NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JTF, it sure sounds like Jason Williford - tall and thin (in the HT video). But what time was it and what was he doing at HT? Does anyone know if the video was inside or outside the store? Why would a man carry a messenger bag inside a HT store - you don't see many men carrying these bags except in airports or schools.
JTF, it sure sounds like Jason Williford - tall and thin (in the HT video). But what time was it and what was he doing at HT? Does anyone know if the video was inside or outside the store? Why would a man carry a messenger bag inside a HT store - you don't see many men carrying these bags except in airports or schools.

Must be inside, cause HT has no outside video at this store.
It was not clear what time this was.
D had said she went to HT late afternoon to buy food for dinner and ended up walking home due to locking the keys in her car.
I'm at the WRAL site but don't see any place to watch a live feed. CAn someone direct me?

Also, WRAL has an article up that says the hardest part (for the son) was thinking about KT lying there unconscious for so long. And that he hated seeing the aunt being drug through the mud - that they knew she didn't have anything to do with it. 2PM, there should be a box in 'todays video' and a banner saying "Live-watch now' iirc, across the top of page
1- Random
2- No other 'person of interest' or other suspect
3- No cooperation from JW...sounds like DNA was taken w/o his knowledge?
4- No tips..just good police work
5- 1st suspect...just a very few days ago
6- DNA helped in the case
7- Checkpoints around the time of crime....before or after midnight (vague)
8- They are looking at prior criminal record now
9- He is not a suspect in other cases
10- Did not know yet if the video was him
Thanks JTF. I wasn't able to watch because it says I don't have the right media player............yet I got the whether report? :rolleyes:


PS.........I see he's not cooperating. Oh well, DNA does NOT lie.
I hope DNA plays a BIG part in this. Did they say anything about his lawyer yet? Wonder who would take this evil one's case.
I hope DNA plays a BIG part in this. Did they say anything about his lawyer yet? Wonder who would take this evil one's case.

Unless his parents retain one for him, they won't have a choice. They will be appointed by the court. It will definitely be a high profile case.

Someone please remind me. Why did the guy in the HT video arouse the suspicion of LE?

Reporter in PR directly asked about the timeline. LE realizes the problem and are avoiding dealing with D's statement on time. Best to leave it to prosecutors to figure it out later before trial.

They also deny any connection between D and Defendant. They must be sure. Must have it by polygraph.

If Def. is not cooperating, then I guess they just let him sit and wait all those hours in custody. That would be a long time to just sit and deny guilt.
Ya'll need to go buy Amada lamb's new book...Evil next door (murder/rape in Raleigh)
Sounds like RPD used the same tactic of getting DNA from a possible neighborhood suspect using 'creative means'.
I'm glad they got that out there that there's no connection between the suspect and D. I hope everyone runs with it and places D right where she belongs, a victim.


Thanks JTF, maybe I will look for Amanda's newest book. I know during the Nancy Cooper case I read her other book, "Deadly Dose." It was very good. fran
That is certainly a possible scenerio that would explain the late morning footsteps, however, you must be VERY bold to go back to a scene like that, plus it being daylight. You would be taking further risk at being indentified.

Prancy: Yes Bold..... I once read a book about serial killers. each chapter was a profile of a different one - dahmer, etc..& each chapter went into the perps childhood & how they were treated by family usually their mother & what contributed to their odd completely "off" thought processes. it was an amazing read -cant remember the exact title. however I came to the conclusion that I could NOT EVEN REMOTELY Identify with THEIR Thinking in any way possible. so take the case of JW -- not a serial killer that we know of - the inklings of it if left unfound or uncaught... but someone who would go to great lengths & kill another or seriously injure. Add in one who sacked an already wrapped in gauze person. once again, we cannot even go there in our thought processes, because it is perhaps only the "abnormal brain" or stunted psyche that could even do something such as this or even fathom it.

So with that in mind, add drugs & throw in a little alcohol & possibly a bit of meth, & some of KTs drugs for good measure. add that to an "off" human & you have a molotov human species

So while doubtful that we would even be able to identify with someone who could do such a thing, it seems reasonable that the person having done such a crime -- as brain defogs would say to himself :waitasec:"oh ****" "what did I do.??" "better check back to see if I can clean up any evidence." I would guess that drive would be so intense that the perp would do anything to keep from getting caught. so take very very early morning hours (doubtful 9:30 timeline)... but early early morning hours.....perp sneaks in & check for cop cars.... none. checks for noises or commotion.... none. Hey coast is clear...... "Gotta do it .... gotta do it...... Ok here we go." Seems plausable to me.
I knew this guy. I work as an electrician in Raleigh and he worked at a company that I worked at a while back. He is also the band leader of The Authority. Saw earlier in the thread that there was some confusion as to whether that was 2 different people. He told me he kind of had a drinking problem when we worked together but I never got any vibe that he would do something like this.
On another note, kinda feel really sorry for D. would guess if she has had issues in the past, her future doesn't look too good either. I would hate to have that feeling on my back....."could I have done this or that differently" it would always be a little voice talking. in the picture she gave the interview from the back seemed like she was kind of vibrating /shaking a bit& just seemed to be really affected. I have been upset for the past month thinking she did not take care of her sister correctly & was irresponsible but if she wasn't right, she should never have been put in such a position of such responsibility. hopefully the family will help her w arranging for some of the best counselors to see her thru. I would hate to see her become another casualty of this shocking unfolding drama.
I knew this guy. I work as an electrician in Raleigh and he worked at a company that I worked at a while back. He is also the band leader of The Authority. Saw earlier in the thread that there was some confusion as to whether that was 2 different people. He told me he kind of had a drinking problem when we worked together but I never got any vibe that he would do something like this.

Welcome Skiokosho- thanks for the post. do you remember anything else about his personality that stood out??? would be interesting to know more about him. what was he like, do you remember. did you meet him?? did he seem normal.??
He was wearing a swim suit.
It was very warm today...perhaps he was arrested w/o a shirt?
Makes sense to me.

JTF - dead on! He was arrested in a campground at Jordan Lake --probably just took him wearing what he was wearing --a swim suit.
I knew this guy. I work as an electrician in Raleigh and he worked at a company that I worked at a while back. He is also the band leader of The Authority. Saw earlier in the thread that there was some confusion as to whether that was 2 different people. He told me he kind of had a drinking problem when we worked together but I never got any vibe that he would do something like this.

So this is him?

Jason Williford’s Education

ITT Technical Institute
2008 — 2010

College of Electronics Technology
A.S. degree , Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology


So he just got his A.S. degree and could have made his life better.
Instead, he destroyed the lives of many.
Welcome Skiokosho- thanks for the post. do you remember anything else about his personality that stood out??? would be interesting to know more about him. what was he like, do you remember. did you meet him?? did he seem normal.??

Welcome, Shiokosho! And I wonder about his relationships with women. Was he in a relationship when you knew him? Am curious to know any info about that, given this heinous crime against a woman.
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