NC NC - Sarah Long, 41, Davidson, 19 Jul 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That is a lot of laptops. All turned on and in use at the time she died? It makes me wonder if someone was in her bedroom snooping on all of her laptops for information while she was out on her date, and she arrived home sooner than expected. If so, that points to the husband IMO.

Sorry, what is meant by "all being in use" is that the officer asking for the warrant said he believed she was using them all, (as opposed to 1 or 2 showing signs of being used and 1 or 2 found stored somewhere or otherwise not obviously used in a while, broken, or owned/used by someone else) - parenthesis my explanation. It did not state why he believed this.

The only item specifically stated to be "powered up and in use" at the time of the search was the router.
I searched all surnames known to be related to the case for restraining order info. No luck. But did find a female who violated terms of one last year. No way yet to verify if related, though.
Sorry, what is meant by "all being in use" is that the officer asking for the warrant said he believed she was using them all, (as opposed to 1 or 2 showing signs of being used and 1 or 2 found stored somewhere or otherwise not obviously used in a while, broken, or owned/used by someone else) - parenthesis my explanation. It did not state why he believed this.

The only item specifically stated to be "powered up and in use" at the time of the search was the router.
Thanks for clarifying. That is a lot of laptops. We have that many but they're used between multiple people. Maybe she used one or two for work and the others for personal business. It's smart to use a separate computer for financial affairs and a different computer for internet surfing.

They own an auction business and run it out of their home.

Also, I know Miss Muffet was wondering why they would want the electronic information ex: credit cards, bank etc from date of death July 19th. Maybe it is possible that Sarah went out by herself that evening originally and just ran into someone that she brought home with her. Therefore she could have bought gas, drink, food , anything prior to meeting this person who came home with her. Just a thought.
I really feel sorry for Beckers wife. I mean it appears that he not only cheated on her but probably also gave her a STD. Not all, but a lot of these bad cervical paps are due to the HPV virus which is considered an STD. I don't know for sure thats what Long had but it is quite possible. I hope she takes him for every NICKEL he has.

I sit here in my room and lets see I have this touchscreen pc that I'm on, a laptop over by my bed, a tablet on top of that, an ipod plugged old laptop under my letter table. My hubby has his laptop plugged in ,he took his tablet to work. So People can have lots of electronic equipment for sure.
What will it take to solve this crime? By now forensics, looking at bank, social media, etc. records must be done and apparently not enough to arrest anyone...
Sometimes, someone who was or gets close to the perp, comes forward... also a jail-house snitch looking for a deal... Sadly these seem like long shots now...
I guess I just have a hard time believing that this married man did this 41 yr old such a wonderful favor by keeping her husband from getting any inheritance money from her and by offering to be the one she can leave all her money with JUST IN CASE. Could Becker also be her pill dealer? Sounds like Sarah didnt like sharing with her hubby, but didnt mind sharing with a man she barely knew..Just does not sit right for me. Of course he is sharing now cause he has to by law..but come on..This just reeks of him playing her. Did Mr Becker share his million dollars with his wife? I sure hope she took him to court for it.
August 2016
A man who police said is a suspect – but has not been charged – in the 2014 shooting death of Sarah Long in her Davidson townhome was arrested July 28 on unrelated charges of felony assault by strangulation and misdemeanor assault on a female.

The charges against William Drew Becker, 54, of Davidson, stem from a March 5 domestic-violence incident in Lexington (...)

The case involves a victim other than Becker’s wife (...)

Sarah was my fiance and we lived together for 7 years before breaking up. We remained very close right up until her murder. She didn’t commit suicide. The police know more then they are revealing.

Scroll down for an interesting comment by a friend of Sarah's. The 19th was a Saturday, FYI.

I was Sarah’s fiance and we lived together for many years. After we broke up we kept in regular touch. I was aware she was getting herself into some dangerous relationships and that I was worried. So my constant question related to her safety. (She knew I had resources available to separate her from any bad situation.) She reassured me everything was alright. I watched from a distance but knew there was little I could.

It was no suicide. I was the one who brought the information to the Davidson police that forced the Corenor to reconsider. Sarah is right handed and I was the one who bought her the .357 that was used to murder her. That gun was a canon and it kicked like a mule. There’s no way Sarah could have used her left hand to pull the trigger and have the gun fall where it did. It should have flown accross the room or fall to the floor at the least.

Sarah NEVER would have committed suicide without reaching out to me in advance to say she was sorry…or leave me a note or message to explain why. It would have been out of character for her to want me to suffer.

Sarah didn’t commit suicide. She was murdered, and we know exactly who it was.
Who was it?

Sarah came from a family of amazing athletes. She had Amazon-like good looks and stature. When we first started dating, she would join me in the men’s after-work basketball league. She was the only women and the youngest player. At first, the other guys didn’t quite know what to do with her or how to play against her. She just walked onto the court, bent over at the waist and put her palms flat on the floor to stretch, ajusted the pink bow in her hair and proceeded to immediately steal the ball three straight times from the other team and block two shots. Meanwhile, I’m watching from the sidelines and yelling at my colleagues who are trying to figure out what’s happening to them, “Ignore the pink bow boys and play her like a man or you’ll lose like a girl!”

After years of contact sports, weightlifting, climbing, running, etc., Sarahs knees were shot. She eventually had both scoped in order to find some relief. However, she was in increasing pain and eventually on Oxytocin and other prescription pain killers. After we broke-up she began to abuse her meds and in doing so began to meet a much different kind of person than the people she knew when were together. I could tell in the last year of her life, when she separated from her husband Chris Reeves (who she met a year or so after we broke up and married on a whim) she was struggling to keep things together. When we spoke, she was desperate for my approval and I think me being married and with an infant, made her realize there was never a chance we would ever be together again.

So by early 2014, we had been apart for 8 years, her mother (who lived with us for several years in Purlear) passed away in a hellish house fire and left the majority of her fortune to Sarah, she was in constant pain, she was separated from her husband and feeling a bit depressed. This is when she meets truck driver William Drew Becker. I can’t prove it (yet), but I suspect soon after he learned of Sarahs net worth, he set out to ensure she had all the painkillers she wanted and likely worse.

By the spring of 2014, Becker’s estranged wife was sick with the flu and reported to the police that Becker brought her a large milkshake (without her asking or even asking him to stop by). Upon drinking some she complained it tasted funny, in which then immediately took the shake back and flushed it down the toilet. She kicked him out and reported the incident to the police, especially the toilet flushing.

I spent a great deal of time with the police after her death and they were eager to speak with me due to the fact that I was mentioned throughout her journals.

Becker is considered the main suspect and is believed to have used an online will service to create a fake will. In order to get Chris Reeves off his back, he gave him some of the money and by the beginning of 2015 he sold his house in NC and now resides in IN.

He’s considered to be a sociopathic predator who preys on vulnerable women and is likely to commit murder to get what he wants. He’ll do it again if he believes he can get away with it. People like him always do. But IN isn’t far enough away. He doesn’t know all there is to know in this case and I won’t stop until he’s behind bars in NC.
Wow! Does not make sense in light of:

Would like to see a formal will....
How bad was the cancer?
Did she own the gun?
Suicide by shooting is rare for women, and rare too in head/face.
Since he's married, going to police and not got going to her townhouse?
Since bf said he hadn't seen her in days - that's perfect for checking phone, social media, and surveillance to disprove.
Hope they get whomever did this. She is so beautiful, what a shame!
I was Sarah's former fiancé. We dated and lived together from 1996 to 2004. We both worked for Lowe's Companies corporate. First in WILKESBORO and then in Mooresville. I ended our engagement in 2004 and Sarah moved out of our house and into a townhouse she bought in Davidson, NC.

After an initial "cooling off" period of a few months, Sarah and I regained contact and remained very close until her murder. We saw each other in the office and maintained steady contact via text on a nearly daily basis. While I knew Sarah was depressed at times, she was never severely depressed. Around 2010 she left Lowe's to work for a contractor of Lowe's, so she was still regularly in the office and in contact with me. In many ways I was the "adult" in her life and the one she came to for adult oriented advice. She knew I didn't approve of her drug use, especially anything greater than pot. While I knew she sampled other drugs in her past, during college, she was in no way a regular drug user and was not using illegal drugs in 2014. However, I do believe she had a prescription for painkillers for her knees and back and we talked about her injuries and pain and I'm confident she was in no way an addict or an over user of painkillers.

While I can't speak to every detail of her relationship with William Drew Becker, who she met in 2013/early 2014 - or her relationship with her husband, who she complained to me was a bit mentally abusive to her, I can say two things for certain. First, she was not dying of cancer. She was successfully treated for a benign tumor at one point and that was it. If she did have terminal cancer, I know for certain she would have contacted me immediately for counsel and support. Next, she was never suicidal. If she was, it was in her nature to contact me for help and she would have written about it in her journal she wrote in regularly.

Sarah's mother lived with us after a severe auto accident in 1996 when I first met her. She needed daily care because she couldn't walk, bath, etc. We nursed her back to health but mentally, she was never the same. Faye (Sarah's mother) inherited a bit more than $1 million from the death of her father and Sarah inherited the full amount when Faye passed away in a house fire in Purlear, NC a few years before Sarah's death. When we moved to Moooresville, Faye stayed in Purlear and lived next to our old landlord in a house he owned. Sarah battled her younger brother over the inheritance, however Sarah always intended the money was being saved in order to care for her older brother Russel "Rusty" who lived in a group home in Alamance County because he was low functioning mentally retarded. Sarah always planned to care for Rusty after her father passed away and we always talked about her saving the money to help care for him.

This is why the notion of Sarah choosing to 1. Will her estate to Drew Becker instead of her brother or father is ridiculous on its face. 2. If this was her plan at any time, she most definitely would have discussed the idea with me at some point. The idea that she would suddenly turn her back on her brother who she loved deeply is not believable.

I'm confident Drew Becker murdered Sarah and made it look like a suicide. She was shot with the .357 Magnum I purchased for her in WILKESBORO years earlier. She was right handed and the gun was found in her left hand instead of the other side of the room, where the natural recoil of the weapon would have carried it. I also believe Becker drugged her in a method similar to what he tried to do to his wife a few months earlier. Sarah was a devote vegetarian and didn't consume dairy. However, there was a dairy milkshake on the scene I believe Becker used to drug her.

In short, Becker is the prime suspect and person of interest and I believe created a fictitious will and falsified her signature. The only reason the police have not arrested Becker is they can't place him at the scene of the crime. While there is a witness to someone seeing a person in the area of her townhouse, they can't identify him for certain.

Becker has since moved out of state. However, I believe he'll continue to prey on innocent woman and people if he believes he can get away with it. It's my hope that he'll eventually do or say something that will help place him at the scene of the crime,

I miss Sarah and she never deserved to be taken from us this way.
Wow - a 357, don't think many gals would want a gun the powerful. For home protection, I don't load mine with standard 357 ammo - too powerful, would go thru my house an into neighbors...
I bought that gun for Sarah when we lived in WILKESBORO years earlier. She used it many times at the range in WILKESBORO and was quite proficient with it, even though it's a very powerful handgun. She wanted a weapon capable of shooting through walls should she ever need to protect herself when she was alone at home. We lived in Purlear, NC and police response there was anywhere from 20-30 minutes minimum. So having that gun helped her feel safer when I wasn't home.
Just a note that in NC one has to be separated one year before a divorce is granted. Could it be she was separated from hubby, however, in a time of shock such as this, the family did not mention it in the obit?

This bf seems to be rather telling in his remarks! Their relationship was a secret, yet also saying he was getting a divorce too? It's been a long time since I heard an adult express a secret relationship! How come in this secret he is the one who takes her a milkshake, a few days later calls the police for a welfare check, and then produces papers that he is her beneficiary? No, don't think so.

It seems like the POI is lurking in front of LE! A story like this could not be made up!

But why oh why did ME not do an autopsy? Did LE see victim, gun, wound, and just add 1+1+1= Suicide?
If so, shame on LE!

My opinions only!
Sarah didn't drink milkshakes or any dairy. She was vegan.
I wonder what her experience was with the .357. Cannot imagine a woman shooting herself with that if she's familiar with it's power, assuming she did use standard .357 ammo... LE never said what kind of ammo was in the gun... Then again, cannot imagine shooting myself in the head with any kind of round.

I have a feeling LE never checked for her finger prints on the rounds in the gun... there should be prints, and if they were all wiped clean, I'd be very suspicious..
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I bought the gun and the high-end .357 ammo she kept with it. When we practiced at Duncan's in WILKESBOR, we would buy cheap .357 wad cutters for target practice and she kept the hollow-points I bought her for home defense.

The police would never disclose what the status was of the remaining ammo she had with her weapon. She was quite proficient with it though.
I don't know how she came to own a .357, but surely she would know it would blow a sizable hole in whatever it hit. I'll never believe a woman would kill herself with a gun of that size. She was obviously a well groomed person from the photo I saw and seemed to care about her appearance. She walked her dog the day before, IIRC. I just don't think she would have done this with her dog in the house because she took care of it and wouldn't have let this poor dog be in the house alone with her body. The dog is traumatized, I'm sure.

Someone pretty stupid thought LE would fall for the scene, and surmise it was a suicide. She was murdered, IMO, and for her money.

I'm an old granny and promise you if I were to ever take my life it surely wouldn't be with a .357, or any gun for that matter. BUT, at 64 and with a great family, plus the smartest, cutest grandchildren on earth (lol), I am here until nature takes it's course.


ETA: answered this post as I was catching up and before I read article.
I bought her that gun and she was quite proficient at using it. Sarah was an amazing athlete and a great basketball player, bicyclist and swimmer. She routinely play pickup basketball with men and carried her own against them. Her hand strength was intense for a woman. She could benchpress 170 pounds but only weighed 130 At 5-10"

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