GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Actually, I don't think you are too far off track ... Molly reminds me of my know it all sister which is how I dare to assess what she might be thinking...she has a remarkable way of creating troublesome situations where everyone involved is to blame except her...the children in my family were expected to go to college and my brothers and sister quickly joined Greek life... I however, chose to go to a small school about 30 miles from Winston Salem that has no sororities and have ever since been deemed Black Sheep of the family... I survived an abusive first marriage some 25 years ago and when my ex-husband decided to shut me up by jumping on me and suffocating me I saw my life is obviously something I will never forget...and if there had been a rock or anything within reach I would have hit him with it and kept hitting him until I was sure he was no longer a threat...however, had my Dad walked in at that moment I can't help but believe he would have done the same thing for me without's difficult to say how my Dad would have come out of the fight ... I think his fear would have caused overkill because he was no match for the ex-husband..but I'm speculating anyway... my biggest concern would be that my Dads life not be ruined for it but, I would not have been so concerned about filing for custody of my stepchildren...believe it or not IMO Molly believes that is what she had to do to show those children that she loves them... but she doesn't get it... not at all ...Did Molly know about Jason's will?...

i am very sorry for your experiences . Can I just ask a question not taking away from what happened to you . But would you have shamed your abusive husband publicly ? I am not a survivor of DV myself but my friend is and wouldn't have dared because of the repercussions of those actions .
Dear SearchIn girl, I want to take a moment and acknowledge the pain you have been through. We all bring our private histories to these cases. I wish you many blessings going forward.

It is my opinion, that we all bring our personal histories and heartaches to these pages.

I have spent a great deal of time reading MM's social media pages...though many posts have been removed over time. Here are her own words and the persona she wishes to present to the public. After many, many, readings I came to a certain set of opinions.

Much of her writings are pleas to her "children" from the standpoint of religion, morality, human kindness. She purports to be a very sensitive soul...advocating for her children and all of us to consider others with our words and actions. Molly is quite the sermonizer. I urge all of you to spend time reading what is still online.

And then consider against her words...the reality of her actions.

Let's leave the murder aside for a moment. Let's consider the treatment of the family that she KNEW loved Jason. That she KNEW would be heartsick. Let's look at that.

Many of her social media posts concern her religiosity, her Faith, hoping the children are attending church. It appears the Corbetts were regular church goers.

Why, in the name of all that she claims to hold holy, if she could not face theCorbett family...did she not ask a priest to call them to announce the horrific news of Jason's death? Why allow her Mother to blow it off in a 2 second prank call?

Why not arrange for the Corbetts to see the children for a few moments at the church with their priest? Why not? What did MM fear?

The persona she tries to project is so terribly at odds with the cruelty of so many of her actions, it is amazingly astounding.

The woman is, in my opinion, deceptive, cruel, and has a deadly sense of entitlement.

Anyone who did not give this woman 100% of everything she lusted her eyes...would be "abusive."

Some of us know the REAL difference in the way that word SHOULD be applied.

But, of course, many of you may find her to be just wonderful in every way. This is just my opinion.
i am very sorry for your experiences . Can I just ask a question not taking away from what happened to you . But would you have shamed your abusive husband publicly ? I am not a survivor of DV myself but my friend is and wouldn't have dared because of the repercussions of those actions .
Well, he was doing a pretty good job of shaming himself...but no, I didn't want anyone to know I was being treated that way... especially not my father... and within a few days a big handprint showed up on my face ... so it is possible to not have visible injuries for a few days...I hated him...
I should also add that there were children involved so I had to suppress how I really felt about things...but his actions against me were sudden and this day he snapped...
Dear SearchIn girl, I want to take a moment and acknowledge the pain you have been through. We all bring our private histories to these cases. I wish you many blessings going forward.

It is my opinion, that we all bring our personal histories and heartaches to these pages.

I have spent a great deal of time reading MM's social media pages...though many posts have been removed over time. Here are her own words and the persona she wishes to present to the public. After many, many, readings I came to a certain set of opinions.

Much of her writings are pleas to her "children" from the standpoint of religion, morality, human kindness. She purports to be a very sensitive soul...advocating for her children and all of us to consider others with our words and actions. Molly is quite the sermonizer. I urge all of you to spend time reading what is still online.

And then consider against her words...the reality of her actions.

Let's leave the murder aside for a moment. Let's consider the treatment of the family that she KNEW loved Jason. That she KNEW would be heartsick. Let's look at that.

Many of her social media posts concern her religiosity, her Faith, hoping the children are attending church. It appears the Corbetts were regular church goers.

Why, in the name of all that she claims to hold holy, if she could not face theCorbett family...did she not ask a priest to call them to announce the horrific news of Jason's death? Why allow her Mother to blow it off in a 2 second prank call?

Why not arrange for the Corbetts to see the children for a few moments at the church with their priest? Why not? What did MM fear?

The persona she tries to project is so terribly at odds with the cruelty of so many of her actions, it is amazingly astounding.

The woman is, in my opinion, deceptive, cruel, and has a deadly sense of entitlement.

Anyone who did not give this woman 100% of everything she lusted her eyes...would be "abusive."

Some of us know the REAL difference in the way that word SHOULD be applied.

But, of course, many of you may find her to be just wonderful in every way. This is just my opinion.

Wonderful in every way like Mary Poppins?...she knows better..I dare say that's why we are all angry ... It makes me wonder just how much they went to church ...because golf around there is sometimes considered church in season... I'm not catholic but since Jason was I think that sounds reasonable ... I also think my Father would have called or perhaps my Mother and she would have stayed on the line and answered questions if there was nothing that I think about it, my mother would have made me call...
Well, he was doing a pretty good job of shaming himself...but no, I didn't want anyone to know I was being treated that way... especially not my father... and within a few days a big handprint showed up on my face ... so it is possible to not have visible injuries for a few days...I hated him...

I totally understand your hatred and I totally understand how you would be embrassed/ashamed you could leave it happen . It's a slow progression in most abusive relationships . A victim of DV tries their best to please their abuser in any way they can some don't discuss it and some don't leave be it for children or finical reasons or a number of reasons unknown. My point was a victim is so frightened of their abuser they would never ever publicity humiliate them . My friend was so frightened and actually didn't really want me to pursue or document anything (I did anyway) I had guessed anyway . There are obvious signs . Her torture was daily towards the end she became a shell of the person I knew , she no longer functioned properly. What I'm sayin is there many signs which victims try to hide but those closest to us do know what's going on maybe they don't pinpoint it but they know something is amiss. I know from my friends case she would have never criticised her abuser not even between us privately never mind at a social function or indeed in front of anybody . Fear is the key for the abuser
People live in domestic and relationship disharmony, co-dependance, symbioses, violence, manipulation, lies deceit, fear .
I think some are born with a soul wound and the drama seems to need to be played out and the conditions are unconsciously created in order to fulfil the demands of the soul wound. Its an aggressive beast and it must be heard.
We can talk about it and ponder it in duality, right/wrong, good/bad and all that will ultimately serve is to bind us in the duality we wish to eschew.

There is healing available to a massive extent.
We are not our stories, we are much more.

We know from media reports that Jason was much loved by Mag's parents. They have told us this in print media.
I have been told by old people that knew him that he 'was a really nice young fellow'.
They knew him to be helpful and gentle and kind and polite, local people.
The profound soul searing violent wrench he would have suffered when his beloved Mags died would have taken such a long time to heal.
Then a predator pounced upon this wounded brave man. We know the rest.
There is no justice in that. And there never will be.

I believe Jason would have received healing, had he left her and returned to Ireland with his children.

Molly, on the other hand shows no remorse at all and in my eyes it will be very many years before she does, if she ever will.

The jury will really have to be asking themselves if they are considering her acquital whether they can be sure she will never do it again.
I would not be. No matter how much fake evidence i had piled up to review,.

DV, whether physical, mental emotional psychic or spiritual is no respecter of gender.

They are not all bad, sometimes its good to just take a decision to embrace the 3 simple words 'dont look back'
I wish you well Searching Girl, you are safe now, breathe freely
Yes photo key is on the same page. Photos are numbered 1-5 I think or maybe 1-6. Quite difficult to see the numbers as they are in black against a dark backdrop as far as I remember.
I too am very sorry for your experiences searching girl. I hope life has been kinder to you since.
I too, am so sorry for all on this forum who have suffered DV. To your credit you all appear to have emerged from it with a great deal of integrity and strength - kudos to you all. I have one question to you who have been through DV though, apart from what friends and family of JC say, why do YOU think he is unlikely to have been an abuser. I don't think he was, but it would be more relevant to identify what suggests to you he was unlikely to have been an abuser?
I too, am so sorry for all on this forum who have suffered DV. To your credit you all appear to have emerged from it with a great deal of integrity and strength - kudos to you all. I have one question to you who have been through DV though, apart from what friends and family of JC say, why do YOU think he is unlikely to have been an abuser. I don't think he was, but it would be more relevant to identify what suggests to you he was unlikely to have been an abuser?
Abusers are control freaks.
They need to own the other mind body and soul.
Those characteristics are pretty fixed in the abusive personality.
they are a given.
There is nothing we have seen, heard or read to lead us to believe he had even a smattering of those traits.
In my heart i know Jason Corbett to be a very pure soul, his energy is extraordinarily light and bright. Thats not evidence but it is my evidence because I have a supersensitive psyche for some things.
His workplace gave testimony verbally and in written form about his strengths and characteristics as a boss.
He was loved and respected.
He is still honored by that beautiful monument they erected for him, it was heartfelt and abusers tend not to receive gestures like that. It said a lot.
He was one of life's 'gentle people', they are rare but they exist.

His murder was a desecration.
Hope that helps answer your question
I totally understand your hatred and I totally understand how you would be embrassed/ashamed you could leave it happen . It's a slow progression in most abusive relationships . A victim of DV tries their best to please their abuser in any way they can some don't discuss it and some don't leave be it for children or finical reasons or a number of reasons unknown. My point was a victim is so frightened of their abuser they would never ever publicity humiliate them . My friend was so frightened and actually didn't really want me to pursue or document anything (I did anyway) I had guessed anyway . There are obvious signs . Her torture was daily towards the end she became a shell of the person I knew , she no longer functioned properly. What I'm sayin is there many signs which victims try to hide but those closest to us do know what's going on maybe they don't pinpoint it but they know something is amiss. I know from my friends case she would have never criticised her abuser not even between us privately never mind at a social function or indeed in front of anybody . Fear is the key for the abuser

"towards the end..." lost someone (besides Jason)...I'm so sorry... when you feel that fear, you cant eat, you cant sleep, it's primal... you know, sometimes I have felt like a lightweight because I survived my ordeal...but then I think about how close I came to my life being snuffed by someone who supposedly loved me and its compelling to speak out... you talk about obvious signs...I believe Jack and Sarah know what happened...they lived there and broke bread together...they know if Molly and Jason loved each other...or not... I'm staring to think this is going to come down to how far Molly pushed Jason ... and at what point did Jason push back?...I have to admit I'm really concerned about those two little souls...they are "crying in the night"...for me...IMO...
You know, Molly's FB page, while she might try to portray this as her avenue to contacting the children, with email address and phone numbers all over it, she has allowed it to continue on an open forum allowing all sorts of responses to be made. It is evident from reading some of the responses that certain replies to her posts had been deleted however she still allowed posts demonising the family to remain. This, imo, does not play well. It shows that she revels on attention but only such attention that plays with her deck. If, like a previous posters on this site said, she put up this page to show the love she had for the children and that they may read it one day, then why would she allow responses such as these are to remain.

She makes out that the Guardians broke into her house, went through all her personal possessions such as her underwear drawer however she fails to mentions that law enforcement carried out a search warrant while she was not at the property. Presumably LE would have had to break in to gain access to carry out said Warrant. She mentions the Guardians looking for such items like a golf club, she also fails to mentions that law enforcement carried out a search warrant at the golf house. She insinuates that the Guardians broke in, but she chooses not to reply or delete comments where people have slated the family for doing such an act. But hey, why let the truth get in the way of a good sob story.

The responses to her posts, where someone is expanding on the initial post, don't get any likes from her, some of the ones expressing great love for her do however. Those who are playing into her hands by expanding the conversation for her should be rather pied off as she has not even once thanked them for their efforts publicly. She choose to leave those comments up on the page. If her motive for such posts was to extend her love to the children, well she failed miserably. In one post she goes as far as saying that she told the children, when they were taken from her, that their aunt and uncle love them very much and then in another post accuses them of lying on the stand. If you read her page, particularly along with all the comments which she has allowed to remain, it does not speak of love for the children, it just screams of self preservation. It screams of someone wanting affirmation. The chit chat that she has allowed to remain on her page may have made her feel better while all this is going on but in the long run it will do her no favours.
I too, am so sorry for all on this forum who have suffered DV. To your credit you all appear to have emerged from it with a great deal of integrity and strength - kudos to you all. I have one question to you who have been through DV though, apart from what friends and family of JC say, why do YOU think he is unlikely to have been an abuser. I don't think he was, but it would be more relevant to identify what suggests to you he was unlikely to have been an abuser?
Like two ships passing in the night our posts passed each other... I just want to say that Jason was a victim of domestic violence... embrace that thought and you might find the path to justice...just sayin'
People live in domestic and relationship disharmony, co-dependance, symbioses, violence, manipulation, lies deceit, fear .
I think some are born with a soul wound and the drama seems to need to be played out and the conditions are unconsciously created in order to fulfil the demands of the soul wound. Its an aggressive beast and it must be heard.
We can talk about it and ponder it in duality, right/wrong, good/bad and all that will ultimately serve is to bind us in the duality we wish to eschew.

There is healing available to a massive extent.
We are not our stories, we are much more.

We know from media reports that Jason was much loved by Mag's parents. They have told us this in print media.
I have been told by old people that knew him that he 'was a really nice young fellow'.
They knew him to be helpful and gentle and kind and polite, local people.
The profound soul searing violent wrench he would have suffered when his beloved Mags died would have taken such a long time to heal.
Then a predator pounced upon this wounded brave man. We know the rest.
There is no justice in that. And there never will be.

I believe Jason would have received healing, had he left her and returned to Ireland with his children.

Molly, on the other hand shows no remorse at all and in my eyes it will be very many years before she does, if she ever will.

The jury will really have to be asking themselves if they are considering her acquital whether they can be sure she will never do it again.
I would not be. No matter how much fake evidence i had piled up to review,.

DV, whether physical, mental emotional psychic or spiritual is no respecter of gender.

They are not all bad, sometimes its good to just take a decision to embrace the 3 simple words 'dont look back'
I wish you well Searching Girl, you are safe now, breathe freely

thank you kitty...I really do appreciate it...I did mention it was 25 years ago didn't I?... and I guess I haven't told that he let go of killing me because no one else could was definitely the end of the marriage.. but hold on to the fact he spared my life...I moved on and have a great husband now...we live in Colorado ...and if you ever need a land survey send me a private message... when I look back on it now I would only hope to teach something to learn from a life son survived...and my stepchildren too...not without scars but as well as an anyone could's so hard to say how anyone would react when caught in a trap...
thank you kitty...I really do appreciate it...I did mention it was 25 years ago didn't I?... and I guess I haven't told that he let go of killing me because no one else could was definitely the end of the marriage.. but hold on to the fact he spared my life...I moved on and have a great husband now...we live in Colorado ...and if you ever need a land survey send me a private message... when I look back on it now I would only hope to teach something to learn from a life son survived...and my stepchildren too...not without scars but as well as an anyone could's so hard to say how anyone would react when caught in a trap...

True and great point you made in your post tp Peregrino above.. the perspective of the victim.
Sure its all well documented and and there is no shortage of literature on the subject, but you did really open the case for the prosecution extraordinarily well..
As you said, in a different way,its a unique existence.. almost like a planet orbiting nothing, just orbiting because that is what is expected of planets and they do not know what else to do.. all the other planets appear to be following a course, a direction but the abused planet is different and it cannot join with the other planets because it is aware that its existence is different, entirely different.
it is isolated because it is eroded and it stays in isolation because to face the truth of the difference could be the tipping point and might even overwhelm to death.. Like the film Midnight Express, the wheel, the centre..
It is extraordinarily awful.
But its the only starting point for the defender of Jason, in this case The State.
Only his close friends and family will really be able to provide truthful testimony on the changes they witnessed.
he didnt contribute to his own murder, though that is what his abusers would have him and us believe.
I reckon he was hurting bad, real bad, but I have a sense he no longer is.
You were right to bring it up, its been cathartic.. for some.
I do not have a clear picture or information on their day to day life.. it appears Molly medicated her trauma, real or imaginary.
I can understand him falling in love with her and I can easily understand his failure to recognise her as an abuser because he simply would not have had that experience before.
I will never understand how he stuck it as long as he did, however. Did he have hope and did despair replace the hope over time as it tends to do?
I dont believe he ever retaliated though.. as many dont. if he were to retaliate I very much doubt he would have waited for her parents to be present.
Its possible he hoped for some help from them, but it would forever have been denied. The Waltons put the Waltons first.
Victims of domestic violence just react by breathing in and out, wondering whether they will survive or die. Its shifting sands 24/7. Nothing is normal, they dare not have any expectations, when they realise that they receive a glimpse of freedom, like a prisoner looking out the windows of his cell and seeing nature..
its as basic as that.
Sorry for the long post but I got a real sense of hope when hearing of your new life.
If Jason had survived, I feel he would never have been free of them, they would have haunted his entire life. Like locusts or vampires.
Thank you for your sincerity.
I too, am so sorry for all on this forum who have suffered DV. To your credit you all appear to have emerged from it with a great deal of integrity and strength - kudos to you all. I have one question to you who have been through DV though, apart from what friends and family of JC say, why do YOU think he is unlikely to have been an abuser. I don't think he was, but it would be more relevant to identify what suggests to you he was unlikely to have been an abuser?

Yes you are right. This is not our story . What identifies to me Jason is unlikely to be the abuser is Mms own words and own actions . Her FB page as frizby said is very telling the Instagram even more so . There is an undertone in her words almost condescending. She says things without saying them ... Her hatred of Jasons family is very evident, she does not see them as victims of her actions , no empathy for their loss an elderly father and mother to bury a son at a young age because of her actions . The only loss she speaks about is her loss. It's all about her. She never mentions Jason she has said this has been advised but surely her crimes are worse than a simple mention of his name . Mollys words especially show me she is no victim she can vocalise her opinion very well without saying the actual words . She plays the game like a master chess player and her pawns move around to help her . She is smart no doubt about that but she is not a victim IMO

And she maintained that she became ill when she read the court and autopsy reports outlining how her brother died.
Speaking publicly for the first time since Mr Corbett was killed in August, Marilyn Corbett said the family are struggling to come to terms with what happened to her brother.
"The one thing that is grating on my mind is that my parents lost their son and not one single member of the Martens family has muttered the words, 'I am sorry for the loss of your son'," said Marilyn Corbett.
"None of them have said anything to express sorrow for my parents losing their son," she added.
"Not publicly, not privately. Not a letter, not a phone call.
"It is heart-breaking to see the lack of respect they had for him and my parents.
"It is hard to comprehend that someone can act that way. It is cold, it is calculated and it is heartless and those are mild words compared to what they (the Martens) actually are. There is no integrity there."


Marilyn spoke out as sources close to the family claimed that Mr Corbett was being bullied by his wife in the weeks before his death. Friends of Mr Corbett said they felt he was going to leave his wife in the US and return home to Limerick to raise his children.
His sister said it is difficult to read reports outlining how her brother died.
"I got the papers yesterday and when I saw them, I actually threw up. I was so upset," she said. "You cannot prepare yourself. You think that you can but it is impossible," she added.
"I was in shock with all of the news breaking, even though I already knew a lot of it. All of the publicity around it and going in to work (is difficult)."
Ms Corbett said the actions of the Martens family have left her own family in Limerick devastated.
"It is hard to believe that these people are so cold. That makes it so much harder to comprehend," she said.
"In their eyes, we are nothing at all. They have destroyed our family's lives," she added.
Court documents in the US show that Mr Corbett's other sister Tracey Lynch was also concerned about Ms Martens's volatile temper and friends have said that Mr Corbett was also concerned about his wife's temper.
Two days before he was killed, Mr Corbett left a social function in the US early after he became upset and annoyed at his wife jeering him about his weight.
"They were out having dinner with some friends on the Friday before he died when Molly started fat-shaming him," said the family friend.
"Jason always took it to heart and it upset him. He left Molly there that night and went home on his own. He was mortified. She used to always call him 'fat *advertiser censored*' and he never liked it."
Mr Corbett was so conscious of his weight that he had lost nearly a stone in the month before he died.
This thread is getting pretty long so I am going to open a brand spanking new on in a few minutes. I will try to pull over a few of the posts with articles currently being discussion to the new one.

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