GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #10

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God they really seem to love money. Out begging on the streets of D.C. somebody has either lost their marbles or they miss the beach vacay house. Cause imo with freedom comes the payday and a happily ever after for the extended family too. What next ?


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Foolish too because it is hasty rounding up of support that can attract supporters that may seem like a good idea at the time for numbers but can sometimes turn out to actually do a campaign damage due to their own motives for getting involved in the first place. I will just wait and see what crawls out of this campaign next.


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Hey sorry to jump in here having not read from the last page that I was on . Can I just suggest if ye find anything that you think may be useful in any way to the prosecution that you give that info to the jfj page and not post it publicly . It is not as effective to the case if the defence is aware and can prepare . It's a really sketchy time at the moment, as we all know how the truth can be twisted by the defence and made to look like something that it's not . We all have our own roles in this NEVERENDING quest . I know that all intentions are good but maybe if info was kept private until the prosecution at least had a chance to use it it would be a lot more effective. No wars are won by telling your enemies your next move . ��
Hey sorry to jump in here having not read from the last page that I was on . Can I just suggest if ye find anything that you think may be useful in any way to the prosecution that you give that info to the jfj page and not post it publicly . It is not as effective to the case if the defence is aware and can prepare . It's a really sketchy time at the moment as we all know how the truth can be twisted by the defence and made to look like something that it's not . We all have our own roles in this NEVERENDING quest . I know that all intentions are good but maybe if info was kept private until the prosecution at least had a chance to use it it would be a lot more effective. No wars are won by telling your enemies your next move . ��
Understood [emoji172]

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They have taken to leaflet dropping. I don't somehow think that fellow Americans are as outraged as they seem to think.

I am in awe of the blatant money grab and outrageous behavior of persons who wear their federal employment as a badge of honor and a belief that they are above the law that they seem to be so ignorant of. Let us look at the basic facts of criminal law in the US.

Once a defendant is convicted there are many paths to freedom. Simply stated they are:

1). The presiding trial judge could set aside a conviction.
2) The North Carolina Court of Appeals could overturn the verdict
3) The North Carolina Supreme Court could overturn the verdict
4) The United States Court of Appeals could overturn the verdict
5) The United States Supreme Court could overturn the verdict
6) The Governor of North Carolina could grant clemency
7) The President of the United States could issue a pardon
8) The defendant can serve the prison term prescribed by law.

Nowhere on this list is a way to freedom from the "Court of Public Opinion"

The only thing that could be accomplished by accosting tourists on the street in Washington DC is a hope to fill their pockets by misleading strangers. There surely must be some deep mental health issues in this group of people. This is far and away the most bizarre PR stunt yet. One thing we can count on is their creative methods to keep everyone entertained with the clown act. How can anyone who claims to be affiliated with federal law enforcement be so oblivious of criminal law procedures? I guess we need to quote P. T. Barnum because it is true "there is a sucker born every minute" and " there is no such thing as bad publicity". I guess we can see where they get their ideas on PR.
I'm finding it hard to grasp their thought process - are they really so arrogant that they think a kind of "Don't you know who I am" complaint will free their relatives from prison? Or have they cynically given up on Tom and Molly so they are concentrating on building a nest egg for the other living adult in the house that night? Maybe a bit of both.
The FBI connection is puzzling, because you do wonder why people with experience in law enforcement and forensic evidence would find themselves running a brazen PR campaign that flatly contradicts a legal finding. There are ways to fight for someone's innocence and support a loved one in jail without acting like this.
Has it been confirmed by any other source that the two jurors WERE sitting in a car together? To me, this seems like a very strange thing for two people to do in these circumstances. You sit in a car together if one person is giving the other person a lift somewhere, and with so many restrictions on how the jurors were supposed to interact, it seems unlikely that they would carpool. The impression that they were "sitting" there, implies that one juror only sat in the car for a short time to chat with the driver/ other juror, which also seems unusual behavior for two people who knew their conversations were restricted. They were also clearly doing this in full view of the courthouse, knowing that they could be seen breaking the rules, yet taking the precaution of not being overheard.

I once served on a jury and there was very limited parking at the courthouse. I parked about a half a mile away and another jury member offered me a lift to my car at the end of the second day, when we had discussed the lack of close parking. Was I breaking some rule? We did not speak about the case, but we did speak about how inconvenient having to serve on the jury was to our lives.
I once served on a jury and there was very limited parking at the courthouse. I parked about a half a mile away and another jury member offered me a lift to my car at the end of the second day, when we had discussed the lack of close parking. Was I breaking some rule? We did not speak about the case, but we did speak about how inconvenient having to serve on the jury was to our lives.

Thank you for giving some context! I think that if there were two jurors genuinely observed talking in a car, there would be a valid practical reason, such as in your situation. In which case, the jurors can explain themselves if they are asked. However, I do tend to think it might not have happened, primarily because they only seem to have been observed by one person who didn't say anything until after the verdict and sentence.
Did they think it was a health spa they were going to . I'm not sure I would believe they would make her dye her her is that true ? She didn't steal a penny sweets . She murdered her husband. These people are seriously delusional.

“It isn’t just about domestic abuse. It isn’t about the ineptitude of a rural county investigation or the prosecution preventing evidence from being presented. It isn’t even about whether they’re guilty or innocent.
“At this point, it is about every American and their right to a fair trial.”

Connor Martens alleges Molly has been 'reprimanded for walking too fast in her attempt to get exercise' on the 'rare occasions' she is allowed outside Her brother Connor Martens claims in a recent post that there is no air conditioning and no activities at the North Carolina Correctional Facility where Molly will serve her time after being found guilty alongside her father Thomas Martens of beating Limerick dad Jason Corbett to death.“Upon entering prison on August 9, she was not given shower shoes or a tooth brush for the first 9 days.
“This prevented her from showering and obviously brushing her teeth. There is no air conditioning. Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there.

Can I sue them, seriously. I have just caused myself some seriously bodily harm, doing so many face-palms whilst reading this and their entire post on their gofund page.

Yeah, the defence did not have to prove anything, but at the very least they could have put up some sort of defence, you know a defence that questioned the science in the case. The facts in the case spoke for themselves, the blood spatter expert walked them through it, the pictures of the scene and of JC screamed at them.

The foreman did not 'concoct his own theory', this was a theory firmly stated by the prosecution, it was up to the jury to decide who they believed, who & what they found credible. Since when did the Judge in the case specifically tell the jury that they could not consider MM as the aggressor? I don't remember him giving that specific instruction. And as for the bi-polar comment, this was made on the 20/20 program on the Friday night, two and a half days after the verdict was reached. Is CM suggesting that all these jury men & women locked themselves in a cave since delivering their verdict till they appeared in front of the camera on ABC. What was spoken on the Friday night was their feelings having two nights sleep and much time to research the case.

Please save me, my poor face cannot take any more slapping.
Did they think it was a health spa they were going to . I'm not sure I would believe they would make her dye her her is that true ? She didn't steal a penny sweets . She murdered her husband. These people are seriously delusional.

“It isn’t just about domestic abuse. It isn’t about the ineptitude of a rural county investigation or the prosecution preventing evidence from being presented. It isn’t even about whether they’re guilty or innocent.
“At this point, it is about every American and their right to a fair trial.”

Connor Martens alleges Molly has been 'reprimanded for walking too fast in her attempt to get exercise' on the 'rare occasions' she is allowed outside Her brother Connor Martens claims in a recent post that there is no air conditioning and no activities at the North Carolina Correctional Facility where Molly will serve her time after being found guilty alongside her father Thomas Martens of beating Limerick dad Jason Corbett to death.“Upon entering prison on August 9, she was not given shower shoes or a tooth brush for the first 9 days.
“This prevented her from showering and obviously brushing her teeth. There is no air conditioning. Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there.

I thought that odd too tbh, at the end of the day prisoner's still have human rights so it seems very unlikely that they could forcibly make someone dye their hair. IMO
Did they think it was a health spa they were going to . I'm not sure I would believe they would make her dye her her is that true ? She didn't steal a penny sweets . She murdered her husband. These people are seriously delusional.

“It isn’t just about domestic abuse. It isn’t about the ineptitude of a rural county investigation or the prosecution preventing evidence from being presented. It isn’t even about whether they’re guilty or innocent.
“At this point, it is about every American and their right to a fair trial.”

Connor Martens alleges Molly has been 'reprimanded for walking too fast in her attempt to get exercise' on the 'rare occasions' she is allowed outside Her brother Connor Martens claims in a recent post that there is no air conditioning and no activities at the North Carolina Correctional Facility where Molly will serve her time after being found guilty alongside her father Thomas Martens of beating Limerick dad Jason Corbett to death.“Upon entering prison on August 9, she was not given shower shoes or a tooth brush for the first 9 days.
“This prevented her from showering and obviously brushing her teeth. There is no air conditioning. Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there.

Little Brother doesn't seem to understand a few things. His father and his sister are two prisoners of the State of NC. They will be treated no better or worse than any other prisoner. One assumes his source for this litany of grievances is the same woman who described her birthing ordeal with SC. Enough said in that score.

I have yet to have beaten anyone brains in, so I cannot speak, from personal experience, about the living conditions in American prisons...but somehow I think her attorneys could have arranged to bring in a toothbrush if there is some shortage in the stockroom. Personally, if my choice was not bathing for eight days, or going in a communal shower, barefoot...I'd take my chances barefoot. I doubt anyone forebade her to shower. Do the other inmates have "shower shoes?" Perhaps not...perhaps they are not as dainty as MM...but then again, most of them haven't had human tissue on their pajamas either.

I'm not sure Baby Brother's snark against the yokel small town police department and jury is a smart move. I think those police officers, detectives, jury members etc can outmatch him in the "family reputation" department any day. Time to treat others with respect, something that seems an onerous task in the M Family.

As far as his pain as a sibling...feeling his sisters "agony" does he imagine TL feels. Yeah, MAYBE your sister had her hair cut...BUT her brother nad his skull crushed at least ten times, his nose broken, and his body battered.

Go look at the autopsy photos, CM. And get real.
If she was on suicide watch, which is very likely, she probably was very restricted. Brother misunderstood MC, she really said "I want to dye my hair, but they won't let me."

Long time lurker
Former NC DOC Probation Officer
Rural Davidson County Local

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If she was on suicide watch, which is very likely, she probably was very restricted. Brother misunderstood MC, she really said "I want to dye my hair, but they won't let me."

Long time lurker
Former NC DOC Probation Officer
Rural Davidson County Local

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Thank you so much! Your insight and knowledge is much appreciated.
Ihear TM was forced to dye his hair as well. Bright Pink.
Tough at the top, eh?
(this post is a lie, but I cannot stop myself)
I hope the prison staff are protected from her tantrums.
[FONT=&amp]"Upon entering prison on August 9, she was not given shower shoes or a tooth brush for the first nine days."[/FONT][FONT=&amp]"This prevented her from showering and obviously brushing her teeth. There is no air conditioning."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there. There are no activities. On rare occasions, she gets to go outside only to be reprimanded for walking too fast in her attempt to get exercise."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"Her hair has been dyed and cut against her will stripping her of any external dignity she may have had left."[/FONT]

So I've had a quick review of the prison rulebook and found the following...

We know that MM was expected to be held in 'processing' or administrative segregation for a number of weeks while she was being assessed so it is likely she is still being held here.

ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION- An assignment status that temporarily removes an inmate from the general population and places them in a single cell on a short-term basis to provide control or protection of the inmate pending final classification or disciplinary action.

On that basis it is unlikely that she has yet received her prisoner classification status and therefore is being closely monitored.

Close Custody- This custody is under armed supervision and more restrictive than Medium Custody and is for those inmates who must be closely watched because they are an escape risk,they have been convicted of a very serious crime, or their actions in prison have shown that they will not follow the rules.

Perhaps they are simply assessing her capacity to obey the rules, or perhaps her close supervision is a result of behaviours which indicate she cannot conform to the prison hierarchy?

Inmates who have no money will be given those health items needed for bodily cleanliness

Authorized Items- A list of personal property items other than clothing that inmates may have is shown below -
Toothbrushes, shaving cream, safety razors, and blades.
Inmates may possess one pair of canteen purchased tennis shoes, one pair of showershoes, and one pair of State issued work boots.

I am surprised that there has been a delay in giving her basic hygiene items as it seems to be set out so that inmates take care of their personal hygiene from the outset. Nowhere in the rules have I found anything relating to an inmates hair or rules regarding length or colour being restricted. It seems odd as there are specific regulations regarding piercings etc.

Each inmate is evaluated when they enter prison. From that evaluation decisions are made concerning programs that will be of benefit to them. Those inmates who do not have a high school education or a job skill are expected to participate in educational programs. Those inmates who have had problems related to alcohol and drug use are expected to participate in substance abuse programs. Those inmates who have trouble controlling their anger or cooperating with others can participate in counseling programs. Other programs and activities are available that provide learning opportunities, health benefits, and self-enrichment.

The Division of Prisons believes in the value of work and requires all inmates to work while in prison. The development of lasting work skills and work habits are fundamental to an inmate’s success in prison and success following release. All work performed by inmates in the Division of Prisons is meaningful and productive
Loss of one (1) privilege for a period not to exceed 1 month. These privileges include but are not limited to radio, canteen, organized sports,gym or recreational buildings, visitation, telephone, movies or other leisure time activities and privileges.

It appears that there will be many and varied activities to keep MM occupied in the future if she has been thus far denied access to these.

I am skeptical about the information being released in relation to MM's incarceration, one again TM has simply faded into the background, because 'battered wife, further victimized by the prison system' is a better sell?
"Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there." She couldn't even count to one when she was hitting her husband over her head, but now she only lost count of fainting victims after she got to 15? Careful using numbers, Connor - they highlight lies and exaggerations.
The hair dye story is odd - I hardly think prison officers are craving the opportunity to dye prisoners' hair and the logistics would be difficult, especially if you are working with a violent and dangerous prisoner. My guess is that there is some kind of hair salon there, probably run by prisoners, and poor Miss Molly was upset when her hair didn't turn out as pretty as usual. Hair cutting does sound more realistic... it's for your own good, Molly! You don't want lice!
"The defense has NO burden meaning they do not have to prove anything."

I think the Martens family took this a bit too literally. This is not a schoolyard squabble, where you can just yell back: "No I didn't - you can't prove it," and then go back into class. It's a murder trial. Molly had the right to sit there in her lovely shift dresses and say nothing, but she also had the right to speak on her own behalf, and say/ do anything she could to prove her own innocence.
You don't HAVE to prove anything, but don't complain when the other argument wins.

Anyway, if he has all this information, then she's obviously already allowed to have phone calls/ and or family visits. I wonder how Tom's going with his shower shoes and toothpaste?
Did they think it was a health spa they were going to . I'm not sure I would believe they would make her dye her her is that true ? She didn't steal a penny sweets . She murdered her husband. These people are seriously delusional.

“It isn’t just about domestic abuse. It isn’t about the ineptitude of a rural county investigation or the prosecution preventing evidence from being presented. It isn’t even about whether they’re guilty or innocent.
“At this point, it is about every American and their right to a fair trial.”

Connor Martens alleges Molly has been 'reprimanded for walking too fast in her attempt to get exercise' on the 'rare occasions' she is allowed outside Her brother Connor Martens claims in a recent post that there is no air conditioning and no activities at the North Carolina Correctional Facility where Molly will serve her time after being found guilty alongside her father Thomas Martens of beating Limerick dad Jason Corbett to death.“Upon entering prison on August 9, she was not given shower shoes or a tooth brush for the first 9 days.
“This prevented her from showering and obviously brushing her teeth. There is no air conditioning. Over 15 people have passed out in her short time there.

Just catching up, this is BRILLIANT.

Say a prayer these absolute amadáns keep talking because they are relying on a justice department and the pillars that support it to set them free, and they are talking nasty about any arm of law they come into contact with that doesn't agree with their disgusting LIE imo.

Supreme court
Sheriff dept
Judge Lee

And now the pretty nasty Silent assassin thinks her human rights are somehow being infringed in prison. Best of luck with the appeal guys hope the judge or jury has been hiding in a dark room and not listening to this mud slinging![emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Get a grip MM just get a grip ! CM and ME you should keep talking though !

Just my opinions.

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