GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #7

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I remember reading a few posts back that someone had said that Nick was no longer cooperating. Is this fact or opinion? If it is fact can anyone point me in the direction of where to read about it? I meant to ask, but I have had a lot of things going on. Thanks guys.

I don't think that it was stated that Nick isn't co operating, it was stated that after LE questioned him two times, and then after the arrest, they haven't spoken to him since. I'm not certain just what that means, he may have a lawyer now that had told him that he doesn't have to answer anymore questions, or he just was thrown in jail and LE feels that he just needs to stew in there for awhile before they question him again. Also, while they wait for DNA results to get back before they question him again.

Interview of Mike on the Today Show. Mike sure is 'happy'.
He says that Kelli and him were very happy and that he is so happy that so many peeps are helping to search for Kelli.

Look at the difference in expression on Mike's versus Matt's faces.

I don't know folks.

Also, did Mike buy a new car? On what date? Where is his old car? Inquiring minds want to know.

The car question continues to get brushed over...sooooo aggravating!
Really? When? Doesn't matter what it looks like. Where is the old one and when did he ditch it?

I have to say this is an excellent question. Although I believe LE has ruled him out. But if something ever did come up that would be the first thing to look at:)
I don't think that it was stated that Nick isn't co operating, it was stated that after LE questioned him two times, and then after the arrest, they haven't spoken to him since. I'm not certain just what that means, he may have a lawyer now that had told him that he doesn't have to answer anymore questions, or he just was thrown in jail and LE feels that he just needs to stew in there for awhile before they question him again. Also, while they wait for DNA results to get back before they question him again.

If I was LE I would wait awhile before questioning him again. Just to see if he changes the story a little.
I may have missed some threads or posts where this theory was already floated but has anyone thought maybe NH felt like he had bonded with KB? She seems like an accepting person. If they hung out that night, and she trusted him to give her rides to and from the bar, maybe he opened up to her and shared something about his past? That could have stopped KB in her tracks and might be what made her tell him to stop right here and say I will walk home. Maybe she got out but he tried to talk to her and she threw her phone at him, hit him, kicked him or raged at him in disgust at his past and then he lost it and hurt her. I agree with the poster(s) who said there might be some truth to Nick's story. I just don't think he is telling the complete story.
The car question continues to get brushed over...sooooo aggravating!

Yes it does and is aggravating. :maddening: That is, if someone knows the answer. But, the minute I read that MB went to FL to buy a new car, a red flag popped up in my mind. Also that tidbid of info didn't come up until a week into the investigation iirc.
What about bank records? I am sorry I just want more proof that MB was"actually in FL. I dont think family should be an only alibi. MOO
It was I who asked if Kelli thought Nick was gay. I asked it when VOH stated they thought of him as asexual. I was really expecting VOH to answer yes to my question.
Because if Kelli felt he was gay then:
1) It would have made sense that a married women would feel comfortable getting a ride with/not feel threatened by a gay man.
2) She could tell hubby not to be jealous and not to worry, that Nick was gay.
3) It would have made sense that something spooked her i.e. let's say she thought he was gay and then he made a move: spooky...let me out here and now!

But, not so much luck because VOH didn't think that was the case.

I really hope they checked the dumpster and landfills right away. Could be a cell phone in there - or worse :sick:
Wonder if they checked the dumpster before it was dumped. Goodness gracious, I sure hope so.

I come from the Bible Belt, but have no issues with people who are gay. At the same time gay people don't usually hang out in biker bars where I come from. There seemed to be some diversity at FB, but at the heart it was a biker bar (correct?).
VOH - I asked this before and I'm not sure you saw it. Do you know when the dumpster at Froggy's was emptied? Also, do you know the name of the company that owns that particular dumpster? Normally the name is on the side of it.
The funny thing is I've noticed many people are speculating from their own personal experiences. Those abused by a spouse or ex spouse are suspicious of Mike. Yet those that were victims of a sex offender seem to lean towards Nick. This probably plays part in my theories as well. However at least we all just want to get to the truth and find Kelli. After that, whoever is guilty needs to pay and I think we can all agree on that;)!
I may have missed some threads or posts where this theory was already floated but has anyone thought maybe NH felt like he had bonded with KB? She seems like an accepting person. If they hung out that night, and she trusted him to give her rides to and from the bar, maybe he opened up to her and shared something about his past? That could have stopped KB in her tracks and might be what made her tell him to stop right here and say I will walk home. Maybe she got out but he tried to talk to her and she threw her phone at him, hit him, kicked him or raged at him in disgust at his past and then he lost it and hurt her. I agree with the poster(s) who said there might be some truth to Nick's story. I just don't think he is telling the complete story.

Because if something happened to Kelli at the bar - not murder - but something bad, then (sorry VOH) SC's peeps may have been motivated to cover that up considering the illegalities they had in the background there among some of the owner/patrons.
VOH, have they pinned down the time they Nick & Kelli left FB?
Did anyone notice them leaving together?

Yeah they have that information. I'm going to try to get the last time that Kelli or Nick sang that night for you guys. Someone had asked prior.
VOH - I asked this before and I'm not sure you saw it. Do you know when the dumpster at Froggy's was emptied? Also, do you know the name of the company that owns that particular dumpster? Normally the name is on the side of it.

I dont know either. I have only seen the dumpster in the dark. I was too busy emptying the trash into it to notice the name of the company. Lot of companies around here use Waste Management though. But I don't know anything about the trash removal there other then where it is located.
Police are asking anyone who may find clothing matching that description or Bordeaux's iPhone 4 in the north Fayetteville area to call police immediately at 433-1114 or Crimestoppers at 483-TIPS (8477).

Do not touch any of the items, police said.

Investigators also are asking that anyone who was driving along North Ramsey Street in the area of Interstate 295 to call police if there was anything out of the ordinary.

Sounds like they might have direction perp travelled somehow. Video surveillance or something like that? They're beginning to be more specific about the area that they're hoping to turn up witnesses for.
And, what in the wide world is going on that there are so many pervs in society? Has it been this way since ancient times?
Until you begin paying attention to these things, you have no idea because it's not something you think about, that is, if you're 'normal'.
I realize there's a broad range for 'normal' where you're still not necessarily hurting anybody else but the amount of violent rapes and child molestation that goes on is horrendous.

In my case I'm innately programmed as to who I should consider having sexual realtions with.
For instance, my cousin was cute back in the day but he was my cousin
so it never crossed my mind to make goo-goo eyes at him nor did he ever at me.
Why are there so many people who haven't any boundaries? My mom never gave me a lesson entitled, 'your cousin isn't for sex'.
Or, now that baby cousin is born, don't going playing with his pee-pee.
My point is, we can't say, 'well, nobody taught them that those behaviors are wrong and in violation of another person'.
Nobody taught me that, I knew not to do those things and never ever had an impulse to behave in those boundary crossing ways.
So, is boundary crossing behavior taught by example? Does it simply pop into one's head one day to do that to another person? :waitasec:
There are so many registered RSO's, it's an epidemic. :maddening:

I like this. I don't think anyone rly knows how people turn out this war. I'm with you though, I never had to be taught about those kinds of boundaries. I also don't think it's something anyone ever thinks they should HAVE to teach.

Also, while it looks like an epidemic, I don't believe it is. Theres a lot of differences now versus then, especially with media and social networking. Sexual behavior was such a taboo subject until the past 50ish years and even less so recently. There also wasn't as much awareness and education for younger people to speak up. Perfect example is how long it took for the victims within the churches to come forward. It just wasn't something people openly spoke about.
The funny thing is I've noticed many people are speculating from their own personal experiences. Those abused by a spouse or ex spouse are suspicious of Mike. Yet those that were victims of a sex offender seem to lean towards Nick. This probably plays part in my theories as well. However at least we all just want to get to the truth and find Kelli. After that, whoever is guilty needs to pay and I think we can all agree on that;)!

No, we can't base this case on our own experiences. We have to try to look at the situation from as neutral as possible position. What you describe is called 'projection'. Often times our own experiences can blind us from seeing things clearly unless we can separate from them.
It's like saying always and never, 'he always does ...', it's probably an exaggeration.
We can relay our stories as they are important and shed light on situations that happened but they may have nothing to do with this case.

Remember, 10 percent of offenders don't re-offend. It's fair to stay open to the possibility that NH could be one of them until proven otherwise.
What about bank records? I am sorry I just want more proof that MB was"actually in FL. I dont think family should be an only alibi. MOO

Well I would hope that LE questioned more than just mommy and daddy for his alibi. Hopefully since its their job, they know what they are doing..This wouldn't be the first time a husband goes out of town and the wife ends up missing or dead. If they ruled him out without thoroughly checking him out, that is just plain stupid. IMO.

If it turns up later that they actually didn't check his alibi, I would be suspicious of him too. Until then he is off my radar.
No, we can't base this case on our own experiences. We have to try to look at the situation from as neutral as possible position. What you describe is called 'projection'. Often times our own experiences can blind us from seeing things clearly unless we can separate from them.
It's like saying always and never, 'he always does ...', it's probably an exaggeration.
We can relay our stories as they are important and shed light on situations that happened but they may have nothing to do with this case.

Remember, 10 percent of offenders don't re-offend. It's fair to stay open to the possibility that NH could be one of them until proven otherwise.

I agree that is shouldn't be done, but naturally it happens. I have seen it . Then back to reality and looking at facts and evidence.
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