NC - Mike Nifong, Duke prosecutor, for ethics violations, Durham, 2006

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I heard them say today that she wasn't being charged b/c she has mental response to that is, would a mental person who hurt someone get off free b/c he was mental? Of course not. He might not see any jail time, but he would be locked away. Crystal is likely not physically dangerous to anyone, but she is dangerous in that she almost ruined (and did severely damage) three young lives with her lies. She should be punished for that and also receive some psychiatric help if it is so needed.

You're right, if she physically assaulted the boys she'd be facing charges for sure. Add in the fact that this is (I think) her 3rd false allegation, and she SHOULD be facing some type of legal action which would hopefully ensure psychiatric help and prevent her from messing up more people's lives. I also hope she is able to care for her new baby adequately, but I am sure she could benefit from psychiatric care.
I thought I remembered that happening. Nifong is a b*stard. It was nice seeing him getting what he so deserved. It's just so sad that those boys had to endure this...and their families.

And to me, Nifong does not look the least bit sorry for any of his actions.

When asked during his disciplinary trial, he still wouldn't say that the players were completely innocent. He said, "Something happened that caused people to leave that scene very quickly."
Duke prosecutor faces troubled future

RALEIGH, N.C. - His law license lost and reputation in tatters, Mike Nifong seemingly can fall no further. But the disgraced prosecutor who committed “intentional prosecutorial misconduct” in his pursuit of the Duke lacrosse rape case faces an uncertain — and likely troubled — future.

The falsely accused players and their families, having racked up millions of dollars in legal bills, appear likely to file civil lawsuits against the disbarred prosecutor. Their attorneys want a judge to consider holding Nifong in criminal contempt for lying to the court.

“Some people will take that as being mean-spirited and kicking somebody when they’re down,” defense attorney Joseph Cheshire said Sunday. “But we believe that this issue is enormously important and it carries significant precedent and (the judge) ought to be the one to make that decision because it happened in his court.”
Here's something I highly suspect you do not know. In March of this year, North Carolina prosecutors ghost wrote the Nifong protection Act.

"Cooney, the defense attorney for Duke lacrosse player Reade Seligmann, is watching some in the state legislature try to strip away the state law that kept three Duke students who were innocent of the charges against them from being convicted of crimes they didn't commit.

"I call them the 'Let's Legitimize What Mike Nifong Did,' acts," Cooney says of the parallel state house and senate bills that could once again block defendants and their attorneys from accessing prosecutor's files -- and evidence of their innocence contained within them."

The Bill (#768) written in March by North Carolina prosecutors to try and protect Nifong said: "Disclosure is also not required of legal research or of records, correspondence, reports, memoranda, or trial preparation interview notes prepared by the prosecuting attorney or by members of the prosecuting attorney's legal staff."

Thanks for the info. Sounds like some people have been working hard for a very worthy cause!~!
When asked during his disciplinary trial, he still wouldn't say that the players were completely innocent. He said, "Something happened that caused people to leave that scene very quickly."

I missed that. What a jerk.

He's such an arrogant man. I'll bet the worst part of all this (for him), is having to sit there and listen to people say negative things about him. He doesn't strike me as the type of man that likes to have the table turned on him.

It's just too bad that he didn't do the right thing way back when. He'd still have a career...and those kids would have not had to suffer the way they did.

But he did what he did...and it's nice seeing justice being served for the boys, and Nifong. And I'll bet Nifong never in his wildest dreams thought this day would happen.
LOL, I didn't mean to make this a team debate. I just got geeky with the Paladin (white knight) vs. Dark Night dungeons and dragons thing. I'm glad Nifong stepped down. I'm just not comfortable with the skewering him at the stake part. Step down? Yes. Repay defense fees? Certainly. Turn this guy into a homeless bum and rip him apart? Not quite. ;)
Wuss .....
LOL, I didn't mean to make this a team debate. I just got geeky with the Paladin (white knight) vs. Dark Night dungeons and dragons thing. I'm glad Nifong stepped down. I'm just not comfortable with the skewering him at the stake part. Step down? Yes. Repay defense fees? Certainly. Turn this guy into a homeless bum and rip him apart? Not quite. ;)

It seems to me the DA's office needs a system of checks and balances. He had way too much power and this entire case went too far. We also have no clue what sort of pressure he was receiving from powers such as Sharpton and Jackson behind the scenes.

I don't want to skewer him, but I do want him held accountable. And it looks like the process is starting.

And it does seem like he had way too much power in this case. A DA surely has to answer to someone? Don't they? The AG?

And no telling what was going on with Sharpton and Jackson. And where are they now?
Should Nifong be punished so hard that he can't dress himself? Certainly he should lose his job, and maybe figure out some form of restitution towards the victims of this case (the boys from Duke), but I don't think there's really a price you can put on a tarnished reputation. The boy's reputations were certainly tarnished, and so with it is Nifong's.

The young men's reputations and Nifong's cannot be compared. There will always be some people who look at them askance ("where's there smoke, there's fire!") and consider them men of questionable morals, at best.

Nifong on the other hand, will only be seen as a man who pursued perhaps justice as he saw fit, bent a few rules, blah, blah, blah.

If Nifong's reputation is tarnished, it is because he made deliberate choices that resulted in that. The young men, on the other hand, did not choose to have their reputations tarnished by cheating the rules or jumping to conclusions or simply assuming that rich people must therefore also be liars and rapists and rule-breakers.

The young men legally hired a young woman as entertainment for the evening party.

Nifong knowingly broke the law in trying to prosecute them for a crime that as it turns out, they did not commit.

Comparing the reputations of the two is not right at all.
I think he should be out asap. Thanks for posting the link.

yw lb!

I agree. When you think about it, how could he stay in that office anyways once he's disbarred or did he just need a month to clean out his desk?:confused:
Durham — A federal judge has removed former Durham County prosecutor Mike Nifong from a civil lawsuit filed by three Duke University lacrosse players falsely accused of rape.

The disgraced district attorney filed for bankruptcy two weeks ago, citing more than $180 million in liabilities. Almost all of that amount is the estimated damages from pending civil litigation.

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