NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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Thanks for posting these links, borndem. I think she never made it into the van that morning. It was placed as a distraction, obviously, bought whomever time to hide Sara, it seems.

If LE has some idea when the van appeared in the field early in the morning, considering what else is known: such as, that Sara didn't have her coat on, on a pretty cold morning, then could it be that the space she was hidden in was very tight and not too far from her house, at first at least, even if she was later moved? Why would Sara or the perp leave her coat behind?

Could it stands to reason that the perp could not have gotten that far with Sara? Could the perp have used a smaller vehicle like an ATV? If you look at where the van was found to where Sara lived, there seems to be tree cover all the way back to her house. A perp could have walked back without being seen, seems possible. It's not that far. Please forgive this cold speculation, not meant to hurt. Sara is never forgotten.

SBHack's Case Map

Screenshot 2016-08-25 at 8.43.26 PM.png

"We believe someone knows where she is," said FBI spokeswoman Shelley Lynch. "We do not believe she disappeared on her own."


"We're at a point right now where we need to nail down a 15-minute window between when the white van was not seen in the field and when it was first reported seen, about 6:45 a.m.," Lynch said.

I dug back into The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville is about 48 miles from Fairmont) and found these articles from February. It's the most recent their "Seardh" utility delivered.

VIDEO: Press conference on disappearance of Sara Graham

  • by Nancy McCleary
  • Feb 4, 2016

FBI spokeswoman Shelley Lynch and Robeson County Sheriff Kenneth Sealey discuss the disappearance of Sara Graham a year ago.

VIDEO: Press conference on disappearance of Sara Graham

  • by Nancy McCleary
  • Feb 4, 2016

FBI spokeswoman Shelley Lynch and Robeson County Sheriff Kenneth Sealey discuss the disappearance of Sara Graham a year ago.

Crime & public safety

FBI offering reward for missing Fairmont woman

  • By Nancy McCleary Staff writer
  • Feb 4, 2016

FAIRMONT - On Feb. 4, 2015, Sara Nicole Graham got into her father's white van and left their Fairmont home about 6:30 a.m. heading to work in…
If I were a bettin' gal, I'd say the Perp is a coworker. Knew her shift, when she left to go to work. Maybe someone she agreed to pick up and give a ride.

Who at her work might have been absent immediately after her disappearance, or acting odd, or suddenly moved out of town? My profile would be an oddball man in his 50s, who was known to have a fancy for this young gal. He would have kept souvenirs to nourish his memories. I think he would have buried her close by to keep her close and go visit her.
All speculation only. Sorry to be so blunt, but hope these theories help in some way.
Wow, thanks for posting this. I guess I had forgotten that it is such a short window of time. She was said to have left the house at 6:30, van spotted at 6:45 and her scheduled clock in time at Walmart at 7. What happened to you Sara?
Yes. That is what leads me to believe this was a lay in wait case, or she picked up a familiar face. She was on her way to work. Poor girl. I think it was a prearranged pick up, that was a prearranged murder.
Quite possibly! Or maybe it was someone she knew very well who dumped the car. Or she simply walked off into the woods alone, taking her life? I wish there was more push for answers on this by the police, family and media. My only hope is there is a good reason for not doing so - that helps the case. I've always wanted to help get to word out, but haven't felt like it was wanted.
If it's true that step-mom may be a potential suspect (although not named by the sheriff, so who knows how accurate that info is), is the 6:30 sighting even credible?

15 minutes is such a short amount of time. Assuming she picked up someone on her way to work, would they have had time to murder her, hide her body, drive the van to it's location, and then get out of there without leaving a single bit of evidence behind and without being spotted in less than 15 minutes? The drive from Sara's home to where the van was found was about 6 minutes, leaving 9 minutes to hide Sara and any evidence. We also don't know when the van was actually parked there. It could have been seconds before the spotter drove by or it could have been there 5 minutes or 2 hours. Judging by the map, it doesn't look to be a very populated area, so I don't know how much traffic the road would see on a daily or hourly basis.
There was no hit of her scent around the van to indicate she walked away from it, IIRC. If people noticed the van parked there and they didn't notice any people around it, could it be that whomever parked it there then walked back to the house without being seen. It's such a haphazard place to park. The one thing that stands out about the location to me is that a person could walk back to Sara's house unseen. I think she was never in the van that morning. Somebody else placed it there. Somebody who figured out how not to be seen, obviously.

Sara's coat being left behind has always nagged at me. I think the perp had to consider the space Sara was hidden in or to transport in and then hide.
One theory could be that there were two people that day, waiting. Even a fake flat tire ruse, or "I ran out of gas, can you give me a lift?" would of gotten her to stop, especially if she knew the people. They don't have a lot of social media to dig through as I recall, so work place, of friends are good resources. 15 minutes is a very shot window to work in and yet it is done. I don't think she ran away, I think she was tricked into trusting someone.
She was online with her best friend the night before. There was no information released about any communication on her phone from the night before or that morning, except that it had been off and there was one hit off a tower around 7 am ish, IIRC, in an area that was searched. The significant breaks seem to have been the FBI coming on the case, the step mom's removal from LE, and most recently the better timeline on the white van being parked in the field around 15 minutes after Sara was said to have left her home.
I wish we could get some renewed media interest in the case and reminder in the reward (last I recall it was 5k) - maybe an increase in it. I'd also love to encourage family and friends to join us here if they read as we are ready to lend a hand! We need to help find this precious child. How does this happen and it's not bigger headline news?!
Perhaps a family member does read this thread. If they do, I would encourage them to join us to discuss whatever they can that LE would permit them to. (Always ask LE and follow their instructions; they really *do* know best!)

That being said, Find and I have participated on other threads where family members have/do participate, and they are treated with the utmost respect, or fiercely protected if anyone steps over the line. And of course our Moderators keep a close eye on this as well, guiding us along to productive explorations.
We are here to help as we can. We theorize, do research, and each one of us has our own expertise. Mine is data analysis; I'm an amateur aerial mapper and profiler. Emphasis on amateur, but I get better with each thread I participate on.

We are no replacement for LE expertise, but there have been some signifcant contributions from many members.
So please come join us if you are reading this!
Thinking about this young lady, and puzzling over her disappearance. I was pondering who would want her out of the way, gone, and why? At age 18, I would think she was getting ready to spread her wings and create her own adult why was she in the way potentially.

Or, of course, this could be a rape/murder. That is certainly an all too familiar theme. As I speculated above, perhaps someone she worked with. An older, anti-social type who fixated on this young girl. She might have even "slighted" him, unbeknownst.

Then, I always think of "silencing". What did she know? What was she going to tell? I bet the best friend might be able to offer up some ideas there.
Thinking about this young lady, and puzzling over her disappearance. I was pondering who would want her out of the way, gone, and why? At age 18, I would think she was getting ready to spread her wings and create her own adult why was she in the way potentially.

Or, of course, this could be a rape/murder. That is certainly an all too familiar theme. As I speculated above, perhaps someone she worked with. An older, anti-social type who fixated on this young girl. She might have even "slighted" him, unbeknownst.

Then, I always think of "silencing". What did she know? What was she going to tell? I bet the best friend might be able to offer up some ideas there.

Roses, Sara's family on the West Coast and her mom have been circumspect, since after the searches. They may still be waiting to find Sara and more?
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