NC NC - Sarah Long, 41, Davidson, 19 Jul 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Is there a date for when Becker's wife filed for a restraining order against him?

This is all I found from that article; She filed a restraining order against him less than a week later, records show. So sometime in May is all we know..Well I guess if it was end of may then it could have been June if she waited a week.

Read more here:

This info is also in that link:
The last time Becker said he saw her – and the day of her suspected death – Long “was lethargic and had trouble comprehending,” Becker told authorities.
Sounds like the sleeping aid was kicking in.. So he had no fight from her at that point if he wanted to shoot her in the head.
I'd be interested in knowing if Becker's wife stated that at the time of getting the restraining order or if she only said he did that after his girlfriend died and the information about a milkshake and sleep aids were already published in the press.

This really is the only information that makes me suspect the boyfriend more than the husband; however, Becker would have been arrested a long time ago if the lab found any drugs in her milkshake.
I'm not sure if this was already posted. Did anyone see this?

Long filed a domestic violence complaint against Reeves in February, court records show. On March 3, she withdrew her complaint, with no reason cited in court records.

And I'm not surprised Long's brother and father are opposing the will considering the following. How did John Long feel about his mother giving more money to Sarah. Also note that their mother didn't leave brother Rusty any money.

Sarah Long's mother, Fay Long, willed 75 percent of her estate to Sarah and 25 percent to Sarah's brother John Long, John Long said in an affidavit supporting his father's failed court order against Becker.

And the following doesn't make sense because Sarah would have already bought the Kentucky farm if she wanted to do that for her father.

Long said it's more likely his sister would have left her assets to their father, given her “expressed desire” to buy the family's farm in Kentucky. She intended to buy the farm so their father would no longer have to worry about its upkeep, Long said in the affidavit.

You know what I see: MANY people trying to get money out of Sarah before she was murdered. I don't doubt she was going through emotional stress and gave her entire estate to her boyfriend because she was sick of her husband and her family from putting pressure on her about the money she inherited from her mother!
Oh, and here's proof she struggled mentally. IMO, addiction is a mental health problem.

John Long said in court records that his sister struggled with drug addiction for years.

“She would start to get better, then relapse again,” John Long said in his affidavit. “At the time of her death, I believe she was still struggling with addiction.”

Sarah Long had a trial pending on a charge of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, records show.

A charge of driving while impaired was dismissed by the court this year. In 1995, she pleaded guilty to driving while impaired in Watauga County.

And here's proof below nobody drugged her (at least with prescription meds). So clearly they already have toxicology reports back. If she had a heavy amount of nonprescription sleep medication in her system, LE would already know that and have arrested the boyfriend IMO.

Her autopsy report shows no presence of illegal substances.

Low and behold. This is the first I read articles about this case, and the boyfriend claims exactly what I expect believe happened:

Sarah Long proposed that each have a will, “because something might happen to one of them and because she was afraid of what her husband might do,” Becker said in his affidavit.

Sarah Long told him that because of abuse she'd suffered, she didn't want her husband to “get a nickel,” Becker said in his affidavit.

All of the above from this article:
I wonder what prompted LE to look past their initial suicide ruling. Somebody must have raised a fuss. But who? I'll bet it was the husband. My guess is he was perfectly fine with LE thinking it was suicide until he discovered she had willed everything to Becker.

This case isn't as cut and dry as everyone thought. The boyfriend doesn't look as suspicious to me as the husband does.
I think Rusty didn't get money because as you stated previously he would not have qualified for state help etc..It would have been a waste. Why her brother only got 25% IDK. (Possibly he had already borrowed a substantial amount while mom was alive and that amount was deducted from his inheritance? It happens. My bro has already spent a bunch of his as my mother is still alive, while I have spent none.) A personal choice her mother made I suppose but I wouldnt give a drug addicted child a bunch of money so maybe her drug problems were small. 1995 was a long time ago and drug paraphernalia charge is minor IMO.
They found no ILLEGAL drugs just means that they tested for illegal drugs and not rx drugs. So honestly that doesnt change what I feel happened. I guess we can agree to disagree but I think The new BF was/is a player and played right on into this money JMO.
I think she thought she could trust the Trucking business owner and I think she was tricked. Still would like to know his wifes info. His wife reported the incident about the milkshake in it was before the death of this woman.
I'm not sure of anything being back guess we will have to just sit and wait. There of course is always the option that there is a third person involved, another boyfriend who did not like what was going on. I am going to guess that LE have a suspect. Oh and the husband would know that his wife was right handed. The boyfriend or someone else might not. For all we know the BF's wife followed him over to the house to see what he was up to ...I think the guy making comments about her being suicidal etc are to his benefit. (The boyfriend that is).

Wanted to add the domestic violence charge against her husband was dropped with no explanation given. Perhaps because it was nothing worth going to court over and so she didn't.
Sarah Long proposed that each have a will, “because something might happen to one of them and because she was afraid of what her husband might do,” Becker said in his affidavit.

Sarah Long told him that because of abuse she'd suffered, she didn't want her husband to “get a nickel,” Becker said in his affidavit.

These are convenient words from the BF right? I mean we can't believe that he might be lying to cover his butt?

Where is Beckers will? Did he also have one to protect himself from Sarah's husband? I'd love to see that one.
Seems like Becker is setting up the husband IMO.
I think Rusty didn't get money because as you stated previously he would not have qualified for state help etc..It would have been a waste.
I pretty much suggested that in my previous post. IMO, much of what the brother says is illogical about giving money to Rusty and buying her father's farm.

Why her brother only got 25% IDK. (Possibly he had already borrowed a substantial amount while mom was alive and that amount was deducted from his inheritance? It happens. My bro has already spent a bunch of his as my mother is still alive, while I have spent none.) A personal choice her mother made I suppose but I wouldnt give a drug addicted child a bunch of money so maybe her drug problems were small. 1995 was a long time ago and drug paraphernalia charge is minor IMO.
I'm not questioning why the mother only left 25% to the brother. I'm pointing out that's often a cause of friction among family members after a death.

They found no ILLEGAL drugs just means that they tested for illegal drugs and not rx drugs. So honestly that doesnt change what I feel happened.
It doesn't necessarily mean what's bolded. It could mean no drugs were found in her system or nonprescription drugs were found but LE isn't releasing that information to the public.

I guess we can agree to disagree
We don't need to agree on anything. Our disagreeing is simply a fact.

I Still would like to know his wifes info. His wife reported the incident about the milkshake in it was before the death of this woman.
We don't know if she gave details about the SLUSHIE at the time of the restraining order. All we know is she filed for a restraining order. When she exactly shared information about a sleep aid in a slushy isn't clear.

Wanted to add the domestic violence charge against her husband was dropped with no explanation given. Perhaps because it was nothing worth going to court over and so she didn't.
It's not uncommon for abused women to withdraw complaints. The article states the police have her diary/journal that contains evidence her husband abused her.
The only thing that makes me wonder about the boyfriend is his reporting concern for her as an anonymous "concerned citizen." That could be explained if he and his wife were still together at the time.

I'd only be swayed if LE has proof that he or his business were having financial trouble to motivate him to go after the girlfriend's money when he failed to get insurance money via the wife. If he's financially stable, which is very possible because owners of trucking companies are often wealthy, I'm less inclined to believe he was involved.

Edited to add:

He doesn't own a trucking company. He operates under a DBA for operating 1 truck.


Looks to me like he's an owner/operator truck driver instead of the owner of a trucking company.

I'd like to know more about his marriage to his wife and if they were separated or living together at the time of Long's death.

I did go through this PDF the search warrant for Sara's home and found a few interesting tidbits here. The neighbor who is an elderly woman from what I understood also shares her bedroom wall with Sarah and did recall that between 2200 and 2300 on the night of the murder hearing a very loud bang. She was in bed watching tv and it startled her. She thought Sara had gotten upset and slammed her bedroom door, but when she went to look out her bedroom window and into Sarahs direction she saw nothing but darkness. So no lights.
The neighbor directly across the street also saw Sara on July 19th at 2210 hours, entering her home with an unidentified man, who all she could state was taller than Sara. She did say that Sara was wearing a dress with a shawl and had her hair down. I guess usually Sara wears shorts so she was surprised to see her dressed up. She recalled the time and her phone verified her being home at the 2210 time.

Interesting, so he wasn't really a big business owner of any sort. I dont know if he and his wife were living together or what at Sara's time of death, but we do know that in May he had tried to supposedly drug his wife and it was a week after that she filed that protective order, so they were living together as of May anyway. I have had a hard time finding any info on her, or their marriage etc.

Oh and just wanted to touch base on this subject a little: It's not uncommon for abused women to withdraw complaints. The article states the police have her diary/journal that contains evidence her husband abused her.
Her husband very well may have abused her, but I also recall Jodi Arias having a diary/journal so its a little sketchy for me honestly. I admit it may be true, but I'm still waiting for better proof.
So according to the BF Sara was incoherent, had taken sleeping pills and was totally out of it when he left her that day of July 19th. Her Husband states he talked to her that day and she was fine. So now she is out at 10:00 at night dressed to party. Who was lying? I think that's an easy one to figure out. Or Sara was a good actress? Or she had another male friend?
Wouldn't the neighbor across the street recognize the man if he were Sara's husband? She said she just saw the back of him so couldn't tell. Wonder if she saw a vehicle there? Anyway, she went from laying in bed all incoherent to being dressed to party.
I'll play along with your theory it's the boyfriend.

I'm a bit perplexed by her returning home from a date and ending up in the bedroom without having a sexual encounter. That makes me wonder if she was dating more than one man. Why not? She's separated. There's no commitment to this married boyfriend.

We know nothing about Sarah. She could have been a great actress. There are indications she was an addict and may have been in an abusive marriage. Prior to reading the articles, I already suggested the possibility that she made a bigger deal about her pre-cancer for attention. It's equally possible she's a passive/submissive personality. Maybe she had a date with a new guy and didn't know how to tell the boyfriend to go home. She plays sick and he leaves.

Let's consider abused women tend to be attracted to abusers. She finally got rid of her husband, and now she wants to distance herself from the married boyfriend. After all, he's married. She wants to see other people. This married boyfriend was good for helping her get the courage to leave her husband, but he's not the future she envisions. Maybe she's noticing possessiveness, maybe not.

So she fakes being sick, and goes out on a date with a new guy. They return to her house, but they don't have sex because it's a first or second date. When he leaves, she goes upstairs and is ambushed by the married boyfriend. He shoots her because he's furious she is seeing other people behind his back. He truly did envision a life with her and her money, but now she's better off dead to him if she's going to see other guys and leave him to live the hard life of a trucker by himself or stuck married to his wife he can't stand.

Now that gets my attention. The will alone wasn't a good enough reason for me. At this point in time, I believe he looked forward to a life with her. She's an attractive, wealthy woman. I'll get his wife wasn't either of those things. He probably did want to get rid of his wife. I doubt that was practice. It was probably a failed attempt to murder her. After the restraining order, he couldn't pursue that anymore. And if he ended up with Long, he may have eventually done the same with her. You know those men and women who leave a few spouses dead under suspicious circumstances and nobody realizes it until a few of them die. But on this night, he didn't give a sleep aid. He was waiting in her bedroom and shot her.
I'll play along with your theory it's the boyfriend.

I'm a bit perplexed by her returning home from a date and ending up in the bedroom without having a sexual encounter. That makes me wonder if she was dating more than one man. Why not? She's separated. There's no commitment to this married boyfriend.

We know nothing about Sarah. She could have been a great actress. There are indications she was an addict and may have been in an abusive marriage. Prior to reading the articles, I already suggested the possibility that she made a bigger deal about her pre-cancer for attention. It's equally possible she's a passive/submissive personality. Maybe she had a date with a new guy and didn't know how to tell the boyfriend to go home. She plays sick and he leaves.

Let's consider abused women tend to be attracted to abusers. She finally got rid of her husband, and now she wants to distance herself from the married boyfriend. After all, he's married. She wants to see other people. This married boyfriend was good for helping her get the courage to leave her husband, but he's not the future she envisions. Maybe she's noticing possessiveness, maybe not.

So she fakes being sick, and goes out on a date with a new guy. They return to her house, but they don't have sex because it's a first or second date. When he leaves, she goes upstairs and is ambushed by the married boyfriend. He shoots her because he's furious she is seeing other people behind his back. He truly did envision a life with her and her money, but now she's better off dead to him if she's going to see other guys and leave him to live the hard life of a trucker by himself or stuck married to his wife he can't stand.

Now that gets my attention. The will alone wasn't a good enough reason for me. At this point in time, I believe he looked forward to a life with her. She's an attractive, wealthy woman. I'll get his wife wasn't either of those things. He probably did want to get rid of his wife. I doubt that was practice. It was probably a failed attempt to murder her. After the restraining order, he couldn't pursue that anymore. And if he ended up with Long, he may have eventually done the same with her. You know those men and women who leave a few spouses dead under suspicious circumstances and nobody realizes it until a few of them die. But on this night, he didn't give a sleep aid. He was waiting in her bedroom and shot her.

Interesting....I also wondered why no sex, but as you said if it was a first date or 2nd then very possible that was the case. Still would like to know if neighbor saw a vehicle...Have to think on this one a bit more.
Also, I have never seen Beckers wife yet..Do you have a link with a pic or anything?
No. I'm just guessing his wife wasn't as pretty or wealthy.

I have another thought. They say toxicology showed no illegal drugs. That's doesn't mean she hadn't taken prescribed narcotics. Drug addiction isn't easy to kick. Add the stress of losing her mother, having her husband and potentially her family hassling her about her inheritance, an abusive marriage and going through a separation, it's entirely possible she was in treatment for stress and did resume her addiction in a legal manner via prescription drugs.

One thing I know about pill addicts is they can look deathly ill and out of it one part of the day and totally fine another part of the day. It's also difficult for people to know they are addicted if they have enough money to maintain their addiction. And she had the money.

I'm wondering why LE thought her financial records would reveal who she was with at the end of the night that night. Were they hoping she paid for the date and the could go look at surveillance cameras at the restaurant where she ate? Did they think she wrote the guy a check that night? It makes no sense whatsoever to think her financial records show who she was with at the end of the night. UNLESS, LE thought there was another third man and hoped that he would show up in the financial records.

Keep in mind, if she's using prescription drugs legally via a prescription, she could be supplementing that prescription via buying the same drug on the side. Think along the lines of Xanax. That puts her in the realm of associating with other addicts or at least a drug dealer.
Here's another idea. Maybe the boyfriend's wife killed her. She finds out he's having an affair, hides in her bedroom, shoots her when she's sleeping, then tells LE about the prior protection of abuse order to point them in the direction of suspecting him.
I'm undecided as to exactly who I think murdered her right now (some are higher on my list than others for sure) but these are a few other things that stood out to me from the search warrant:
1: there was an unlocked window on the 1st floor
2: her dog was sitting by her body when it was found.
3: Her dog also saw the person she was out with that Saturday night according to the neighbor, as she witnessed them arriving, and Sara opening the door and greeting the dog, and them both going inside.
4: Sara had 4 laptops and 2 Nooks that were stated in the warrant as all being in use. That's a lot of laptops.

Edited to clarify: all laptops and Nooks were believed by the officer who seized them during the search to have been being used by Sara within a recent time frame. Not that they were all in use the night of the murder.
That is a lot of laptops. All turned on and in use at the time she died? It makes me wonder if someone was in her bedroom snooping on all of her laptops for information while she was out on her date, and she arrived home sooner than expected. If so, that points to the husband IMO.
Still would like to know his wifes info. His wife reported the incident about the milkshake in it was before the death of this woman.
I'm revisiting this portion of your post because I found something. She told police about this incident AFTER the death of the Long. She might have filed a restraining order, but we have no idea if the details of that restraining order include her saying he tried to poison her. What we do know is she told LE about this after Long died. LE didn't find this out on their own. They went to talk to her, as part of their investigation. I suppose the wife of Long's boyfriend would be a natural POI for them to visit. And that's when she told them.

Police went to talk to the wife of the boyfriend and she told them an interesting story. She claimed her husband might have tried to poison her on May 8th.

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