NC - MacDonald family murders at Fort Bragg, 1970 - Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?

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Jeffrey MacDonald is a psychopath and a murderer. Everyone should read "Fatal Vision."

The guy had had multiple, multiple affairs all through his marriage - including one with a 16 year old girl - the daughter of his parents' friends, whom he was driving across country. He started a NEW AFFAIR immediately after the murder,while in the Army Barracks hospital.

The woman in the floppy hat is just some story he made up. Helena Stockley was a small, wasted waif of a woman and wasted druggy who couldn't possibly have committed those murders and organized others to do it with her that night. Her brain was fried.

Additionally, MacDonald went on the Dick Cavett show after he was initially cleared by the Army and joked about the murders. That's what made his murdered wife's father, Freddy Kassab, suspicious. Kassab then repeatedly asked MacDonald for the transcript of the hearings the Army conducted against Macdonald. Macdonald wouldn't give them to him. Finally, Macdonald called up Kassab and LIED and said he had met the GUY who had murdered his family in a bar and that he and other guys had killed the guy and buried him. Turned out this was just a lie to get Kassab from getting too curious.

MacDonald as I said is a lying sociopath who feels no remorse about killing his family.
They were talking about this on the radio the other morning. Several people who had read "Fatal Vision" were actually convinced of his INNOCENCE after reading the book. I'm curious why, after 40 years, he wants a new trial now.
They were talking about this on the radio the other morning. Several people who had read "Fatal Vision" were actually convinced of his INNOCENCE after reading the book. I'm curious why, after 40 years, he wants a new trial now.

Because he can. It is how he maintains his sense of self. He is incapable of simply doing his time and paying for the crime, imo. He is completely unwilling to be out of the limelight. HE LOVES the attention of the attorney conferences, of people discussing him, of playing that he was wronged.

We are not talking about his attorneys uncovering evidence that shows he was innocent. We are talking about attorneys coming up with minutia that someone hopes would get his conviction overturned under reasonable doubt.

It is ridiculous imo. And I would still like to know how someone who is not supposed to have profited in anyway from the slaughter of his wife, unborn son and daughters is funding his defense.
FWIW, I have never met anyone convinced of his innocence. I have met many people who believe that the first responders hopelessly screwed up the crime scene.

But they did not screw up the blood trail. They did not screw up the stationary pajama top that was stabbed through. They did not screw up the bloody fingerprint of MacDonalds on the Life Magazine with the article about the Manson Murders. They did not screw up the fact that MacDonald was virtually uninjured. They did not screw up the mugging on the Dick Cavett show.

MacDonald had 10 years of freedom and prosperity after slaughtering his family. He should thank his lucky stars that he received that much and set it to rest. But he wont. Imagine the dreams that man must have, especially about Krissy.
Jeffrey MacDonald is a psychopath and a murderer. Everyone should read "Fatal Vision."

The guy had had multiple, multiple affairs all through his marriage - including one with a 16 year old girl - the daughter of his parents' friends, whom he was driving across country. He started a NEW AFFAIR immediately after the murder,while in the Army Barracks hospital.

The woman in the floppy hat is just some story he made up. Helena Stockley was a small, wasted waif of a woman and wasted druggy who couldn't possibly have committed those murders and organized others to do it with her that night. Her brain was fried.

Additionally, MacDonald went on the Dick Cavett show after he was initially cleared by the Army and joked about the murders. That's what made his murdered wife's father, Freddy Kassab, suspicious. Kassab then repeatedly asked MacDonald for the transcript of the hearings the Army conducted against Macdonald. Macdonald wouldn't give them to him. Finally, Macdonald called up Kassab and LIED and said he had met the GUY who had murdered his family in a bar and that he and other guys had killed the guy and buried him. Turned out this was just a lie to get Kassab from getting too curious.

MacDonald as I said is a lying sociopath who feels no remorse about killing his family.

And having affairs makes a guy a murderer? If so, the government better build more prisons!
The "Cult of Dr Jeff" is funtioning? There are still folks who believe in his innocence? I'm surprized.

Anyone who want's up to speed on the case need only concern themselves with the foresnic evidence, This was a textbook example of a staged crime scene. The scene at the house appeared consistant with McDonald's account of the crime. Once forensic testing discovered where the murders actually occured before the bodies were rearranged, it was obvious what really happened.

You have to give him credit'; perhaps it was his military training, but he really did deal well with the the situation "on the fly". He butchers his family in a fit of anger then is able to come up with a credible story, stages "serious" but not lifethreatening injuries to himself, and rearranges the crime scene convinciingly in a couple of hours. His quick thinking allowed him to walk free for years. (although he would probably have walked out years age if he had just boned up to it from the get go.)

For those of you who can't accept that a "clean cut green beret" could have done this when there were all kinds of "drug crazed" hippies running around, consider this:
When McDonald found out that his father-in-law, who believed in his "innocence" was being a pest to the military, pressuring them to continue tne investigation, he tried to get his father-in-law to "back off". He made up a story that he and some friends found out who did it and "took care of them" themselves, and by pressuring the military to pursue the investigation, his father-in-law could get HIM in trouble.

Can anyone explain why an "innocent" Dr Jeff would have done this?
Um Pommom 12, I didn't say that having affairs makes you a murderer. It certainly goes to show that he was not the loving faithful husband he purported himself to be. Additionally, his wife was pregnant with their THIRD Child. He was feeling trapped.Just before he murdered he, he lied to his wife and said he was traveling with the boxing team of the Green Berets to Russia and that he would be out of communication with her for a couple of months. Turned out it was a HUGE lie. He wasn't hired to go with them. Turned out he was trying to rendezvous with an old honey.. But really you need to read the book. He certainly had a motive, in his mind. He was trapped, didn't want the third kid, so he pulled a " Scott Peterson"on his pregnant wife and then clubbed and stabbed his little girls to death - so hard that their brains were splattered on the wall.

There is also schizophrenia in his family. His brilliant brother became a psychotic schizophrenic who also had violent episodes.

And there's no reason for him to lie about having found the murderer himself and killed him. That is truly bizarre. He just wanted the case to go away.
5th appeal.........
What was his sentence? LWOP?
I'm surprised some bleeding heart judge hasn't left him out.
Usually murderers get out in what 20 years???
I remember that MacDonald had a violent temper and many people recall him exploding with rage over the smallest things.

He's very much like Scott Petersen - a lying, schmoozing, womanizing sociopathic murderer.

Also there is some indication from the psychiatric reports that MacDonald may have had homosexual tendencies and worked hard to distance himself from them.

He certainly did not like strong women. His wife was meek and deferred decisions to him. But once she went back to college and started to speak her own mind and challenge MacDonald, he didn't like that.

The girlfriends he chose after the murder were all fluffy, empty-headed secretaries with names like Candy. Never any woman with a powerful career. He always objectified women when he talked about them, and described them only by their physical attributes as in "she was a statuesque blonde."

When you see him interviewed now, he's developed a nervous tic, where he keeps blinking. It's as if he's trying to keep down in his mind what really happened and has to work hard to make sure that the reality of what he did never intrudes.
Oh my yes-the boxing trip to Russia. Never adequately explained that one. Incommunicado behind the iron curtin at the time his son was supposed to be born.

Even if I never knew any of the physical evidence, the way he speaks about women and the Dick Cavett show would have been enough to so set off my hinky meter big time.

It fascinates me the way he captures people, however....I always go back and re read Fatal Vision when discussions arise. The Kassabs loved him and believed in him-what do you think it took to get them to believe otherwise about him? He blew it big time...huge. That was his unraveling...once they guessed the truth they did what any parent would have done and moved heaven and earth to see the murderer of their loved ones locked up.
I remember that MacDonald had a violent temper and many people recall him exploding with rage over the smallest things.

He's very much like Scott Petersen - a lying, schmoozing, womanizing sociopathic murderer.

Also there is some indication from the psychiatric reports that MacDonald may have had homosexual tendencies and worked hard to distance himself from them.

He certainly did not like strong women. His wife was meek and deferred decisions to him. But once she went back to college and started to speak her own mind and challenge MacDonald, he didn't like that.

The girlfriends he chose after the murder were all fluffy, empty-headed secretaries with names like Candy. Never any woman with a powerful career. He always objectified women when he talked about them, and described them only by their physical attributes as in "she was a statuesque blonde."

When you see him interviewed now, he's developed a nervous tic, where he keeps blinking. It's as if he's trying to keep down in his mind what really happened and has to work hard to make sure that the reality of what he did never intrudes.

Anyone remember his brother testifying at his trial. Oh my, wowl. Jay I think his name was-yikes.
He is married now, so that may explain the funding of his defense in some part.
Macdonald tries for a new trial every few years. Yawn. I do remember the testimony of Jay Macdonald at the trial. When they asked him where he lived he said something like "In the solar system, on planet earth." Totally looney-tunes.

In 2005, Macdonald was also trying to get a new trial. Colette's brother Bob Stevenson went on Larry King to discuss the case. I found what he said to be very interesting. Macdonald had also had an affair with a 16 year old ( or was she 15?) when he was married. So Bob Stevenson's theory is very interesting:

KING: Bob Stevenson, the brother of Colette, the wife who was killed, has contacted us back. He wants to add something about motive, Bob.


Over the years, the most often asked question that's ever come to me even by friends wanting to sew this up in their minds as what could the motive have been? What could it have been?

Fred Kassab developed a theory, but frankly nobody has had the guts to print or to air his theory. Fred Kassab always believed that Jeffrey MacDonald is a child molester.

You see, one of the key facts that he lied about is the urine stains. As secretors and each of them having different blood types, it could easily be shown whose urine that was. That urine did not belong to the youngest child. It belonged to the oldest child.

Why would a man create a lie that doesn't need to be created? Even a clever liar only changes those facts that need to be changed for a reason. Fred thought about the many reasons that could be possible and in his mind, there is only one.

He believed that this narcissistic rage and fury came about because Jeffrey was caught in some form of a sexual act with his oldest child by my sister. In a very chilling report done by one of the psychiatrists, Dr. Hirsch Lazaar Silverman, it shows MacDonald to be a man who under the proper stimulation could easily have created such a crime and committed those acts.
Macdonald tries for a new trial every few years. Yawn. I do remember the testimony of Jay Macdonald at the trial. When they asked him where he lived he said something like "In the solar system, on planet earth." Totally looney-tunes.

In 2005, Macdonald was also trying to get a new trial. Colette's brother Bob Stevenson went on Larry King to discuss the case. I found what he said to be very interesting. Macdonald had also had an affair with a 16 year old ( or was she 15?) when he was married. So Bob Stevenson's theory is very interesting:

KING: Bob Stevenson, the brother of Colette, the wife who was killed, has contacted us back. He wants to add something about motive, Bob.


Over the years, the most often asked question that's ever come to me even by friends wanting to sew this up in their minds as what could the motive have been? What could it have been?

Fred Kassab developed a theory, but frankly nobody has had the guts to print or to air his theory. Fred Kassab always believed that Jeffrey MacDonald is a child molester.

You see, one of the key facts that he lied about is the urine stains. As secretors and each of them having different blood types, it could easily be shown whose urine that was. That urine did not belong to the youngest child. It belonged to the oldest child.

Why would a man create a lie that doesn't need to be created? Even a clever liar only changes those facts that need to be changed for a reason. Fred thought about the many reasons that could be possible and in his mind, there is only one.

He believed that this narcissistic rage and fury came about because Jeffrey was caught in some form of a sexual act with his oldest child by my sister. In a very chilling report done by one of the psychiatrists, Dr. Hirsch Lazaar Silverman, it shows MacDonald to be a man who under the proper stimulation could easily have created such a crime and committed those acts.

Leave it to you to sew this up for me Mercy-I never ever ever understood why the lie about whose urine was in the bed. Could not figure it out. It makes perfect sense-even when faced with the information that it was Kimberly's urine and not Kristen, he insisted it was not Kimberly. IIRC he made a comment along the lines of why he would assume the CID could type blood correctly instead of addressing the issue.....would MacDonald have turned to his child when Colette became unattractive to him? Falls in line with his level of self involvement and some of the other testimony from young women about his wolfish behavior.

Really Really interesting. Someone should hit that really hard....
5th appeal.........
What was his sentence? LWOP?
I'm surprised some bleeding heart judge hasn't left him out.
Usually murderers get out in what 20 years???

He was found guilty of one count of murder in the first degree for the murder of his daughter Kristen and two counts of murder in the second degree for the murders of his pregnant wife Colette and daughter Kimberly. His sentence was life with the possibility of parole for all three murders. His sentences are running concurrently.

MacDonald always said he would never apply for or attend a parole because he is innocent but in 2005 he did have a parole hearing. He actually went into his hearing and stated he should be released because he is innocent. I can't believe that he thought he would get a recommendation for parole just by proclaiming his innocence. With all the years he has been incarcerated and been around other inmates, jail house lawyers, real lawyers, and access to the prison law library you would think he would know that in order to gain parole you actually have to accept guilt and show remorse for your crimes. His arrogance never ceases to amaze me.
I was OBSESSED with this case for 30 years!!!! I want to present a paper (long) but it gives great details about how I went from "not sure", to "innocent", to "guilty" during this period of time:

New Views on the Macdonald Case:

My changing views on the case/examining a prosecution scenario:

Concerning my views changing over time, I share many of the same reasons that the other posters who changed their opinion previously gave. It started out for me about 15-20 years ago seeing the case on one of those crime-detective shows. I think it was Unsolved Mysteries. I remember getting Fatal Vision and I read it. At that time, I wasn't convinced of Macdonald's guilt because I believed that FV left many questions unanswered. I don't like unanswered issues to questions! I would literally wake up between 2:00 AM-4: 00 AM many nights over the years thinking. You know, I really need to find out more about Helena Stockley and her friends. I was particularly bothered that the Army and CID did not pursue all of the leads in the case. My thoughts were many things. Primarily that the whole story was not being told and I wanted more information.

Flash forward to about late 1994, and I watch The Justice Files on TV. The program was about controversial murder cases and the FIRST CASE on the program was Jeffrey Macdonald!!! Cool!!! I thought that now I was going to get some more information that could help me better understand the defense's side of the case!

The program was totally from the defense point of view. It talked about Macdonald's claims of innocence because of all of this evidence that "proved" the existence of intruders in the house that night. Their was an interview with Macdonald himself, part of a taped interview with Stockley and Ted Gunderson with Helena telling Ted how she was dressed that night. The focus was also on the "unidentified black wool fibers, found on Colette's mouth, shoulder, and club and Macdonald himself telling the interviewer quote:

Macdonald: "I can never overcome FV. I mean, we know that. I can not prove to the millions of people who have watched the reruns, over, and over and over, that I am NOT that monster that...."

Reporter: (Cutting in) "Are you saying this is fiction?"

Macdonald: “It is a fiction book. It’s masquerading as non-fiction. It’s sold in the wrong rack at the bookstore. You know I did NOT (pause).... murder my wife. I did not murder my children.”

Macdonald also gave this account following coming to after alleging that he had been knocked unconscious. Quote:

Macdonald: “The house was very silent. And my memories were immediately flooding in that I had heard Colette and Kim screaming. So I got up and went down to the master bedroom where I found my wife, covered in blood. And there was a knife in her chest, which I took out. And I began giving her mouth to mouth breathing.”

I had know all of this, but than I almost fell off the chair when the reporter said:

“One of the most chilling accounts comes from this man, Jimmy Friar. He says he mistakenly called the Macdonald house the night of the murders, trying to reach another doctor. A doctor Richard Macdonald.”


Friar: “A lady answered the telephone and I asked to speak to Dr. Macdonald. And in the background, I could hear the ruckus of a table being overturned or furniture breaking. There was a ruckus...a scrimmage going on.”

Than the show picked up with Helena:

Stockley: “The phone rang. I picked it up. And someone asked for Dr. Macdonald. But, by this time, I was pretty high on Mescaline. And I just giggled and said he wasn’t there or something like that."

The show talked about how Prince Beasley had used Helena as a drug informant. How she said she was there, but didn’t do nothing. It also mentioned how Helena couldn’t remember anything at trial and why so much of what she knew was excluded because she was such a heavy drug user and unreliable. It talked about how the prosecution said that Macdonald’s collapsed lung was self-inflicted. That he had “stabbed himself in his bathroom, to cover up his crime.” Macdonald asks:

Quote: “Have you ever seen anyone self inflict multiple stab wounds and collapse their own lung, and injure themselves in the head several times until their unconscious?"

Harvey Silverglate and Alan Dershowitz talked about how they hoped the upcoming book Fatal Justice, would create enough reasonable doubt in the case, to force a new trial for Macdonald and acquit him based on the new evidence.

So I am thinking, WOW!!!! Where is all this stuff in Fatal Vision? I was one of the first to get Fatal Justice and at the time was just SHOCKED by all of this new information! Less than halfway through the book, I thought...How could all of this go unnoticed? He sure deserves a new trial at least. I began to show great disdain for everyone on the prosecution side. I wrote to the WW Norton, the publisher of Fatal Justice thanking them for all the research they put into the book!!! Three weeks later, I get a letter from Jeffrey Macdonald himself!!! He thanked me for my support of Fatal Justice and said that he had hoped to force the court of appeals to grant him a new trial based on the surpressed evidence that the book talked about.

At this point, I am thinking he obviously was screwed by the justice system. I started going on line whenever I could and collecting increasingly more data about the case. I said things like McGinnis, Murtagh, Worehide, and Blackburn should be prosecuted for what they did to this man. I felt great anger by what I saw as a terrible injustice.

I came to the C & J Macdonald board with a firm belief in Jeff’s innocence. I backed up that assertion based on how all of this information in Fatal Justice seemed to clearly illustrate that Macdonald had been wrongfully accused and convicted. At that time, only three other posters shared my view at what looked to me like a “pro prosecution board.”

Other posters pointed out something that I had overlooked in my desire to get more information about the case. They pointed out that Fatal Justice was just as polarized in its view as Fatal Vision, if not more so. FJ only seemed to tell what the defense wanted you to hear. The only noted exception was that FJ mentioned that Greg Mitchell had passed a polygraph in 1971 that stated he was not involved in the murders. I found out from the C & J message board, that Jeffrey Macdonald had helped Potter and Boast edit the original manuscript, how the lab notes that contained the alleged proof of intruders had been edited by Potter and Boast to only reflect what they wanted the reader to know. There was also little indication of Jeff’s problematic behaviors at the pre-trail hearing or trial concerning his demeanor on the stand. I concluded that BOTH books needed to be read to understand the case.

I than started looking at the actual court documents and studied the inconsistencies of Jeff’s statements compared to what the actual physical evidence showed. Bunny’s information from her “Magical Mystery Tour” (A poster at the C & J message board who studied the McDonald Case for years, discussed over 50 inconsistent statements made by Macdonald when weighted against the known physical evidence.) She illustrated how so many of Macdonald’s statements either were proven to be false, or just could not have been as he stated because of his flawed logic in them. This made me a “fence-sitter.” I thought, well, this is taking me back to when I read FV the first time. Both books are so opposed one-way or the other, I don’t know what to believe anymore. Macdonald’s statements were troubling when I saw them side-by-side with what was actually know at the MMT site. I could understand an inconsistency with up to maybe five statements due to changes in the evidence, memory distortion of the accused, or altering of some events over time. Maybe I can see a small amount of inconsistency with 5 statements or so, but not 50.

What really made me think of him as most likely guilty was learning about the “Fire Island Four.” These people bore an exact resemblance to the alleged intruders seen in the apartment that night. The facial features, body appearances, and clothes worn are identical to Stockley and her friends. It is doubtful that this would ever come up at trial because the defense would claim it is being prejudicial. Had I not known about these people, I would still be a fence sitter. The problem is this group of people had an airtight alibi. Because of this, Macdonald could not bring them into his intruder story. They could not be used as suspects because they were in New York at the time of the murders. It is known that they stayed at his brother Jay’s house and that Jeff had met them in a bar a little more than six months before the murders. When you also consider the facts dealing with the inconsistencies of Macdonald’s statements against the physical evidence, the over “neatness” of the crime scene, the fact that Macdonald could not have seen all that he claims to have seen with regards to his description of the intruders in a darkened room when it was known that Macdonald needed glasses to read or drive a car in regular daylight arouses even more suspicion about his story.

Macdonald’s defiance over the prosecution’s bed-wetting scenario indicates that this was what the initial fight was about. I do not believe Freddie Kassab’s assertion that Jeff had been molesting Kimberly. Evidence of this would have most likely shown up on the autopsy report. I don’t think Jeff went to bed that night. I do not believe that he went in, saw the wet sheet, pulled it back and did nothing. Especially when Colette had told her Child Psychology class recently Jeff and she had recent discussions about Kimberly’s (not Kristen’s as he clamed) bedwetting. She also said that many times Jeff would make her sleep on the couch. I find that strange. The most laughable part of his intruder story for me as that he claims one of the assailants had been wearing gloves. Just like the ones found under the sink opened up in the Macdonald home. Just like the fragments found in the bedding. I honestly think that Colette did something to Jeff that night that she had never done in the past. I think that during the argument she pushed him or hit him as he was yelling at her. I think that is where he lost it. Most likely, he hit Kimmy with the club while aiming for Colette saw how badly she had been injured and Colette is now fighting for her life trying to stop him. In a fierce struggle, Colette is also critically injured.

Kristen hears the struggle. Jeff is now crying hysterically because he knows he has gone too far and can never go back to where things were before. I think that in sheer agony, poor Colette goes in to Kristen’s room to protect her baby. Jeff kills Kim in the master bedroom. He knows that if he doesn’t, she will be a vegetable for the rest of her life. Jeff will have the mark of an abusive father and husband with his medical career ruined. Jeff settles down a bit and knows he has no choice but to kill Kristen. I don’t know when the bottle of chocolate milk comes into play, but I think that he killed Kristen in her bed or near her bed, and finished the killing of Colette while she was in Kristen’s room trying to protect her.

Jeff than settles down, than after the victims have died and thumbs through the Esquire Magazine goes to the kitchen and gets the bent Geneva Forge knife and icepick to overkill the family to make it look like a hippie attack. One question remains, when did he put the gloves on because no fingerprints were found on the weapons? He than takes the time to turn over the coffee table in the living room, write the word “Pig” on the headboard in the master bedroom and is able to remember the “Fire Island Four” to conjure up a story of a hippie attack for investigators.

The above seems to be a logical prosecution scenario. I am about 75% sure that this (or something similar happened.) Too much circumstantial evidence against Macdonald, the lack of physical evidence of outside intruders, plus inconsistencies in Macdonald’s own statements makes me reach this conclusion. In contrast, I will leave 25% reasonable doubt open to the defense. Not all of the physical evidence was presented at trial and there are issues of unidentified hair, candle wax, and blood traces found at the crime scene. Helena and her friend’s changed their stories too many times for believability. The unidentified items are a good try by the defense, but I don’t think there is enough there. As far as the unidentified hair fibers, if they were real, this could just show that (a.) Colette was a poor housekeeper and (b.) The Macdonald’s could have had guests in their home. If they were synthetic, Colette may have also owned a wig, or they could have come from the childrens’ dolls. (Or perhaps female guests in the Macdonald home may have worn a wig.) That part we may never know.

Fatal Justice does a better job than some give it credit for by describing the physical evidence not presented at trial or fully known to the defense. Unfortunately, selected “cut and past method used by the authors do NOT give a clear picture of all of the FOI documents. This is very misleading to the average reader, who should research the great documents at the C & J site to understand both accounts of this fascinating case. FJ should be read with the understanding of its biases toward the defense, understanding that important evidence was surpressed. However, it no longer carries its author’s belief that Macdonald is innocent. I think I have reached closure in this case. The only way that such will change again for me again is if DNA results can conclusively prove the existence of intruders in the home on the night/morning of February 16, 1970. A task that seems to have become progressively more unlikely with the passage of time.

Satch, you are as obsessed as the rest of us, lol. thank you for that post BTW
I remember the movie based on the Fatal Vision book. What stood out to me that I have never forgotten is when Freddie Kassab entered the house to look at the crime scene. There were Valentine cards on top of a bookcase. Freddie asks the investigator that is with him, "And he said there was a violent struggle in here that night?" The investigator says yes. Freddie then proceeds to simply jump up and down once and part of the cards fall down. Then he jumps up and down again and the other cards fall down. You could just see Freddie's thoughts on his face. Quite a memorable scene for me.
Satch, you are as obsessed as the rest of us, lol. thank you for that post BTW

Thank you!!!!

I also want to add. Go back to that famous living room scene photo and the neatness of the overturned coffee table stacked under those newspapers or magazines. I would estimate that in an upright position, that there is only about 4-5 feet between the couch and table, where Jeff claims he was attacked. IMO there is simply NO WAY POSSIBLE that four people, actually five (The four intruders and Jeff) could even fight let alone stand in such a small area.

And how did Helena and her friends know that Jeff would be where he was in the house to do this killing, or even to just "rough him up" between about 1:30-2:30am that morning? How could they see where they were going? Where did Helena get the candle from? Or at least, at what point did she light the candle? (The wick would have been wet from the rain. How would she know the layout of the house well enough to light a candle in a dark room on all these drugs?) If Macdonald saw a flickering light? Where did it come from? And isn't it strange that the "intruders" don't say what they want or indicate a reason for being there? "Acid is Groovy, Kill The Pigs?" And Jeff is saying stuff to investigates like trying to analyze what they are saying or doing instead of trying to get to his family. If Jeffrey Macdonald was innocent, would he be saying things like, "This guy throws a hell of a punch."

How did these alleged hippies get in the house? There was no sign of forced entry. And with all that fighting and conflict in that little space between the couch and coffee table? Nothing is disturbed, nothing is broken. Four people couldn't even fit in that space under normal conditions. Let alone a fighting situation. And Jeff can identify all this stuff in the dark!!!??? This makes his story even LESS credible. And NONE of the "intruders" are injured at all!!! They not only won the fight with Jeff, they are able to leave the house with no evidence of them being there. If Jeff's story were true, prosecutor Jim Blackburn always believed that the intruders would be dead, or I would say at least seriously injured.


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