GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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And the "admin" of that Facebook page is a brother in law. When he was on Jane Velez Mitchell (which he proudly posted on FB, e.g., "hey everybody watch me!"- that's a paraphrase), Jane would say "what what Laura's life like?"..."tell me about Laura" etc., and he would just repeat: "we don't know". He gets his info from the media. They didn't even seem to know Laura.

But he is happy to be the "admin" of the FB page, and happy to coordinate money gathering activities, as long as he is in the loop. (But no one is allowed to use paypal because he doesn't like it.)

I found another article to fill in the timeline of LA's movement through her life.

Based on public information records, this is what apparently happened:

Rodger has 3 children with his first wife, in 1978 (JA), 1976 (daughter) & 1974 (daughter - who's husband is the FB page admin).

LA is born in 1984 to Rodger and her mother who was 21 at the time (not posting name because she has avoided media). RA's other children are 5, 8 and 10. They all live in the same town, not sure if all are in RA's custody though (maybe lived with his first wife?).

In 1991 there are deed records which imply a split between RA and LA's mother.

LA and her mother relocate to Iowa in the mid 90's (Laura was 11-13), LA's father and half siblings remain in Michigan.

LA leaves Iowa in 2003 for Missouri when she is 19.

LA relocates to NC and lives with her half-brother JA and his wife at the time (SA) for a year in 2005.

LA meets GH in early 2007...and we know the rest.

So, this husband of her half sister (who hasn't lived in the same town as LA in at least 15 years), probably never met or spoken with LA, knows nothing about LA, married LA's half-sister who is 10 yrs older than LA after LA had left Michigan, probably has never meet LA's children or been to NC for that matter - this guy is getting facetime on JVM, talking bad about LA's father (who helped fund her custody battle) and dictating how LA's children's welfare fund should be handled?

We also know Jason has avoided the media, and wants out of the spotlight. We know LA's mother really wants out of the media spotlight. LA's father has also been quiet aside from announcing he is seeking custody of his grandsons and does not want them raised in the area by the parents of his daughters killer.

Some ask: where is the family? Why is it unusual to assume those in her family closest to her want to avoid the media given this case and the circumstances? how do we know LA didn't speak with her mother and father weekly? Remember, her mother is not the same as the the mother of her half-siblings.

Be careful and skeptical of who wants IN the spotlight, and who is using this sad episode to promote themself as someone they are not. There could be an axe to grind re: 1984 or thereabouts.

Again, I would fully expect ANYONE collecting $$$ on behalf of LA's children to show up to the custody hearings (either Rodger's or GH's parents if/when they file) since by anointing themselves the sole custodian of these donations...their input into these hearings will be relevant and important - right?
Is the "wife" of Laura's ex - GH, AH, who has a middle name of APH?

I found on the records that he was arrested, but i can find nothing at all regarding the "wife".

Does anyone know if she was arrested and can we get her dob?

Or is she getting a Plea - Deal?

Any news in this area?
Is the "wife" of Laura's ex - GH, AH, who has a middle name of APH?

I found on the records that he was arrested, but i can find nothing at all regarding the "wife".

Does anyone know if she was arrested and can we get her dob?

Or is she getting a Plea - Deal?

Any news in this area?

She was arrested & arraigned, scheduled for an 8/16 hearing for probable cause (like GH is). Separate cases, separate hearings. I think she has the same public defender (James Freeman) although it was mentioned that he did NOT meet with her the day of arraignment, just with maybe the RPD is working a deal with her?

Search for Hayes,Amanda on the NC court site, District/Superior court calendars. Her DOB is 4/30/72 IIRC
It looks like the Amanda Hayes PR campaign has begun. Her 22 year old daughter (her name is Sha) was on WTVD (ABC) news tonight doing an interview. While she didn't say the words "postpartum depression," in my opinion, she's planting that seed, saying that her mom was "stressed" a few weeks after the baby was born, and then "numb" and "things were weird" on July 14 and after. Sha said her mother called her the morning of July 14 and asked her to come over and take the kids to babysit, bring a vacuum cleaner, and also bring food. When Sha arrived, Grant barely acknowledged her, saying only "hi" which was very atypical.

The daughter told the reporter that when she saw her mom in jail this week, her mom told her, "baby, I didn't do anything wrong, and everything will be ok. I just kept the babies safe."

Sha says her mother "got pulled into a bad situation...she is not a monster," meaning Grant is the bad guy. About Grant, she said he is "a nice guy, very polite, very charismatic." Sha claims she does not know what happened, but her mother's heart is full of love, and she believes her mother 100%.

No link has yet been posted to this interview on WTVD's website.

I guess it's quite cynical of me to totally diss the notion of any kind of postpartum ailment as a rationale or excuse.
Yup, just read it here:

It looks like the Amanda Hayes PR campaign has begun. Her 22 year old daughter (her name is Sha) was on WTVD (ABC) news tonight doing an interview. While she didn't say the words "postpartum depression," in my opinion, she's planting that seed, saying that her mom was "stressed" a few weeks after the baby was born, and then "numb" and "things were weird" on July 14 and after. Sha said her mother called her the morning of July 14 and asked her to come over and take the kids to babysit, bring a vacuum cleaner, and also bring food. When Sha arrived, Grant barely acknowledged her, saying only "hi" which was very atypical.

The daughter told the reporter that when she saw her mom in jail this week, her mom told her, "baby, I didn't do anything wrong, and everything will be ok. I just kept the babies safe."

Sha says her mother "got pulled into a bad situation...she is not a monster," meaning Grant is the bad guy. About Grant, she said he is "a nice guy, very polite, very charismatic." Sha claims she does not know what happened, but her mother's heart is full of love, and she believes her mother 100%.

No link has yet been posted to this interview on WTVD's website.

I guess it's quite cynical of me to totally diss the notion of any kind of postpartum ailment as a rationale or excuse.
You are not alone in your cynicism of the Amanda Hayes PR campaign Boodles. I share it.

I need to read the article, but based on your recap, I wonder if her daughter is setting up a scenario where Laura, the victim, was the one from whom Amanda will claim she was protecting the babies. That's what I've been expecting; both Grant and Amanda to blame the victim and use the children in their defense.

Going to read the article...
Maybe they brought 3 back so it wouldn't look suspicious or maybe they really did put food in them for the return trip.................:sick:

Good point, JeannieC. If they were bringing them back to look "normal," that may be the first thing they did that makes sense "on paper," but by the same token, it may be one more piece (really 3 pieces) of solid circumstantial evidence as well, if any trace of LA remained on any of them.

As for bringing back food in them, :eek:... that just goes back to stoooopid. Ewwwww. And another "What were they thinking?" type of ignorant arrogance. (MOO) ..... :banghead:
You are not alone in your cynicism of the Amanda Hayes PR campaign Boodles. I share it.

I need to read the article, but based on your recap, I wonder if her daughter is setting up a scenario where Laura, the victim, was the one from whom Amanda will claim she was protecting the babies. That's what I've been expecting; both Grant and Amanda to blame the victim and use the children in their defense.

Going to read the article...

Good (bad) thought, yllek -- That hadn't occurred to me yet. Oh, the very idea. Makes sense, and why not? Just pile it on poor, dead, chopped-up, and thrown to the gators Laura?? She can't speak for herself, and it sounds pretty good, huh? You're right, it was bound to happen, wasn't it? But they're really nice people, you know. Always putting the children first. I guess it took both of 'em to pull LA off those babies to keep her from stealing them & taking them far, far away...
Good point, JeannieC. If they were bringing them back to look "normal," that may be the first thing they did that makes sense "on paper," but by the same token, it may be one more piece (really 3 pieces) of solid circumstantial evidence as well, if any trace of LA remained on any of them.

As for bringing back food in them, :eek:... that just goes back to stoooopid. Ewwwww. And another "What were they thinking?" type of ignorant arrogance. (MOO) ..... :banghead:

Not only a sickening thought but :eek:
Good (bad) thought, yllek -- That hadn't occurred to me yet. Oh, the very idea. Makes sense, and why not? Just pile it on poor, dead, chopped-up, and thrown to the gators Laura?? She can't speak for herself, and it sounds pretty good, huh? You're right, it was bound to happen, wasn't it? But they're really nice people, you know. Always putting the children first. I guess it took both of 'em to pull LA off those babies to keep her from stealing them & taking them far, far away...

What is that saying...."Even a bad defense is better than no defense"
Sha said her mother called her the morning of July 14 and asked her to come over and take the kids to babysit, bring a vacuum cleaner, and also bring food.

AH and GH obviously needed a few hours to take care of things in the apartment and without the boys being there the morning after LA went missing, so AH had her daughter come get the kids "for a few hours".

Its obvious now that AH was at least actively involved in the immediate attempt to cover-up, if not the murder itself.

If AH was just an unwilling accomplice she should have told her daughter to bring the police, not a vacuum cleaner.
I wonder if her daughter is setting up a scenario where Laura, the victim, was the one from whom Amanda will claim she was protecting the babies.

In the interview the daughter also said GH held a deep hatred of LA.

AH's comment to SE about keeping the babies safe could mean keeping them away from LA (in her/GH mind)...but also could mean AH is implying she was coerced into helping GH by threat of injury or death to the children by GH if she didn't.

AH is 39, 6 years older than GH, she's been around the block a few times - married three or four times...I have a hard time envisioning AH as someone who could not grasp the fact that going to the police immediately (if she didn't do anything wrong as expressed to SE) was her best bet.

I do expect AH to cooperate with the RPD if she's not doing so already - regardless of the extent of her involvement. Her conversation with her daughter implies that an action she was aware of or involved with was the cause of LA's death - otherwise why the need to justify the situation with "I was only keeping the babies safe".
Two things: One, I'm not sure GH's parents HAVE to ask for custody. I thought I saw somewhere that CFS is involved. If CFS has made a temporary placement of the boys with GH's parents, that is probably legally enough right now.

Also, because you can't see what you used to see at GH's FB, it doesn't necessarily mean that anyone got access. I have not been able to see the recent FB posts because of his FB settings being set to "Friends of Friends" for certain things, and I have no friends in common with him. If you had a friend in common with him, even if you weren't his friend, you would be able to see things the rest of us would not. However, if your friend in common decided she no longer wished to be his friend and terminated their FB friendship, by extension you would now be restricted by the privacy settings. Make sense?

I do understand :) However, we had no friends in common. I could see his wall prior to, just not what had been posted because I had no friends of friends. Now the only two items listed on the LH side that I am able to see (where 'Wall', 'Info', 'Photos', 'Friends', 'Notes', etc are listed on everyone's profiles) are 'Info' and 'Friends'. Prior to the adjustment to his FB profile, I could see 'Wall', 'Info', 'Photos', and 'Friends'.
AH and GH obviously needed a few hours to take care of things in the apartment and without the boys being there the morning after LA went missing, so AH had her daughter come get the kids "for a few hours".

Its obvious now that AH was at least actively involved in the immediate attempt to cover-up, if not the murder itself.

If AH was just an unwilling accomplice she should have told her daughter to bring the police, not a vacuum cleaner.

ITA, jrb - If the LEO's can't find any probable cause to arrest her for 1st or 2ndDM, they can certainly get her for accessory after the fact. If he is charged with 1stDM, AATF is a Class C Felony, worth anywhere from a Level I, mitigated, 44mos to a Level 6, aggravated, 182 mos. The highest level, would be very unlikely in her case since she probably has little or no prior felony "points," but she could get 92 months for Level I, aggravated. Not a a lot, and certainly not enuff, but it's something for the Little Lady. Grrrrr....
Nothing like using your daughter to get in front of the media to start pleading your "I was a victim" and PPD defense. And of course, thanks to Sha's disclosure, we now know "only one person knows what happened" - Grant. BS.

Well, then, explain to me (like I'm a 4 year old!) how they end up in Texas at Amanda's sister's house? Oh, that's right, Grant probably held a gun to her head. I dread my tax dollars being wasted on an outrageous claim of AH being a victim and martyr. It didn't take her long to point to Grant (through her daughter, how sweet) as the bad guy. Maybe she should be put up for sainthood for "protecting the babies."

The more I think about that interview, the angrier I become.

And why on earth would the daughter get on camera and say ANYTHING at all? Amanda's attorney cannot be happy about this.

The only thing I am pleased about, is apparently the adult daughter was not a part of the trip to Texas. I had been hoping she was kept out of it. But who really knows what she herself even knew?

It was such an awkward interview.
Nothing like using your daughter to get in front of the media to start pleading your "I was a victim" and PPD defense. And of course, thanks to Sha's disclosure, we now know "only one person knows what happened" - Grant. BS.

Well, then, explain to me (like I'm a 4 year old!) how they end up in Texas at Amanda's sister's house? Oh, that's right, Grant probably held a gun to her head. I dread my tax dollars being wasted on an outrageous claim of AH being a victim and martyr. It didn't take her long to point to Grant (through her daughter, how sweet) as the bad guy. Maybe she should be put up for sainthood for "protecting the babies."

The more I think about that interview, the angrier I become.

And why on earth would the daughter get on camera and say ANYTHING at all? Amanda's attorney cannot be happy about this.

The only thing I am pleased about, is apparently the adult daughter was not a part of the trip to Texas. I had been hoping she was kept out of it. But who really knows what she herself even knew?

It was such an awkward interview.

Yes, weird interview. I think this daughter believes her mother though.
We don't really know what happened.... Seriously... GH could have done everything and then it freaked her out so bad she helped me because he made her help.. I know we all want to look at her like a bad person but we really just don't know. She could have been like the daughter said and wanted to protect the kids.. he could have threatened the newborns life if she didn't help.
This story will be going on for a while, huh. I can't wait to hear what she has to say (through her attorney) and if she pleads out.

Talk about bad karma.. she steals someone's husband and ends up in jail for her murder. Think twice before you treat people badly huh!
AH and GH obviously needed a few hours to take care of things in the apartment and without the boys being there the morning after LA went missing, so AH had her daughter come get the kids "for a few hours".

Its obvious now that AH was at least actively involved in the immediate attempt to cover-up, if not the murder itself.

If AH was just an unwilling accomplice she should have told her daughter to bring the police, not a vacuum cleaner.

You're right! The police bring their own vacuum!...........:detective:
Nothing like using your daughter to get in front of the media to start pleading your "I was a victim" and PPD defense. And of course, thanks to Sha's disclosure, we now know "only one person knows what happened" - Grant. BS.

Well, then, explain to me (like I'm a 4 year old!) how they end up in Texas at Amanda's sister's house? Oh, that's right, Grant probably held a gun to her head. I dread my tax dollars being wasted on an outrageous claim of AH being a victim and martyr. It didn't take her long to point to Grant (through her daughter, how sweet) as the bad guy. Maybe she should be put up for sainthood for "protecting the babies."

The more I think about that interview, the angrier I become.

And why on earth would the daughter get on camera and say ANYTHING at all? Amanda's attorney cannot be happy about this.

The only thing I am pleased about, is apparently the adult daughter was not a part of the trip to Texas. I had been hoping she was kept out of it. But who really knows what she herself even knew?

It was such an awkward interview.

Nothing like using your whole family! I'd have to believe that, if AH were an unwilling accomplice, she would have quietly gone along with what her husband told her. But here she is - involving her poor daughter. Involving her poor sister & family [I keep flashing back to her little nephew's 'yay! My aunt Laura is coming!' post, and it just breaks my heart], making all of these innocent family members accessories to a horrible, disgusting crime. That, in my opinion, do not sound like someone "not thinking right," or "scared to speak up." To me, that behavior just underscores the type of personality that has no respect for others' lives.

And, yes, the whole thing with LA's daughter is really weird. Was the vacuum supposed to help her mother's case?
Nothing like using your daughter to get in front of the media to start pleading your "I was a victim" and PPD defense. And of course, thanks to Sha's disclosure, we now know "only one person knows what happened" - Grant. BS.

Well, then, explain to me (like I'm a 4 year old!) how they end up in Texas at Amanda's sister's house? Oh, that's right, Grant probably held a gun to her head. I dread my tax dollars being wasted on an outrageous claim of AH being a victim and martyr. It didn't take her long to point to Grant (through her daughter, how sweet) as the bad guy. Maybe she should be put up for sainthood for "protecting the babies."

The more I think about that interview, the angrier I become.

And why on earth would the daughter get on camera and say ANYTHING at all? Amanda's attorney cannot be happy about this.

The only thing I am pleased about, is apparently the adult daughter was not a part of the trip to Texas. I had been hoping she was kept out of it. But who really knows what she herself even knew?

It was such an awkward interview.

Did anyone notice the daughter looking away when some questions were asked? One question in particular, had she ever seen GH get angry and several others.

Was she being totally honest? I'm asking others opinions.

Another question....did LE get both vacuum cleaners? Wonder what broke the AH's vacuum? Or did they throw it out after cleaning up? Evidence..

Just a thought. Maybe not a very good one though.

I don't know if AH helped kill LA but I believe she was there and it sounds like the children were too!
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