NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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I believe him. Brad's former father in law offered for Shaniya to live there with him too, as Brad's son does.
For some reason I think that Aunt Carey was the strongest loophole in this..Brad made her believe it was for a couple of days, but all along he was telling everyone else that she was going to live with her mother to give her a chance to be a mother.

I stand corrected then. Seems there's a lot I don't know yet. I'll go back to reading and reserve posting until I've caught up.
I missed this article the first time.

"Three weeks before Shaniya Davis disappeared, the Fayetteville man accused of kidnapping her was allowed to end his supervised probation six months early."

"On June 17, 2001, court documents show, McNeill shot Roland Lee Mays in the face, neck, shoulder, chest and stomach. The records indicate that McNeill injured two other people that day, as well. He was charged with multiple counts of assault inflicting serious bodily injury."
Ya know, above and beyond why he didn't (as far as we know) check into things about AD's life and living arrangements, I would like to know why he needed Shaniya to live else where. I don't understand this part, especially given how all of the other children are living elsewhere and not with him.
His job is no excuse to me..there are other jobs out there..
It seems to me from the people around him, that he needed someone to take Shaniya and even though others offered, he felt it best that it was her mother.. Why did he need someone else to take care of Shaniya?
Yes, I have wondered that too.
I want to state my position here from the start of the day today.
I will not bash the father. He has been through a lot and I would expect to some signs of mental and emotional instability from him.
Bashing aside, I can say respectfully that I don't trust him, and I think that he failed.
I think he got sick of having to answer the questions for Shaniya about the creature that gave birth to her, may have been on the verge of losing the woman in his life, and decided that he could make the creature care. MOO.
Obviously, the creature didn't care.

That said, i don't think he could have ever seen it happening this way. I think he is hurting , and he is grieving...but his best bet from here on out is to do it quietly.
No screaming prayers in what I think was a backbayou accent, no more being held up by his friends for the public, no more interviews with his kids, and if they do interviews, he should stay away. I do not think the father is completely stable, emotionally or mentally, at this point in time, I don't expect that I would be much better. However, I think that side of the family should just get a good PR guy and let him handle it.

So, like I said. I won't bash him, but in my opinion, Shaniya was failed from many angles and her father needs to be coping with his pain and inevitable guilt. Not sitting in on the interviews of his adult children, while allowing his minor children to speak out alone. And he needs to lay off on the sermons a bit. It's very hard for people to believe you when you seem to be acting...badly. He needs to realize that.

I will not bash him either, but also cannot sympathize with his decisions.
I can feel bad for him loosing this child, because in my mind, I can't imagine that pain..
From the start, it seemed like a decision of doing the right thing and allowing this precious girl to have a relationship with her mother. Now, it just seems so much different to me. I pray I am totally wrong, I really do because the tears I have cried for this father are real..
If he made this child go knowing that she had been abused by the mother, or anyone in that home during any visit she ever had..when there were other options given out to him, I have no sympathy..only anger.
I don't believe for one second he knew she would be killed, nor do I blame him for her murder, that I blame on the person who killed her..
I have to take into account what those people who are caring for his other children have said..if it is true, and if he knew the dangers and wasn't as manipulated by this mother as I originally thought..then anger has warrant..
As far as the floor number on the elevator picture goes, I have a thought. Please forgive me if anyone has mentioned this. I am having a hard time catching up after taking yesterday off. I needed a break from this.

Anyway...what if MAM had rented a room on the third floor and the buyer already had a room on the fourth. That would support the theory that it is a 3 on the elevator and why the up button is pushed.

Maybe the perv inflicted fatal injuries on Shaniya and she died on the way back to the MH and MAM panicked and pitched the body, called AD and told her she'd better call 911 and report her missing because she just died on him. That would account for the delay until almost 7:00 for the 911 call.

Once again, forgive me if this scenario has been thrown out there. This thread is getting difficult to follow unless you read it all day long.
I'm just curious and I don't understand why him saying "beautiful lady" is making people uneasy.. English is not my first language, so maybe that's why I don't get it.

Thanks for explaining.

I use lady when referring to my little girl from time to time. Mostly it's something like "what'cha doin' little lady?" Or something similar. I'm guessing because lady denotes an older female and Shaniya was a child that can be bothersome to some people.
Focusing on the criminals is great. BUT, we have got to STOP sticking our heads in the sand. Parents have to start taking responsibility. He knew what kind of person the Mom was. We are going to have case after case like this if people do not stand up and stop this. It's not ever just sit back and let your kids go with someone you know has issues. Make whatever stink you have to, with whoever you have to. Seems to me he has several kids, none live with him. That says alot right there. It's no one's fault but his that questions are being asked..........

And I don't disagree with you one bit. I have questions too. Just saving them for later. Sleuthing father now does me no good at this point. Again, IMO.
I'd love for more sleuthing to be done on Aunt Brenda IMO. She was there. Not much said lately about her.:waitasec:

But, I'd love to have a post count on here about just how many posts have been made regarding father and how many regarding the criminals. I think we would be shocked. I'm not saying he is perfect, he had faults and I will look into those at a later time. Just my personal choice to wait.

At this time, I'd rather focus on the criminals and those that were in that trailer at the time.
Nationwide, we need to adopt the CA law that allows ANYONE to take a child from a situation where they believe they are being harmed, call 911, and immediately take that child to the nearest hospital or police station, with no fear of prosecution.
The ability of the public to step in and save a child,without waiting for the red tape to be cut out of the way.

So true

IMHO Instead of yet another self serving family "foundation" we need a national clearing house for missing/exploited kids that actually works

we need quick ways to intervene, the California model should be nationwide

is there a movement for that or a "name" for that law? why don't we hear more about that??

I keep thinking that if someone, anyone, could have forced an intevention at that trailer to check on Shaynia's well being that she would be alive today

I have suggested calling social workers, cops, drug squad...I don't know what else to do
we need a fast way to intervene

It seems that one can call the Humane Society and get a quick intervention in regard to pets...what about kids? (and yes, I also love pets LOL)

any info on this would be much appreciated thanks
I must go to school visitation for my grand children starting at 9:30..........
oh please take notes for us that cannot see the presser.
Geez by the time I get back this afternoon.............I will have 20 pages to catch up on!
Gotta go for now. Y'all have a great day and keep us that can't be here much today posted.

Ok, trying to catch up (again)
I've tried to be really understanding with the whole dad should have known thing and all that. So, I've just decided not to comment on it.

But, I do want to say this. I've seen it questioned in here several times about Brad calling Shaniya a young lady.

Is that a southern thing?? I say this because I come from the deep south and I say it all the time. I refer to my DD as a young lady all the time.
"She's a smart young lady, she's a sassy little lady, go to your room young lady!!!"

I also call her (at 12) my baby.

IMO they are terms of endearment.

I don't think there is anything hinky about him referring to his daughter as a special young lady - IMO

Southern girl here too, and the reference to calling girls ladies is right on the matter how old they are we call them ladies..some folks around here just want to read SOMETHING into EVERYFRIGGINTHING they hear! And this case being in NC, I have heard people from that area speaking WAY more southern than me, and I am almost as south as you can get statewise. It really is starting to tick me off that some folks here want to start on the daddy bashing..."he isn't acting right"..."he is saying the wrong thing"..."would you just look at how much different he is today than yesterday!!!!!!!!!!"..."he's talking different today"..."he isn't showing enough emotion"..."he sent her into this"..."he should have known better"...."OMG! he prefers women of a different race?!?!?!?!"..."he doesn't seem sad enough"...
Lemme ask all you obviously perfect parents what you would do in this situation? Tell me that you never let your kid stay over at someones house that you could really kick yourself for it now looking back.. I DID
If you are divorced..did you not try to give the other parent at least 1 more chance to do the right thing?!?!?! ....anything can happen in the blink of an eye! I have made some mistakes as a mom, at least I can see it..and God forbid if anything happened to one of my kids I would never forgive myself for it! And if it did I would hope that people would understand that it is not them in that situation, it is not up to us to judge this man! Seriously at any rate, Brad did secure Shaniya's future for her whether he was active in her life or not, that child was very well taken care of...had she been with the other parental unit, I hate to even think of what the 5 little years she had would have been like.
Focusing on the criminals is great. BUT, we have got to STOP sticking our heads in the sand. Parents have to start taking responsibility. He knew what kind of person the Mom was. We are going to have case after case like this if people do not stand up and stop this. It's not ever just sit back and let your kids go with someone you know has issues. Make whatever stink you have to, with whoever you have to. Seems to me he has several kids, none live with him. That says alot right there. It's no one's fault but his that questions are being asked..........

I am also questioning DSS. They were out at that home. They are the fallback we depend on when parents aren't responsible. We need them to do their job and protect our children.

I am sick at the lack of value placed on children in our society. We fail child after child after child. Enough!
I need to find the link, but it has been in the media that DSS was involved with the creature over her son, not Shaniya.
So, that says to me that none of these people that saw the burns, if they were ever there at all, called for help for Shaniya.
Failed from many angles.

That is a huge concern for me as well, and do agree..If these burns were seen, and this is in fact true..then shame on them!
And I don't disagree with you one bit. I have questions too. Just saving them for later. Sleuthing father now does me no good at this point. Again, IMO.
I'd love for more sleuthing to be done on Aunt Brenda IMO. She was there. Not much said lately about her.:waitasec:

But, I'd love to have a post count on here about just how many posts have been made regarding father and how many regarding the criminals. I think we would be shocked. I'm not saying he is perfect, he had faults and I will look into those at a later time. Just my personal choice to wait.

At this time, I'd rather focus on the criminals and those that were in that trailer at the time.

Many of the posts regarding the father involve you trying to stop people from even asking basic questions regarding inconsistancies in the media regarding where/how /why Shaynia was in that h//llhole trailer

We are commenting on things in the media

You speak of YOUR personal choice to "wait">>> My personal choice is to comment on things now when they are out there in the press/tv etc

so you can follow your personal choice and I will follow mine, ok?? I am NOT trying to tell you what /how/ to post.

I am commenting on things said in Pressers and interviews
Ya know, above and beyond why he didn't (as far as we know) check into things about AD's life and living arrangements, I would like to know why he needed Shaniya to live else where. I don't understand this part, especially given how all of the other children are living elsewhere and not with him.
His job is no excuse to me..there are other jobs out there..
It seems to me from the people around him, that he needed someone to take Shaniya and even though others offered, he felt it best that it was her mother.. Why did he need someone else to take care of Shaniya?
I have to add that another thing I did wonder about is why he had to send her during the school year... that was odd too. Then I heard last night (I think it was on NG or it may have been on JVM - can't remember), that she was never re-enrolled in kindegarden while with her "biological" mom. (no surprise there though).
There is a difference between bashing/blaming and determining responsibility for what happened to Shaniya.

It is obvious (to me) that the mother does not even come close to meeting a reasonable level of responsibility.

"When you wanted sex that's where you went," Coleman said. "You knew what the girl was doing. You knew what she associated with, so why place your daughter in that situation?"

And Cheyenne says Brad did not provide for Shaniya.

"He didn't take care of her, his girlfriends took care of her," she said. "He loved her, but she was raised by other people. He hasn't been in her life."

It sounds to me like Brad was still hooking up with AD. Do we really know if Shaniya lived with Brad or was she just an occasional visitor?

This really hit me in the pit of my stomach, if only because I've been worried about this and almost expecting something like this to come out.

There's been a disconnect for me from back when this story started. I think I even referenced it in an earlier post. I could not or would not believe that people who loved Shaniya and doted on her would willingly send her off to live in that situation. She went from what appears to be a pleasant residental neighborhood to living in what almost looks like a construction trailer. I know your residence doesn't dictate who you are per se, but if we're being real, it kinda does. I know people who are quite poor and live in trailers and they try SO hard. They plant flowers. They clean. They paint. They want to make it a respectable looking home.

If you're ambulatory and let your home fall into that kind of disrepair, it kinda befits a mindset. Maybe people don't have time to paint, but it takes two seconds to add touches to make something homey. I wouldn't leave my children in that environment for a few hours. Even from the aerial photos it just looks dangerous. Cluttered and dirty and in disrepair, and that's just the outside. To leave them for four weeks without driving down to check? Boggles my mind.

Anyway, it's not even my point, but the inconsistences about how Shaniya got there and the startling contrast between Brad's statements and the aunt's really bother me. No other way to say it. And this article struck a cord with me because if AD was so darned hard to get in touch with when Shaniya was there, how did they work out the idea to let her parent? There had to be some ongoing form of communication, and weirdly enough a continuing sexual relationship seemed likely to me. AD was a one-night stand with known issues and she was apparently content with not parenting her daughter for almost five years. Everything about this screams "Don't send her there!" and yet according to him, he did. According to the aunt, it was just for the weekend. Maybe those two are linked.

Maybe he went down to see AD and to bring Shaniya for a weekend. While there, they talk and at one point have sex. She has a use for Shaniya now, but he doesn't know that. AD uses that control and some impassioned pleas to get Shaniya there longer. He relents and probably knows his sister is going to be livid. However, he works a lot and is tired and while he loves Shaniya, maybe it'd be easier if he let her try to be a "mother" to Shaniya.

AD never sends for more clothes or anything else because she doesn't need them. Shaniya, someone she has little bond with but has been around enough to do some preliminary informal marketing, is pressed into her new role. Maybe this idea was hatched with McNeill long in advance. Or, my personal theory is that Coe is not completely blameless, but instead is somewhat complicit in trying to find johns for AD's newfound business. I know people have been defending Coe, but I can't believe he knew nothing about anything.

Meanwhile, Brad has been hedging and maybe a little sad about what he was pressured into--that is, letting Shaniya go there to live. I absolutely don't think he knew about the pending prostitution. He doesn't tell the aunt the full truth about the new custody deal because he knows she'll be angry. So the aunt rings up AD and AD, annoyed and wondering why she's getting the call (she worked it out with Brad) is nasty and belligerent. Maybe at this point the aunt confronts Brad, Brad explains, and neither one of them feel comfortable confronting AD down there.

I still think there were incredible lapses of judgement. My biggest question is why the aunt didn't call someone. Maybe she did and that will come out. Like NMK I'm not bashing them, but there are genuine questions I have and the article quoted above makes way too much sense to me, sadly.
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