NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #14

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I am glad others have posted about BL's 2 different dialects. I was kind of afraid to mention it. I felt like he was sort of doing a revival meeting type of display. I don't know if that's the proper term, but it did catch my attention.

And I also felt weird about him showing up at son's NG appearance. The son took his grandparents' last name so I feel there was definitely some friction between him & dad, and then dad is rubbing and hugging him so. It just seemed like an act, but then maybe that's just how the dad is. Who knows.
Extremely saddened that people could still point the finger at the Father and say "I told him not to send her over there..." or bringing up his other children and the fact that they have different mothers, etc..etc. From what I've seen, on all accounts she was very well taken care of and she was not "sent" away because he didn't have a choice, not once has the sister said anything about no longer being able to help or that the Dad needed to find somewhere else for her to go. I believe that he was really trying to give his daughter the opportunity to be around her "egg donor"
This man's 5 year old daughter was most likely severly abused, raped, murdered and dumped along a highway next to dead deer carcasses in nothing but a t-shirt. Isn't his pain severe enough to not have to hear people say that he holds some responsibility.
Whether he shouldn't have or WHATEVER...he's burying his daughter can he have some PEACE...
Extremely saddened that people could still point the finger at the Father and say "I told him not to send her over there..." or bringing up his other children and the fact that they have different mothers, etc..etc. From what I've seen, on all accounts she was very well taken care of and she was not "sent" away because he didn't have a choice, not once has the sister said anything about no longer being able to help or that the Dad needed to find somewhere else for her to go. I believe that he was really trying to give his daughter the opportunity to be around her "egg donor"
This man's 5 year old daughter was most likely severly abused, raped, murdered and dumped along a highway next to dead deer carcasses in nothing but a t-shirt. Isn't his pain severe enough to not have to hear people say that he holds some responsibility.
Whether he shouldn't have or WHATEVER...he's burying his daughter can he have some PEACE...

I've been trying to say the same thing. Not a very popular opinion in here I'm afraid.
:loser: Gotcha! I was thinking of his web surfing activities and illicit sites he might've frequented to solicit business.

Oh my gosh!You got Joplin as an avatar,sweet!If it's not,it sure looks like her. :)
is there a link to where it states that dogs did not pick up her scent at all. i find that very interesting. does that mean she never really lived in that motor home?? why wouldnt the dogs pick up some kind of scent??

I don't have the link...but as I recall the dogs did not pick up her scent OUTSIDE the trailer...
this established that the idea she had NOT "wandered off" (AD had made a big fuss that she could open locked doors)
I am glad others have posted about BL's 2 different dialects. I was kind of afraid to mention it. I felt like he was sort of doing a revival meeting type of display. I don't know if that's the proper term, but it did catch my attention.

And I also felt weird about him showing up at son's NG appearance. The son took his grandparents' last name so I feel there was definitely some friction between him & dad, and then dad is rubbing and hugging him so. It just seemed like an act, but then maybe that's just how the dad is. Who knows.

I may be way out in left field. But watchng the son when Dad came out, I got the feeling the son was threantened simply by his dad being there. I also think Dad whispered something to the son..? what? That is enough?

Yes, two different dialects. Definite "soul' at vigil.
I think one of the not so innocent parties will turn out to be AA.
I think it odd that an AA set up a private MYspace with no photo last logged into the day before Shaniya was reported. I have little tolerance for coincidence anymore.
But it's not bashing to post facts. He never should've let Shaniya go imo.

True that he should not have let her go. But, not everyone on the planet is savvy about the risks to children out there, the ways in which to protect a child from some of those risks, etc. Not everyone is a websleuther with a perfect family, or perfect parenting skills.
If you add into the mix a parent who has job issues which make it hard to be with their child all the time, or financial issues, or a trusting/forgiving nature, tragedy can result.
I really think dad allowed Shaniya to go for a couple of days but the mother would not allow her to return when aunt Carey called to bring her home. With no legal guardianship of her niece and no court orders regarding custody, aunt Carey had no recourse and neither did Brad, especially so far from home. He would have had to go home, and start court proceedings. The police would not have handed the child to him without an order, although Dad could have called social services if he felt the child was in danger after not being allowed to return.
Problem is, I don't think dad would have allowed Shaniya to visit the mother if he thought she was in danger to begin with. Why would he know about social services involvement and all the other things coming to light about mom's living situation? It's not that easy to up and inspect a home and know how to search records or even think of what to look for when determining whether to allow your kid to visit his or her other parent, espcially when there wasn't much to hint that the child would be mistreated and especially if the custodial parent is trusting and/or naive.
As far as the "fact" that Dad must have known Shaniya was being abused by her mother, i.e. the cigarette burns, that has not been established. Just because some people who know the family say this was happening does not mean: a) It was true, or b) that the custodial parent was alerted to this.
Ya' know, it's one thing to be ignorant when it comes to one's rights as a parent or as to safety issues involving one's children, possible risks, and how to mitigage those risk, etc., and it is a far different thing to be a demonic monster that tortures his or her own child for fun and/or profit.
Stupidity merits pity, to me.
Evil merits rage.
P.S., Stating the facts is not bashing. Saying one hates the father or that he is a horrible parent, or just as culpable for Shaniya's demise, is.
It is obvious that this man is in significant pain. Anyone who has ever been in real pain, like I have, can read that on another's face.
I will continue to pray for him and continue to hope that the mother and MAM and anyone else involved pay the highest price possible for the sickening, remorseless, crime against nature they committed. JMO.
Yep. Exactly what I was thinking, especially if MAM was using the computer for "marketing" purposes. And the next day, someone attempted to break into the house where he lived with gf. It sounds to me like MAM wanted evidence removed quickly and hired someone to do it. Maybe the thieves supplied the info that led to his arrest and/or discovery of her body.

I don't think these two break-ins were a coincidence. In AA's house, they broke down the door - meant business. The timing was two hours prior to his court appearance, they may have thought the apartment would be empty. One person was identified as a suspect - meaning she knew him.
Patty, the link was in her post. :)

§ 115C‑378.
Children required to attend.
Every parent, guardian or other person in this State having charge or control of a child between the ages of seven and 16 years shall cause such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be in session.

Every parent, guardian, or other person in this State having charge or control of a child under age seven who is enrolled in a public school in grades kindergarten through two shall also cause such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be in session unless the child has withdrawn from school. No person shall encourage, entice or counsel any such child to be unlawfully absent from school.

The parent, guardian, or custodian of a child shall notify the school of the reason for each known absence of the child, in accordance with local school policy.


More at link, which came from the State Govt of NC.

Yup, I spotted that the link was added after I asked for the link. :)
I may be way out in left field. But watchng the son when Dad came out, I got the feeling the son was threantened simply by his dad being there. I also think Dad whispered something to the son..? what? That is enough?

I didn't get that. I saw a father suporting a son who was talking about his sister he just lost. And I saw a son who appreciated it.
But of course, that's JMO

Can someone please point me in the direction of the documentation or whatever where it says a computer was stolen on the same day that MAM was arrested?

I've only seen a police report posted by my friend Jersey from 10/12/2009 - which is NOT the day that MAM was arrested: 11/12/2009 - which shows a video monitor (E-machines E202H) being stolen - NOT a computer.

Help, please!

My son had an Emachine a long time ago and it was the whole system.The report was a few pages back and it did say October.
BL was determined that Shaniya go live with momster. I want to know why.
With all the back and forth of how much BL (and others) are responsible in some way due to their silence or in BL's case letting Shaniya go to AD's, I want to post this link again. I know you guys are probably tired of seeing me post this but if one additional person decides to read it b/c I posted it a third time, then it's worthwhile:

Protecting the Gift (by Gavin De Becker)

It is the best book about how following your instinct - your natural 6th-sense - your intuition, which he calls the Gift of Fear (he wrote another book by that name). In this book he mentions asking all the questions we feel stupid asking friends' parents sometimes (i.e., who else will be at your house when my child is there? will they be allowed to leave unsupervised? etc, etc).

Read it! Give it as a gift this holiday season! I will try not to post it again... :eek:

I think it's great to keep posting this. Actually, it should be something given to new parents, put in social services offices, courts, etc., so the general public can see it. Too many parents make tragic, avoidable errors in judgment.
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