GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #10

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That's funny. Can't believe Twinings do an Irish tea, no way would Jasom drink that, it's either Barry's or Lyons tea for him, and being a Limerick man it would be Barrys I'd warrant. I never travel anywhere without them. Those teacups are gorgeous. Very elegant.
Jmo, the children were being groomed to cry abuse. Jason worked hard for his family so they could have a comfortable family life. Molly was the stay at home parent who had enough time to make herself look like a victim . The children were exposed to evil and I hope they can recover and live a healthy life with their Irish relatives. Wishing the Irish family the best with peace they now deserve.

The timing of the grooming makes me sick. The children were carried out of their home in the middle of the night by police officers, and handed over to their step-grandmother. Then Molly returned and took them to various different places (I think they went to her brother's house?) while telling them muddled versions of why their father was dead. They had no contact with their beloved Irish family, and there would have been the unsettling background muttering,that the Irish family were a threat and coming to snatch them away from all they had left. If they did write loving letters to Molly at this time, it was probably out of grief and desperation. They would not have known she had killed their father, and she was the only strand of normality left in their life at that time. They needed to believe her. Their father was gone, she was all they had left.
That is a good question. He bought her a five thousand square foot NC house, a BMW SUV, and gave her eighty thousand dollars to buy furniture. It seems that it was not a two way street - she registered her vehicle in TN, suggesting that she was not all that involved in the marriage. It's not surprising that he would not sign his children over to her if she wouldn't even sign the car to the residence.
The car was registered in NC it was her drivers license that was Tenn.
The timing of the grooming makes me sick. The children were carried out of their home in the middle of the night by police officers, and handed over to their step-grandmother. Then Molly returned and took them to various different places (I think they went to her brother's house?) while telling them muddled versions of why their father was dead. They had no contact with their beloved Irish family, and there would have been the unsettling background muttering,that the Irish family were a threat and coming to snatch them away from all they had left. If they did write loving letters to Molly at this time, it was probably out of grief and desperation. They would not have known she had killed their father, and she was the only strand of normality left in their life at that time. They needed to believe her. Their father was gone, she was all they had left.

But they had their Irish family, who had real love for them. MM underestimated what a loving family was like, because her family never had that.
It is a shame that bloods were not taken from both of them but what is curious for me is the 911 call lasted until paramedics entered the room, this is clearly evident on the 911 call. So when exactly did they wash all that blood off themselves. Did they both make a quick exit to the bathroom before Law Enforcements arrived and then conveniently forget about it.

As far as I know they were photographed as they were found as that was one of the questions asked in court to which TM replied 'I don't recall' . There was an article in the independent yesterday where Ralph Reigel described the photo of JC in the ambulance as looking as though he had been 'dipped in blood', and if you look at this picture of the brick, you can see a bloody finger print at the top so the perpetrators hand must have been saturated in blood to leave that print.



  • Molly-Martens-Jason-Corbett-Murder-Crime-Scene-House-2.jpg
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As far as I know they were photographed as they were found as that was one of the questions asked in court to which TM replied 'I don't recall' . There was an article in the independent yesterday where Ralph Reigel described the photo of JC in the ambulance as looking as though he had been 'dipped in blood', and if you look at this picture of the brick, you can see a bloody finger print at the top so the perpetrators hand must have been saturated in blood to leave that print.


That does not look like a paving block. It looks like a landscaping fake real rock thingo.
Where did the BMW reference come from?

as far as I know Jc drove a Honda Accord and mm rove a a Honda Pilot.

both nice cars but not BMW.

i think money is at the heart of this.

what was Jc salary?

Did jc have a degree?

was source of jc wealth insurance from death of first

I'd imagine the reason JC arrived in the States cash rich is that he sold up all his assets - house, car, etc - in Ireland before he emigrated.

Agreed, in Ireland if you have a mortgage you need to have life insurance to cover the amount owed should you die before the debt has been paid. Both JC and MFC would therefore have had life insurance cover. MFC also owned a half share of a business in Limerick which JC inherited when she passed away.

Therefore the property owned in Limerick would have been mortgage free when JC sold it prior to the move to the States.

I do not think that JC went to college to get a degree. It was stated that he worked for Multi Packaging Solutions for 15 years in Ireland 'working from the bottom up' ( which would have him starting at around the age of 20.

When he transferred to the Lexington branch of MPS he took on the role of plant manager which, i would assume, would be a well paying job. I would also assume he would have held a high level position in Ireland prior to the move.

That does not look like a paving block. It looks like a landscaping fake real rock thingo.

IMO it looks like an ugly lump of concrete that nobody would consider 'painting'. Every time i see the hair on that thing I feel nauseous. How the defence could suggest that maybe the rock was just placed in a pool of blood is beyond belief; it is saturated on all sides.

IMO it looks like an ugly lump of concrete that nobody would consider 'painting'. Every time i see the hair on that thing I feel nauseous. How the defence could suggest that maybe the rock was just placed in a pool of blood is beyond belief; it is saturated on all sides.


Me too.
That does not look like a paving block. It looks like a landscaping fake real rock thingo.

It certainly doesn't look like anything I would have been getting my kids to paint when they were small. We used to collect nice stones to paint but that is ugly
It looks more and more like Jason was genuinely in the marriage, having given her parents 45 thousand dollars for the wedding, sharing banks accounts with her, the house, the car, the money for furniture, and she doesn't even share an address with him. My impression is that from the outset she wanted children - and his children were good enough.

It looks like she recognized him as a perfect, vulnerable victim, manipulated him into moving to NC, into marrying her, and the final act was to adopt the children. Had she succeeded, she would very likely have divorced him, taken the children, and most of his money. When she realized that he was not going to let go of the children, she decided that she would be more successful if he was dead - and so she and her father drugged him and attacked him while he slept. After the murder, she sent adoption papers to Ireland. That didn't work. Then she launched into a full on custody battle.

Agree, so totally agree.

MM had a miscarriage and there seems to be fertility issues.
MM still wanted children.

JC's kids provided a perfect opportunity. The children were at the right age to be converted into the idea of MM being their 'true' mother. JCjr with little memories of his mother. SC with none. Go to Ireland as a nanny, develop a relationship, encourage him to isolate himself from his family by moving to the US. Conveniently, he could transfer easily from Limerick to NC. That was a stroke of luck for MM.

The defense tried to claim that MM lacked motive. When we know that's a lie, she wanted the children (and the life insurance was just the icing on the cake).

All her pleading and whining, her bizarre lies about being SC's biological parent and even describing the pregnancy. All of it would be exposed as the lie it is, if she achieved her end goal of divorcing him, because without any legal rights to the children, they would default to him.

MM and her family never counted on JC still maintaining a close relationship/friendship with his former in-laws. Their maternal grandmother has already said in an interview, he promised to never let MM adopt them. He had integrity, did not break that promise. No adoption certs issued with MM's name replacing MCF's.

MM and family claim JC was going to let MM adopt them but mysteriously changed his mind.
But it's rather telling that JC wasn't in the US on a spouse visa, but on a work visa. The children's legal status in the US depended on him, not her.
So the claim is exposed as just another lie.

This is what still draws me to this case. That vile family. Can you imagine if MM had been successful?
The kids calling the killers 'Mom' and 'Grandpa'? Assimilated once and for all into their family, their ties to home completely cut?

It's a good thing JC never changed his will or showed any interest in becoming a US citizen. He had no incentive to do either and in the end, that protected his children.
I don't think that MM was really interested in the children. I think that she thought if she could get custody of them with Jason dead or alive, she would be set up, financially. The children were the way to do it for her.
Hello all, new poster here. Like many, I've been following this case from the outset, but I've only discovered this forum in the past week. A lot of reading to catch up! And I admire the tenacity and the integrity of the regular posters on this case.

Just wanted to add this link for insight into the investigation, assuming it works, as I'm not very tech savvy. .. Apologies if it's already been discussed. LE basically echoing a lot of your thoughts. It was also poignant to read that some of the jury met with JC's family after the trial.

Welcome . I'm in and out at the moment but if any of ye find articles can ye put them here please . I think we should stick with this for a while . The civil trial will be very interesting. Sm knows a lot more than she is letting on its time she had to answer for her crimes IMO turning a blind eye and covering is just as bad as the act . I have no pity for them even if they are covering for Molly . Mike is now giving interviews to newspapers twisting the truth of what happened at the trial . The lie about Mr Fitzpatrick is what did it for me . They all partook in that lie. . They all went along with it . They say they haven't slandered the Corbetts. That is a lie . They openly criticised the Corbetts for fundraising. Well look how the great have fallen. They deserve everything coming to them .
I've been reading some of the Twitter comments over the last few days so I'm going to post this here and on the 20/20 thread just for clarity...

There are a couple of points that keep reverberating around the Twitter-sphere regarding this case so just incase anyone has decided to pop on here I thought I should point out -

1. The prosecution did not 'pick' the jurors, there was a full voir dire process pre-trial where both the prosecution and the defense had an opportunity to assess and dismiss jurors as they saw fit. The jury 'of the defendants peers' was chosen by BOTH the defense and the prosecution. This was not a set up.

2. On the point of the jury, TM & MM were tried in an American court, by American jurors. The investigation was carried out by American detectives and prosecuted by American attorney's, if anyone faced potential bias in this case it was JC who was the immigrant Irishman already stereotyped as a rowdy drunk. (in Bible belt America, where alcohol is prohibited in many States)

3. It was the prosecutions job to put together a case which constituted second degree murder. They succeeded in doing so. The jury believed that the prosecution were able to portray beyond a reasonable doubt that the scenario presented to them in court, and backed up by over 300 pieces of evidence, was plausible and warranted a conviction.

4. It was up to the jury to cast reasonable doubt on the theory presented by the prosecution. It was the defenses job to bring up self defense as a plausible reason the jury should not believe the prosecution. They defense. Why? Why could they show no evidence of JC being anything other than a 'peaceful' man. Why did a 30 min clip on a television channel show more of a defense than they provided in court?

5. The sole argument the defense did provide, was not self defense, it was to cast doubt on the integrity of every other professional involved in the case. Detectives, judges, experts, paramedics, prosecutors BUT they expected TM's integrity as a former member of the FBI to be sacrosanct....WHY? Why should the jury not believe the catalogue of people lined up to testify for the prosecution on the word of one man? Why could they not provide other professionals who agreed with their assessment of a botched investigation?

6. MFC died of an asthma attack.

I don't understand how people can be so blind, but the answers are there for those interested enough to find them.
As far as I know they were photographed as they were found as that was one of the questions asked in court to which TM replied 'I don't recall' . There was an article in the independent yesterday where Ralph Reigel described the photo of JC in the ambulance as looking as though he had been 'dipped in blood', and if you look at this picture of the brick, you can see a bloody finger print at the top so the perpetrators hand must have been saturated in blood to leave that print.


This is not at all what I expected. Thanks so much for the picture. I thought they were doing a landscaping project and had new bricks or pavers.

I had bricks "edging" some landscaping in a previous house. Weather erodes them like this and they get chipped and broken. This looks like a weathered brick that has been outside for years.

It looks to me like MM just stepoed outside that front door by the Master bedroom door and picked this out of the "edging." It would have left an empty spot where it had been, but the M's had quick access to the house, so they would have taken care of that.

And if she was doing this as an art project at home, with no school in session...wouldn't she have two for each child?

Another point I've been mulling over, as school is about to start this week in the Carolinas. I bet MM was frantic over the kids making that trip to Ireland with JC.

It is so soon after school starts, but JC still has plans made to take them and seemingly, without her. She has to call TL to find out more about the plans. I wonder when school starts in Ireland? I wonder if she feared he would get them over there, start them in school, and come home alone to divorce her. That way the children would be safe from the drama of their marriage ending.

JC's passport on the bedside table is curious. I wonder if in her conversations with TM as they drove down, he told her to find the kids passports and hide them. I agree with the poster who suggested maybe the only one she could find was his. I believe he kept the kids passports at his office...which is telling, in itself, that they were kept separate from his.

While JC cut the grass, MM was looking for those passports...calling TM to get new ideas where to look. But they were not there.

When they arrived, arrogant TM would interrogate JC about his plans, They all argued with him. But this time, they were ignored and JC went to bed.

They must have been collectively furious. They were so superior in their minds and JC was not bending to their will.

I think her fatal mistake with JC was trying to turn the children against him, something her DV tape suggests to me. "Ignore him, we will eat without him, he's nobody, I'm all that matters. I'm your MOM."

He put up with her mental illness, but when he saw her trying to destroy his children's love for him, that was intolerable. That and her changing treatment of young JC.
It is so soon after school starts, but JC still has plans made to take them and seemingly, without her. She has to call TL to find out more about the plans. I wonder when school starts in Ireland? I wonder if she feared he would get them over there, start them in school, and come home alone to divorce her. That way the children would be safe from the drama of their marriage ending.

School in Ireland starts in September.

On the point of JC moving back to Ireland, what has been puzzling for me is that it would appear he had made no plans to travel to Ireland. It's stated in this article that he had not made any plane reservations. Is this referring to him allegedly moving permanently or he had no reservations made whatsoever to go to either his dad's birthday or move back. A lot had been made of him moving back but was he actually travelling in August, was evidence to that presented to court? Perhaps it's the wording of the article has raised this for me.

"However, David Freedman, attorney for Mr Martens, got her to acknowledge on cross-examination that Mr Corbett had not made any plane reservations or made any other arrangements to go back to Ireland on a permanent basis."

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Why she has supporters in usa?
1. Sudden asthma attack deaths are very rare. It also doesnt look good to move a pretty young au pair in with you. If it happened in usa, LE and/or media would consider it suspicious. How did court allow testimony by sister on manner of 1st wifes death. If she wasnt there its like hearsay not fact.
2. Motive is weak. No real one way plans to move family back to ireland. Work life insurance is usually automatic based on salary, with spouse default beneficiary. The amt sounds about right considering his likely high salary. Of course you can opt-out of life insurance but no one really does.
3. Very difficult to investigate international cases., like getting evidence or interviews. For example, interviews with children at neutral site in usa vs. Interviews with children at family home in ireland.

His family should be proud to have pushed this case because it looks like it couldve been easily swept under the rug by local LE, which obviously was not ready for international case. Especially since LE tend to watch the backs of LE (fbi father) in usa.

One question is how was he buried in ireland. Almost always the body is released to spouse.
Hair analysis is stupid in domestic cases. Women lose their hair all the time. Look on their shirt, brush, shower.... It look like this is an attempt to show bias or incompetence of investigators.
Why she has supporters in usa?
1. Sudden asthma attack deaths are very rare. It also doesnt look good to move a pretty young au pair in with you. If it happened in usa, LE and/or media would consider it suspicious. How did court allow testimony by sister on manner of 1st wifes death. If she wasnt there its like hearsay not fact.
2. Motive is weak. No real one way plans to move family back to ireland. Work life insurance is usually automatic based on salary, with spouse default beneficiary. The amt sounds about right considering his likely high salary. Of course you can opt-out of life insurance but no one really does.
3. Very difficult to investigate international cases., like getting evidence or interviews. For example, interviews with children at neutral site in usa vs. Interviews with children at family home in ireland.

His family should be proud to have pushed this case because it looks like it couldve been easily swept under the rug by local LE, which obviously was not ready for international case. Especially since LE tend to watch the backs of LE (fbi father) in usa.

One question is how was he buried in ireland. Almost always the body is released to spouse.

There are lots of links regarding this . It was released to Molly she moved Jasons body a number of times . The family had to hire an attorney to get his body .He is now buried with Mags with the consent of her family including her father .
you can read links here

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