a text to a former boyfriend. That does not line up with reality.
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No one ever said she doesn't use those forms of communication. The point is that she has a preference. And her preferences go from most personal to less personal. A text is about as impersonal as it gets. Faith was obviously a people person and became invested in the lives of other people. That's why almost everybody loved her.
What makes no sense is that her roommate and best friend is allegedly having a very difficult time, very sick and needing to talk, and Faith just goes off to sleep without saying a word to her, but sends out a text to a former boyfriend. That does not line up with reality.
When it's super late at night and the person you're trying to reach might be asleep, a text makes more sense than a phone call.
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Remember the texts sent from Faith's phone?
If she wanted to actually talk to someone and it was important, she would have called them.
The intended recipients cannot hear someone's voice in a text. That's why they were sent texts, and not calls, nor voicemails.
You're deliberately misconstruing what she said. She says that she prefers in-person communication over technology; she does not say that she prefers phone calls over texts.

Besides, there is simply no scenario where a 19-year-old girl sending a text is unusual. I'm certain that if we had full access to Faith's phone history, we'd find that she typically sent at least a couple hundred texts per week.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed for insinuations/accusations against a person not named POI by LE>
Yeah, 19-year-old girls text their ex's sometimes. It's been known to happen. It would not surprise me if Faith typically sent 150+ texts per week to various people. This just isn't the conclusive evidence that you believe it to be.

But you know what is conclusive? MESO's semen being on the victim's murdered corpse. His DNA being on the murder weapon, his DNA being on the note, and his DNA being on the pen used to write the note.

Add in his palm print being on the murder weapon and that's a royal flush of forensic evidence. MESO did it. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth. And no jury will be convinced otherwise just because a 19-year-old girl sent a text to her ex-boyfriend.
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Yeah, 19-year-old girls text their ex's sometimes. It's been known to happen. It would not surprise me if Faith typically sent 150+ texts per week to various people. This just isn't the conclusive evidence that you believe it to be.

But you know what is conclusive? MESO's semen being on the victim's murdered corpse. His DNA being on the murder weapon, his DNA being on the note, and his DNA being on the pen used to write the note.

Add in his palm print being on the murder weapon and that's a royal flush of forensic evidence. MESO did it. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth. And no jury will be convinced otherwise just because a 19-year-old girl sent a text to her ex-boyfriend.
Sure. Explain what led up to him doing it and how he did it. Motive, means, etc.
Sure. Explain what led up to him doing it and how he did it. Motive, means, etc.
Not saying I believe this, but I’ll offer one scenario just as a way of showing how easily scenarios can be concocted:
MESO and a buddy are at the Thrill that night; they see K & F and like what they see, but are rebuffed when they approach them. After some alcohol and/or drugs they decide to follow K&F home when they depart, and they scope out the apt. for awhile until suddenly K leaves and they figure they have an opportunity (whether it’s for robbery or rape or just partying doesn’t matter once things go totally out of hand; but definitely NOT for premeditated murder). The 'motive' is sheer impulse & rage at Faith resisting.

And just because he had no “record” is not a sure sign that MESO hadn’t committed similar crimes before or after (just never got caught), but I also imagine that after this horrible outcome he may have been scared shitless from ever doing so again… and his mother was here locally, and he may not have had enough money to move elsewhere… as time dragged on, he may also have felt increasingly safe and unapproachable by law enforcement. Just saying…
Yeah, 19-year-old girls text their ex's sometimes. It's been known to happen. It would not surprise me if Faith typically sent 150+ texts per week to various people. This just isn't the conclusive evidence that you believe it to be.

But you know what is conclusive? MESO's semen being on the victim's murdered corpse. His DNA being on the murder weapon, his DNA being on the note, and his DNA being on the pen used to write the note.

Add in his palm print being on the murder weapon and that's a royal flush of forensic evidence. MESO did it. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth. And no jury will be convinced otherwise just because a 19-year-old girl sent a text to her ex-boyfriend.
THIS. This is what is dispositive about this case. The burden is on anyone disputing MESO's guilt to come up with some sort of logical explanation for why, despite all of it, someone else is responsible for the crime.
Sure. Explain what led up to him doing it and how he did it. Motive, means, etc.
Anything I would have to say about such matters would be speculation or conjecture, except that we can at least confidently infer from the presence of semen that sexual assault was a major component of the motive.

In 2011, not too long before Faith was murdered, there was an incident where a man was entering student homes in Chapel Hill through unlocked doors. The intruder would "rub" the female students while they were asleep, then quickly leave as though they woke up. None of the victims were injured and the perpetrator was never caught.

Link 1
Link 2

Could that have been MESO? It's possible, but unlikely because victims described the intruder as a 6-foot black male. But it shows what is possible. It demonstrates that there were criminals in the area who were desirous of female college students.
Yeah, 19-year-old girls text their ex's sometimes. It's been known to happen. It would not surprise me if Faith typically sent 150+ texts per week to various people. This just isn't the conclusive evidence that you believe it to be.

But you know what is conclusive? MESO's semen being on the victim's murdered corpse. His DNA being on the murder weapon, his DNA being on the note, and his DNA being on the pen used to write the note.

Add in his palm print being on the murder weapon and that's a royal flush of forensic evidence. MESO did it. He's the person who raped and killed Faith Hedgepeth. And no jury will be convinced otherwise just because a 19-year-old girl sent a text to her ex-boyfriend.
Good point - for example, in the Idaho murders, KG and MM called KG's ex boyfriend seven times within an hour or two of their murders. College-aged people often have a lot of romantic and friend drama in their lives.

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