Found Deceased NC - Hania Noelia Aguilar, 13, abducted, Lumberton, 5 Nov 2018 #3

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Good Morning, Sleuthers -- Let's hope that today is the day Hania is found alive and well!
I just saw this --

Drones and dogs enlisted in search for missing Lumberton 13-year-old
November 17, 2018 05:18 PM

By Craig Jarvis
Federal, state and local law enforcement teams continued searching for Hania Aguilar over the weekend, employing drones and dogs on Saturday to try to find the kidnapped Lumberton teenager.

A statement the FBI issued on Saturday said authorities were following investigative leads in addition to searching on foot and with drones.

Read more here: Drones and dogs enlisted in search for missing Lumberton 13-year-old
Could it be a fad -type thing in middle schools? The ID's that I've seen look much like NC driver's license cards. Maybe it makes them feel more grown-up?

Being that the family is not originally from USA, the state-issued IDs are probably a great idea for family members to have.

(My own kids, who were born here, got state-issued IDs as young teens too. My kids traveled on their own, which was the reason we got them.)

I honestly don't read anything into the ID, other than it's not current and the photo of Hania is outdated.

Actually it was the confusing reports as to where Hania lived, was it Laiken Lot 102 or Rosewood 38-39?
Looking for clues in her school day patterns to see how she could have been observed or if a entirely random occurrence.
Hoping a clue or tip is uncovered soon to bring Hania home to her family.
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Being that the family is not originally from USA, the state-issued IDs are probably a great idea for family members to have.

(My own kids, who were born here, got state-issued IDs as young teens too. My kids traveled on their own, which was the reason we got them.)

I honestly don't read anything into the ID, other than it's not current and the photo of Hania is outdated.


Do we know for certain how long the family has been in the United States?

What IF someone directly or indirectly related to Hania was aided over the border, human smuggling so to speak. Some of these “coyotes” are ruthless and linked to gangs and cartels and sometimes continue to harass the families for continued pay outs for years. I’ve read and watched documentaries about their dangerous threats and tactics.

Again, if not simply a random and opportunistic crime by a single perp, I fear something much deeper here and it is all very very scary.

Again, I am not ruling out trafficking, etc either at this point, MOO.

As @oceanblueeyes said, these cartels, etc are brutal and RUTHLESS. They kidnap and torture/murder children and people all the time. If Hania is still alive, I am chilled to think about the possibilities of what she could be experiencing.

Maybe I am overthinking things, maybe I’m not.

Everything is JMO.


Here is another thing I’m not sure I mentioned.

Another reason the gang-ish vibe has resonated with me is because of all the shootings I’ve studied over the years due to my involvement in the NOCO shootings and others. I’ve had to sift though many, many gang shootings over the years so this is why this perp stands out to me as possibly having such affiliations, moo. I did not even know there was such a problem there with gangs, so this only further supports my initial, strong impressions.

Again I could be wrong about all of that but I wanted to explain further why these thoughts are hitting me so strongly.
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Actually it was the confusing reports as to where Hania lived, was it Laiken Lot 102 or Rosewood 38-39?
Looking for clues in her school day patterns to see how she could have been observed or if a entirely random occurrence.
Hoping a clue or tip is uncovered soon to bring Hania home to her family.
"Lumberton Police Captain Terry Parker says a man grabbed 13-year-old Hania Noleia Aguilar from a yard in the Rosewood Mobile Home Park around 6:58 a.m. Monday morning.

Police say the kidnapping occurred between lots 38 and 39 in the Rosewood Mobile Home Park. The green 2002 Ford Expedition was last seen leaving the mobile home park turning left onto Elizabethtown Road."
AMBER ALERT: Lumberton teen forced into stolen SUV, kidnapped from neighborhood
I still have hope that the pending results from FBI's Quantico will provide the DNA, etc. to locate person responsible for Hania's abduction. Find the abductor, and you'll find Hania.
I do too, Seattle. Chances may be slim, but I haven't given up hope. MOO
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I just posted this in the media thread:

Nov 14 2018

Por su parte, el sacerdote de la Iglesia Católica San Andrés de Red Springs dijo que la menor asistía a clases de confirmación y que se trataba de una niña tranquila.

Asimismo, señaló que este sería un caso al azar y aislado. “Ella salió sólo a encender el auto debido al clima. Ella nunca hace eso: encender el auto para que caliente”, dijo.

Sin embargo, consideró que no se trataría de un secuestro por dinero, ya que la familia no ha recibido ningún llamado pidiendo rescate. “Hace cinco años que vivo en la zona y nunca había visto y escuchado de un caso similar.

Google Translate of above text:

For his part, the priest of the Catholic Church San Andrés de Red Springs said that the minor attended confirmation classes and that she was a quiet child.

He also pointed out that this would be a random and isolated case. "She went out just to start the car because of the weather. She never does that: turn on the car to warm up, "he said.

However, he considered that it would not be a kidnapping for money, since the family has not received any call for a ransom. "I've lived in the area for five years and I've never seen and heard of a similar case.

¿Dónde está Hania Noelia Aguilar?

BBM. Does anyone know Spanish? If the Google translate of the Priest's words is accurate, then this was not a regular event for Hania to turn on the car.
I don't know Spanish and I remember there was at least one person in Mollie's thread who did, but I can't find the posts. I translated the Spanish version of the bolded statement using several other online translation tools though, and although they vary slightly, they all seem to have the same meaning.

He also pointed out that this would be a random and isolated case. "She came out only to light the car due to the weather. She never does that: turn on the car to make it hot, "he said.
Check out the translation for "Asimismo, señaló que este sería un caso al azar y aislado. “Ella salió sólo a encender el auto debido al clima. Ella nunca hace eso: encender el auto para que caliente”, dijo" on SpanishDict!.

Also, it pointed out that this would be a case at random and isolated. “ She went out only to lighting the car due to the climate. She never does that: to light the car so that it warms ”, he said.
Spanish to English translation

He also pointed out that this would be a case at random and isolated. “She went out only to start the car due to the weather. She never does this: turn on the car so hot,” he said.
Yandex.Translate – dictionary and online translation between English and over 90 other languages..
So my question would be regarding warming up the car, was she told to do this or did she ask to do this? According to the above statement, she never does this. If she wanted to do it, I would think she would maybe be sitting in the car to stay warm. Everything I read makes me wonder about something else.
I still have hope that the pending results from FBI's Quantico will provide the DNA, etc. to locate person responsible for Hania's abduction. Find the abductor, and you'll find Hania.
Let us hope that those words are true.
If they can find him, surely he will have enuff sense to know that if he leads LE to Hania, things will go easier for him legally and every other way as well.
Being that the family is not originally from USA, the state-issued IDs are probably a great idea for family members to have.

(My own kids, who were born here, got state-issued IDs as young teens too. My kids traveled on their own, which was the reason we got them.)

I honestly don't read anything into the ID, other than it's not current and the photo of Hania is outdated.
I agree -- I don't think is means anything relative to this case. It could be her folks thought that an ID card would be helpful when she started school for the first time in the US. It could be that when she first entered school, whenever that was, she wasn't that good at speaking English, or was too shy to speak.
So my question would be regarding warming up the car, was she told to do this or did she ask to do this? According to the above statement, she never does this. If she wanted to do it, I would think she would maybe be sitting in the car to stay warm. Everything I read makes me wonder about something else.
The statement does not mention if she was asked to go outside and start the car so it could get warm, but makes sense that the adult in charge would ask her to do it. From the first accounts, it seemed like she was standing in the street, near the car because it was reported that she was "pushed, forced into the car" but it's also possible that she was inside the car and, when she noticed a stranger getting into the car, she got out or tried to get out and was pulled inside.
I agree -- I don't think is means anything relative to this case. It could be her folks thought that an ID card would be helpful when she started school for the first time in the US. It could be that when she first entered school, whenever that was, she wasn't that good at speaking English, or was too shy to speak.
Wasn't she born in the US?
IMO there are many possibilities here.

1. Random dirtbag who is an opportunistic carjacker and perhaps also an opportunistic predator/sexual offender and maybe even killer.

2. Hebephile/stalker who may have seen her in the neighborhood or somewhere else and had his eyes set on her and planned on abducting her.

3. Revenge kidnapping or hit for a debt owed by the family/altercation.

4. Trafficking

5. Online catfish we don’t know about.

Other thoughts?
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IMO there are many possibilities here.

1. Random dirtbag who is an opportunistic carjacker and perhaps also an opportunistic predator/sexual offender (and shades in between all this).

2. Hebephile/stalker who may have seen her in the neighborhood and had his eyes set on her.

3. Revenge kidnapping or hit for a debt owed by the family/altercation.

4. Trafficking

5. Online catfish we don’t know about.
I had to look up the definition of hebephile before deciding which on your list ranks first in my theories.

My #1 theory is the random opportunist. I also am considering a stalker and possibly a catfish we don't know about.

I don't think revenge as the case just doesn't have that vibe. I know we could be surprised in any case what lurks underneath the surface, but usually there is something sort of dark that WS's pick up on, even without knowing what it is that nags at us. I haven't noticed anyone having that nagging feeling in this case. We're perplexed, but generally I'm not seeing that "what are we missing?" feeling. I think the only info we're missing in this case is the perp's ID and where is Hania.

I don't think trafficking. Doesn't fit the M.O., imo.

It's helpful to see possibilities in one list - thanks for putting it together.

Wasn't she born in the US?
I forgot if I read it here, but I'm thinking she was born here.

My thought was that when she first entered kindergarten, her English skills might not have been as good as her Spanish skills. And even if her English was top-notch, many kindergarten kids are shy at first.
IMO there are many possibilities here.

1. Random dirtbag who is an opportunistic carjacker and perhaps also an opportunistic predator/sexual offender and maybe even killer.

2. Hebephile/stalker who may have seen her in the neighborhood or somewhere else and had his eyes set on her and planned on abducting her.

3. Revenge kidnapping or hit for a debt owed by the family/altercation.

4. Trafficking

5. Online catfish we don’t know about.

Other thoughts?
I can't think of anything else -- if he was simply a carjacker, I don't think he would have put her in the car. If, however, she was in the car when he got in it, either he thought of her as an "opportunity" for bad things, or he didn't want her in there & somehow "got rid" of her in a hurry.
And I learned a new word today -- made me cringe -- but now I know what a Hebephile is. <shiver>
IMO there are many possibilities here.

1. Random dirtbag who is an opportunistic carjacker and perhaps also an opportunistic predator/sexual offender and maybe even killer.

2. Hebephile/stalker who may have seen her in the neighborhood or somewhere else and had his eyes set on her and planned on abducting her.

3. Revenge kidnapping or hit for a debt owed by the family/altercation.

4. Trafficking

5. Online catfish we don’t know about.

Other thoughts?
My thoughts are it's a random dirtbag crime. If the perpetrator is the guy in the video he was walking around mindlessly for awhile. I think this opportunity suddenly presented itself and I kinda think it was more about wanting a car than wanting Hania.
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