NC NC - Kyle Fleischmann, 24, Charlotte, 9 Nov 2007 - #1

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This article links to the "old" surveillance video inside that then goes into the "new" surveillance video outside. The outside video seems to be better quality, maybe it's just because it's in color.

Somebody who knows him better can help me here, but Kyle's the muscular guy who leaves after a shorter, dark haired guy??
and doesn't a girl in a down vest follow??

I'm probably wrong but imo, it looks like the chic in the vest is leaving WITH Kyle. Hopefully LE has talked to her.
I'm probably wrong but imo, it looks like the chic in the vest is leaving WITH Kyle. Hopefully LE has talked to her.

Agee, but does the darker-haired nervous looking guy who goes out first fit in to the scenario?? Seems like he anxiously leads out and Kyle/girl follow. Maybe Kyle's ride was this pair, seeming more innocent by appearing a couple?

Wow, I would make a horrible detective. I still can't figure out which one is Kyle, but I will look at it again and pay closer attention to the girl in the vest. He didn't have his car that night, so needing a ride was probably what got him in trouble.
I agree, it looks like two totally different videos. I don't even see the couple in the first video.
OK, well, that makes me feel more sane. :)
Hopefully the folks at Charlotte-Meck PD are making much more sense of the footage. Very odd!
OK, well, that makes me feel more sane. :)
Hopefully the folks at Charlotte-Meck PD are making much more sense of the footage. Very odd!

That certainly doesn't help us solve anything; these are two different videos.

Anyone know how Kyle looks well enough to sort this out??
He was supposedly last seen wearing a black shirt, jeans, and black dress shoes. He left his black pea coat along with his debit card at the bar. The video doesn't really seem to fit with the description, but maybe it is because it is black and white? In any case, I think the video is heavily edited. The girl in the white vest is VERY important. In the clearest video, both guys appear to be waiting for her. When she arrives, they all leave together....intentionally. LE needs to give us some information on who they think she might be. Does any of Kyle's friends have any idea who she is?
One other thing....the two guys at the beginning of the clear video, they don't seem to know each other - or at least they aren't chatting and hanginig out together until she shows up.
Agee, but does the darker-haired nervous looking guy who goes out first fit in to the scenario?? Seems like he anxiously leads out and Kyle/girl follow. Maybe Kyle's ride was this pair, seeming more innocent by appearing a couple?


That's exactly how it appears to me also. I definitely think Kyle left with those 2 but why did he leave his things? Did he just forget? Or is there a more sinister reason?

Ok now I'm more confused. I'm not sure the videos are showing the same people. In the last link that LittleRNB posted I don't see the girl with the vest. I thought Kyle was the first really tall guy who exited.
He was supposedly last seen wearing a black shirt, jeans, and black dress shoes. He left his black pea coat along with his debit card at the bar. The video doesn't really seem to fit with the description, but maybe it is because it is black and white? In any case, I think the video is heavily edited. The girl in the white vest is VERY important. In the clearest video, both guys appear to be waiting for her. When she arrives, they all leave together....intentionally. LE needs to give us some information on who they think she might be. Does any of Kyle's friends have any idea who she is?

I looked at the footage again and stopped it along the way this time. You are right Rea, that neither young man seems to be dressed according to the description of Kyle's attire that night. One had on a tshirt and the other had on a button down that doesnt appear black.
Back to the girl in the vest...the footage is, I agree, heavily edited. It shows the girl in the vest exiting the building twice, as I see it. She was drinking in the first segment, as she holds a bottle of beer or some beverage up to her mouth as she exits with the 2 men. Something does not look quite right as I watched the men's behavior.
I did hear through the grapevine that Kyle didn't leave with his friends that night because he was talking to a young lady. Surely his friends can ID the girl on the footage as the person he was or was not chatting with throughout the evening.

I went to Kyle's guestbook and wrote a msg to Kyle's dad to see if he could clarify which gentleman is Kyle on the footage. I'll let everyone know when I get a reply, so we know for sure.
THanks, LittleRNB! I hope you hear something today. I think LE has shown that heavily edited video because of that girl in the vest. They are hopeing someone will recognzie her. Regarding Kyle leaving his jacket and credit card behind - maybe he didn't realize that he was supposed to be leaving. Maybe she asked him to escourt her to her vehicle for some reason. In other words, maybe Kyle intended to return back inside, but something happened once he was out of camera sight.
You're welcome Reannan :)
You are probably right about Kyle's intention to go back inside. And since he was making calls to his sister, etc, he wasn't 100% set or comfortable with any plans to go away from the bar with these folks in the footage. I thought his sister was a student at a college in Wilmington, NC. Does anyone know if she went to the Dane Cook event with Kyle and their family that night? Maybe she was in town and he wanted her to come get him, but if she was at school that would make me wonder why he was calling his sister.
I will post something later if I get a reply from Mr. Fleischmann.
Kyle is not in the latest footage.
Just people who were there that maybe could tell us if they saw Kyle outside when they left

This is the reply I received from Mr. Fleischmann on Kyle's guestbook (
So, we cannot figure out who Kyle is because he is NOT in the footage. There must be some reason they released the footage of these folks. Hopefully LE has a method to their madness, which I feel quite sure they do.
ohhh goodness. that made me cry.

I found this blog that has a comment from an
alleged psychic that claims where they see Kyle.
It could be someon3 just messing around..but..
it couldnt hurt to try it, imo.

Anonymous said...
no scent at the scene, he was picked up and put in a suv, look in the fields by the train station, I am a pyschic and this is what I see. I "saw" the DC chick covered w/leaves by an underpass in a park like area in DC, I looked thru her eyes and saw the leaves, heard the cars above and the blue sky. She was found about 1/3 mi from an area just like that, I saw it about three weeks after she disappeared.

field for Kyle is same said as the train station, I see some big building, vacant, right by the train station, weeds are waist high, alot of litter, he is not buried, just dumped, sorry but that is what they did. Pissed he didn't have $$$$ or fancy watch, he thought he knew them but didn't. I don't think they were black. But this is a gang thing.

I have checked the link, and also say the comment by anonymous. I hope LE checks it out, so at the least it can be eliminated. If it was someone posting that was involved or had knowledge of the crime, yet wants to stay anon and is giving away a location.. At least check it out so it can at least be ruled out. If it is valid, and other involved parties catch on, then the crime scene could be tampered with. It's important for LE to get out there to check. It sounds very bizarre a post, yet stranger things have happened in life..
Also if Kyle lived only 3 miles away from the bar, maybe he was attempting to walk home if he couldn't reach anyone for a ride. I've had male friends walk home longer distances than that from bars, sobering up in the process, and Thank God nothing happened to them.
There is a photography area of this one board that is about different night life areas. It has an album with a bunch and bunch of photos of people at Buckhead Saloon, it also has photos of the night Kyle went missing. I have looked through the album but didn't see for sure an obvious photo of the people seen in the video's. Here is the link and maybe we can go through quite a few albums of Buckhead Saloon if we all pitch in and take an album or night from the BS Albums. Here is the link....

Then click on Charlotte, then at the top click photos(you don't have to register) then click on search albums and just click the arrow to pick location as Buckhead Saloon then it will show all the albums from there.

Your hypothesis is plausible, but I've been in many a (super loud) bar and made a phone call. Yes it's hard to hear what's being said on both ends, but that doesn't stop people from trying. Also, if he left his debit card at the bar (I was assuming it wasn't with a wallet) it may have been left on the bar tab. It's common practice to start a tab at a bar and leave a credit/debit card as collateral for your tab. Most bars have policies that if you leave and forget your card, at the end of the night they'll charge the amount owed plus a gratuity. It just doesn't seem that he was panicky enough leaving the bar that he would have been calling people to let them know his whereabouts should he not make it home. If he was that concerned he wouldn't have left the bar or a public area in the first place, IMO. Unless he was incapacitated in some way.

I too, have made calls in a loud bar, usually from the bathroom or huddled in a quiet corner. If he was afraid of being overheard by someone inside the bar, then i would guess he'd go outside to call and talk more privately. At that point maybe he was concerned yet not panicky. So he was trying to reach someone to let them know his plans.
My computer won't let me view the videos as it wants me to download the latest flash player version. I've downloaded it now, i need to figure out how to get it to function..
Shoot, I missed this too:

It's the security footage from the bar. It's posted on the PD website.

I hope this works. I have taken the video posted at the link above and analyzed it second by second. I have added text to each frame, about what I see happening, and I am going to try to post a single post per frame, so as not to overwhelm the system. Hope it works. Here goes post number one, from the 00 Second Frame. Fleischmann/00SecondsFrame.jpg
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