NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #14

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I disagree. Children who are abused do not express their fear in obvious ways. She looked tired and frightened. Also, the position of her legs was defensive. I think she had been assaulted by then and had no choice but to be in the arms of the man that either harmed her or allowed her to be harmed. It is very hard to contemplate what that poor baby went through.

Two more things that indicate sexual abuse, to me (MOO):

- he is carrying Shaniya, when there is no obvious need to. Would make more sense if he set her down, and held her hand or arm so prevent her getting away. Makes me wonder if she was having difficulty walking due to pain from sexual abuse.

- he is carrying Shaniya in a way that is very uncomfortable at her weight. Got to make your arms ache. The natural thing to do would be to sling the child onto your hip. So why would he choose the unnatural and uncomfortable way of carrying her, rather than the natural and easier way?

Well, slinging a child onto your hip puts their crotch area right on your hip. If she was injured or bleeding vaginally and/or rectally, especially with all her weight bearing down on that area, she might cry and squirm. Additionally, blood and/or bodily fluids could get on your clothes.

Did anyone else notice that when Byron (Shaniya's brother) was speaking with NG last night that he said MAM's name like he knew him.

To me, he just let the name Mario slide off his tongue like he knew him.
I see a trend to OVERstate the opinion that some of us have "you all must think he helped to murder his daughter">> No I don't

and I sure have never said that....

I also don't find his past wife/s/kid/s etc to be of any real bearing here

however...I am still wondering how a little princess goes from fairy outfits and riding her scooter into a BMW to living in a singlewide trailer with felons, backed up sewage, no school, and being sold to subsidize her mother's crack habit

it is hard to fathom...maybe some of you can help me

if you have a dog...will you just take it to the worst part of town, and drop it off without going in and checking?? what if the "kennel" is a pit ring...and your dog is the "bait" used to get the fighting dogs excited?? I would say the same thing...HOW could you drop your dog off there?

if some crackhead said they take good care of dogs....would you believe them?

I have honestly used a LOT more time,effort, references, etc in boarding pets than was taken in sending Shaynia to that dump

the pictures tell the story....the difference between her dad's house and that place..
the felons there....the HIV positive guy she called "daddy" in such a short time...I shudder to think that maybe Coe was one of the few men there that was not raping her

so tell me....would you drop your kids off in Sleepy Hollow??

I think it more than a "mistake"...and frankly the only thing that would make me feel better about the "dad" is for him to shut up and get off my tv...I don't want to hear his preaching or see him or watch him with his "foundation"
JUST THINKING..............
If MAM was "marketing" the baby, It is possible someone in the hotel set up video to only show him walking out with a live child and nothing more. PREPLANNED.
Maybe the video was played around with.
I can not imagine a 45 minute hotel stop. BUT.... I can imaging using the video to create some show, alibi, etc....
Maybe that hotel is a pit stop for all sorts of deviants, and there is someone on the inside making money on it.
I think MAM knew where there were No videos at all, and has dropped SD off long before that morning, going in unseen.
What if :waitasec: MAM had walked IN the hotel several days before, totally possible, delivering her to her appointments; she was without shoes could he have been coming from another room. Shaniya may have been there for days.

He knew when AD was going to call the cops. It was pre planned. so that if she comes back telling bad stories, at least they will have on record an abduction.

When MAM finally left the hotel he could have had one more appointment, (hoping that perp will take the heat when he is found with her) but that perp turned the radio on and heard something while driving with his trophy so he just did his deed and then ditched the child.
I STILL DO NOT understand how she could have been that decomposed. she was not out there but one day. :waitasec:

I'm afraid that animal and insect activity was already started there with
the dead deer.
I hate to say this but she was fresher and there more than 1 day.
The searchers IIRC searched for 2 days in that area. 1 day before that tip was given they dearched another place........3 days???
I may be way out in left field. But watchng the son when Dad came out, I got the feeling the son was threantened simply by his dad being there. I also think Dad whispered something to the son..? what? That is enough?

Yes, two different dialects. Definite "soul' at vigil.

I thought it was creepy. I didn't see sincerity in his revival meeting act, either. But, I also didn't believe Ronald Cummings falling on the ground, wailing act, either. I guess I'm just jaded....too many dead babies....too many selfish, self absorbed parents....
I'm surprised that Shaniya really ever wanted to go to momster's house ever!
Were there signs of crying? temper tantrums?, hiding?
Why would Shaniya ever be happy there?
Think she had friends? love? toys? NOT!!!
No one listened to any of her stories?
I know 1st hand that my mom never and still doesn't believe me, BUT
I stopped my sperm donor from getting me when I was 5 by acting up.
I had to talk to a social worker at age 5 and when I told her how I had to live
on his weekend visits, his visits stopped...........and I'm glad 55 years later!!!

In her aunts voice when she spoke yesterday SHE KNEW.
but I do not think she had any jurosdiction. :(
I do think that him being engaged had something to do with his decision. :( ALSO after hearing his father inlaw talk about him and his own daughter who livs with the grand parents - I too would not have given him another one of my kids to poisen thier minds about him. But I sure would have given Aunie the child for sure.
I do not think aunty had any control at all....But she sure had a lot of love and is definitely suffering now....BECAUSE SHE DID KNOW....
She must have told Shaniya something to let her go one more time, in hopes that it wont go on much longer.
I would not be surprised if all of this has not permanently damaged her relationship with her brother.

BUT Like you all my friends with pets do more checking where their pets go while the are on vacation then these folks did for this child.
Maybe he wont be engaged for long after she thinks all of this through....And maybe she will insist that he gets it sniped and have no more kids.

I really want to see the charges result in LWOP for both of these people. NO rush in the charges, cross all your t's and dot all your i's but get these charges right.

I hope Daddy dearest gets his "snipped" he does not need more kids for sure.

RIP little Angel....:beats: :beats:
I know there are many of you who feel horrible for this man, but what this is his 5-6 child, one would think he has a clue how to raise them.........OOO yeah he didn't raise them. To me he maybe in some pain, but he sure is putting some big tears out there that I think are fake then he puts his hand out ready to cash in on Shaniya just like AD, he is no better in my eye.........sorry I am just so ticked off and that's how I feel.

The one I feel sorry for is Shaniya's aunt, I think she is the one kicking herself that she should have done more and it shows, her tears are for real and I do feel for her.
I don't care that her father had kids with other women.
I don't care what color those women were.
I don't care what color the children are.
I don't care that father talks about his BMW.

I care that he says he was giving Creature a chance to mother, when the only mother figure Shaniya has ever known knew nothing about it.
I care that father states he was caring for her, when the rest of the world says different.
I care that this child was likely being abused at creatures and strangers could see it before her father could.
I care that her loving father sent her to a place he knew nothing about with people he knew nothing about, leading to her death.
I think this got edited out or previous post because I am new here and did not know certain things but BL has a very relationships with all his Babies Mama's and I am not sure what else I can say besides this. I saw the documents today myself and it was very scary to see what kind of things his children have seen.
Say what?? I need it simple.

LOL - sorry. I do that sometimes.
But, in this case, I was mistaken. I thought the report was from a b&e charge of MAMs. I did not realize it was a report from when MAM's home was broken into.
So, I found it odd his sister was on the report.
But now I know the deal (I think :crazy:)
Did anyone else notice that when Byron (Shaniya's brother) was speaking with NG last night that he said MAM's name like he knew him.

To me, he just let the name Mario slide off his tongue like he knew him.

No, I don't remember this, will look again on transcipt BUT, I did find
the brother very composed talking about little sister.
I found it a little staged when dad came out and hugged him, kissed his head
(boy didn't seem to respond) and then dad sat beside him...........
I'm sure dad loves him, but it looked staged to me, sorry I hd to give my opinion.
I'm afraid that animal and insect activity was already started there with
the dead deer.
I hate to say this but she was fresher and there more than 1 day.
The searchers IIRC searched for 2 days in that area. 1 day before that tip was given they dearched another place........3 days???
I think video in hotel was same day? maybe? no?
JUST THINKING..............
If MAM was "marketing" the baby, It is possible someone in the hotel set up video to only show him walking out with a live child and nothing more. PREPLANNED.
Maybe the video was played around with.
I can not imagine a 45 minute hotel stop. BUT.... I can imaging using the video to create some show, alibi, etc....
Maybe that hotel is a pit stop for all sorts of deviants, and there is someone on the inside making money on it.
I think MAM knew where there were No videos at all, and has dropped SD off long before that morning, going in unseen.
What if :waitasec: MAM had walked IN the hotel several days before, totally possible, delivering her to her appointments; she was without shoes could he have been coming from another room. Shaniya may have been there for days.

He knew when AD was going to call the cops. It was pre planned. so that if she comes back telling bad stories, at least they will have on record an abduction.

When MAM finally left the hotel he could have had one more appointment, (hoping that perp will take the heat when he is found with her) but that perp turned the radio on and heard something while driving with his trophy so he just did his deed and then ditched the child.
I STILL DO NOT understand how she could have been that decomposed. she was not out there but one day. :waitasec:
I totally agree with the bolded statement about the motel. I also agree that MAM was aware of the video cameras and knew how to circumvent them, but something went wrong here. In the recent case of the murdered couple in FL who had many adopted children, the "camera man" botched the job. Could be the same here.

I'm just not sure that the 911 call was part of the plan. My first thought was that MAM didn't leave the money/drugs that was supposed to be AD's payment, and she got pi$$ed. Or, she had second thoughts about allowing him to take her, panicked, and tried to cover her butt.

MAM told police he picked her up outside the trailer. He had no reason to lie about that. It's probably true. Then in the 911 call, AD says that she last saw Shaniyah lying on the couch and goes on to make a case for her opening the door and wandering out on her own. Sure sounds like CYA to me.
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