GUILTY NC - Phillip Lee, 5, dies of methadone OD, Rockwell, 1 Sept 2008

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Did you see the photos of the little boy on Tybee Island?
They are on the first MS page.
Gave me chills.

Also, who listened to the 911 call? Anything stand out at you?

Hi Linda,
The mom's first MySpace page. It's linked on the first post or so.

Detatched, yes, but notice that he gives his info, says his mother is sick and his brother is dead, very calmly, very matter of factly... then says I've been sick, and his voice and inflection changes. His speech becomes halting and rushed. He breathes heavily into the phone, it's just strange. Maybe it is fear or shock setting in. I don't know but he changes from the first part of the tape to the second part. Also, the entire transcript is not posted online. It's only when you listen that you hear everything he says about himself. That's the part that seems a bit odd to me.

All I can say at this point is that I am glad he has recovered enough so that he can be interviewed. I believe he knows something.
I noticed in the 13 yr old's 911 call that his voice seems confused, scratchy and slow at first then when he talks about his Mom he sounds almost normal voiced, then he talks about himself and he's catching his breath, scratchy and slow again. hmmmmmmmmmm

The news reporter said the Mom is still in intensive care and the 13 yr old is released from hospital. hmmmmmmmmmm
A tragic case...It appears that since everyone was affected, there must have been something breathed or injested. Diagnoses are sometimes difficult because there was a very unusual cause of illness or death.

Today I received an email forward about a life threatening allergic reaction caused by a toxic mold in pancake mix. Click the link to read the story:
If the other boys had not detected the "off" taste, all may have eaten more & who knows what the outcome would have been.

The info at the link is informative... my mind connected it to this thread because it's one of those what were the chances stories.

Cabarrus County Mother Faces Child Abuse Charges

Thursday, October 30, 2008
CABARRUS COUNTY, N.C. -- A Cabarrus County woman whose 5-year-old son mysteriously died on Labor Day is now in jail on child abuse charges.
Officers in Kansas arrested Robin Lee last week.
Cabarrus County investigators said they won’t talk about the case until Lee is extradited back to North Carolina. They would not say whether the charges relate to her son’s death.
Lee’s teenage son found his little brother, Phillip Alexander Lee, dead in their home on Lower Stone Church Road. He also found his mother unconscious.
The teenager and his mother were both hospitalized.
Investigators have not released the cause of their injuries or the 5-year-old’s death.

Cabarrus County Mother Faces Child Abuse Charges

Thursday, October 30, 2008
CABARRUS COUNTY, N.C. -- A Cabarrus County woman whose 5-year-old son mysteriously died on Labor Day is now in jail on child abuse charges.
Officers in Kansas arrested Robin Lee last week.
Cabarrus County investigators said they won’t talk about the case until Lee is extradited back to North Carolina. They would not say whether the charges relate to her son’s death.
Lee’s teenage son found his little brother, Phillip Alexander Lee, dead in their home on Lower Stone Church Road. He also found his mother unconscious.
The teenager and his mother were both hospitalized.
Investigators have not released the cause of their injuries or the 5-year-old’s death.

Huh- wow. I wonder WTF.
I'm really anxious to hear what caused the little boy to die and if it was a result of abuse, why the mother was found unconscious :confused:
It's all very odd...

It really is odd! I can't help but wonder if she drugged herself and the little boy.. that's the only thing that has come out about this is that the police searched the home, finding 100+ medication bottles. Why else would they release that info, ya know?

ETA- she must have took off to Kansas as soon as she got out of the hospital. I wonder if she had the older boy with her. She really looks nothing like her MySpace pictures!
It really is odd! I can't help but wonder if she drugged herself and the little boy.. that's the only thing that has come out about this is that the police searched the home, finding 100+ medication bottles. Why else would they release that info, ya know?

ETA- she must have took off to Kansas as soon as she got out of the hospital. I wonder if she had the older boy with her. She really looks nothing like her MySpace pictures!

I'm at work right now and they have myspace blocked. I can't remember now what she looked like on there, I'll have to check it out when I get home. I wonder if she is living in Kansas now?
If she was drugging the 5 yr old, then she must have been drugging the teenager too, because it says he was also hospitalized.
None of it makes sense...I can't wait until this mystery is solved.
It really is odd! I can't help but wonder if she drugged herself and the little boy.. that's the only thing that has come out about this is that the police searched the home, finding 100+ medication bottles. Why else would they release that info, ya know?

ETA- she must have took off to Kansas as soon as she got out of the hospital. I wonder if she had the older boy with her. She really looks nothing like her MySpace pictures!

Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice says.

She doesn't look anything like her MS picture.
here is a comment posted at the end of the article

Methadone found in all three. Murder/suicide where the suicide attempt failed. She's going to be charged with his murder. SICK woman. "

Not sure how accurate it is.
here is a comment posted at the end of the article

Methadone found in all three. Murder/suicide where the suicide attempt failed. She's going to be charged with his murder. SICK woman. "

Not sure how accurate it is.

If that's true, then yep, the mom was most likely the one. If the older boy vomited, which is not unusual with Methadone, he might have saved his own life. All the way around, this is tragic. If the woman attempted suicide and was in ICU for several days as a result, then this one might actually for the current version of the insanity defense. Might.. might not. I tend to think it was an act of insanity. because she intended to die and was critically ill and unable to talk in the initial reports. JMO.

Being depressed is not insanity. Knowing the difference between right and wrong. Just because you want to kill your kids, and yourself does not in any way shape or form indicate that you were insane.

She knew what she was doing was wrong, why else would she try to kill herself. I very much doubt that this is a case for insanity.

The defendant must prove beyond a reasonable doubt according to the NORTH CAROLINA: M'Naghten Rule, the burden of proof on defendant to convince the jury that she was insane at the time of the murder and attempted murder of her children.

An extremely difficult "bar" to reach. I doubt that she will prevail.
I agree and if she did drug those children, I hope they put her away for life- at the least! What an evil woman to rob life from her own child and attempt to take it from another.
Being depressed is not insanity. Knowing the difference between right and wrong. Just because you want to kill your kids, and yourself does not in any way shape or form indicate that you were insane.

She knew what she was doing was wrong, why else would she try to kill herself. I very much doubt that this is a case for insanity.

The defendant must prove beyond a reasonable doubt according to the NORTH CAROLINA: M'Naghten Rule, the burden of proof on defendant to convince the jury that she was insane at the time of the murder and attempted murder of her children.

An extremely difficult "bar" to reach. I doubt that she will prevail.

I agree.

Rockwell Mother Now Charged With Murder In Son's Death

Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 12:03 pm EST November 3, 2008
CONCORD, N.C. -- A Cabarrus County mother is now charged with second-degree murder in connection with the death of her 5-year-old son after making her first appearance in court.
Authorities have not said how her son died or why she is accused of killing him.
Robin Lee was extradited from Kansas over the weekend on warrants for one felony count of child abuse inflicting bodily injury, one felony count of child abuse inflicting serious injury and two counts of selling or delivering a controlled substance to a minor under the age of 13.
Lee’s teenage son found her lying unconscious in her home on Lower Stone Church Road in Rockwell on Labor Day. Her 5-year-old son, Phillip Lee, was found dead next to her.
Robin Lee and her teenage son were hospitalized. Police said she want to Kansas City once she was released from the hospital. She was arrested there last week.
Lee is being held in the Cabarrus County Jail.

Rockwell Mother Now Charged With Murder In Son's Death

Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 12:03 pm EST November 3, 2008
CONCORD, N.C. -- A Cabarrus County mother is now charged with second-degree murder in connection with the death of her 5-year-old son after making her first appearance in court.
Authorities have not said how her son died or why she is accused of killing him.
Robin Lee was extradited from Kansas over the weekend on warrants for one felony count of child abuse inflicting bodily injury, one felony count of child abuse inflicting serious injury and two counts of selling or delivering a controlled substance to a minor under the age of 13.
Lee’s teenage son found her lying unconscious in her home on Lower Stone Church Road in Rockwell on Labor Day. Her 5-year-old son, Phillip Lee, was found dead next to her.
Robin Lee and her teenage son were hospitalized. Police said she want to Kansas City once she was released from the hospital. She was arrested there last week.
Lee is being held in the Cabarrus County Jail.

Isn't it odd they won't even release the cause of death

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