Found Deceased NC - Maddox Ritch, 6 w/Autism, Gastonia, 22 Sept 2018 #3

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Cell phone video. Still photos. Multiple eyewitness accounts during the same time frame. LE's outreach to the community probably yielded many responses even though media didn't report. Hoping there's an update soon.

Agreed. LE early on mentioned they wanted to speak to a photographer who was doing a photo shoot with a family. In those types of professional photo shoots the photographer will take hundreds of snaps and then pick out the best ones or a series of different ones for the family. LE may have gone through every frame to see if they could find any with Maddox in the background.

Also people taking personal pictures and videos of the day may have captured Maddox running by in the background. LE may have been calling everyone in to be able to look through their cell phone camera roll for any accidental shot.
I'm not refuting the eyewitness accounts.

On the topic of eyewitness accounts i found these very interesting.

How reliable is your memory? | Elizabeth Loftus

The latter is most interesting

Scott Fraser: The problem with eyewitness testimony

I agree that eyewitness accounts can be problematic for a variety of reasons. However, this research and knowledge has been available for decades. There are training and procedures to follow when interviewing a witness so as to get the most accurate testimony.
Does the FBI ever stay involved after they somewhat know if something was just an accident?

Do you think they wait until the autopsy results before deciding to pull out or not?

I expect the FBI to be involved until the investigation is over and the case is closed, regardless of what the outcome appears to be. Once they are involved in an investigation I don't think they "pull out" at all, JMO. The FBI also likes to keep as much info to themselves as possible, even when there is no foul play and no danger to the public suspected. In the Rita Maze case, for example, the FBI suspected very early on that they were investigating a staged suicide. There were hints of this from local LE but the FBI kept everything very quiet and no LE source used the word "suicide" at all. They had video from a gas station stop where Rita's debit card was used but they never released it to the public. They waited several months for all forensic tests to come back before letting the public know this was indeed a suicide (she faked her own abduction, climbed into her own car's truck and shot herself). Point being, I don't expect the FBI to tell us anything until all their test are in and they are satisfied the case is closed. JMO. I'm still hoping this was nothing more than a tragic accident.
Please stop assuming that the length of investigation means more than it does. The FBI agent said at the final presser that it would take several weeks. That’s a good thing. That means they are conducting the thorough investigation that Maddox and his family deserve.
It might not just be drowning. He could have fallen and have a head wound as well. Even if it’s cut and dry as drowning, there are so many questions to answer from a body that had been in the elements for many days.
There are so many reasons the investigation is still ongoing and they still are looking for witnesses at the park. They are completing the most thorough investigation possible and I’m glad.
LE confirmed that Maddox was at the park. So, he was at the park. End of story. They are under zero obligations to tell the public how they confirmed this fact. Accept it and move forward. We all know about false witness issues. LE is satisfied, I am too.

Now, how did he get to where he was found? Probably by running, walking, roaming until he fell into the creek. But, LE must make sure that this was accidental and not caused by another. So, they continue to investigate.

It is tragic, but not complicated.
This is a true crime and missing persons discussion forum. People are going to discuss various issues connected with cases of crime and missing persons. Posters are free to discuss whatever they want within TOS, even if it's not what you find interesting or relevant. Scroll and roll if you don't like a discussion. :cool:
This is a true crime and missing persons discussion forum. People are going to discuss various issues connected with cases of crime and missing persons. Posters are free to discuss whatever they want within TOS, even if it's not what you find interesting or relevant. Scroll and roll if you don't like a discussion. :cool:

Well said, Alethea. :)

Posters discussing if Maddox was actually at the park are free to speculate ; and they've been doing so, and staying well within TOS.
A great group of sleuthers here at WS !

Law enforcement have said that they know he was at the park.
They've never said who he was with--- or if he was photographed, video'd, or sec. cams. ; and was only observed him by himself, alone.

LE have simply said; "Yes, Maddox was at Rankin Park"... and left it at that.
Does anyone know if it's reopened and busy again ?

We know that dad and girlfriend were there -- we don't know if he was seen WITH THEM up until the time he went missing.
The park employee didn't see Maddox.

Others saw him, but observed him all alone.
(Church lady and the mysterious man on the bench)

Was pondering and still am wondering ---what is it that LE wants anyone else (who were at the park on the 22nd) to come forward with ? What further information ?
Why are they still (as of Wed. 3rd) asking for people to talk to them ?
Some information is missing.
The way I see it, dad's story is basically true. The question is whether Maddox ran away and accidentally fell into the creek, or whether he was abducted from the park/parking lot. If the first version is true, then it is a very sad, sorrowful accident. If the second version is true, it means that there may be a child abuser and a murderer living in the community. This is why FBI and the police are so active and are trying to collect as much information as possible. For the safety of other kids and maybe adults, too.

Well said, Alethea. :)

Posters discussing if Maddox was actually at the park are free to speculate ; and they've been doing so, and staying well within TOS.
A great group of sleuthers here at WS !

Law enforcement have said that they know he was at the park.
They've never said who he was with--- or if he was photographed, video'd, or sec. cams. ; and was only observed him by himself, alone.

LE have simply said; "Yes, Maddox was at Rankin Park"... and left it at that.
Does anyone know if it's reopened and busy again ?

We know that dad and girlfriend were there -- we don't know if he was seen WITH THEM up until the time he went missing.
The park employee didn't see Maddox.

Others saw him, but observed him all alone.
(Church lady and the mysterious man on the bench)

Was pondering and still am wondering ---what is it that LE wants anyone else (who were at the park on the 22nd) to come forward with ? What further information ?
Why are they still (as of Wed. 3rd) asking for people to talk to them ?
Some information is missing.

Church lady says she saw him along with her mother. As far as we know she is the only one that has come forward with a sighting. She also was interviewed on television. So by others that does not include bench guy or anyone else. At least that we know of, right?
LE confirmed that Maddox was at the park. So, he was at the park. End of story. They are under zero obligations to tell the public how they confirmed this fact. Accept it and move forward. We all know about false witness issues. LE is satisfied, I am too.

Now, how did he get to where he was found? Probably by running, walking, roaming until he fell into the creek. But, LE must make sure that this was accidental and not caused by another. So, they continue to investigate.

It is tragic, but not complicated.

Au contraire. It is complicated. In my opinion.

Uncomplicated would be if he ran from Dad and girlfriend, was attracted to the lake, drowned, and was found a short distance from where he was last seen.

What complicates this story:

How long was he running/wandering alone at the park? Did anyone report seeing Maddox with Dad and girlfriend? How did he get to the creek? When did he get to the creek? How many people saw him? With hundreds of people in the park you would think many people would have seen him. Did anyone confirm seeing Dad chasing after Maddox? The jogger? The three people on the trail he ran around?

Why did LE keep pleading for people who had been at the park that day to contact them? Why do they want to talk to the man wearing a camouflage hat loading a kayak into a white truck? How did they get a description of this man? Was it from a camera? Why do they think he might have been the last person to see Maddox?

The location in the creek where he was found had been searched several times. How long between the last time it had been searched and the time he was found?
Agreed. LE early on mentioned they wanted to speak to a photographer who was doing a photo shoot with a family. In those types of professional photo shoots the photographer will take hundreds of snaps and then pick out the best ones or a series of different ones for the family. LE may have gone through every frame to see if they could find any with Maddox in the background.

Also people taking personal pictures and videos of the day may have captured Maddox running by in the background. LE may have been calling everyone in to be able to look through their cell phone camera roll for any accidental shot.
I never thought of that,that's very possible he could be in someone's pic bless him
I’ll add one more to your list. When and where did church lady see Maddox and did she ever see dad and GF searching?

Thank you!

Has anyone except the church picnic lady stated publicly that she saw Maddox? And has anyone mentioned seeing Dad and girlfriend chasing around calling for him? Has anyone confirmed seeing three of them together at any time?
Regarding the FBI. It appears they have :
FBI’s Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) team. The CARD team consists of a group of highly trained and experienced subject-matter experts in missing children investigations. They deploy all over the country when a child is reported missing.
FBI Joins Search for Boy Missing from Gastonia Park — FBI

I, too, was wondering about the delay in COD. So, looked up drowning and effect on body. Some reasons could be the bodys time in H2O.

A body will sink to the bottom of the water unless air is trapped in clothing. The body will float, head down, until bloating begins, at which time it will surface unless weighted down by something.

Factors used in determining the length of time a body has been submerged include:
Maceration of the skin
Cooling of the body
Rigor mortis
Livor mortis
Water temperature
Adipocere formation

Maceration of the skin is caused by the absorption of water into the outer layer of the skin. Skin becomes white, wrinkles and thick. The warmer the water, the faster changes occur.

Skin maceration rate in drowning victims is usually:
Two to four hours - seen in the fingertips or toes
Twenty-four hours - seen in hallow of hands
Two weeks - outer layer of skin may be loosened
Three to four weeks - nails will loosen, allowing the entire skin to skip off like a

What do drowned bodies look like at different stages of decomposition?
Thank you!

Has anyone except the church picnic lady stated publicly that she saw Maddox? And has anyone mentioned seeing Dad and girlfriend chasing around calling for him? Has anyone confirmed seeing three of them together at any time?

Not everyone who provides information to LE wants to be interviewed by reporters. "Church picnic lady" chose to go public with her eyewitness account. I'm sure others contacted LE with whatever information they had and shared cell phone video, still photos, gave eyewitness accounts without being interviewed by media. Some folks are eager to appear on TV newscasts, while others prefer anonymity. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes person and would have contacted LE, shared whatever information I had, and avoided media contact.
Not everyone who provides information to LE wants to be interviewed by reporters. "Church picnic lady" chose to go public with her eyewitness account. I'm sure others contacted LE with whatever information they had and shared cell phone video, still photos, gave eyewitness accounts without being interviewed by media. Some folks are eager to appear on TV newscasts, while others prefer anonymity. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes person and would have contacted LE, shared whatever information I had, and avoided media contact.

Thing is, it was reported there were hundreds of people in the park that day. One would think that out of hundreds of people more than one person would be in the news/social media by now.
Thing is, it was reported there were hundreds of people in the park that day. One would think that out of hundreds of people more than one person would be in the news/social media by now.

With all the vitriol being spewed on SM these days I wouldn't expect anyone else to come forward to the press in this case. Even the witness who has spoken and says she and her mother and daughter saw Maddox has been doubted and heavily criticized here (e.g.: People saying "maybe she didn't really see Maddox, maybe it was another boy in an orange shirt" and "why didn't she grab him/stop him and try to find his parents?" etc, etc). When a child dies everyone who saw him is going to get some blame and public criticism even when it is not their fault at all. Even the park employee who called 911 has been criticized for his media interview afterwards. I don't blame witnesses for not speaking to the press at all. Hoepfully there are many more that spoke to LE. JMO.

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