GUILTY NC - Jameson 'Jamie' Hahn, 29, stabbed to death, Raleigh, 22 April 201

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This is disappointing. Of all days...... I was in the justice center one day recently. I was going to sit in on some testimony, but they were on break and I wasn't sure how long it would be. Now if I had been there today, I would be able to hear what's going on. I'm praying we are not close to a mistrial.
It appears one juror pointed out another juror was talking to his wife at night about case. Apparently, the wife has been watching live stream. This is according to local reporters twitter feed.
Oh my. Why oh why do people do this? It is so infuriating that that jury members are given the rules over and over. I hope it was a mistunderstanding or something that can be remedied quickly.
Thanks for posting that, borndem! I'm on my phone at work and couldn't figure out how to do that quickly.

Really hope this gets resolved.
IMO, if your spouse is on the jury, it would be a smart and appropriate thing to NOT watch the case. IMO, it creates a temptation where there doesn't need to be one. It's too important for this trial to go forward. The spouse can watch the video of testimony AFTER the trial is completed.
The way WTVD is reporting it, it sounds like the reporting juror was saying that another juror said that his wife was watching live streaming of the trial. I suppose that that is not in itself improper, but boy, it sure creates an uneasy feeling with me and it makes me wonder about this juror that he would reveal that information to other jurors. Apparently, he didn't think it was improper. And I guess it's not. It just makes me doubt that this guy could resist discussing the case with his wife who is seeing the case daily on live feed.
Oh mercy, it sounds like the defense wants a mistrial....hope I am mis-hearing this.....
Juror #1 dismissed; alternate in that spot. Trial to continue. (on Twitter, will supply)
Well, I guess it will depend on what the juror admits to. If he says that the only comment is that his wife was watching live streaming and that he had not said anything to her and that they had NOT discussed it, then I think the judge will just reinforce the warning to not discuss and proceed OR replace that jury member. I can't see a mistrial from what we have been told so far.
Thank goodness.

Can someone tell me what they think about the cross yesterday where Arbor asked NH about his aunt and uncle acting as his parents and him referring to them as his parents. It didn't go over well with me. I fail to see the point. And maybe there is one, but to me any benefit would be overshadowed by infuriating the jury. I guess it seemed to me that he was somehow trying to shame the witness. Certainly, he wasn't trying to impeach him.
Geez Louise, what a blithering idiot Arbour is. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Furthermore, isn't this 1st degree even without premeditation? Because assaulting Nation with a knife is a felony, so this is murder during the commission of a felony. I can't believe this attention-seeking freak didn't plead guilty. There's an eye witness for gods sake.
Thank goodness.

Can someone tell me what they think about the cross yesterday where Arbor asked NH about his aunt and uncle acting as his parents and him referring to them as his parents. It didn't go over well with me. I fail to see the point. And maybe there is one, but to me any benefit would be overshadowed by infuriating the jury. I guess it seemed to me that he was somehow trying to shame the witness. Certainly, he wasn't trying to impeach him.

Agreed -- it struck me as non-essential, near prejudicial, and a what-does-this-have-to-do-with-anything kind of thing. Not necessary. Was he trying to paint some kind of picture of NH, who is not on trial? Grrrrr
Right. It was like he was trying to paint the witness in some unfavorable light, because he was not raised by his bio parents. WHY is that even mentioned? It doesn't matter and it makes Arbor look like an uncaring bully. Who talks like that to a grieving victim??? It's outrageous. If I were co-counsel, I would probably have kicked a knot in his leg. lol

Also, his other cross questions seem to be on condescending side. On and on about nothing in a tone that suggest that he knows more about the subject than the witness does. It's insulting to all involved.

Does anyone know what the defendant's education background is?

I haven't seen all the testimony. WHERE were the dogs during the attack?

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