NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

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I have read here, somewhere in the comments accompanying some piece about this case, that people in Chapel Hill know who killed Faith. I assume that was a general comment implying that it isn't a well-kept secret who did it, but apparently LE can't prove it. Just wondering if anyone local knows who "people in Chapel Hill" think did it...I know who I think at least has knowledge never shared with LE.

I think that just reflects a kind of cursory look at the case, where circumstantial evidence strongly implicates a certain person. Once you get into the details, though, it's much harder to say that person is guilty, and at very least couldn't have acted by himself.
It's hard to say what LE thinks. The feeling I get is that they don't have the slightest idea who the actual killer is.
I think that just reflects a kind of cursory look at the case, where circumstantial evidence strongly implicates a certain person. Once you get into the details, though, it's much harder to say that person is guilty, and at very least couldn't have acted by himself.
It's hard to say what LE thinks. The feeling I get is that they don't have the slightest idea who the actual killer is.

I'm not sure what I think LE knows. I want to think that even if they don't have sufficient evidence to charge anyone yet, perhaps they pretty much have most of this puzzle nailed down, with just a few pieces still missing to complete the picture. But you may be right, and they are completely confounded. I do believe the forensic snapshot threw them for a loop, as I think it did very many of us, including me. It is almost unbelievable that with the cast of characters we are aware of, the murderer is most likely someone else, even though one or more of the people we know of may very well be involved on some level. I do believe KR knows far more than she has told, and may even know who the murderer(s) is/are. She may or may not have known immediately, but I believe she has known since at least shortly after.

As someone who came into this thread very recently, I would like to just add my thoughts to those already posted by many others. I would almost bet dollars to donuts that the writing on the Time Out bag was done by two people. The size, and slanting of the words are clearly, to me anyway, two distinctly different styles, and yes, the use of the word 'jealous' seems likely to have been from a female, imo.

As to the butt-dialed voice mail, I couldn't make anything out of it that would indicate it was made anywhere other than the club. LE would know for certain, bc they would have been able to see time stamp on the receiving phone as well as Faith's, and if it, as the man who enhanced it suggested, recorded her murder, it would have been made after the texts to BE, rather than before. So unless LE is lying, and I see no reason why they would on this point, I am comfortable that the vm was made earlier in the night, while at the Thrill. I do think it is possible that the vm recorded at least a small bit of what may have been anger or an argument, but how important that may be, if at all, I am not sure.

I am struck by how much Faith and KR looked alike that night at the club, hair done up the same way, almost identical shorts and tops, and of course, their skin tones very similar. I doubt that was just a coincidence. I do think it could be possible that, especially given that Faith was found in KR's bedroom, it could have been a murder meant for KR, although I really find that to be unlikely. What I find more interesting is that one of the two, either Faith or KR, seemed to be trying to emulate the other in style, which could indicate a relationship that could result in jealousy if one got more attention than the other. I wonder how often they looked and dressed alike when they went out. I dunno why, but I just doubt it was a one-time thing.

Finally, a thought on the semen found, reportedly ON Faith. I read in a News and Observer article that I can't find to link to atm, that the semen sample came from a rape kit, which leads me to think it may actually have been IN Faith and not ON Faith, or at least in addition to. I think this is only important in that if it was found IN her, it would tend to erase any thought that the semen was planted on her.

Nothing new or earth-shattering here, just some thoughts to add to everyone else's. I do so hope that the coming anniversary will bring new information from LE, and may spark renewed interest and allow this case to finally be solved. As always, JMO
I am struck by how much Faith and KR looked alike that night at the club, hair done up the same way, almost identical shorts and tops, and of course, their skin tones very similar. I doubt that was just a coincidence. I do think it could be possible that, especially given that Faith was found in KR's bedroom, it could have been a murder meant for KR, although I really find that to be unlikely. What I find more interesting is that one of the two, either Faith or KR, seemed to be trying to emulate the other in style, which could indicate a relationship that could result in jealousy if one got more attention than the other. I wonder how often they looked and dressed alike when they went out. I dunno why, but I just doubt it was a one-time thing.

I, too, rewatched that video multiple times last week and found that so strange how they were dressed nearly identically.

Side note: the video in this particular link is a tad bit longer than the Thrill video featured in other places.

To me, it looks like KR is arguing with that first guy that she walks out with, but this could just as easily be some playful argument (hard to really tell without audio).
Benjamin Franklin once said "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead". I think many people would agree with that, but I definitely feel like more than one or two people know who killed Faith, and yet, five years later, they have managed to keep it a secret, and those responsible are most likely still walking freely. Please let this upcoming anniversary be the last one that no one is held accountable for this heinous murder.
SteveP said:
I want to think that even if they don't have sufficient evidence to charge anyone yet, perhaps they pretty much have most of this puzzle nailed down, with just a few pieces still missing to complete the picture. But you may be right, and they are completely confounded.[\QUOTE]

Like I said, it's just my impression. I say that because of certain actions LE has taken, like swabbing every male in the apartment complex, and expanding the investigation to the 1800 people (the connections would have to be pretty tenuous at that point).
It just doesn't seem like they'd be casting their net that wide if they have particular suspect in mind and just need a bit more evidence to make an arrest.
SteveP said:
I want to think that even if they don't have sufficient evidence to charge anyone yet, perhaps they pretty much have most of this puzzle nailed down, with just a few pieces still missing to complete the picture. But you may be right, and they are completely confounded.[\QUOTE]

Like I said, it's just my impression. I say that because of certain actions LE has taken, like swabbing every male in the apartment complex, and expanding the investigation to the 1800 people (the connections would have to be pretty tenuous at that point).
It just doesn't seem like they'd be casting their net that wide if they have particular suspect in mind and just need a bit more evidence to make an arrest.

I agree, but my hope is that they have a lot of forensics that will lead to a conviction once they actually do hit upon a DNA match.
I think it is exceedingly common for women in their teens and 20s to dress and look like their friends. My college roommate and I looked similar to one another (not as close as those two, but we both had similar builds, long hair, and fair skin, so close enough for the casual observer) and over time, our fashion choices drifted toward one another. Our hair styles, too, since we both had long hair and there are already only a certain number of ways to wear long hair, and there are only a certain number of styles that are popular at any given time. When it came to clothes, I'd look at her outfit, think, "cute" and the next time I was shopping, I'd only half-consciously pick out something similar. We also shared clothes because we were the same size. I shared clothes with lots of my high school friends, too. We lent back and forth, sometimes for extended periods of time (e.g., weeks).
I agree, but my hope is that they have a lot of forensics that will lead to a conviction once they actually do hit upon a DNA match.

Once they find that match, everything will fall into place, I believe. Honestly, I think LE is mainly just waiting for the guy to slip up and get arrested for something else, so his DNA gets run and links him to the murder.
The thing I worry about is that this was something of a one-time, out-of-character event for him (he was drunk, infatuated, saw a random 1 in a million chance to approach her alone, etc.) and he manages to avoid a future arrest by reverting to form.
So, what if KR had an admirer from NJ who was firmly in the "friend zone", who missed her when she went off to college, and decided to drive down unannounced to see her that night? He got there late, found the door unlocked, and let himself in, finding who he thinks is KR in the bedroom. He takes in the rum and reisling bottles hoping she'll wake up and have a drink with him, but Faith wakes up and freaks out because there's a stranger in her bedroom. He panics and hits her with the bottle, knocking her unconscious, then takes advantage of her. Then, in a panic and not thinking clearly, he decides he 'has' to finish her off to cover his tracks (the note being a complete red herring). He then gets back in his car and returns home, without KR knowing he was ever there.
So, what if KR had an admirer from NJ who was firmly in the "friend zone", who missed her when she went off to college, and decided to drive down unannounced to see her that night? He got there late, found the door unlocked, and let himself in, finding who he thinks is KR in the bedroom. He takes in the rum and reisling bottles hoping she'll wake up and have a drink with him, but Faith wakes up and freaks out because there's a stranger in her bedroom. He panics and hits her with the bottle, knocking her unconscious, then takes advantage of her. Then, in a panic and not thinking clearly, he decides he 'has' to finish her off to cover his tracks (the note being a complete red herring). He then gets back in his car and returns home, without KR knowing he was ever there.

While none of us knows what happened that night, I think the parts I have bolded could be possible, even if not likely, but some of the other parts I see as probably not plausible. I am pretty firmly in the camp of KR having more knowledge of what happened, and who is responsible than she has ever told authorities. JMO
While none of us knows what happened that night, I think the parts I have bolded could be possible, even if not likely, but some of the other parts I see as probably not plausible. I am pretty firmly in the camp of KR having more knowledge of what happened, and who is responsible than she has ever told authorities. JMO

I didn't explicitly say it, but the scenario allows KR to have knowledge she's not passing on. She wouldn't immediately think of this guy because he's supposed to be 9 or 10 hours away. If she thinks of him later, she'd probably be hesitant to bring him up to LE, because she wouldn't really think he did it. Maybe she'd check up on it later and hear things that make her suspicious (like finding out he'd taken a long weekend but then was unexpectedly back in town Friday afternoon), but still not enough to sic LE on him.

The other thing I like about it is that it explains someone showing up really late. If this hypothetical male worked a normal day in NJ, he'd get off at 5 or 6, go home, pack, shower, and hit the road around 7 PM. The absolute fastest the trip would be is about 8 hours, but potentially considerably longer with traffic, so he'd probably be there around 5 AM.

Another consideration is that it's the exact sort of thing a friend zone guy would do: A grand gesture of love for someone that just isn't really going to appreciate it, and is actually just going to be annoyed.

Like you said, it's not exactly likely that this would have happened this way. But I put it forward because I think that's what we're needing here, an unlikely event that nonetheless did happen.
I didn't explicitly say it, but the scenario allows KR to have knowledge she's not passing on. She wouldn't immediately think of this guy because he's supposed to be 9 or 10 hours away. If she thinks of him later, she'd probably be hesitant to bring him up to LE, because she wouldn't really think he did it. Maybe she'd check up on it later and hear things that make her suspicious (like finding out he'd taken a long weekend but then was unexpectedly back in town Friday afternoon), but still not enough to sic LE on him.

The other thing I like about it is that it explains someone showing up really late. If this hypothetical male worked a normal day in NJ, he'd get off at 5 or 6, go home, pack, shower, and hit the road around 7 PM. The absolute fastest the trip would be is about 8 hours, but potentially considerably longer with traffic, so he'd probably be there around 5 AM.

Another consideration is that it's the exact sort of thing a friend zone guy would do: A grand gesture of love for someone that just isn't really going to appreciate it, and is actually just going to be annoyed.

Like you said, it's not exactly likely that this would have happened this way. But I put it forward because I think that's what we're needing here, an unlikely event that nonetheless did happen.

The first part of your post pretty much nails down how I feel about KR. I really don't want to believe she was complicit in this murder, but for some reason, I just cannot shake the feeling that what she knows could put someone away, and for some reason, she either doesn't want that to happen, or is afraid it wouldn't happen and then the person(s) might retaliate and come for her.
I didn't explicitly say it, but the scenario allows KR to have knowledge she's not passing on. She wouldn't immediately think of this guy because he's supposed to be 9 or 10 hours away. If she thinks of him later, she'd probably be hesitant to bring him up to LE, because she wouldn't really think he did it. Maybe she'd check up on it later and hear things that make her suspicious (like finding out he'd taken a long weekend but then was unexpectedly back in town Friday afternoon), but still not enough to sic LE on him.

The other thing I like about it is that it explains someone showing up really late. If this hypothetical male worked a normal day in NJ, he'd get off at 5 or 6, go home, pack, shower, and hit the road around 7 PM. The absolute fastest the trip would be is about 8 hours, but potentially considerably longer with traffic, so he'd probably be there around 5 AM.

Another consideration is that it's the exact sort of thing a friend zone guy would do: A grand gesture of love for someone that just isn't really going to appreciate it, and is actually just going to be annoyed.

Like you said, it's not exactly likely that this would have happened this way. But I put it forward because I think that's what we're needing here, an unlikely event that nonetheless did happen.

I'm leaning heavily toward the murderer not intending to murder that night. If the murder was planned (as many have pointed out), why rely on there being a handy murder weapon in the apartment? I think the person was a surprise "guest" -- not someone totally random -- but not someone that either woman would necessarily have expected. For those reasons, I like the theory of someone who had an interest in KR suddenly showing up. Of course, that person wouldn't even necessarily have driven from NJ but could have been coming from anywhere since presumably she had friends who were in college all over the place.

As for KR having guilty knowledge, I'm not sure I believe that. I don't know why I think this, but she does not strike me as terribly bright, and maybe that is what is making things seem "off" with her. Of course, all I really have to go on is the 911 call when she wasn't at her best, but she struck me as sort of slow (and with terrible grammar to boot) -- not intentionally deceptive.
I'm leaning heavily toward the murderer not intending to murder that night. If the murder was planned (as many have pointed out), why rely on there being a handy murder weapon in the apartment? I think the person was a surprise "guest" -- not someone totally random -- but not someone that either woman would necessarily have expected. For those reasons, I like the theory of someone who had an interest in KR suddenly showing up. Of course, that person wouldn't even necessarily have driven from NJ but could have been coming from anywhere since presumably she had friends who were in college all over the place.

As for KR having guilty knowledge, I'm not sure I believe that. I don't know why I think this, but she does not strike me as terribly bright, and maybe that is what is making things seem "off" with her. Of course, all I really have to go on is the 911 call when she wasn't at her best, but she struck me as sort of slow (and with terrible grammar to boot) -- not intentionally deceptive.

After I posted this, I started to wonder how a mystery guest from out of town would know where Karena lived and how to get there? Karena couldn't tell the 911 dispatcher what her address was, saying that she lived at Hawthorne at the View and didn't know the address because she hadn't lived there for long. That part makes me think that if someone was going to surprise Karena (or Faith), it would be someone familiar with the complex and the apartment, not someone who would have to rely on an address... someone local or who had visited the place previously.

On another note, does anyone know when KR moved to the complex? She first lived with ETJ, which I assumed went on for some time before she sought the restraining order.
After I posted this, I started to wonder how a mystery guest from out of town would know where Karena lived and how to get there? Karena couldn't tell the 911 dispatcher what her address was, saying that she lived at Hawthorne at the View and didn't know the address because she hadn't lived there for long. That part makes me think that if someone was going to surprise Karena (or Faith), it would be someone familiar with the complex and the apartment, not someone who would have to rely on an address... someone local or who had visited the place previously.

On another note, does anyone know when KR moved to the complex? She first lived with ETJ, which I assumed went on for some time before she sought the restraining order.

IIRC-I believe it was May 2012 when KR moved into the complex with ETJ.

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IIRC-I believe it was May 2012 when KR moved into the complex with ETJ.

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So she had lived in the apartment for anywhere between 3 and 4 months, but yet she told the 911 dispatcher, when asked her address, that she had just moved in there and might forget it. I suppose that could be chalked up to just being in shock, or perhaps still impaired.
So she had lived in the apartment for anywhere between 3 and 4 months, but yet she told the 911 dispatcher, when asked her address, that she had just moved in there and might forget it. I suppose that could be chalked up to just being in shock, or perhaps still impaired.

Another way to explain it might be that she didn't have to write the address very often, everyone who mattered knew where "Hawthorne at the View on Old Chapel Hill Road" was, and knew how to find it. I've been in my new office since February, and I still don't have my office phone number or our mailing address memorized... I have to look at my business card each time.
I have always felt it was a little strange to not know the address considering the fact KR had filled out court documents a couple times for the RO against ETJ...JMO

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