NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #11

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I saw a video earlier where moms aunt said there was no vigil tonight and a reporter asked her if there was would her family be attending and I believe she said yes we would definately be there. Does anyone know if the maternal family attended the vigil? Bet they didn't. The never showed that they cared before why act like it now!!!!

She was there ...she doesn't believe her daughter said she wouldn't "Incriminate" her and then tried to change her words and went to "downgrade" her. She knows....
SOOO true...however Coey's crackhead sister, neice and their dealer/lover were never charged and never did a day for sitting in a trailer, getting high while hearing that sweet little girl being raped repeatedly

we have the brainiac cops of Florida to thank for that...they didn't read them their "miranda" rights and all their testimony was thrown out

I just hope the cops here are crossing the t's, dotting the 'i's and doing it all by the book....I hope all of these scum are charged and put away and/or given the death penalry

The law at the time prohibited the prosecution of family members for obstruction of justice. Now that excludes any crime against a child, IIRC.
I posted my thoughts on this a day or two ago, but I agree with those who say MAM is not the one who paid for Shaniya. I think she was carried out to the couch very early in the morning for MAM to pick her up & take her to some John he lined up. I think the John had the room lined up and paid for. MAM walked right in the front door of the hotel and directly to the elevator and the room he was told to go to. That's why NG said they didn't know which room because he personally never checked in. Early reports said a dog tracked her scent to a specific room. When John was finished, MAM left with Shaniya--LE says they can't tell from the departure video what condition she's in-she's probably wrapped up in a blanket or something. I think MAM discovered she wasn't alive after he put her in the car. He panicked and dumped her. I also think the BOLO for 60 yr old man came from the description of the man who rented the room. His check in info was no doubt fake so they went with a hotel employee description--maybe he somehow missed being on video or pics weren't clear enough to ID.

As to why egg donor called LE, I think her and Coe got into it about what she was doing with Shaniya--his remarks lead me to believe it had been going on already in the trailer.
She tried to make him think she cared about the girl by calling 911 and then threw him under the bus after they talked to her.

I haven't changed my opinion from this. I still think they will be looking for the 60 year old man as the actual killer, but I'm guessing the post mortem exam and DNA samples will either rule MAM out or hang him.

This is incredible & very thought out. I do think it's plausible as I've thought this very same scenario. I also believe Shaniya was already in the process of being used, hence the feces on the blanket. Who knows how long she was rented out! After hearing that Antoinette has a 7 y/o son living there, as well as her sister and her sister's 2 y/o child, somebody had to know something prior to Shaniya's murder - I pretty much believe that! It's a freaking single wide trailer. How in the world could NOBODY hear Shaniya being taken away? Was the sister and the other two children not there? If not, where were they?

Something I just thought of again, which came to my mind earlier today also, what about if it's not actually McNeill that's talking? Afterall, the police & FBI have informed he's been extremely uncooperative. I don;t for a second believe Antoinette sees the light so she's spilling all - no way. Maybe it's Coe that talked and that's why the charges against him were dropped completely. Sure, he has an alibi...but he also has a serious arrest record and the cops could have made it extremely hard on him and kept him longer to try to link him to this case somewhat. Maybe Coe fed the police the info about Shaniya being prostituted out.

Now, Nancy Grace mentioned sodomy several times on her show tonight. She wouldn't specifically put that word out there unless she had some kind of inside knowledge. I do believe Shaniya was sodomized and that's the reason for the excrement on her blanket found in the neighbors trash. This would point to her already being victimized in the mobile home. So...if that's the case...who was there to victimize this little angel? Where was Antoinette's sister? McNeill is her ex. Is she on crack like Antoinette? Crack does some pretty crazy things to people. I wanna know if all of these children have been removed from their care. As far as I'm concerned, they're better off not being with ANY family member, even if they have to be split up, until LE gets to the facts in this case.
I was just on Wikipedia and came across Jessica's Law.... Seems like a worthy cause to take this back to Congress and have it passed as a National law... Just not a Florida law.

"Jessica's Law
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Jessica's Law is the informal name given to a 2005 Florida law, as well as laws in several other states, designed to punish sex offenders and reduce their ability to re-offend. A version of Jessica's Law, known as the Jessica Lunsford Act, was introduced at the federal level in 2005 but was never enacted into law by Congress.

The name is also used by the media to designate all legislation and potential legislation in other states modeled after the Florida law. Forty-two states have introduced such legislation since Florida's law was passed.[1]

The law is named after Jessica Lunsford, a young Florida girl who was raped and murdered in February 2005 by John Couey, a previously convicted sex offender. Public outrage over this case spurred Florida officials to introduce this legislation. Among the key provisions of the law are a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison[2] and lifetime electronic monitoring[3] of adults convicted of lewd or lascivious acts against a victim less than 12 years old. In Florida, sexual battery or rape of a child less than twelve years old is punishable only by life imprisonment with no chance of parole.[4]
Shaniya's Maternal grandmother was there.. but outside the edges of the crowd.

I am sure many of us have family members whose lives we THINK we know about.

I have developed a special place in my heart for Shaniya.....such a beautiful child! She was 5 years old, damnit, and fgs, an innocent baby who had undoubtedly an unconditional love and trust in the adults she lived with. I am livid with an anger that this baby was abused and murdered! I am sickened with thinking about what what was going through her little mind at the last moments..........all I can ask for is God's mercy, and for justice to be served in her name.
She was there ...she doesn't believe her daughter said she wouldn't "Incriminate" her and then tried to change her words and went to "downgrade" her. She knows....

Was this on a video? I missed it?
Was this on a video? I missed it?

at the end of the video

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #11[/ame]
Info on the neighbor's report...

Tuesday November 10 5:30am
Antoinette Davis said she put Shaniya on the couch in their home, at 1116-A Sleepy Hollow Drive in Fayetteville. When she went to check on her daughter about an hour later, the girl was missing, Davis told police.
An Amber Alert was initiated for Shaniya several hours later.
Moore said she was awakened by noises outside her home at about 3 a.m. Tuesday.
She thought someone was beating on her wall…She went back to sleep but was awakened later by police saying they were confiscating her trash can because it contained evidence in the disappearance of her young neighbor.
Moore said she has no idea how the blanket got into her garbage can. She said police told her it was covered in feces and that feces was also found on the back porch of Davis’ home.The Davis family wasn’t allowed to return to the home Tuesday because officials deemed it a health hazard due to extensive sewage leaks.
Police are looking at surveillance video of anyone who left the Sleepy Hollow Mobile Home Park early Tuesday. Police said Tuesday that they suspected foul play in the case, noting that they doubted the child would have walked off on her own at that time of day.
Police dogs searched the neighborhood and some nearby woods late Tuesday and didn’t pick up Shaniya’s scent. Investigators said the dogs would have picked up her trail if she had been walking around the area.

OMG! Reading this makes me think she tried to run for help.
I'm going to bed. I can't take anymore.

I pray tomorrow's sun will shine as brightly as Shaniya's smile. Good night all.
The Felony Murder rule is a thing of beauty. They only people I have ever seen opposed to it are criminals and their supporters, which should tell you something.
oh im not opposed to it at all when it comes to a child being murdered hell i wish i were the one doing the injection ...
oh im not opposed to it at all when it comes to a child being murdered hell i wish i were the one doing the injection ...

If I were there she wouldn't make it to an injection. She would feel pain and torture. Maybe not the same as Shaniya but just as bad!!!
The law at the time prohibited the prosecution of family members for obstruction of justice. Now that excludes any crime against a child, IIRC.

The crack dealer boyfriend was not a relative

they were not charged because the cops violated their miranda rights

I will look it up and post the link

the other stuff may also be true...but how would it cover the NON relative "
boyfriend" dealer??
*in regards to John Coey
That sounds like it could be exactly what happened and why she was taken to hotel.It makes total sense.
After spending countless hours reading posts about this little girl, I figured I would add in two pennies worth of my thoughts.

Trailers have very thin walls, I'm finding it hard to believe that if anything went down in that trailer with the little girl that the egg donors boyfriend and the aunt didn't know about it. In my experience in living in trailers there is usually a bedroom off to the right of the front door, and then another bedroom to the left pass the living room and kitchen, though this only accounts for a two bedroom. That said, there is always going to be a bedroom off to the right of the front door, maybe more then one depending on the size and layout of the trailer. With that knowledge even, I still cannot fathom two people not knowing what is going on there.

As for Coe and his cryptic words I have two trains of thoughts about it. The first was is that he never saw the girl out of a bedroom, hence she was never in the living room during the day or at night. The second is that he was not around whenever she was out of the bedroom.

MAM kidnapped her that is a given, however I am on the fence as to rather he physically/sexually did anything to the little girl. I will say this even if he didn't touch her, he still harmed her and as a result of his actions she died and he should be held responsible for that.

To me it seems like this is the first time they did something like this, that is why they screwed up so much. I could honestly see that they had the johns come to the house at first, but then maybe one of the felt uncomfortable and asked that the little girl be brought to a hotel instead. I don't think they planned that she would die, that would stop a source of income for the egg donor, they wanted to keep her around as long as possible in order to make the most money they could from her. I could see the little girls death being an accident, a very horrible accident.

I have nothing kind to say about the egg donor, anything I could say would get me banned.

I feel for the father and his family, not for one second do I believe he would have let her go if he knew what would happen. Hindsight being 50/50 and all, I'm sure he is going through pure hell at the moment, as well as the aunt that help raised her. I cannot begin to understand the pain and heartache they are enduring tonight and in the coming months. I think they are punishing themselves enough without people bashing them for a wrong choice they made.

E* Well maybe that was more like 10 pennies worth of thoughts.*E
I hear what you are saying...My family keeps telling me to turn off the tv, get off the computer...but I just can't...I am grieving for this precious little girl and trying to understand how we as a nation, ever release people who hurt/kill children out to walk the streets. They should automatically get life in prison or the death penalty. We shouldn't have to look them up on the internet to see if a child molester might live near us. They should NEVER RELEASED.

I find alot of subject changing when discussing these cases with people. "I don't want to is just too sad" or "Let's talk about something more postitive"
I say THAT is the problem, the loss of human compassion ... sticking heads in the sand pretending these problems do not exist, it is always in "someone else's" backyard...
I tell my kids without awareness we remain ignorant. If we remain ignorant we cannot make changes. When a child is murdered, and people just shake their heads and say "o my, that is too bad", then go back to eating their dinner without being shaken to their foundation, without feeling someone else's loss, then we, as a society lose.
I find alot of subject changing when discussing these cases with people. "I don't want to is just too sad" or "Let's talk about something more postitive"
I say THAT is the problem, the loss of human compassion ... sticking heads in the sand pretending these problems do not exist, it is always in "someone else's" backyard...
I tell my kids without awareness we remain ignorant. If we remain ignorant we cannot make changes. When a child is murdered, and people just shake their heads and say "o my, that is too bad", then go back to eating their dinner without being shaken to their foundation, without feeling someone else's loss, then we, as a society lose.

Exactly, someone has to be the voice for the voiceless.

Ignorance only breeds ignorance in my opinion. If those who can stand up and take action against those who harm others can't/won't/refuse or whatever then who is? Problems just don't go away on there own, someone has to stand up, someone has to be that voice.

When we as a society remain silent we become part of the problem, we become no better then those who harm others.

** Please note I am not talking about anyone on the board, I am merely generally speaking out loud about society as a whole.**

oh im not opposed to it at all when it comes to a child being murdered hell i wish i were the one doing the injection ...
I agree,maybe we should all get together,bail both of them out,take them to a secluded area,let the father and a few of his friend enact some good ol boy justice.Just think how much money that could save the state.:furious::furious::furious:
I agree with much of what you say Enchanted Eyes...the trailer is small, the walls are thin...they had to know

I am not sure however that there was some parade of "johns" there...frankly even creeps are not usually going to want sex with a 5 year old if she was 13, or 14..yes, there would be a line up...but for a 5 year old?? that takes a true pervert IMHO

I wonder if between them McNeil and/or Antoinette had found just such a pervert...
and one willing to pay?? I personally think that is what happened....
they had one (or 2?) creeps lined up and ready to go....just waiting for the visit of her beautiful daughter

I think the trailer was the scene of encounters....I think at some point they also realized that there was no way to end this without poor Shaynia telling of the her physical condition would be the proof

some plot was hatched to take her to the motel...maybe to meet one of the pervert johns...and then? something went wrong

Antoinette may have tried to cover her own butt by calling the cops, reporting her missing, and blaming her own lover/baby daddy Coe.

I just don't see some huge "ring" or group behind this...I don't feel there was a national connection let alone an international connection

this was a case of greedy low life junkies and crackheads who ran into a pervert and decided to coldly sell out this beautiful little girl
I agree with much of what you say Enchanted Eyes...the trailer is small, the walls are thin...they had to know

I am not sure however that there was some parade of "johns" there...frankly even creeps are not usually going to want sex with a 5 year old if she was 13, or 14..yes, there would be a line up...but for a 5 year old?? that takes a true pervert IMHO

I wonder if between them McNeil and/or Antoinette had found just such a pervert...
and one willing to pay?? I personally think that is what happened....
they had one (or 2?) creeps lined up and ready to go....just waiting for the visit of her beautiful daughter

I think the trailer was the scene of encounters....I think at some point they also realized that there was no way to end this without poor Shaynia telling of the her physical condition would be the proof

some plot was hatched to take her to the motel...maybe to meet one of the pervert johns...and then? something went wrong

Antoinette may have tried to cover her own butt by calling the cops, reporting her missing, and blaming her own lover/baby daddy Coe.

I just don't see some huge "ring" or group behind this...I don't feel there was a national connection let alone an international connection

this was a case of greedy low life junkies and crackheads who ran into a pervert and decided to coldly sell out this beautiful little girl

I don't think I used the word parade. As sad as it is, I don't think it would be to hard to find more then a couple of people willing to sleep with a five year old. Ugg I shuddered when I wrote that.

Like you I don't think it was a big ring of people behind it. I do feel however that everyone ( Aside from the two other children) in that trailer was involved to a certain extent, I don't feel that any of them are innocent parties in this.

And as I said in an earlier post, I think someone got leery of going to the trailer and thus set up an encounter at the hotel. Though I could also see the egg donor getting worried that the neighbors would think something is up, so they then decided that the encounters should take place at a different location.

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