NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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Lockhart's friend expressed concerns
Tim Allen has been caring for Lockhart's 17-year-old daughter, Cheyenne. He said Tuesday evening that he told Lockhart not to send Shaniya to live with her mother.

"I feel he is 99 percent the reason why this happened in the first place,” Allen said of Shaniya’s death.

Allen said after Shaniya went to her mother’s house, he noticed marks on her arms.

"Boyfriends and his friends would put the cigarettes out on the baby's arms,” he said.

Davis worked in the kitchen at Carolina Inn at Village Green, an assisted living facility in Fayetteville.

CES, a South Carolina-based staffing company that has a contract with Carolina Inn, hired her in June 2008 after an extensive background check, an official said. She had a good employment record at both Carolina Inn and the Haymount Nursing Rehabilitation Facility, but she is no longer employed by the company, the official said.

Candlelight vigils for Shaniya Davis
Nov. 16, 2009

(Snipped for space.)

I don't believe this guy and his comments. His comment about sending her "to live with the mother" to my knowledge is erroneous to begin with. The intent was that she go for the weekend, then it was extended to 3 weeks with negotiation for longer, so he never "sent" Shaniya to live with Antoinette to start with.

Seems he's looking for his 15 minute interviews for a little extra cash. I don't think NG will be calling very soon.
No, not at all---just arrived here tonight. Delish avatar?---well, thanks.
You are looking fine yourself Ms Peel.

Still, am honed in on Shaniya, and why NO murder charges against any one now that body has been found? Hmm Someone pointed to exactly where she was found. A deal in the making? Please no!
They (LE) may still have their eye on someone. They may be holding stuff close to the vest; it is best to charge someone when it can definitely stick.
I hope they are crossing all the t's and dotting all the I's to make sure a charge will stick. it is better to hold off a little with the charges then to rush and make a mistake.
the charges are definitly coming and it is OK with me if we have to wait a little.
(Snipped for space.)

I don't believe this guy and his comments. His comment about sending her "to live with the mother" to my knowledge is erroneous to begin with. The intent was that she go for the weekend, then it was extended to 3 weeks with negotiation for longer, so he never "sent" Shaniya to live with Antoinette to start with.

Seems he's looking for his 15 minute interviews for a little extra cash. I don't think NG will be calling very soon.

What about what Brad's sister and daughter? Are they looking for 15 minutes of fame as well?
(Snipped for space.)

I don't believe this guy and his comments. His comment about sending her "to live with the mother" to my knowledge is erroneous to begin with. The intent was that she go for the weekend, then it was extended to 3 weeks with negotiation for longer, so he never "sent" Shaniya to live with Antoinette to start with.

Seems he's looking for his 15 minute interviews for a little extra cash. I don't think NG will be calling very soon.

I agree. Some "friend."
"Lockhart called the allegations speculation and said he wasn't going to talk about it.

"This isn't about Brad or Antoinette or Mr. McNeill, this about Shaniya and the memory of a beautiful lady, a beautiful angel," he said."

This "beautiful lady" reference makes me feel uncomfortable every time I've heard it. I'm left with this uneasy feeling.
SuziQ, I always love your post.
I have pretty much stayed quiet about the father, but I have my thoughts. A real ticker for me was when they said yesterday after the video interview a memorial was being set up in Shaniya's name, no information what this fund is going to be used for and it was said shortly after the father talked about Shaniya running into his "BMW" with her bike. Maybe it's just me but I find it hard to stomach someone who has money setting up and asking for money in Shaniya's name.
I knew there would be more to come about him, just a feeling. While he had nothing to do with her death, he sure had the warning signs and people he could have turned to. Poor baby had no one to protect her.

Very good post

I for one am sick of these "foundations" and funds...
why not just ask that people contribute to an existing proven group?

The Center for Missing and Exploited.....KlaasKids...or ??

I also picked up on the "Beemer" reference

I don't care what anyone take Shaynia from her comfortable life into that dingy trailer full of felons is ridiculous

This is a tragedy that could have been prevented at various check points by various people

this isn't a case of some stranger/offchance encounter

Someone said "Lamb to Slaughter" true

also I think they need a "sticky" post here with FACTS...or else a separate forum for this little angel??
I see so much of the same misinformation bandied about, it gets confusing

for instance....there was no way for the cops to rush over to the hotel...the tapes were looked at after a hotel worker called in the tip...thanks to the media coverage and amber the time they even looked at the tapes it is most likely that Shaynia was dead

I think we need some "sticky" timeline and/fact sheet hopefully...also maybe a list of media links, cause this is getting confusing and some people confuse it more by posting (well intentioned) misinformation JMO thanks
Supposedly Dad was telling them he was sending her to live with her mother because AD needed to learn how to be one. People asked him not to and offered her to take her.

:waitasec: I have always found that statement: "she needed to learn how to be a mother" when AD was already a mother of a ~ 7 year old. :waitasec:
I agree with you, Bobbisangel.

I sat with my mouth hanging open when I saw the video of the vigil with the Dad. It did not even seem like the same man, and he even pronounced his words differently. I thought that he was on the verge of a breakdown.

Then we see him in the video of today and he seems to be an entirely different man. He speaks calmly and no accent like he had last night. It is almost as if he is two different people.

Then we have the NG show tonight and we see the behavior you have mentioned. I am very concerned about this. I do not think he had anything to do with Shaniya's death at all, but I do not like what I am seeing of him and the aunt right now. Conflicting stories. I just get the feeling that he and the aunt knew that Shaniya was not safe at her egg donors house and did not do enough to keep her safe. JMO.

Now everyone can be mad at me also. I just have a bad feeling that we will be hearing more that we do not like.

And please; no one come at me about how it must feel to lose a child. I know full well how it feels. I lost my only son in an accident - he was on a motorcycle coming to Thanksgiving dinner at home when a drunk driver hit him. That will be 10 years ago this Thanksgiving. I am well versed in grief.

Words can't express how sorry I am for your loss, and to all others that have lost loved ones :hug: :blowkiss:
I know that I'm going to get chewed up one end and down the other but I'm going to say what I'm feeling anyway...Chew away...Over the past two or so days Shaniya's father is making me uneasy. It started with the vigil. Tonight he came out while his older son was being interviewd by Nancy. The SON was the one being interviewed not the dad. The way the dad carried on over the son during the interview gave me a funny feeling...not quite real but showy. Then he sits down beside his son during the rest of the interview. I guess it bothers me when a grieving parent seems to be looking for attention. Now I will keep quiet and see how this all plays out but I honestly think that the mother isn't the only one who can put on the dog and fool people. I just have to add that the dad at the vigil in front of the camera really turned me off. For a minute I thought he was preaching a sermon.

Isn't it interesting how people see the same situation differently. I saw it as the a showing of support to this son/brother that was sitting there alone trying to answer questions with intelligent answers and not getting too emotional. I saw it as a father that was giving comfort to his son knowing the pressure was showing from his tone of voice, his answers and body language. He was trying and doing a fair job but Dad knew it was not easy so he came to his side. He didn't put on a mic to speak, just sat beside his son. I don't know how so much negative was pulled from what I saw as a positive display of parental support.
I want to state my position here from the start of the day today.
I will not bash the father. He has been through a lot and I would expect to some signs of mental and emotional instability from him.
Bashing aside, I can say respectfully that I don't trust him, and I think that he failed.
I think he got sick of having to answer the questions for Shaniya about the creature that gave birth to her, may have been on the verge of losing the woman in his life, and decided that he could make the creature care. MOO.
Obviously, the creature didn't care.

That said, i don't think he could have ever seen it happening this way. I think he is hurting , and he is grieving...but his best bet from here on out is to do it quietly.
No screaming prayers in what I think was a backbayou accent, no more being held up by his friends for the public, no more interviews with his kids, and if they do interviews, he should stay away. I do not think the father is completely stable, emotionally or mentally, at this point in time, I don't expect that I would be much better. However, I think that side of the family should just get a good PR guy and let him handle it.

So, like I said. I won't bash him, but in my opinion, Shaniya was failed from many angles and her father needs to be coping with his pain and inevitable guilt. Not sitting in on the interviews of his adult children, while allowing his minor children to speak out alone. And he needs to lay off on the sermons a bit. It's very hard for people to believe you when you seem to be acting...badly. He needs to realize that.
(Snipped for space.)

I don't believe this guy and his comments. His comment about sending her "to live with the mother" to my knowledge is erroneous to begin with. The intent was that she go for the weekend, then it was extended to 3 weeks with negotiation for longer, so he never "sent" Shaniya to live with Antoinette to start with.

Seems he's looking for his 15 minute interviews for a little extra cash. I don't think NG will be calling very soon.

Well the family already is setting up a fund or foundation too...which is nice considering they have a bmw

As for the "erroneous" is that way because they have said various things...

we have heard that the dad was going to "give her a chance"...the aunt says only 2 days clothing were the aunt says that the egg donor told her "you'll never see Shaynia again"...

so which is it?? The "family" could clear this up...but my guess is that they will hire a "PR" person as so many of these families seem to do now.

It has become very predictable...tie ribbons, light candles, get a pile of flowers and bears...a PR person....set up a foundation...interview after coast to coast to be on tv

everyone is so busy afterwards but in many cases just a touch of common sense combined with a bit of unselfish "caring" could have a different outcome

I would have a lot more respect for all of them if THEY had been the ones trying to get publicity the minute that AD told them "you won't see her again"...even if the "system" failed them, they would have tried

I can't believe that they could not have had cops/social workers, drug squad in that AD's employer and say she should be drug tested...
call the trailer park manager....
call the school...find out what was going on

I am also really bothered by the way she was "taken out" of school...what is up with that?? I also wonder...did anyone talk with Shaynia on the phone during the 3? weeks she was in that dump??
"When you wanted sex that's where you went," Coleman said. "You knew what the girl was doing. You knew what she associated with, so why place your daughter in that situation?"

And Cheyenne says Brad did not provide for Shaniya.

"He didn't take care of her, his girlfriends took care of her," she said. "He loved her, but she was raised by other people. He hasn't been in her life."

It sounds to me like Brad was still hooking up with AD. Do we really know if Shaniya lived with Brad or was she just an occasional visitor?
(Snipped for space.)

I don't believe this guy and his comments. His comment about sending her "to live with the mother" to my knowledge is erroneous to begin with. The intent was that she go for the weekend, then it was extended to 3 weeks with negotiation for longer, so he never "sent" Shaniya to live with Antoinette to start with.

Seems he's looking for his 15 minute interviews for a little extra cash. I don't think NG will be calling very soon.

I believe him. Brad's former father in law offered for Shaniya to live there with him too, as Brad's son does.
For some reason I think that Aunt Carey was the strongest loophole in this..Brad made her believe it was for a couple of days, but all along he was telling everyone else that she was going to live with her mother to give her a chance to be a mother.
Ok, trying to catch up (again)
I've tried to be really understanding with the whole dad should have known thing and all that. So, I've just decided not to comment on it.

But, I do want to say this. I've seen it questioned in here several times about Brad calling Shaniya a young lady.

Is that a southern thing?? I say this because I come from the deep south and I say it all the time. I refer to my DD as a young lady all the time.
"She's a smart young lady, she's a sassy little lady, go to your room young lady!!!"

I also call her (at 12) my baby.

IMO they are terms of endearment.

I don't think there is anything hinky about him referring to his daughter as a special young lady - IMO
I agree. Some "friend."

Some "friend?"

A great friend would offer your child a place to live under any circumstances..
Now, either former father in law is lying along with this guy, or he is indeed telling the truth.
More painful, his own daughter would not allow a huge lie like that to be told against her father..nope, not going to make me believe it..Cheyenne is at that age that she would spit back at anyone lying about her father during his time of grief..Byron is a grown man..he would fire back at that lie too..

When either of those children say this is a lie against their father, I will recant my statement..
"When you wanted sex that's where you went," Coleman said. "You knew what the girl was doing. You knew what she associated with, so why place your daughter in that situation?"

And Cheyenne says Brad did not provide for Shaniya.

"He didn't take care of her, his girlfriends took care of her," she said. "He loved her, but she was raised by other people. He hasn't been in her life."

It sounds to me like Brad was still hooking up with AD. Do we really know if Shaniya lived with Brad or was she just an occasional visitor?

From my understanding, she didn't live with Brad - only visited him.
I believe him. Brad's former father in law offered for Shaniya to live there with him too, as Brad's son does.
For some reason I think that Aunt Carey was the strongest loophole in this..Brad made her believe it was for a couple of days, but all along he was telling everyone else that she was going to live with her mother to give her a chance to be a mother.

Bingo. I think Carey probably voiced concern and Brad may have known that would be a big hurdle - to convince Carey. I've wondered over the past few days if Carey was really in the know about Shaniya's living plans, made between Brad and AD.
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