The public sales price information of the home on Zillow is confusing. Price/tax history estimated value of the home is $350k-$360k, but it appears to have sold for only $173k on 6/19/18. (Big difference from $396k listing 11/02/17!)The house was co-owned (held in joint names) so she was entitled to 50% of the sale proceeds... I do not see that money lasting very long.
Anyone know from other sources if she truly will receive less than 1/4 of the home’s value from the shown change in pending sales price vs sold price? Or do you think the legal sale price is shown publicly so low because of some strange way of having to record it that way due to the legal situation? Or maybe the home didn’t make the expected price upon inspection? Strange.
Whichever her half ends up being, it won’t go far in covering legal bills.
a) = $198k from the 6/8/18 “pending” sale price? OR
b) = $86.5k from the lowered “sold” price.
Sad for the neighbors, especially since this house has had several owners. Hopefully someone will make new memories in that house and fill it with life again.
“Price History
06/19/18 Sold $173,000
06/08/18 Pending sale$349,900
05/16/18 Price change $349,900
11/02/17 Listed sale $396,800
05/10/11 Sold $345,000
05/08/08 Sold $325,000
09/14/06 Sold $321,500
03/22/06 Sold $43,500
Tax History
2017 $2,145-- $340,210
2016 $2,145-- $340,210
2015 $2,145-2.4% $340,210
2014 $2,197-- $343,310
2013 ---- $343,310
2012 ---- $343,310
2011 ---- $321,980”