NC - Lauren Hugelmaier, 29, stabbed to death, Raleigh, 1 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

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I know - a little impatient! LOL! I know trials take awhile to get to trial unfortunately.

Still come here to check up on your updates though! :wave:
:wave:Awwww, Niner, you make me blush. :blushing:

I'm impatient, too, absolutely!

I'd love to know how hard the prosecution will push for 1st Degree. I just hope the cough syrup "trip" won't throw a big fat wrench into their negotiations, but I'm afraid it might. Grrrr.
Hi friends - marking my spot with coffee beans and hugs for all. Now, back to reading and catching up.
Well, it's another "no Matthew" day on the docket. Ho-hum.
I just discovered Websleuths while researching this case. I read every single post in this thread! I'm making a video on it and got sooo much good information.

I also went far back on Lauren's fb and saw that her mom said she was going back to court on April 5th, 2018. Probably not the full-fledged trial, but we should get some sort of information. I saw somewhere that he pled not guilty.This is going to be a fascinating trial. Are there any links on Youtube on Cheshire in court?

Personally, I think that Coricidin (I know the slang term is triple C's or skittles) is absolutely a factor but does not absolve him of guilt.

Judging by his Wattpad page, (which has been linked in a previous post, but I'll add at the bottom) he had an interest in altered states of consciousness, especially that twilight state you enter between sleep and wakefulness. Dreams play a major theme in his social media presence. He quotes the Harry Potter books, of which Lauren was a huge fan of, "In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own." - Albus Dumbledore. He has many entries about dreams he's had.

He seems caught up in fantasy in his waking life as well. His SM is full of references to fantasy lands; namely Star Wars, Pokemon and those of comic books. A part of him was most assuredly still stuck in childhood.

He appears to be drawn towards dark media. He's a huge Nine Inch Nails fan, his twitter is practically a fan page. I'm not a NIN fan, but the music is dark; it's the type the goth kids would listen to. And holy moly, that alternate instagram page! I didn't get to see it before it went private, but the profile picture is Patrick Bateman covered in blood spatter, presumably after he kills Paul Allen, which is reminiscent of what he did to Lauren. I've seen some screen grabs, and wouldn't be shocked if he idolized Patrick. I believe that explains Elliot Rodger's weirdness as well, but that's another story entirely.

I think his desire to escape his waking life was due to a traumatic past. We know he was raised by his grandparents until age 13 and has had relationship woes, including a previous divorce, but I'm sure there is more to the story. Cheshire mentioned this in an interview. I think he has some major wounds from parental figures.

MP stated in his essay "Girls like the name" that he followed his HS girlfriend to bible college, only for her to break up with him sophomore year, never even having kissed her. She was clearly quite religious, not wanting to even kiss before marriage. It makes me wonder if he was as devout of a Christian as the media portrays him to be. Lauren clearly was, but it seems like someone misprinted that MP was an aspiring pastor and everyone ran with it, because it is quite sensationalistic. Perhaps a relationship with God wasn't his motivation in being a part of the Christian community.

In that same essay, his thesis is that all three of his major relationships, the girl would mention a male name as a 'future baby name' and then would soon break up with him for a boy of that same name. Whether that's true or not, we don't know. But he ends it all by saying, "You know I'm keeping my ears extra open with my girlfriend now!!" Eerie. She could have mentioned a male name and it set him off. Another theory, since we speculate that the 'white crusted' stuff found in her during her autopsy was semen, is that they were trying to conceive that night and maybe she was suggesting future names and a boy name came up, and he went nuts. On that same post he refers to himself as paranoid. Regarding the gay theory, it doesn't resonate with me. On that 'Girls' post, he seemed into women, but I haven't seen him animated, so I can't be confident either way.

I believe he had a deep-rooted rage, possibly C-PTSD or PTSD, and couldn't regulate his emotions well. I completely believe he took an excessive amount of triple C's with the intention of getting high. It's a dissociative and can cause you to hallucinate, effectively separating your body and mind. I used to abuse Ambien like crazy and I would do some wacky, totally out of character stuff. His 'trips' were obviously much darker and more violent than mine ever were, but it was the same type of thing, dissociate, hallucinate, be in a dream-state while seemingly conscious. It turns off your emotions and can make you totally unaware. Your ability to use logic, to make rational decisions is completely shut down. I'm pretty sure its the front part of your brain, the frontal lobe, I believe?

So, yes I believe its probable that he was high as a kite and that tampered with his ability to make judgement calls, but I think he should still be given life, with possibility of parole. He might as well get death if he gets life without parole. I think he (and all) should have the opportunity to rehabilitate. Give them a motivation to become a better, Godly person. But that's just my opinion; it's one I've formed recently, so my mind could change again.

Lauren's death was so horrific; I'm generally desenstized to darkness, but the autopsy report is difficult to read. 123 wounds is outrageous. I like to think the soul is taken before anything like that happens to a body, so hopefully she wasn't aware of what was happening. Her family absolutely deserves justice, and no matter how great a job Cheshire does, there should be severe consequences for MP.

I have more to say on this, but my post is getting pretty long. It was good to gather my thoughts here. Am I allowed to post my video once I've uploaded? I'm so excited to have found the Websleuths community! :cupcake:
Am I allowed to post my video once I've uploaded? I'm so excited to have found the Websleuths community! :cupcake:

Snipped for focus. I would reach out to a mod before posting your video since it is not something from a mainstream media or LE organization.

Welcome, and good post!
Nothing on the docket up through today, Sunday, 3/4/18.
:welcome6: to WS and this thread skconnol


I'm going to go with your date of April 5th for the next hearing.
Has this trial started yet?
Nothing on today's docket for our Coff-Medicine Man -- 3/5/18.
I'm getting sleeeeeeeeepy.
Has this trial started yet?

Nope! borndem is still trying to find his next court hearing. Definitely nothing yet on "when" trial starts.
And more Nothing today, Tuesday, March 6, 2018.
Coricidin has put everyone to sleep today -- nuttin' on the docket. :(
Did you give up for a week borndem??!! :giggle:
Acccccccccckkkk!! :banghead: So sorry, Niner!! I'll try to do bettah!

Lemme check!

We've been busy -- getting ready to totally remodel our house -- we must empty the whole darn house.

Well, it's nuttin' honey as of today, March 12, 2018.
And nothing in the local news media on this case.
So we wait... I don't expect a trial until a year/18mos from now. If a plea had been entered, I think it would be reported by the media, so we must bide our time on this one. Ho-hum.
Have FUN remodeling your house!!! Sounds like fun!

I was just kiddin' ya on not staying on top of this! I know how real life can get in the way! LOL!

Thanks for the update! :wave:
Have FUN remodeling your house!!! Sounds like fun!

I was just kiddin' ya on not staying on top of this! I know how real life can get in the way! LOL!

Thanks for the update! :wave:

I knew you wuz kiddin' my good bud - :happydance: - but I'm glad you reminded me -- I wanna keep up with that nutcase, too. I don't want to miss any part of it.

BTW, nothing showing for today, folks. 03/14/18.
How do you guys expect he'll plead? Not sure if he could plead insanity if it's by influence of drugs, but if he could, I think his lawyer could get him NG by reason of insanity. In researching the James Holmes case I found out that for the defense to work, the defendant must fall under one of three criteria:
1) You didn't know what you were doing.
2) You didn't know what you were doing was a crime
3) You were compelled by outside forces to commit the crime.

I think he could make the case for option 1, given that Cheshire is supposed to be so great. There's also an 'intoxication defense,' but it seems even trickier than going with insanity. Here's some lit I found on it.

You can go with involuntary vs. involuntary intoxication, I think he shot down his changes of going involuntary when he told the 911 operator that he took the triple C's cause 'it makes you feel good.' So involuntary, the sources says,
"[FONT=&quot]may be used as a defense to specific intent crimes if, as with involuntary intoxication, it prevents the defendant from forming the criminal intent necessary to commit the crime. Thus, a defendant could argue voluntary intoxication as a defense to [/FONT]burglary[FONT=&quot] because he was so intoxicated that he was unable to form an “intent to commit a crime therein.” However, in most states, the crime of voluntary intoxication is an affirmative defense, which means that the burden is on the defendant to prove that he or she lacked the necessary intent."

[/FONT]So if they prove LH and MP were in a happy marriage with no prior issues, that this attack came totally out of the blue, it could work. The voyeur in me hopes that they go to trial, because I'm SO freaking curious about the details of this case.

How do you guys think they'll plead? Also, THANK YOU borndem for keeping us updated on the lack of action so far. :cool:
Speaking of keeping us updated, there was no Matthew Phelps on the court docket today, Thursday, March 15.

I don't think this will go out on a plea. The killing was just too cruel. IMO, if the prosecution has a 1st class person to testify about the coff syrup with statistics or whatever that would make a jury feel solid about it not ever causing a "bad trip," certainly knowing the defense will have someone who says that it can, I still think they'll go with the "makes you feel good" side of it and go for 1st murder.

Not too sure about the 1st degree murder charge. What's after that? Voluntary Manslaughter? I'm not thinking involuntary manslaughter.... but what ever it is - let's get this on road!!

What do you think about that date - April 5th - that someone mentioned.... let me go back and look for it and will edit this post.

here it is:
skconnol - post #645 said:
I just discovered Websleuths while researching this case. I read every single post in this thread! I'm making a video on it and got sooo much good information.

I also went far back on Lauren's fb and saw that her mom said she was going back to court on April 5th, 2018. Probably not the full-fledged trial, but we should get some sort of information. I saw somewhere that he pled not guilty.This is going to be a fascinating trial. Are there any links on Youtube on Cheshire in court?

Anyone have a link Lauren's FB page?

Not too sure about the 1st degree murder charge. What's after that? Voluntary Manslaughter? I'm not thinking involuntary manslaughter.... but what ever it is - let's get this on road!!

What do you think about that date - April 5th - that someone mentioned.... let me go back and look for it and will edit this post.

here it is:

Anyone have a link Lauren's FB page?

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