NC NC - Madalina Cojocari, 11, reported Missing Dec 2022 three Weeks After Last Seen, Cornelius, *Parents Arrested* #3

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It sure doesn't feel like any justice was served when it comes to the STILL missing child in this case.

DC pleades guilty, walks free, gets deported back home.
Okay, where's Madalina? Also back in her home country, as a result of mom disappearing her in the first place?

I think this is correct. I would not be surprised if Madalina IS there already.

If mom, either out of a legitimate worry for her daughters safety or wanting to get out of a bad marriage, wanted to "hide" Madalina somewhere, with someone, why not use the easiest, legal, and possibly financially free or low-cost avenue of her birth father?

Earlier reports stated they were still in contact with one another as it was mentioned that bio dad would stay at their house when visiting Madalina, yes?

I'm finding it very difficult to believe that mom is some sort of planning mastermind. She was caught with drugs in jail. It's possible drugs may have been a problem in her life prior to being incarcerated. It's additionally difficult for me to think that a mother with drug problems is making great decisions and doing expert planning. She wasn't even able to devise a plan where Madalina's school asking about her whereabouts would be a non-issue, but I'm to believe the same person who couldn't remove that threat devised some big plan to get her daughter out of the US (but not herself as well) and that it was so so well-planned and executed so perfectly that LE hasnt been able to locate her?
And where is grandma's claim of a 5 million price tag for Madalina coming from? I'm not well-versed in human trafficking or the current going rates but that sounds like either a total fabrication by either grandma or whoever told her that or at the very least, an exaggerated amount.

I hope Im very wrong and I end up looking totally foolish if or when this case comes to a close and we learn what happened here, but mom and step-dad seem totally dishonest, at best.
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If mom, either out of a legitimate worry for her daughters safety or wanting to get out of a bad marriage, wanted to "hide" Madalina somewhere, with someone, why not use the easiest, legal, and possibly financially free or low-cost avenue of her birth father?

Earlier reports stated they were still in contact with one another as it was mentioned that bio dad would stay at their house when visiting Madalina, yes?

I'm finding it very difficult to believe that mom is some sort of planning mastermind. She was caught with drugs in jail. It's possible drugs may have been a problem in her life prior to being incarcerated. It's additionally difficult for me to think that a mother with drug problems is making great decisions and doing expert planning. She wasn't even able to devise a plan where Madalina's school asking about her whereabouts would be a non-issue, but I'm to believe the same person who couldn't remove that threat devised some big plan to get her daughter out of the US (but not herself as well) and that it was so so well-planned and executed so perfectly that LE hasnt been able to locate her?
And where is grandma's claim of a 5 million price tag for Madalina coming from? I'm not well-versed in human trafficking or the current going rates but that sounds like either a total fabrication by either grandma or whoever told her that or at the very least, an exaggerated amount.

I hope Im very wrong and I end up looking totally foolish if or when this case comes to a close and we learn what happened here, but mom and step-dad seem totally dishonest, at best.
Maybe she did that exactly. He may have agreed, but DC couldn't go for some reason or another. Maybe the biodad ensured Maddie made it to him but wasn't too concerned about DC. Maybe CP started to get suspicious.
Eta: JMO, I brainstorm a lot.
If she actually is with bio-dad, he has no good reason to admit that in his eyes. MC is safe. I think DC knows that.

His (Christopher Palmiter's) trial was originally set for Monday, but will now start Tuesday afternoon.

Palmiter’s legal team is now trying to delay the start even more. WCCB obtained a motion to continue, filed by the defense. It argues that Palmiter’s trial should be pushed back again in light of new evidence. His lawyers say the state kept evidence from them, including phone, computer, car, and journal records.

Other new information in the motion shared that Diana allegedly made a plan with Palmiter to take her and Madalina to a safe place, that she allegedly believed she was in danger from a third party, not Palmiter, and she was wiring large sums of money out of the country via western union.

Hunter Sáenz


Now Palmiter’s attorney is asking the judge to continue this case to give them adequate time to review this new evidence (interview), and asks for the following additional evidence:
Hunter Sáenz

The defense claims prosecutors didn’t tell them about this interview until last week. They are asking the judge to give them time.


See the following linked WSOC article for full details about a phone call between Diana and her cousin from the court documents released May 20:

The document details a three-hour interview conducted with Diana Cojocari’s cousin, which the defense said it was only informed about on Wednesday. It’s not clear when the interview took place.

Editor’s Note: The court document referenced below has redactions that, based on context clues, appear to refer to Madalina Cojocari. This article has been written to reflect that.

In the interview, the cousin said Diana Cojocari came to him because she was “seeking help to leave Christopher Palmiter.” He said she reached out to him because the medical excuse she had given to Madalina’s school was expiring.....

The calls between Diana Cojocari and her cousin match with when Madalina didn’t return to school, the defense said. In addition, Diana Cojocari was allegedly sending large amounts of money out of the country. The document mentions “newly revealed text messages and the FBI interview” that Channel 9 is working to obtain, which show Diana talking about Madalina as still being in her presence on certain dates.

It concludes with the defense asking for “any information that corroborates the Defendant’s prior statements to the police, reveals a conspiracy and provides inconsistent statements, as well as the intention, motivation, preparation, plan and knowledge of the co-defendant or other to hide and gas light the Defendant as to her whereabouts is patently relevant, discoverable and exculpatory.”

“The defense needs to know whom Diana was in contact with, where and when she went and what contacts and calls she had in order to bolster Palmiter’s defense,” the documents says.
If mom, either out of a legitimate worry for her daughters safety or wanting to get out of a bad marriage, wanted to "hide" Madalina somewhere, with someone, why not use the easiest, legal, and possibly financially free or low-cost avenue of her birth father?

Earlier reports stated they were still in contact with one another as it was mentioned that bio dad would stay at their house when visiting Madalina, yes?...
I don't recall MC's birth father being in the picture at all. ???
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....As for her not knowing who she can trust, it's not as if she's on her own, she's had legal counsel the whole time who would have most certainly advised her it's in her best interests if she knows anything, to be honest with LE. And she has chosen all along not to do that.
But IMO it seems that it actually IS in DC's best interest to NOT be honest with LE. After all, she is set to be freed now, after serving a couple of years for not reporting her child missing. If DC is guilty of more than that, which seems likely, then she's actually getting off with a very light sentence for not disclosing anything, yes? ALL MOO
Adding to the list of things that don't make sense/we don't have anywhere near enough info about to even guess possible facts around: I can't stop wondering about the plywood "room" built into their kitchen area. Just, why? For what supposed purpose?
I agree. There are so many unanswered and strange things about this case. I believe CP said the reason for the plywood space was that he was "building an apartment" within their home. I wish we could see photos/diagrams of the plywood room to see if that statement even makes sense.
I agree. There are so many unanswered and strange things about this case. I believe CP said the reason for the plywood space was that he was "building an apartment" within their home. I wish we could see photos/diagrams of the plywood room to see if that statement even makes sense.
I've been thinking about that. Any possibility he was removing it?

What was going on in that household????
From the latest update posted: "Madalina was last seen on surveillance video getting off the school bus outside her home in Cornelius, North Carolina at 4:49 p.m. on November 21, 2022. Her mother, Diana Cojocari, said she last saw her at around noon on November 22, but later changed her story and said the last time she saw her daughter was at 10:00 p.m. on November 23, when the child went to bed.

That evening, Madalina's stepfather, Christopher Palmiter, argued with Diana. On November 23 (according to him) or 24 (according to Diana), he left town and drove to Michigan "to pick up items" from his family's home there. He later told police he had not seen Madalina for about a week prior to his trip to Michigan."
And here's yet another indicator that DC was the main player in this, if not the only player IMO. Changing her story about when she last saw her daughter is highly suspicious IMO.

I know it does seem so common when someone allegedly "goes missing" in the middle of a fight, that it is quite often when the person was killed, and CP's trip "to his family home" right around that time is highly suspicious too imo. However, DC's extensive communication with an alleged trafficker and showing intent to have MC "smuggled" is even more of a "smoking gun" imo. And IF that was her plan, of course she'd want to carry it out without CP being involved. And according to him, Madalina was already gone a week before he left on his trip to his family.

I guess I'm still leaning towards DC being the guilty party here and CP perhaps really not being involved. Altogether, I think CP would seem very guilty IF DC didn't seem even more guilty, if that makes sense. And I don't see these two sticking together on a story. They do seem pitted against each other but that hasn't made the truth come out, which makes it seem likely to me that one of them really doesn't know what happened (CP). All MOO--- and I am usually wrong!
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Another thought, DC was involved in an "unusual" church at one time, at least. I don't remember all the details anymore but I believe the church was listed somewhere as possibly having some cult-like tendencies. I have wondered if that could have factored in somehow. If anyone recalls the details of it or thinks it might be relevant.

I apologize for all the posts in a row here. I can't remember how to multi-quote (duh!) Anyway, all is MOO, of course.
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Same with burning the couch in the yard. What was that all about anyway?
Destroying evidence, is the first thing that comes to mind.

But IMO it seems that it actually IS in DC's best interest to NOT be honest with LE. After all, she is set to be freed now, after serving a couple of years for not reporting her child missing. If DC is guilty of more than that, which seems likely, then she's actually getting off with a very light sentence for not disclosing anything, yes? ALL MOO
Of course I was referring to the idea that she's this poor, scared, confused immigrant who doesn't know who to trust.
I don't buy any of that for a second. I think she knew exactly what she was doing and has known all along exactly what happened to Madalina.

I've been thinking about that. Any possibility he was removing it?

What was going on in that household????
I agree. And the first thing I'd think when hearing about a plywood room in a kitchen is just that someone is building a storage pantry/closet. But the way it's been presented, it sure does seem creepy.
Of course I was referring to the idea that she's this poor, scared, confused immigrant who doesn't know who to trust.
I don't buy any of that for a second. I think she knew exactly what she was doing and has known all along exactly what happened to Madalina.

Ah, okay then. Sorry I misunderstood your post.
At this point all I can hope is that Madalina was smuggled out of the country successfully, and Now Diana will be returned back to her home country and her and Madalina will be reunited. How much pull does LE have in Moldova that they would be able to watch her and see if they reconnect? Or will DC just vanish over there? If she makes it back to Moldova and Madalina is there, can DC be held accountable for anything?
It might change my theory IF we knew that DC was not able to legally take MC out of the country, for ex if CP had legally adopted MC and would have had to give his permission for MC to travel. Then, if it was a domestic abuse situation, that would change things imo.

In that case, perhaps DC had copies of Madalina's passport with her in the car when she was stopped because she'd given it to someone to copy and forge and they'd then given the originals back to her, to put back and keep CP from knowing what went on.

Also, it's possible that even though her family member is suspected of being a trafficker or connected to traffickers in some way, DC still trusts him and that he actually is trustworthy to her since he's family.

He (Octavian) also previously worked for the customs dept. (in Moldova, I believe) so it's possible he has insider information/abilities to get MC into Moldova without CP's permission. In that case, it also makes sense that DC would not be able to travel with MC. Perhaps she had her own plans to meet MC in Moldova but they were interrupted when she was arrested instead.

There are so many unknowns here!
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Why would a trafficker hold on to Madalina for all this time? Why would the grandmother claim she’s been sold (for 5 million dollars for heaven sakes!) if Madalina was taken back to family in Moldova?

Nothing makes sense. I don’t trust either parent no matter what they say. Produce Madalina if you have her! If DC has family willing to hide Madalina from… who? Then someone, somewhere would be able to assure LE that she was safe.

I call bs. JMO
Simple... the "traffickers" are related to her and Grandmother is deflecting. We have heard zero about Madalina's Bio Father. He could be connected to some not-so-legal things. DC's Cousin had contact with illegal activities. But they didn't say his relationship to the activities. Is he some bottom-of-the-barrel criminal, or is he related to some of the top people running it? Is her DC's cousin or Madalina's Father's cousin? I could be 10000% wrong, but at this point I hope somehow I am right and she is safe somewhere.

His (Christopher Palmiter's) trial was originally set for Monday, but will now start Tuesday afternoon.

Palmiter’s legal team is now trying to delay the start even more. WCCB obtained a motion to continue, filed by the defense. It argues that Palmiter’s trial should be pushed back again in light of new evidence. His lawyers say the state kept evidence from them, including phone, computer, car, and journal records.

Other new information in the motion shared that Diana allegedly made a plan with Palmiter to take her and Madalina to a safe place, that she allegedly believed she was in danger from a third party, not Palmiter, and she was wiring large sums of money out of the country via western union.

"Diana Cojocari was released from jail today, as she has served the max amount of time she could for the charge."

Another thought, DC was involved in an "unusual" church at one time, at least. I don't remember all the details anymore but I believe the church was listed somewhere as possibly having some cult-like tendencies. I have wondered if that could have factored in somehow. If anyone recalls the details of it or thinks it might be relevant.

I apologize for all the posts in a row here. I can't remember how to multi-quote (duh!) Anyway, all is MOO, of course.
Yes I remember this as well. Could be an option. Look at what was learned from that HBO doc Unveiled: Surviving La Luz Del Mundo. They have been said to move people all over. Minors at that.

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