GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #7

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I would never want someone to be falsely accused. If I hear of any new evidence that is directed away from Nick instead of pointing right at him, I will most likely have another theory. As of right now, Nick is just the only poi in my book. I could be totally wrong but my head tells me he is right where he needs to be. Ultimately I would just like to find Kelli and get some answers. Hoping this case will not go unsolved.

Why would anyone think he was gay?

Time for the silly question of the day? Do gay guys hang out in biker bars?
If there's one group I feel it's safe to stereotype, it would be biker types (even the vanilla variety) as they aren't gay types.
The idea struck me kind of funny.

VOH said NH struck him as possibly being 'asexual' iirc. To me, that could indicate a hiding pedophile.
I remember reading a few posts back that someone had said that Nick was no longer cooperating. Is this fact or opinion? If it is fact can anyone point me in the direction of where to read about it? I meant to ask, but I have had a lot of things going on. Thanks guys.

I haven't read that/nor have I heard LE say that.
jmo - if he's told them all he has to tell, what do they want him to tell?
I've seen it where they grill peeps into a 'false confession'. I don't understand how that happens, but I guess it does/it can.
I don't think it would work with me but who knows? I've never been placed under that kind of duress before.
I can just see him watching her all night!! He knew about the texting!! I dont buy it! He thought he was on a date. She paid him attention and i dont think she meant it. jmo moo!!!:moo: dont throw stones at me!!! moo

VOH has stated that Nick said that night it was not a date.

Not throwing stones, but I just don't see it as a date scenario. I am having a really hard time believing NH did it. There is too much weirdness going on. I don't think the husband is involved either. I think that they were having trouble, and KB wanted to cut loose. I think that she either met someone else that night, or something bad happened along that road to the apartment building.

Yes and I believe that John Walsh knows more about the case than we do as Dr. Drew stated John Walsh told him some things about the case "off camera".

With all due respect to JW, he knows more about 'profiling' but does he know the evidence in this specific case?
With all due respect to JW, he knows more about 'profiling' but does he know the evidence in this specific case?

I don't know. I was curious as to what he had to say off camera that he couldn't say on camera. He already explained the way he profiled Nick.
She did not appear drunk. Perhaps buzzed, but not drunk. Kelli was playing pool or singing karaoke for the majority of the night. She was with Nick most of the time, but was also singing with the DJ, Nick, and another regular. She also spectated on others singing. She did minimal socializing outside of that circle, but did talk with some of the other regulars who were there. There was no table. They were kind of floating around.

Last call is at 1:45. Sometimes regulars will stay and help close up and ensure the tender and DJ get to their cars.

VOH, thanks for what you can and cannot say... Understand.
My concern is KB @ 105lbs, and having 8 drinks... Anything could happen.
Wondering if this may have been a reason she left early... Sounded like she was having fun singing...

I hope you or anyone have an answer for this next question...
The search is centered in a 1.7 mile radius from the last ping received from the cell tower. I believe this is the tower located at 6801 Ramsey Street, 1.7 miles up the road from FB's. There is another cell tower located 0.6 mile down from Meadowbrook apartments (115 Duplinwood Dr).
If Kelli did text "home safely", it would have been from Meadowbrook.
Shouldn't the last cell ping have come from this tower only 6/10th of a mile from Meadowbrook??

Everything that LE is leading me to believe that their search is from the Ramsey Street Cell Tower, 1.7 miles from FB's...
This would mean that Kelli never texted from Meadowbrook... She never made it there...
Patriot - that's probably why. LE probably got that far in determining the pings so focused the search with that info in mind.

Still confused about ping bounce though - if your usual tower is full then your ping will bounce to another tower.
How can they tell if that happens?

Also, triangulation method of analyzing cell pings - need a hands on lesson on that one.
A few threads back, days ago, someone asked you if Kelli may have felt safe with NH because she may have thought he was gay. I think I recalled you responding that you don't think Kelli thought NH was gay. Did you ever observe an interaction between NH and KB that would indicate that he was not gay? Or, did you ever observe Kelli at FB's when NH may have had an interaction with another female publically that would indicate to Kelli that NH was not gay? hand holding, kissing, hugging, butt grabbing, etc...
Trying to see why you don't think KB thought NH was gay if I remember your post acurately from the other thread. Thanks

I am already expecting your usual response....LOL!

It was I who asked if Kelli thought Nick was gay. I asked it when VOH stated they thought of him as asexual. I was really expecting VOH to answer yes to my question.
Because if Kelli felt he was gay then:
1) It would have made sense that a married women would feel comfortable getting a ride with/not feel threatened by a gay man.
2) She could tell hubby not to be jealous and not to worry, that Nick was gay.
3) It would have made sense that something spooked her i.e. let's say she thought he was gay and then he made a move: spooky...let me out here and now!

But, not so much luck because VOH didn't think that was the case.

I really hope they checked the dumpster and landfills right away. Could be a cell phone in there - or worse :sick:
Wonder if they checked the dumpster before it was dumped. Goodness gracious, I sure hope so.
The bar tab was unpaid so maybe he offered to put her drinks on his tab since they were friends. So she had a ride to and from the bar + free drinks + cutting loose on a friday night....I'm sure I would have done the same thing if I was her age
If she had a established relationship with him that they were just friends I would have no problem with that but some guy you hardly know that you just met two weeks ago in a bar.He is not offering that because he is your friend.He is doing that because he is hoping for some kind of relationship with you.If you have no interest to accept is not right,not nice and I am really starting to believe in this case not safe.
Patriot - that's probably why. LE probably got that far in determining the pings so focused the search with that info in mind.

Still confused about ping bounce though - if your usual tower is full then your ping will bounce to another tower.
How can they tell if that happens?

Also, triangulation method of analyzing cell pings - need a hands on lesson on that one.

That's what leads me to believe this also... If LE is focusing search up around FB area, they must think that the last text message (or call) from Kelli's phone came from FB area, NOT the Meadowbrooks apartment...
Still think Nick sent the final 2 texts from KB's phone... She was never home safely...
VOH did Froggy bottoms keep a time stamp on when a tab was paid? Or did you say that they only keep a record of what is not paid?
They need to check the ponds around Froggy Bottoms and her apartment. Nick got awfully defensive when they asked him about the ponds.

Interview of Mike on the Today Show. Mike sure is 'happy'.
He says that Kelli and him were very happy and that he is so happy that so many peeps are helping to search for Kelli.

Look at the difference in expression on Mike's versus Matt's faces.

I don't know folks.

Also, did Mike buy a new car? On what date? Where is his old car? Inquiring minds want to know.
Time for the silly question of the day? Do gay guys hang out in biker bars?
If there's one group I feel it's safe to stereotype, it would be biker types (even the vanilla variety) as they aren't gay types.
The idea struck me kind of funny.

VOH said NH struck him as possibly being 'asexual' iirc. To me, that could indicate a hiding pedophile.

Speaking of bikers, I figure you guys might be interested in knowing that several of the regular bikers from Froggy's were at the search yesterday, as were some of the non-biker regulars. And that is only the people I actually saw that I knew.
Speaking of bikers, I figure you guys might be interested in knowing that several of the regular bikers from Froggy's were at the search yesterday, as were some of the non-biker regulars. And that is only the people I actually saw that I knew.

Good for them! I would be right there with you guys if I didn't live all the way over in Az. I was born in NC.

Interview of Mike on the Today Show. Mike sure is 'happy'.
He says that Kelli and him were very happy and that he is so happy that so many peeps are helping to search for Kelli.

Look at the difference in expression on Mike's versus Matt's faces.

I don't know folks.

Also, did Mike buy a new car? On what date? Where is his old car? Inquiring minds want to know.
The vehicle he bought was an old,tired looking vehicle.
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