GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

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"He's controlled, he's respectful..."

ORLY?????? Frack you lady. Twice. Newsflash: ONCE an alcoholic, ALWAYS an alcoholic.
The sound isn't sync'd with the video on my computer. Anyone else experiencing this with theirs?

ETA: Okay it is sync'd on WRAL but not sync'd on the ABC feed.
The simple reality is even if the jury gives JW the DP, he's not going to be executed for decades, if ever. It would mostly be in name only. He will more likely die from natural causes than state execution. Either way, his death, whenever it is, will be much more gentle and kind than his victim's.

That's why I think the DP is worse for the victims. Because it's a never-ending cycle of revisiting the decision, and always hanging over their heads.

I do wonder whether JW will appeal if he receives LWOP, or will he just accept the consequences. I would hope the latter; I am probably naive.
That may be that it's worse for the victims. It's out of their hands though. It's the state's case and it's up to that jury of 12. Feeling sorry for the victim's family should not enter into their decision. I know that's a hard thing to separate, but the law doesn't include feelings about or towards the families.
That may be that it's worse for the victims. It's out of their hands though. It's the state's case and it's up to that jury of 12. Feeling sorry for the victim's family should not enter into their decision. I know that's a hard thing to separate, but the law doesn't include feelings about or towards the families.

It sort of does though, since one of the mitigating circumstances deals with the defendant's family's feelings for him, as per the female prosecutor this morning. Which is wrong, imo. Of course his family loves his sorry azz - so did KAthy's :(
Driver is making this about the parents and grandmother and their feelings. As Saacks said, the ONLY reason any of them are facing this in the first place is because of what JW did. It was his choice. The jury already decided he was guilty of 1st degree murder--premeditated. Of course JW's family feels awful. But they feel awful for JW and themselves and their own loss...haven't seen them feel awful for KT and her family.

This is not a good argument, IMHO.
The simple reality is even if the jury gives JW the DP, he's not going to be executed for decades, if ever. It would mostly be in name only. He will more likely die from natural causes than state execution. Either way, his death, whenever it is, will be much more gentle and kind than his victim's.

Absolutetly, right, Madeleine!

Further, this jury will be given as long as they need (within reason) to decide the defendant's fate. Remember, jury, that it took about 1 minute for the defendant to decide how long the rest of Kathy's life would last.
And now the 23/1 LIE.

It's a fabrication that he'll be in his cell for 23 hrs a day with LWOP. No he won't!

How exactly did JW get to that closet where he hid his homemade winemaking as one of his infractions if he was in his cell for 23 hrs a day? Answer: he wasn't in his cell! He was given some access to something outside his cell where he was able to access that closet!

I don't like when lies are told as a way of making argument.

Kurtz did the same thing during his closing in the Cooper case. Said Brad would be left "to rot in a dungeon in a tiny cell." And we know he's got more freedom than he did while he was in the Wake County jail! A prison job for several hours a day, plays some kind of sport with other prisoners, works out, reads, heck the prisoners get something special once a month or so (Taco Bell, pizza, etc.).


:pullhair: Pleeeeeeze, make it stop!!!!!
Crap, I thought Conner had already had his turn. I was thinking the defense was finished with their groveling. I will now load the dishwasher.
WHAAAAAAAT?!?!? Jailhouse wine???? Man, have I ever heard stories about that in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. I tell you, we (alcoholics) can get better, if we are willing to change and follow suggestions. JW is not. He never was, and he certainly is not willing now.

I hope -for reals- that he attends AA in the Big House. And listens. And works a program of recovery. Many people do, and they are lifers as well.
I muted the sound. Connors is going to get into shouting preacher mode, as is his style. No.More. There's nothing left to say.

JW has had more people spend time BEGGING for his life than any one of them gave a thought about KT or her family. They feel sorry for themselves first and foremost and how they will continue to feel. It's all about them. It's narcissism at its worst.

I muted the sound. Connors is going to get into shouting preacher mode, as is his style. No.More. There's nothing left to say.

JW has had more people spend time BEGGING for his life than any one of them gave a thought about KT or her family. They feel sorry for themselves first and foremost and how they will continue to feel. It's all about them. It's narcissism at its worst.


I hear you. Loud and clear. If I was a defense attorney, I would make my client cry and beg or at least LOOK remorseful. These pendejos are just focusing on poor JW, poor JW, poor JW. Eff them.
Based on mercy.... yeah dude, just like the mercy JW showed Kathy. Cry me a river.
They better not let him work in the prison kitchen.....or garden if they grow zucchini. I hadn't heard about the prison wine infraction. Hmmmm
Defense argument: How awful for the parents to have to tell the court about their depraved son and his various ailments and illnesses. How terrible to have to have this publicly known. How much more suffering should JW's family have to go through?


This crime wasn't about JW's family. It wasn't about their feelings. JW didn't give a damn about his family or their feelings or their anguish or embarrassment when he was breaking and entering and raping and murdering. Neither he nor his family care about Kathy Taft or her family and what they've lost and what they'll never have again.

If I'm on the jury, this line of attack by the defense is a total turnoff. That doesn't mean I'd vote for the DP, but I sure wouldn't give any credence to what the defense saying as being any type of "mitigating" factor.

Mitigating vs Aggravating is the law.
Defense argument: How awful for the parents to have to tell the court about their depraved son and his various ailments and illnesses. How terrible to have to have this publicly known. How much more suffering should JW's family have to go through?


This crime wasn't about JW's family. It wasn't about their feelings. JW didn't give a damn about his family or their feelings or their anguish or embarrassment when he was breaking and entering and raping and murdering. Neither he nor his family care about Kathy Taft or her family and what they've lost and what they'll never have again.

If I'm on the jury, this line of attack by the defense is a total turnoff. That doesn't mean I'd vote for the DP, but I sure wouldn't give any credence to what the defense saying as being any type of "mitigating" factor.

Mitigating vs Aggravating is the law.

Yup, I started out LWOP, but the longer the defense argues these poor mentally ill jason, poor jason's family, poor jason's granny, yadda yadda yadda......I could easily be swayed to go for the DP.
The crime is done. There can be no winners here, now that he has been convicted. Since nobody wins, I look for the consequence with the least pain to the victims and society. I realize I'm pretty alone on this forum with this opinion. But JW being locked up forever keeps society safe and prevents more torture for the victims' and JWs family (who I feel are also secondary victims).

I don't care if JW does the 12 steps and embraces sobriety, finds God or resolves his mental health issues. I don't give a rat's butt about him or his welfare as long as he can't hurt anyone else.

I do care about closure for the families, their healing and moving forward to the extent possible.

But I think it's possible the jury could find for the DP. Things happen here in NC that surprise me! If the DP was carried out quickly, I would be less averse to it. But since it's such a clust**-*advertiser censored** process, it just backfires and quashes any ability to get closure. I hate it. We should either mean it and execute it, or don't pose it as an option.

And please give all the money which would be used to pay for the endless appeals to the school system.

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