Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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Wouldn't police be able to tell where they were from their cell phones? It's crazy that they are still asking for sightings of the family. EK's family would know if they were there, the boys would know at least where they were and who was with them. I don't get it, there has to be some deception going on.

Kristy's dad said they got home at around midnight, EK was supposedly out stealing dressers between 11pm and 3am, AW said that he heard that the lady who babysat for KW saw someone carrying something from the trailer at around 3am.

KW made a post to facebook at about 9pm. It was a humorous video of a teenage girl playing a Jelly Bean dare game BeanBoozled with her parents.

I've just been looking at the map. It's a 2 hour journey from Raleigh to home, and it passes through Maple Hill.

Just getting some thoughts down before I go to bed. I'll let you all solve it by the time I return. G'night.
First hand account of EK's behavior the day Mariah was reported missing:

In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Pastor Cliff Wilson of Folkstone Original Free Will Baptist Church — where family members of Mariah attend — said that he was also skeptical of Earl. “[He] was really jumpy the whole time watching the police searching around the house,” said the pastor, who was with Earl and the family on Nov. 27, the day Mariah was reported missing.
Prior to his most recent arrest, Earl was convicted of larceny in 2005 and 2015. In 2012, he was also convicted for threatening a government official and being drunk and disorderly, for which his license was suspended. In addition, he was sentenced to probation.
“Earl tried to stay far away from investigators. But the sheriff seemed to be watching him more than anybody else,” Pastor Cliff recalled of his day spent with the convict. “He was acting very sheepishly.”
A ten year old living in those circumstances would know which drugs were which, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he had actually used them.

I work in Corrections and Addiction Recovery and you wouldn't believe how many people's first use was due to a parent providing and encouraging it.

You speak the truth. I am retired PO. Pre-sentence investigations was 80% of my job. You learn a lot about what makes a person who they are. Parents, high school sports coaches (I had many that started that way), friends were all a big part of introduction with those I dealt with. I think parents would be shocked if they really knew how much kids know at young ages.
I've been looking but am only stumbling on the same rumors of neither parent getting custody today and the boys remaining in CPS custody until a hearing next week and a possible gag order may be in place? Would CPS have hearings that close together? Again, nothing to substantiate anything, I'll keep looking.
Do we know if KW even showed up?
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but...


[FONT="]Of 120 child deaths that the Observer examined, including William Yates, authorities ruled 31 as homicides or other unlawful killings. Three child deaths resulted in life sentences for the parent or caregiver; other sentences were short or had no prison time.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]The Observer found failures in the state’s child welfare system that included missed signs of abuse or neglect by social workers, medical professionals, law enforcement and others. The state has fallen woefully behind in reviewing child deaths, which is meant to help prevent future mistakes.[/FONT]

[FONT="]Child advocates say state leaders need to do more to prevent abuse from happening in the first place. But for many of the children already lost, justice can be elusive because of the nature of child abuse cases.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]Peter Strickland, a Moore County prosecutor, says the parent or guardian is often the only witness to the death. In many cases, the children who died had several caregivers, making it difficult to prove who was at fault. Weapons are rarely involved.[/FONT]

[FONT="]“You just kind of have to use the physical evidence and diagnose the cause of death. It’s not always easy to prove,” Strickland said.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]There is also the emotional component. Often, the accused did not intend to kill the child, and prosecutors are reluctant to seek harsh punishment, said Tom Vitaglione, a senior fellow at NC Child, an advocacy and policy group based in Raleigh.[/FONT]

[FONT="]“There’s great empathy and sympathy for that, so they don’t want to go any further unless it is a clear case,” Vitaglione said.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]The result, in many cases, are plea agreements with lesser charges, such as involuntary manslaughter.[/FONT]

This is terrible. Something smells rotten in North Carolina.

Not just NC. It's nationwide. I had the father of the "where's Jimmy case in Ohio" if it weren't for reporters committed to justice it would have been buried under the rug. It went on for years. The child was dead and no one knew because the CPS worker lied and said she had visited him and all was well. The court actually tried to prosecute her and it's been in limbo for years. She now works in another county with disabled kids. The county next to us had am explosive case. CPS was supposed to supervise the visitation between the parents and their baby AT the CPS building. The BABY was raped! Right there! CPS was supposed to be watching! They didn't. Thank God they had video and the parents lost all rights. If I hadn't already seen so many cases of baby/child rape I would have never believed such a thing could happen. Especially with mothers. CPS needs to start putting the child 1st.
Geeze. That just makes me sick. There is so much of it going through everywhere. I am so glad my daughter carries Narcan.

Tell her to carry gloves, if she doesn't already. It takes only about the size of a grain of salt, of the new varieties of the stuff, to kill you, and you don't want to get it on you. It's considered a "designer drug". Narcan may not even help. I talked to an E.R. nurse, who deals with it every shift, and with some of this stuff, it keeps releasing, so if they don't keep getting repeated Narcan (or Naloxone), until they get to the E.R., then it may not work, depending on dosage, how fast they were found and transported, etc... Even if it works, of those who survive, quite a few have to go on to assisted living, due to brain damage.
“Beyond a reasonable doubt” is what kept her from being found guilty. I think she did it, but based on what was presented the jury came back with the only verdict they could. JMO

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I feel if they had charged her with negligent manslaughter the jury would have came back with a guilty verdict. There was enough evidence to prove she was negligent, but not enough to prove she killed her intentionally. But the DA was in it all or nothing. Big mistake I feel.

I just hope that isn't what happens with Mariah. Them not charging EK or KW with murder makes me edgy about this case.
I haven't a clue what her leg abnormality was exactly. There was a discussion a page or few back about it. However it would almost positively not have been caused by illicit drug use. Abnormalities or birth defects involving the hips, legs and feet are almost always hereditary and are more common in girls. They're also seen often in women with a small uterus or low amneotic fluid.

Some prescription medications have been known to cause physical deformities, (but we are talking major deformities like missing limbs and these drugs aren't used anymore.)

Street drugs mostly effect neonates' brains, face, lungs and there is speculation about eyes and ears.

I think Grouchy Mom downloaded KW's FB before it was taken down. I may be mixing cases up but I thought I saw posts from when Mariah was born that may give an idea?
Wouldn't police be able to tell where they were from their cell phones? It's crazy that they are still asking for sightings of the family. EK's family would know if they were there, the boys would know at least where they were and who was with them. I don't get it, there has to be some deception going on.

Kristy's dad said they got home at around midnight, EK was supposedly out stealing dressers between 11pm and 3am, AW said that he heard that the lady who babysat for KW saw someone carrying something from the trailer at around 3am.

KW made a post to facebook at about 9pm. It was a humorous video of a teenage girl playing a Jelly Bean dare game BeanBoozled with her parents.

I've just been looking at the map. It's a 2 hour journey from Raleigh to home, and it passes through Maple Hill.

Just getting some thoughts down before I go to bed. I'll let you all solve it by the time I return. G'night.

Thats what I am wondering although they may have had burner phones. I have a hard time believing he had no phone but it's possible.
Thats what I am wondering although they may have had burner phones. I have a hard time believing he had no phone but it's possible.

If it was planned I could see burner phones possibly being used, but I don’t think MW’s death was planned. Do we know if they had cell phones?
If it was planned I could see burner phones possibly being used, but I don’t think MW’s death was planned. Do we know if they had cell phones?
I'm thinking more of drug users using burner phones. Paranoia maybe? But I haven't heard cell phones referred to at all. That kind of makes me wonder.
i may be wrong, but i think the owner lives near the old house, and he may have went over to check to see if the child had gotten in somehow. Noticed that the dressers were gone, and reported it to le, or checked his own surveillance video and saw ek coming and going and reported him. They'd probably seen the dressers, during the search at ek's trailer, and bingo.

I know that there are still some of you who can not imagine a mother being involved with harm being done to their children. I've followed this type of case for many, many years. I've just wanted to post a link to a case I'm following. This will show you exactly what some so called "mothers" are willing to do for .*advertiser censored*-of-toddler
I'm thinking more of drug users using burner phones. Paranoia maybe? But I haven't heard cell phones referred to at all. That kind of makes me wonder.

Maybe. My guess is they had pay as you go smart phones that only worked when they had money to pay for minutes and/or when they were connected to WiFi.
Maybe. My guess is they had pay as you go smart phones that only worked when they had money to pay for minutes and/or when they were connected to WiFi.
Possibly, I'm surprised there has been no mention of cell phones. Not sure if it's because it isn't important or because it is. One thing that always stood out to me when working. People would say they couldn't afford to feed their kids and whine about how broke they were but would have 2 phones on them. A cheap one and the best cell phone money could buy. Oh, and a pager to boot.
Tell her to carry gloves, if she doesn't already. It takes only about the size of a grain of salt, of the new varieties of the stuff, to kill you, and you don't want to get it on you. It's considered a "designer drug". Narcan may not even help. I talked to an E.R. nurse, who deals with it every shift, and with some of this stuff, it keeps releasing, so if they don't keep getting repeated Narcan (or Naloxone), until they get to the E.R., then it may not work, depending on dosage, how fast they were found and transported, etc... Even if it works, of those who survive, quite a few have to go on to assisted living, due to brain damage.

She does! :) It's part of the kit she was given!
In any event, do we know the outcome of the custody hearing today for AW?

No. Nothing here and nothing in MSM insofar as anyone could find. There are rumors on facebook, but what else is new?

Someone, I don't recall who, mentioned that the weather back there was really bad today and that there could have been a cancellation.
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