GUILTY NC - Kathleen Peterson, 48, found dead in her Durham home, 9 Dec 2001

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Can someone please refresh my memory.....what do you mean when you say MP's tag was removed?

his tag wasn't removed, he requested for it to be removed and the Judge denied him, he can still flee even if he is tagged, but I don't think he will

he got the biggest break ever when the crime lab was shown to be incompetent, unprofessional and just a big old mess, he is a free man who never in a million years expected to be free, I imagine he expected to die in jail,

now he is involved in the very long tortuos process of trying to resolve the mess,
this is UNBELIEVABLE :banghead:

I've been following this case from the beginning but I had no idea this happened,it's simply unbelievable....if this was not a case where it was OBVIOUS what happened then I don't know ....what happens to the justice system lately?will they release Jeffrey MacDonalds next?UNBELIEVABLE!!!I am SO disappointed!
I remember when I heard about how they proved he was lying about the wine....everything about this crime is so darn clear and obvious,the evidence is so strong!I just can't believe ANOTHER murderer will probably walk!Amazing!
The prosecution's theory seems to contend that while in the kitchen, Peterson took out one or two wine glasses and poured wine down the sink, perhaps to create evidence underscoring that he and his wife had been drinking heavily, which might explain her fall.

this is just one of the things that made me go hmmm back then...
A documentary on the Michael Peterson case, "The Staircase," is being shown on the Sundance Channel. Unfortunately, it seems to be from the perspective of the defense. The first episode of what I think is an 8-episode documentary is available on the Sundance channel for free:
Kerry Sutton, a member of Peterson's defense team, suggested Thursday that there might not be another trial.

"I believe we might be able to come to some sort of a resolution that is something short of a trial and put an end to this," Sutton said, declining to elaborate whether a plea deal could be negotiated.


oh nononononono,no deal....please....not in this case!!!!!!!!!:please::furious:
He was pretty stupid to claim it was an accident ,he had better chances with pushing the "an intruder did it" theory...but that's what happens with people like this who like to claim they know it all and they are convinced they can always fool everybody else....
quite simple, he beat her to death, with what I don't know, I have thought that he may have bashed her head against the stair or the wall as well as used some thing as a weapon,but that's just a theory

to me it was just another domestic murder where one spouse kills another over money, jealousy, not happy in the marriage or the many other reasons that people murder over,

I just can't square all that blood up the walls with a simple fall down the stairs, or with the idea that an owl attacked her and left one feather as its calling card,

then add in his presence at a similar event where Elizabeth Ratcliff was found also supposedly having fell down the stairs and the common denominator to both events was MP,

but he will now be a free man, and maybe there will be a new trial, the judges comments to me were very telling when he appeared to be asking the DA if she really felt there was a case to now answer

we shall see what happens, but for now MP is soon to be a free man and is innocent in the eyes of the law

I just watched “The Staircase” and found the Peterson murder and trial interesting.
My preliminary take away on this “old case” was that Peterson certainly committed the murder of his wife.
The cluster of scalp wounds resulting from a downward tumble on the staircase is simply implausible. My hunch is that if you simulated a fall down those stairs you would never see such a wound pattern. The defense team made a big deal of the fact that no brain injury was found in the deceased and that respecting the entire history of criminal head assaults in North Carolina there was NO instance of absence of brain injury. This contention is an irrelevant red herring.
Absence of brain contusion edema or subarachnoid hemorrhage merely means Peterson did not hit his wife’s head hard enough. That is all that can be inferred. The scalp was scraped contused and abraded. The skull was in tact. This constellation of facts in no way exculpates Peterson.
What I don’t know is the mechanism of death of Mrs Peterson. Peterson obviously assaulted the lady and attempted a clean up by wiping up all the blood located on the steps and floor. The blood splatter on the wall does indicate blows to the scalp. I wonder if Peterson strangled her? ? Autopsy findings regarding neck and cricoid bone?? I wonder if Peterson waited for her to simply exsanguinate. A substantial amount of time passed between the assault and Peterson’s utterly bogus 911 call.

Also based on the scenes found in “The Staircase” the German crime investigation in the 80s appears completely botched. An examiner performing a lumbar puncture at the German crime scene??? Are you kidding me???
Michael Peterson appears as smug, dismissive, arrogant, and entitled. The paid medical expert “ media *advertiser censored*” that show up at all high profile trials –Casey Anthony, OJ Simpson - are disgraceful. These pompous experts should be permanently banned from profiteering at these media events.
There was a new staircase documentary on MP shown on TV in England last night, it caught up with the case whilst he was still in prison and followed him from hearing about Deaver and being granted a new hearing to the hearing and his release, and interviewing him post release,

all 4 children who supported him during first trial are still supporting him, Caitlin was only featured in old footage,

it also showed Rudolph and MP discussing what will happen next and MP did not seem averse to an Allford plea or a no contest plea,

I think there will be a plea deal and he will never be retried
a picture says more than a thousand words.........


she didn't fall....nor was she attacked by an owl.....and IIRC the evidence showed that someone (NO,NOT the owl!!!) was trying to clean the blood up!
Thanks for my morning ...:what:

I can not believe he is out of jail. I just hope this trial is issue free so he can go back quickly. Looking at all I have seen in this case, Watching through the first trial, seeing the evidence, I just am sick.

I need to research and find out what it was they said was errors that let him out. ugh.
his defence team sounded SO ridiculous...why was the scene so bloody?well,she fell,then she got up, then she fell again...are you serious?and how they said she got all those wounds(scalp) from one she fell on her right,her left AND her back,at the same time,right?

this manipulating,lying,arrogant,self-centered piece of $%^# needs to be sent back to jail where he belongs....I've followed many many cases but this is one of the very few that I am 100% sure about ,he DID IT.and he will do it again if he's free...he's a toxic selfish cold psycho.

pls excuse my language but this man makes my blood boil!
Never marry a man with the last name Peterson. Nuff said.

FYI. At work she did not use the name "Peterson" but went by the name of "Atwater."

I appreciate the folks on the forum who continue to post updates on this case. Alternative theories to the one which convicted Peterson originally don't seem plausible to me.

I feel sorry for Kathleen's daughter Caitlin and her sister Candace to have to go through this all over again.
there will be programme on Dateline about the case on Friday at 8pm

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