GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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Just came across this citation in relation to Molly, for driving on an expired registration tag prior to the murder. Interesting only for the fact that she was stopped at 4.10am which seems unusual if she had two children at home to care for. (could this be a sign her insomnia had returned as described by Keith MacGinn? Could it be linked to the alleged affair?) -

Also, given that this happened in 2014, is it not unusual that she was indicted in her maiden name of Molly Martens and gave her address as her parents house in TN?

Logic-Lady great find. She was stopped in July 2014 so both JC and SC would have been on their summer holidays from school; I know very few people who feel the need to go for a drive at 4am (unless they have a very early start to their working day which is not the case here). If JC was at home would he not have realised that she had left the house, IMO this points to either him being a heavy sleeper (and would therefore in my view have no need for sleeping aids) or he was used to her being up and about at all hours of the day and night. Again this makes me question who in the house would require medical assistance in going to sleep.

I am wondering if they took the name and address details from her licence rather than asking her for them? This could explain the name and address being Martens and address in Knoxville. Although i had thought when you moved states in the US you needed to update your licence details. 3 years after moving to NC would have been a long time to still have a Tennessee drivers licence.

As far as i can tell this would have been just a few months before MM was getting legal advice on how to split with JC and get custody of the children.

I thought it might be of interest to have a fresh look at a sample chapter of Keith Maginns book. It gives an insight to MM mental state one month before she flew to Ireland to work for Jason.
The first chapter of Keith Maginn's book, Turning This Thing Around:


What the hell did we do to deserve this? That question has popped into my head a few dozen times in the past several months. I’m in a ****-hole motel somewhere in Atlanta, but it might as well be a five-star hotel compared to my fiancée’s situation: Mary is in a psych ward being treated for severe bipolar/manic depression. I just got off the phone with her. She was hysterical, begging me to sneak her Coca-Cola and muscle-relaxers.
I have no idea what to do or how much longer I can take this. Tears are streaming down my face and I am asking God, once again, for help. My life has fallen apart and I see no daylight ahead.
Mary is still furious with me about check-in night at the “rehabilitation center,” as they delicately call it. She is enraged at me because I refused to give her muscle-relaxers despite strict orders to the contrary. Weaning her off the plethora of medications she was on was the whole idea of bringing her here: sixteen prescribed meds daily and another ten to be used “as needed.” Up to twenty-six different medications a day for one person (and she weighed less than 120 lbs.)!
And they were not helping; quite the opposite, actually.
I stood firm on that first night, refusing to “help her pain” by disobeying facility commands. Mary cried and told me to leave; she said I must not really love her. I stalled for a few minutes, waiting for her to change her mind. She did not.
Hadn’t I proven time after time I would always be there, that I truly loved her and would do anything I could for her? Hadn’t I talked her out of suicide multiple times, holding her on the bathroom floor or in bed as she cried uncontrollably night after night? Didn’t I lay with her in the hospital telling her things would be better someday? And now she’s saying I don’t care and she doesn’t want me around?
So I left the building.
I went to my car to think for a few minutes. I decided to go back to Mary’s room. I asked her if she really wanted me to go. She said if I wouldn’t give her the muscle-relaxers, then I should.
I left again.
The Most Loving Thing I Could Do
sitting outside your prison
where they’re trying to figure you out
wondering why you?
why now?
what’s this crazy world all about?
Been trying to read a little
but thinking of you a lot
you’re stuck inside alone
wondering if you’ll make it or not
I keep tearing up
looking to the sky
drops smack the pavement
as I ask “oh God, why?”
I know you feel so alone
maybe someday it will make sense to you
why I didn’t give you what you asked for
that’s the most loving thing I could do
I withheld from you
what I was ordered not to give
even when you said
I should leave
there was no reason for you to live
I would give up us
my love
only if that would help you
maybe someday you will understand
that’s the most loving thing I could do.
–KM (February ’08)
Mary had been manic on the drive down from Knoxville, Tennessee, the phase of her illness when she felt indescribable euphoria. I dreaded this stage because of the devastating low that inevitably followed. And it wasn’t her; it was a fake happiness, a mirage.
She’d had these sporadic manic periods for years, often staying awake for days. Mary would finish entire novels in one sitting or jog for miles, despite rarely exercising normally. It was a fantasy-like high, as if she were on hallucinogenic drugs.
The rehab center was one highly-monitored hallway of rooms. Patients stood inert with blank expressions on their faces. Others stared at bare walls as if there were no life inside them. I could not tell what gender some of the patients were. There were odd, primal sounds coming out of several rooms.
Nearly all the patients had attempted suicide at least once, some several times. Many were in the midst of electro-shock treatments. It was a sullen, grave place, much like the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest with Jack Nicholson.
The huge difference to me, of course, was that in this real-life psych ward, my fiancée was the main character.
Mary was adamant that anyone knew the whole truth of our predicament. A great number of prejudices and stereotypes are associated with mental illness in our society and she did not want to be judged unfairly. Nor did she want pity. My friends and family eventually began to suspect something was not right, but chose not to pry. I admitted to others that Mary struggled with migraines and insomnia–which she did–but no one had a clue how serious her problems were.
In the meantime, I could feel myself slipping away. I was going down with the ship. My mind was a whirlwind of worry, sadness, confusion and anger. It was overwhelming.
I feared I was losing my mind.
Repeatedly, I asked God for help, but things kept getting worse. What did Mary do to deserve this? She was a good person–so great with kids–yet had suffered almost her entire life.
And, what did I do? I was a good person. Had I not spent years in low-paying jobs helping others instead of chasing a bigger paycheck elsewhere? And for what, so we could struggle with bills and barely afford groceries?
I often feared Mary would finally give up. She swore she could never do that to me, but she talked about it often.
We had no idea how long Mary would be at the rehab center. Thank God my boss was understanding and told me to stay as long as I needed and not worry about work right now (I only told my boss that Mary’s health was terrible and we were going to a center to help her regulate her medications). I had very little money, hence the shoddy motel. My “smoke-free” room reeked of cigarettes and had multiple burn holes in the drapes and comforter. The cleaning crew neglected to clean the shavings from the previous guest, which were still on the bathroom counter-top and in the sink. Yet compared to Mary’s circumstances, I had no right to feel sorry for myself.
After Mary asked me to leave, I drove an hour towards home before I swallowed my pride and returned to be with her. I didn’t know if she would pull through. I didn’t know if either of us would ever be “okay” again. I had no idea how we’d gotten into this mess or if we could get back out.
Visiting hours at the center were 5 to 9 pm. I spent the days reading and writing, but mostly worrying. I also passed time in a small hospital chapel next door to Mary’s facility, meditating and praying. I prayed mostly for Mary, but–for the first time in years–I also prayed for myself....

Fairness71 as someone who hasn't read the book - I may do so after the trial - are there any major flash points that are relevant to MM's behaviour whilst with JC. It has been mentioned the insomnia, I recall in the article that KM gave he mentioned lying. Is there anything else that makes you go 'hold on a second'.
Just pulling this back up here as it seems every time the Martens financials come up, the responding posts become inflammatory and so the conversation is thrown off. If the prosecution can in fact prove that TM independently had a reason why he wouldn't want Jason to leave, then I think they could prove that it was this 'frame of mind' that took over on the night rather than a fear of Jason's size. IMO
Looking into it logic lady. I think it's a great angle to look at TM financially as much as is available to us. Will post relevant finds as I go. Definitely of interest IMO.

The Martens family project a unit that very much Basque in their status in the community. IMO this comes across as a desperate need to be seen to be "keeping up with the Jones" the need for perfect children perfectly turned out, the big houses, holidays, investments church goers etc, nothing wrong with this of course only when it's perhaps "over done" to paint a picture of a very pretty lie.

Scratch the surface it ain't so pretty on a lot of fronts including daughter and parent finances

My opinions only 😊

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Another question would be great to answer is what ever became of MM strange uncle and his job?

He was being investigated. Was there any conclusion. He seemed to be right in the middle of this from the get go, strangely so.

The visits to JC office to retrieve personal belongings the day after his death. The phone calls to JC manager under the premise he was fbi.

The claims he made frantic dash and boarded plane trying to stop the lynches bringing the children home after custody ruling, again flashing the badge?

Where is uncle Mike.?


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Another question would be great to answer is what ever became of MM strange uncle and his job?

He was being investigated. Was there any conclusion. He seemed to be right in the middle of this from the get go, strangely so.

The visits to JC office to retrieve personal belongings the day after his death. The phone calls to JC manager under the premise he was fbi.

The claims he made frantic dash and boarded plane trying to stop the lynches bringing the children home after custody ruling, again flashing the badge?

Where is uncle Mike.?


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Uncle mike seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
But what if anything would he have done (could he have done) if tl and dl were on that flight?
Uncle mike seems to be another family member that thought he was above the law.
flash the badge and get what you want .or so it seems.

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Logic-Lady great find. She was stopped in July 2014 so both JC and SC would have been on their summer holidays from school; I know very few people who feel the need to go for a drive at 4am (unless they have a very early start to their working day which is not the case here). If JC was at home would he not have realised that she had left the house, IMO this points to either him being a heavy sleeper (and would therefore in my view have no need for sleeping aids) or he was used to her being up and about at all hours of the day and night. Again this makes me question who in the house would require medical assistance in going to sleep.

I am wondering if they took the name and address details from her licence rather than asking her for them? This could explain the name and address being Martens and address in Knoxville. Although i had thought when you moved states in the US you needed to update your licence details. 3 years after moving to NC would have been a long time to still have a Tennessee drivers licence.

As far as i can tell this would have been just a few months before MM was getting legal advice on how to split with JC and get custody of the children.


I wondered the same thing with the drivers licence! I thought it would have been unusual for her to produce her TN licence rather than a NC one, especially as she faced a fine for doing so (it can be as much as $250). In many cases the courts will reduce the fine on production of a valid licence but this does not seem to be the case here as the whole thing went through in her maiden name? It seems especially pertinent that she would still have a driving licence in her maiden name, given how upset she became being referred to by that in court.

I think Jason & the kids were in Ireland in the summer of 2014 but I'm not sure when...
as far as i can recall children were handed over to tl/dl on the monday they appeared in court on tues case was adjourned till thurs tl/dl/were not to remove kids from nc until decision was made on thurs it was straight after case on tues that me and mm brother bobby aka robert went straight to airport flashed badges to check plane for jc/sc incase they were been removed from nc illegally airport police intervened and would let them bord as we all know kids were in hotel and didnt leave until decision was granted to tl/dl on the thursday
Just pulling this back up here as it seems every time the Martens financials come up, the responding posts become inflammatory and so the conversation is thrown off. If the prosecution can in fact prove that TM independently had a reason why he wouldn't want Jason to leave, then I think they could prove that it was this 'frame of mind' that took over on the night rather than a fear of Jason's size. IMO
Do you remember if TM house in TN was put up for sale last year ? I thought it was but can't find listing.
The holiday home at the beach either perhaps?

Just trying to get a bigger picture here because I found this link to a property address listed is same address in Monroe MM has given before and also that Robert her brother who was arrested on DUI and child abuse as JC and SC were in the car at the time a year before JC death.

Why all the property put up on the market last year?
Yes they faced a trial but why sell 2 perhaps 3 properties ? We also have to hear prosecutions evidence about Molly transferring money to an account named M. P MARTENS AFTER Jason's death. Added to that JC concerns over her spending and the Martens mad dash to remove anything of monetary value from the property.

Something stinks here. I think the financial element in this case will play a bigger part than we thought. All roads lead back to money or lack of.

All my opinions only.

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Do you remember if TM house in TN was put up for sale last year ? I thought it was but can't find listing.
The holiday home at the beach either perhaps?

Just trying to get a bigger picture here because I found this link to a property address listed is same address in Monroe MM has given before and also that Robert her brother who was arrested on DUI and child abuse as JC and SC were in the car at the time a year before JC death.

Why all the property put up on the market last year?
Yes they faced a trial but why sell 2 perhaps 3 properties ? We also have to hear prosecutions evidence about Molly transferring money to an account named M. P MARTENS AFTER Jason's death. Added to that JC concerns over her spending and the Martens mad dash to remove anything of monetary value from the property.

Something stinks here. I think the financial element in this case will play a bigger part than we thought. All roads lead back to money or lack of.

All my opinions only.

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Mmmm. Looking at that link again it looks like a valuation. My mistake maybe....

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Uncle mike seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
But what if anything would he have done (could he have done) if tl and dl were on that flight?
Uncle mike seems to be another family member that thought he was above the law.
flash the badge and get what you want .or so it seems.

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I suspect intimidation was the goal. I would think they were sorely disappointed kids weren't on flight because they couldn't find anything to fight the Lynches with. Note to ME he shouldn't have perhaps judged the lynches by Martens standards. Ironically this would seem like something they would do. I still question was it the passports of the children he so hastily tried to get from JC office.


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Logic-Lady great find. She was stopped in July 2014 so both JC and SC would have been on their summer holidays from school; I know very few people who feel the need to go for a drive at 4am (unless they have a very early start to their working day which is not the case here). If JC was at home would he not have realised that she had left the house, IMO this points to either him being a heavy sleeper (and would therefore in my view have no need for sleeping aids) or he was used to her being up and about at all hours of the day and night. Again this makes me question who in the house would require medical assistance in going to sleep.

I am wondering if they took the name and address details from her licence rather than asking her for them? This could explain the name and address being Martens and address in Knoxville. Although i had thought when you moved states in the US you needed to update your licence details. 3 years after moving to NC would have been a long time to still have a Tennessee drivers licence.

As far as i can tell this would have been just a few months before MM was getting legal advice on how to split with JC and get custody of the children.


There is no way MM could have gained custody of the children. She would have to prove that the biological parent was unfit but that would be a long road. Pretty telling that JC said no to her previous requests for adopting the children. JMO, looks he knew deep down something was not right with her. Honestly, I think MM used JC to get to his children. That was her sole purpose to gain her dream. I stated yesterday it would be an interesting read regarding any physc evaluation on her. MOO
There is no way MM could have gained custody of the children. She would have to prove that the biological parent was unfit but that would be a long road. Pretty telling that JC said no to her previous requests for adopting the children. JMO, looks he knew deep down something was not right with her. Honestly, I think MM used JC to get to his children. That was her sole purpose to gain her dream. I stated yesterday it would be an interesting read regarding any physc evaluation on her. MOO
Good points. Psych evaluation plus the autopsy IMO will be more telling than anything. Hopefully there is one brought forward at trial. Her lawyers did state in court at one of the hearings that she had been off all meds for a considerable amount of time. Leads me ask, maybe she was buying meds online?. We will know soon hopefully.


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Fairness71 as someone who hasn't read the book - I may do so after the trial - are there any major flash points that are relevant to MM's behaviour whilst with JC. It has been mentioned the insomnia, I recall in the article that KM gave he mentioned lying. Is there anything else that makes you go 'hold on a second'.
It's a while since I read his book, but my initial reaction after reading it was how I felt there were so many similarities in Keith's & Jason's experiences with MM, like she had a pattern. She met Keith online (she also met Jason online) a month after dating she asked Keith to move in with her. He thought she was sweet, a free spirit. She only told him of her bipolar/mania after he moved in. How long before she "moved in" on Jason I don't know. She only told Jason about her conditions as they moved to America. Keith was getting over a long term relationship where his girlfriend of 6 years suddenly left him. He too was grieving, a vulnerable man like Jason was. Keith said things changed very quickly & her depression took over. She had this all her life & insomnia too. Keith said MM would curl up in a ball & rock herself, not get out of bed all day. She told lots of lies. I have heard in NC she also stayed in bed a lot of the time, refusing to get up. And we know she lied a lot to neighbours re being Sarah's birth mother too. Keith said he never knew which Molly would be there when he got home. They had explosive arguments. With Jason, there are witness accounts to how volatile MM was in front of family & her treatment of Jack. Hostess one minute, dishing out punishment the next. Keith spoke of how he had to talk her out of suicide on multiple occasions. IMO if Jason tried to leave her she would use suicide as a threat. She was very controlling & insisted Keith got engaged to her to prove his love for her. MM insisted Jason got engaged to her to prove his love & show she was more then the au pair. She got pregnant with Keith's baby, even though she swore to him she was using contraceptives. He said she felt having children would "fix" her, make her happy, that's all she wanted. She had a miscarriage, Keith was relieved as she was so heavily medicated and felt neither were ready to be parents. They could not look after themselves. If children was all she wanted, then Jason was the perfect package with a toddler & a baby. Keith was a vulnerable man also, but he put her first. She isolated him by insisting he didn't tell any of his family & friends about her problems which led him to a nervous breakdown. MM insisted she would be happier in America, thus isolating Jason & his kids from his family & friends. Like with Keith she was happy for awhile, until she wasn't. Keith and Jason's paths blur about 3 weeks after MM left the psychiatric unit of which she was an inpatient. She told Keith she wanted to move to Ireland. He said we have no money, we can't just leave. She left without him, said she would be gone for a week or two. She didn't contact him for 3 weeks and broke off their engagement via email. So begs the question did her parents fund her trip? Maybe Jason did? we know he funded the holidays, cruises etc SM & TM took with them. We know he had a generous nature. Or did TM & SM finally want MM out of their hair, maybe they found her an embarrassment, maybe they wanted to "fix" things for her. Either way they left their unstable daughter travel to another continent to care for two babies. After Keith Maginns encounter with Molly Paige Martens he was left a broken man. After Jason Corbett's encounter with Molly Paige Martens he was left dead. The question is, did her parents "fix" this too.

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It's a while since I read his book, but my initial reaction after reading it was how I felt there were so many similarities in Keith's & Jason's experiences with MM, like she had a pattern. She met Keith online (she also met Jason online) a month after dating she asked Keith to move in with her. He thought she was sweet, a free spirit. She only told him of her bipolar/mania after he moved in. How long before she "moved in" on Jason I don't know. She only told Jason about her conditions as they moved to America. Keith was getting over a long term relationship where his girlfriend of 6 years suddenly left him. He too was grieving, a vulnerable man like Jason was. Keith said things changed very quickly & her depression took over. She had this all her life & insomnia too. Keith said MM would curl up in a ball & rock herself, not get out of bed all day. She told lots of lies. I have heard in NC she also stayed in bed a lot of the time, refusing to get up. And we know she lied a lot to neighbours re being Sarah's birth mother too. Keith said he never knew which Molly would be there when he got home. They had explosive arguments. With Jason, there are witness accounts to how volatile MM was in front of family & her treatment of Jack. Hostess one minute, dishing out punishment the next. Keith spoke of how he had to talk her out of suicide on multiple occasions. IMO if Jason tried to leave her she would use suicide as a threat. She was very controlling & insisted Keith got engaged to her to prove his love for her. MM insisted Jason got engaged to her to prove his love & show she was more then the au pair. She got pregnant with Keith's baby, even though she swore to him she was using contraceptives. He said she felt having children would "fix" her, make her happy, that's all she wanted. She had a miscarriage, Keith was relieved as she was so heavily medicated and felt neither were ready to be parents. They could not look after themselves. If children was all she wanted, then Jason was the perfect package with a toddler & a baby. Keith was a vulnerable man also, but he put her first. She isolated him by insisting he didn't tell any of his family & friends about her problems which led him to a nervous breakdown. MM insisted she would be happier in America, thus isolating Jason & his kids from his family & friends. Like with Keith she was happy for awhile, until she wasn't. Keith and Jason's paths blur about 3 weeks after MM left the psychiatric unit of which she was an inpatient. She told Keith she wanted to move to Ireland. He said we have no money, we can't just leave. She left without him, said she would be gone for a week or two. She didn't contact him for 3 weeks and broke off their engagement via email. So begs the question did her parents fund her trip? Maybe Jason did? we know he funded the holidays, cruises etc SM & TM took with them. We know he had a generous nature. Or did TM & SM finally want MM out of their hair, maybe they found her an embarrassment, maybe they wanted to "fix" things for her. Either way they left their unstable daughter travel to another continent to care for two babies. After Keith Maginns encounter with Molly Paige Martens he was left a broken man. After Jason Corbett's encounter with Molly Paige Martens he was left dead. The question is, did her parents "fix" this too.

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Great post and very interesting comparisons between Keith and Jason. Also interesting is the contrast between the image MM portrayed of herself on her facebook page and the accounts made by mutual friends , Keith and Jasons family members . Although at times there was an undertone of anger and snide remarks in particular anything to do with Jasons family . I wonder why MM felt the need to portray herself as perfect .? I assume it was legal advice she received .
Actually the reason I remember the house is because it wasn't put up for sale till after Brian Shipwash made his ruling . I remember thinking that strange at the time . Up until then everything had been held in trust by the trustworthy lawyers for the Martens . We see again Mollys failure to comply with the order
Maybe it's because we don't have access to a lot of DA case but it's frustrating this order and ME investigation into his interference have just disappeared from the radar. Imo. Hoping we will see a lot more info come to life in 12 days time.

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Jason and the kids were in Ireland August 2014 without MM
Thats really telling added to her run in with the law. History suggests she was probably I a state, angry that they were home. Another Keith Mcginn moment perhaps.

Makes me wonder what those kids suffered on a daily basis witnessing the highs and lows of MM.


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