Everyone please go to the link below & carefully listen to what the reporter & D say.
The reporter says....D told reporter that K would've died anyway.....even if she'd been found hours earlier!!! Are ya kiddin me????
I went back and watched again. In introducing the interview Larry Stogner says that right before finding her sister injuried, D hears footsteps in the house. Then Ed Crump says that police are going to be taking a look at this contention, almost implying that this is the first that police heard this statment.
Then D speaks and says she heard footsteps she says, "I knowed somebody was in the house." What? Why wouldn't that be the first thing you would say when you called 911? Wouldn't you say. Someone is in this house! I just heard footsteps. Please send help! My sister is hurt! The intruder may still be inside! I'm locked in the room with her! I think that would be logical.
This is really sad. I can't see a way out for her at this point.