Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #3

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(Snipped for focus)

We have a neighbor who works an overnight shift and he used to let us know when he would notice cars slowly driving our street during the 3-4am range. Another neighbor is an insomniac and he would also let us know if he saw anything out of the ordinary. Our bedroom is at the rear of the house and we wouldn’t have heard anything out front. Other people up at that time - new moms!!!

I wonder if the witness knew who the person was and maybe that didn’t make it to MSM?

(Neighbor, is that you? :biggrin: That's me out there all hours of the night noting suspicious activity lol )
You would think that LE would check out sex offenders in the area. I haven't seen any report where they have done this and I know a couple people posted how there was one nearby that did a sexual act on a minor who I believe was age 10 or under the age 10. Like what if this is another Jessica Lunsford case an SO has her some where. Especially if this report by the father is indeed true about seeing someone leaving the trailer carrying something.

I am pretty sure that that would have been one of their first moves.
Regarding talk about the mass amount of woods and water....

I lived in Alaska for 4 years on a military base that was super remote and not far from the arctic circle. While going out exploring in the vast wildness that Alaska is...I was continually thinking how easy it would be to just 'get rid of someone' or get lost and never be found. While the incredible beauty that was all around me was amazing....It also gave me a claustrophobic type of feeling because of the thoughts I would have.
(Snipped for space by me)
I know what you mean. I am from a large city but lived in a rural town in Southern Oregon for 5 years. We actually learned from locals that some people would bring their cars/trucks to the area and push them over the mountain for insurance fraud claims. I saw the “graveyard” of cars myself on a few occasions. Super creepy.

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(Snipped for space by me)
I know what you mean. I am from a large city but lived in a rural town in Southern Oregon for 5 years. We actually learned from locals that some people would bring their cars/trucks to the area and push them over the mountain for insurance fraud claims. I saw the “graveyard” of cars myself on a few occasions. Super creepy.

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(Indeed, seen this in a loooootttt of cases during searches)
I too lived in Alaska for 3.5 years - Fairbanks. I know what you mean

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My husband is a long haul truck driver..Whenever he passes an area like that he will usually comment on just how easy it could be to hide someone..

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I am pretty sure that that would have been one of their first moves.

I totally agree. Usually it is reported on first thing in cases like this that LE has checked out sex offenders. However to my knowledge I haven't see anything. I've been following the case since thread one. I always come on here whenever there are cases like this cause you guys have all the info and its easy to follow. I could be totally wrong but I don't think I've seen it anywhere. It seemed LE started out right with Mom and BF's trailer. They seemed to be really focused on them but then moved to other searches out side of the living area like the creeks and stuff. Could be they just haven't reported it. I don't know. Do any of you remember reading if they did or not?
You would think that LE would check out sex offenders in the area. I haven't seen any report where they have done this and I know a couple people posted how there was one nearby that did a sexual act on a minor who I believe was age 10 or under the age 10. Like what if this is another Jessica Lunsford case an SO has her some where. Especially if this report by the father is indeed true about more than one neighbor seeing someone leaving the trailer carrying something.

I'm 100% positive they have spoken to the RSO's in the area, don;'t you think they would be the first people they would go talk too?
I totally agree. Usually it is reported on i cases that LE has checked out sex offenders and to my knowledge I haven't see anything. I've been following the case since thread one. I always come on here whenever there are cases like this cause you guys have all the info and its easy to follow. I could be totally wrong but I don't think I've seen it anywhere. It seemed they started out right with Mom and BF's trailer they seemed to be really focused on then moved to other searches. Could be they just haven't reported it. I don't know. Do any of you remember reading if they did or not?
This would probably be one of those investigative details Sheriff Miller et al are keeping close to their chests. In fairness they are doing a sterling job of keeping schtum. I can not imagine it hasn’t been done.
For reference/educational purposes, I'd like to see a list/comparison as related to disposal sites of:

Caylee, lonzie, sherin, lisa, malik, etc etc, you get my drift.
Stat to look up, what percentage of homicide victims are found in water?
I understand that about forgiveness. I think context is important. I was also a victim of childhood physical and emotional abuse. I forgave my father in my 20's after I had moved out of my house. It was healing in a way, but it did not change my patterns and I ended up marrying an abuser. If I had forgiven my abusive husband within the first 3 years after his arrest, I would not be free today and I might be dead, and my child too. Forgiveness in an actively abusive situation or in the early healing stages is not appropriate and potentially dangerous. Later on, possibly, and done by an adult victim, maybe after the initial healing stages are complete. Self forgiveness - yes, very helpful, but not towards the abuser in the early stages. Forgiveness is not the first or even the best line of victim treatment or healing. I beg you to be very careful. As a healer, we must do no harm. Please be careful and use forgiveness carefully and appropriately.
I have read the research and have to say that the criteria they use to evaluate its effectiveness is not the most important criteria for a victim. Safety is. Yes it can help with anxiety, depression, self esteem in adults with past, childhood trauma. Safety, regaining the sense of self and autonomy are the first steps for an abuse victim. The other stuff comes from that, later. I have not misunderstood your post. I am a victim with a(n) MS in Psych, focus on DV and trauma/PTSD.

As not only a victim myself but a counselor, I respectfully disagree.
It is a common misconception that forgiveness is given FOR the abuser. It is not. It is to heal the psyche of the victim, to release the hold of fear the abuser has on them and absolve them from any misguided guilt. It is a valid form of therapy recognized by even the Veteran's Administration now as a good source of therapy in veteran's with PTSD and any victim of Moral PTSD. The reason I capitalized the words Forgiveness Therapy is that it is a valid Therapy method, not just simply saying "I forgive my abuser". A victim would have to choose to seek Forgiveness Therapy. Research says it is extremely effective in addressing all aspects of the emotional trauma caused by violence, domestic or otherwise.

Again I feel I need to emphasize this is NOT me encouraging people to just forgive the monster/s who abused them. You have misunderstood my post. FT is a recognized Therapy Method like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Therapy, EMDR Therapy, etc. It may not be desired by everyone but it does have a good success rate.

This would probably be one of those investigative details Sheriff Miller et al are keeping close to their chests. In fairness they are doing a sterling job of keeping schtum. I can not imagine it hasn’t been done.

Very true! I guess I'm just used to other cases where it was reported in MSM articles that they checked out SO's in the area and stuff. :giggle:
I totally agree. Usually it is reported on first thing in cases like this that LE has checked out sex offenders. However to my knowledge I haven't see anything. I've been following the case since thread one. I always come on here whenever there are cases like this cause you guys have all the info and its easy to follow. I could be totally wrong but I don't think I've seen it anywhere. It seemed LE started out right with Mom and BF's trailer. They seemed to be really focused on them but then moved to other searches out side of the living area like the creeks and stuff. Could be they just haven't reported it. I don't know. Do any of you remember reading if they did or not?

I'm pretty sure it has not been reported whether they did or didn't. I have also followed this case since the beginning and I have a fairly good memory for details. I think you are right, they started with the house, the car, then started searching the woods and creeks, etc. There has been no reporting regarding RSO's.
For reference/educational purposes, I'd like to see a list/comparison as related to disposal sites of:

Caylee, lonzie, sherin, lisa, malik, etc etc, you get my drift.
I have sometime tomorrow.. Give me some parameters.

1. How far back do we go
2. A list of cases to start
3. Will age matter?
4. Gender or child or prep?

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I'm pretty sure it has not been reported whether they did or didn't. I have also followed this case since the beginning and I have a fairly good memory for details. I think you are right, they started with the house, the car, then started searching the woods and creeks, etc. There has been no reporting regarding RSO's.

That's what I thought! it seemed they were focused on all those things and like you said then they moved to the woods, water etc. Also today was the first day since she's gone missing that they searched landfills. That is another thing you think they would have done right off.
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