NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #3

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Its fine Prancy - if the link was not okay, it would come up with asteriks.

Ok- I was walking with one of my friends today who is a super sleuth. Here's another possiblity to what happened that night. What if some people who worked at GG (busboys, dishwashers, waitstaff) were using JG's house as a place to go do drugs while he was out of town for weeks at a time. We know JG was a regular at GG, so people who worked there probably knew his comings and goings. It's well known that people in the resturant business sometimes are into recreational drugging like coke etc. GG is literally a hop, skip and jump away from JG's house up the path. It is a likely scenerio that someone went into the house thru the unlocked door to go do their drugs that they left there (maybe in the bedroom) and walked in on KT, and freaked out. That would explain the ONE hit, the potiential AGE of the perp if the profiler is right, the time of night it might have happened, and the random person running up or down the stairs. I am not sold on the rape...Was she definately raped, or just sexually assaulted? Or maybe he was already high and then tried to rape her or did rape her and then freaked out after he realized what he'd done and that he might get caught for that....just some thoughts. And D, in her potiential drinking or drugging, can't remember anything or is confused bc of memory blackouts? But, lots of her story still doens't add up to me...
If it was personal, then why decide to kill her when she is in Raleigh and when there is a witness around?

Does anyone know her setup in Greenvilee? Did she live in a gated community, have an alarm system, other people residing with her? Just curious as to why a planned murder would wait until she is was out of town. How likely is it that many people would have known of her plans for the weekend.

She lived by herself in a very, very nice townhouse/condo type community. I would say it is the nicest type community in G'ville. They are expensive and other single, older women also live there. I know her neighbor is a female, widowed phyisician. I don't know if she had an alarm system or not. I do know that one of her daughters, PF, lives in G'ville, and she has 3 young sons. KT spent a lot of time with that family and with her grandsons. She was extremely active in their lives and with them all the time.
RE: Post 552

Sure sounds like a lot of activity in an otherwise "quiet" neighborhood.
The Raleigh location would probably provide easier access to KT than her Greenville home. Of course, who knew she was there? They would have to determine who knew she was there or if she was likely to be there. I'm just not sure how someone outside her close circle of friends and family would have known she was going to be there. It's not the kind of thing you broadcast usually, although, you do usually know the dates WELL in advance. I think mine was scheduled 3 months in advance.

I would like to know if she made phone calls to anyone during her stay there.

Will the autopsy reveal where the male DNA came from, assuming it was on her body? And when should we expect it to become public?
(clipped) As I stated upthread, I think it is logical to think that the prosecutors have had a pow wow with witnesses and asked them to keep their thoughts to themself, in anticipation of the trial. While most are doing that, some have not. I have no explanation for that.

A possible explanation is that investigators are letting the potential perp or perps have enough rope to hang themselves...just a thought. With so many crazy stories and pieces to this puzzle, maybe the perp will unwittingly answer some of the questions by talking too much.
The Raleigh location would probably provide easier access to KT than her Greenville home. Of course, who knew she was there? They would have to determine who knew she was there or if she was likely to be there. I'm just not sure how someone outside her close circle of friends and family would have known she was going to be there. It's not the kind of thing you broadcast usually, although, you do usually know the dates WELL in advance. I think mine was scheduled 3 months in advance.

I would like to know if she made phone calls to anyone during her stay there.

Will the autopsy reveal where the male DNA came from, assuming it was on her body? And when should we expect it to become public?

The NCME autopsy report should detail any evidence of sexual assault....bruising, tearing, ect. Any male DNA found would have been collected with the rape kit at Wake Med while she was still alive and processed by CCBI.
The NCME autopsy report should detail any evidence of sexual assault....bruising, tearing, ect. Any male DNA found would have been collected with the rape kit at Wake Med while she was still alive and processed by CCBI.

And when might we expect that to be released, again?
I hope they are combing that wooded area that goes out in front of the house. On a Friday night there could have been teenagers doing drugs out there or even a gang who saw two women there alone. It could have even been a gang initiation. There may be telltale signs or even a murder weapon in those woods.

Maybe some of the neighbors on here could tell us if that wooded area is large enough for a perp to get lost in or whether it connects to another street in the neighborhood. The woods just seem to be a great place to hide if you're up to no good.
New here, this is my first post. Wow, I've spent the past couple of days catching up reading all the posts. I have been engrossed by this case and it is interesting, to say the least, to read everyone's ideas. Wonder if a resolution will come.
New here, this is my first post. Wow, I've spent the past couple of days catching up reading all the posts. I have been engrossed by this case and it is interesting, to say the least, to read everyone's ideas. Wonder if a resolution will come.

When Stephanie Bennett was raped and murdered in Raleigh, most forgot the chill of the reality and moved on. Thankfully, RPD solved it almost 3 years later with the clever arrest of Drew Planten.

Most murders are not complicated. The complicated part is bringing in the killer and seeing justice performed. We can say "what if, what if" till doomsday, and it still won't solve the crime. This was a disorganized killer. He made a mess and left his own DNA behind. A beginner. Probably didn't mean to go as far as he did. Might have taken some drugs, sloppy enough to leave plastic bag corners behind. Was in a hurry to leave. Didn't take anything. Panicky. May have started out just sneaking and peeping, saw an opportunity with a groggy woman he thought would not wake up. Let's hope he is caught soon.:twocents:
I hope they are combing that wooded area that goes out in front of the house. On a Friday night there could have been teenagers doing drugs out there or even a gang who saw two women there alone. It could have even been a gang initiation. There may be telltale signs or even a murder weapon in those woods.

Maybe some of the neighbors on here could tell us if that wooded area is large enough for a perp to get lost in or whether it connects to another street in the neighborhood. The woods just seem to be a great place to hide if you're up to no good.

If there were a gang hanging around, it would REALLY stand out. I guess it is possible that a small group of people could have been hanging around in the woods. There is a flood plain area, kind of like a field, that I understand is owned jointly by the JG-side Cartier owners and the neighbors from an adjoining neighborhood. But to get there you would either have to go through someone's backyard or cross a big creek. And anything like loud partying would be noticed by some neighbor.
Thanks Salem:clap:
I think talking about some of the sister's apparent personal issues has translated into a vicious witch hunt, implying she must somehow be involved.

I don't think any of us could withstand such scrutiny, including me...Let's face it, we all have problems, or what would be perceived as a problem by the general the right circumstances, almost anything we say or do could be turned into "evidence of wrongdoing" should one of our acquaintances turn up dead. Based on the little information we had at the outset, i sure rushed to judgment. However the more we know about this case, the more we see that there is more than one victim here.
I hope they are combing that wooded area that goes out in front of the house. On a Friday night there could have been teenagers doing drugs out there or even a gang who saw two women there alone. It could have even been a gang initiation. There may be telltale signs or even a murder weapon in those woods.

Maybe some of the neighbors on here could tell us if that wooded area is large enough for a perp to get lost in or whether it connects to another street in the neighborhood. The woods just seem to be a great place to hide if you're up to no good.

I'm pretty sure they have been doing least at the beginning. I have some friends that live pretty far up the road in the neighborhood, and they had detectives knocking on their door asking them if they could look in their yards and big city trash cans for "unknown objects." Seems like the RPD has silently been covering their bases.
I'm a new poster on WS. have been watching this site since finding it online. have met K long ago & have friends who knew her -so interested watching all the theories. IMO my theory is this .. think it's probable is a mixture of theories
--D went out to get groceries, ended up drinking at GG, picked someone up from GG or could have even been HT parking lot when keys locked inside & needing help -& brought this perp home from either- partied well into the night either leaving car at HT or driving it home. either doesn't matter & time line here wouldn't matter exactly if one of these following happened:
1-D could have come home on (foot /or car) w perp...(earlier or later) after a (few toddys or many).... then checks nominally on K when coming in or after partying for a few hours at the house (either)..... then parties until passed out (baggies & beer bottles) possibly using Ks recovering drug stash - so we are talking here possibly an almost lethal mixture...alcohol,Crk or M(baggies) &/or who knows could have been slipped the date rape drug by perp?? mixture here of all or some?? enough to put one into a drug induced stupor & pass out.(D) whois already inclined to being in that stupor anyway.
2--so perp whomD brings home from HT or GG /or follows her home/or who is there when she comes home... either parties w/her- then party eventually turns into more --Sex drugs & rock & roll. D in a stupor & eventually passing out. Perp then finishing off K taking a whak & a snak(rape) & stealing car keys then driving D's car from front driveway off to HT (back to his car).... & takes off. blowing out of there...gone forever. No cameras in parking lot thus nothing captured on camera. Perp gets away scot free. leaving D holding the bag. (no memory of anything)so---that would explain why groggy foggy spacey D - when calling 911 thought &said her car was in the driveway & seemed to not really "get" what had just happened to K. then as her head eventually began to clear-- began to realize little by little what the perp she invited in had done. that is when she began to talk to paramedics & hospital sayin' - "could have been raped" , "may have possibly seen someone...."
- that would also explain why LE looked for perp & found camera footage inside one of the locations near where the car was left (either that eve or next morning)

i read it all over again....
What about the golf clubs confiscated? Murder weapon? There was no garage so the clubs were just sitting around somewhere in the house. The perp would have had to turn on a light to find them, so maybe that's where the light socket assembly comes in.
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