GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #9

DNA Solves
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Sounds like some are suspicious (or still suspicious) of KB's husband and see him as the more likely perp in this scenario.

So far it appears the possible perp list is:

- KB's husband

- some random rapist who may be attacking others in the area

- NH (though some don't feel NH is or could be the perp)

- some one else not listed above who is not random, who was either at FB's or somehow was watching KB's movements that night and knew she was getting a ride (from NH) and decided to go after her and get her (and then possibly try to pin the blame on NH).
Yes speculation is a main sporting event in cases. Sometimes facts are even made up or imagined to assist in weaving some creative scenarios.

Since I like to focus on known facts in cases, that requires me to be patient until a case is cracked and information comes out.

As for why would NH attack Kelli?

She's an attractive, petite, outgoing, friendly young woman. He would probably be attracted to her, as would many men. If it was NH who was responsible, maybe he didn't start out with any intention of attack. Maybe it was a pass rebuffed. Maybe something escalated from a rejection by KB and the situation got out of hand. He's not saying.

Yes, forgive me if I'm wrong, you've already convicted NH before he's been charged and before he's stood trial. :twocents:
Still no word as to who was found dead behind the vacant medical building? Methinks the id would have given LE a head start in the identifying process - unless it was put there as a red herring.
Far too many of these cases. Missing. Not enough evidence. Found. Not enough evidence. Evidence and an arrest yet still missing :rose: Heartbreaking and :banghead:
As far as if NH has hidden his crime well or not - first of all, we don't know that it's 'his crime' yet. Second, I guess there are two ways to look at the situation as it takes effort to remove a body from the crime scene and then to conceal it so that no one can find the body even after several months of searching.

If Kelli's body is the one that was found behind the tree line recently, then I guess it's just the perp's luck that the body was not found sooner.

note: Always check behind and around vacant buildings/places and move away in all directions from the location the victim was last seen. Whoever that person was, there have been human bones laying around there. I hope LE is doing plant analysis to determine how long the skeleton has been laying there. They can tell if it decomposed in that spot, etc.
By the way, don't always just take your Doctor's word for the status of your health either. If you have a hunch, follow it up - get a second opinion. :twocents:
Yes, forgive me if I'm wrong, you've already convicted NH before he's been charged and before he's stood trial. :twocents:

You're wrong and I forgive you.

I never said NH did it. I said LE and KB's family is focused on him and that he's the obvious suspect given that he's the last known person to be with Kelli. Those 2 statements are fact. He is a suspect. That doesn't mean he did it, only that LE thinks he is involved.

And please explain how I could "convict" anyone outside of being on a jury in a court of law on a criminal case?
You're wrong and I forgive you.

I never said NH did it. I said LE and KB's family is focused on him and that he's the obvious suspect given that he's the last known person to be with Kelli. Those 2 statements are fact. He is a suspect. That doesn't mean he did it, only that LE thinks he is involved.

And please explain how I could "convict" anyone outside of being on a jury in a court of law on a criminal case?

I am not surprised that her family is focused on him, considering they only know what LE is telling them (and I am not sure they are telling them much at all), and for me anyway, the most logical alternative for them to be focusing on is someone they think of as family. (yes, though unsleuthable, he still doesnt get a free pass from me) JMO
Even if KB's family wasn't focused on NH, he is still the last known person to see Kelli. Is NH hiding anything? LE seems to believe he knows more. Maybe he does, or maybe not. Either way...he's at the very least one of the last people to ever see KB alive. As such that makes him a link in the case.
Even if KB's family wasn't focused on NH, he is still the last known person to see Kelli. Is NH hiding anything? LE seems to believe he knows more. Maybe he does, or maybe not. Either way...he's at the very least one of the last people to ever see KB alive. As such that makes him a link in the case.

Oh I absolutely agree with you on that. And most days, my brain says he probably did it, but my gut has never yet told me he did it. I just cant quite shake the gut feeling that, sorry a human as he is, he may actually not be responsible for this. Time will tell hopefully.
I know. He could have been trying to follow her into her home. He could have been following her and targeting her.

My thoughts, too, Woe -- it's all we've got left.... If, if, if her husband is not involved and if, if, if NH did not do it.

Apparently suicide has been ruled out -- seems there would have been a body in some familiar place; and her just buying a ticket to ride has been discarded for good reasons...

Someone who lived near her apt could have been watching what was going on with her & observed that she was going out at night -- he either followed her to & from FB & ambushed her when she was dropped off or just waited for her to come home; or a co-worker could have started stalking her & could have done the same thing. Or, long shot of long shots, someone could have been right-place-right-time at her apt complex or nearby and could have seen her being dropped off at her complex.

I'm apparently not very creative when it comes to rape (?) &/or murder, but what else is there? :waitasec:
My thoughts, too, Woe -- it's all we've got left.... If, if, if her husband is not involved and if, if, if NH did not do it.

Apparently suicide has been ruled out -- seems there would have been a body in some familiar place; and her just buying a ticket to ride has been discarded for good reasons...

Someone who lived near her apt could have been watching what was going on with her & observed that she was going out at night -- he either followed her to & from FB & ambushed her when she was dropped off or just waited for her to come home; or a co-worker could have started stalking her & could have done the same thing. Or, long shot of long shots, someone could have been right-place-right-time at her apt complex or nearby and could have seen her being dropped off at her complex.

I'm apparently not very creative when it comes to rape (?) &/or murder, but what else is there? :waitasec:

BBM - yes, saw something exactly like that on an ID show were LE had no clue that a man who lived in the same apt. complex as victim and was watching her...
If Kellie apt complex has a pool that she used, then that would really raise a red flag...
Read this article on the Ramsey Street rapist and how he has been obsessively stalking each victim even knowing family members' names, roommates, and type of clothing the victims typically wear. Also, 4 of the attacks have happened right around the apartment complex where Kelli lived.
I am not surprised that her family is focused on him, considering they only know what LE is telling them (and I am not sure they are telling them much at all), and for me anyway, the most logical alternative for them to be focusing on is someone they think of as family. (yes, though unsleuthable, he still doesnt get a free pass from me) JMO

Kelli's family has been clear about why they suspect Holbert...because of his criminal record and because they think his story is BS. Both Kelli's brother and sister have said that. They know Kelli and don't believe things would have unfolded like Holbert says, especially when they figure in the last text(s).

So Justin is the guy who was on TV? The guy who used to be Kelli's boss? Because he was the guy who first said that and Kelli's bro said 'let's just call him Justin' or something like that. It's all sketchy info imo as to who sent what to who, etc. We don't know who 'Justin' is.

No, the guy who was on TV who was Kelli's boss is John Buratti. Justin is the guy who got her last text, he was Kelli's friend (or more, who knows) from St Cloud who had been in Fayetteville the week or two before she went missing, when Kelli met Holbert.
You're wrong and I forgive you.

I never said NH did it. I said LE and KB's family is focused on him and that he's the obvious suspect given that he's the last known person to be with Kelli. Those 2 statements are fact. He is a suspect. That doesn't mean he did it, only that LE thinks he is involved.

And please explain how I could "convict" anyone outside of being on a jury in a court of law on a criminal case?

In your mind - you can convict someone in your own mind.
It seems as if you're against any kind of 'speculation'. I think speculation is a good thing and a hindrance to groupthink.
It's looking at the case from outside the box especially in a case when no one has been charged yet.

I understand you're keeping by the book but WS isn't the courtroom. You're right that we can't convict anyone here. It's a forum where we can discuss, examine and learn about criminal cases, the law, our legal system, etc. And, although we're required to discuss LE respectfully here, they are human beings and are not God. The majority try to do their best at all times but they don't always bat 1000. Most of them know that too. I worry about issues such as ego, pride, the need for numbers, politics and the like that exist among all of our organized taxpayer supported societal systems.

You're a legalist and I'm a realist I guess.
Even if KB's family wasn't focused on NH, he is still the last known person to see Kelli. Is NH hiding anything? LE seems to believe he knows more. Maybe he does, or maybe not. Either way...he's at the very least one of the last people to ever see KB alive. As such that makes him a link in the case.

Not too many posters are debating that I don't think. As for me, I'm not convinced NH is the only possibility as to who is responsible for Kelli's disappearance.
My thoughts, too, Woe -- it's all we've got left.... If, if, if her husband is not involved and if, if, if NH did not do it.

Apparently suicide has been ruled out -- seems there would have been a body in some familiar place; and her just buying a ticket to ride has been discarded for good reasons...

Someone who lived near her apt could have been watching what was going on with her & observed that she was going out at night -- he either followed her to & from FB & ambushed her when she was dropped off or just waited for her to come home; or a co-worker could have started stalking her & could have done the same thing. Or, long shot of long shots, someone could have been right-place-right-time at her apt complex or nearby and could have seen her being dropped off at her complex.

I'm apparently not very creative when it comes to rape (?) &/or murder, but what else is there? :waitasec:

That just about covers it unless we want to start talking about aliens - just to really pizz Madeleine74 off!
I'm kidding - please tell me you have a sense of humor!!!

But, since Kelli had several male friends (old friends, through work, through FB's, through prior dating and a husband and/or soon to be ex), there seems to be several realistic possibilities. Oh and then maybe one of the biker chics felt threatened by her presence at FB's too. It bothers me alot that she didn't settle her bar tab. Then, add to the list strangers from your post, man-oh-man, I guess the list is longer than I thought!
BBM - yes, saw something exactly like that on an ID show were LE had no clue that a man who lived in the same apt. complex as victim and was watching her...
If Kellie apt complex has a pool that she used, then that would really raise a red flag...

I saw that one too and another case where the roommate was the main suspect because he ran out of the apartment before he saved his female platonic roommate. After they cleared the fiance, who lived far away, LE focused on the roommate who said, 'you think I did it'. It turns out it was a stranger who killed this lovely young woman in her apartment. It was proven by a trail of blood that was left out the back door of the apartment that didn't match the roommate's blood who had been stabbed by the guy too (making it look like he had wounds that may have occurred when he was killing his roommate). Luckily, in that case, their was DNA evidence that assisted LE in piecing the case together. Of course, the boyfriend and the roommate were the initial suspects but the suspicions got serious surrounding the innocent roommate. He's been scarred emotionally and by his own guilt for not doing more to help her at the time. He couldn't see her in the apartment and thought she had run out too. He was able to flee even though he was being stabbed.

The point is, LE focused on an individual suspect for a time but they obviously changed course when the DNA evidence came back showing a third person had left blood evidence behind in the apartment too.
~ snipped bm.

No, the guy who was on TV who was Kelli's boss is John Buratti. Justin is the guy who got her last text, he was Kelli's friend (or more, who knows) from St Cloud who had been in Fayetteville the week or two before she went missing, when Kelli met Holbert.

Yes, thanks, John Buratti. If the video is still around, JB said he grew concerned when Kelli hadn't answered a text he sent to her earlier in the day. He tried calling her over the weekend and didn't get an answer. His concern grew about her well being. On Monday, he saw an alert from Kelli's sister on FB that Kelli was missing. Anyway, I think that's right.

My point is, here we have JB freely talking about communication he had with Kelli on Friday but no reports or recollections given whatsoever from her 'husband'. Does anybody else find that odd?
In your mind - you can convict someone in your own mind.
It seems as if you're against any kind of 'speculation'. I think speculation is a good thing and a hindrance to groupthink.
It's looking at the case from outside the box especially in a case when no one has been charged yet.

I understand you're keeping by the book but WS isn't the courtroom. You're right that we can't convict anyone here. It's a forum where we can discuss, examine and learn about criminal cases, the law, our legal system, etc. And, although we're required to discuss LE respectfully here, they are human beings and are not God. The majority try to do their best at all times but they don't always bat 1000. Most of them know that too. I worry about issues such as ego, pride, the need for numbers, politics and the like that exist among all of our organized taxpayer supported societal systems.

You're a legalist and I'm a realist I guess.

Once again, your assumptions are incorrect.

I have only posted that *I* prefer to stick to known facts. That's my right. What anyone else wants to do in looking at a case is their business. Please stop mischaracterizing my posts, and stop opining on what you think is on my mind or are my beliefs. The focus is and should remain on Kelli Bordeaux.
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