In the statement, Ely Martens also said her sister-in-law had "very recently" been the target of an obscene phonecall where a child - not Jack or Sarah Corbett - was put on the phone to speak to her."
Just found this again this is where Ely said the phone call was not from Jc jnr . Total contradiction of the claim on ABC 20/20 when it's was said with certainty that it was Jc jnr that called . We all knew it wasn't true but here we have a Martens family member confirming . This is a prime example of how they twist the truth to suit themselves if I recall correctly at the time they were saying that the call was made by someone other than Jc jnr and that "people" (can't imagine who they were referring to) made the phone call to try and get Molly to break her bail conditions. Forward a year and with the help of ABC 20/20 it was most certainly Jc jnr . That's the thing about lies . Just like Electric sheep pointed out no visitors are allowed . So how does Cm know these things . I am assuming a phone call . So the precious time she had on the phone with her family she spent complaining instead of asking about her ill mom and how her dad was ? Selfishness is a trend with Mm that's for sure