NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #14

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I can't speak on being a bad parent by letting her stay in a bad part of town. I lived in a trailer with my daughter that we had to move out of until the crime lab was done digging the bullets out of my walls from the driveby next door. The house after that was in an area where a 15 year old boy got shot 30 feet from my door, and it was safer to leave the boards on the windows...
I'm not a bad parent, but I have been a poor one.
A good parent in a bad area can still keep their kids safe. There is a distinct lack of good parents in this story, though. MOO.
Ok...maybe I simply just feel awful for this man at the thought of what his little girl went through. I agree that he should have done more checking before allowing her to go to that house and that he should have been calling on a daily basis to check on her. I guess I looked at the right NOW and not being able to even begin to comprehend how painful it is hearing that your child has been killed and under such horrible circumstances, and then to have people come up to you and say...its your fault too.

Thanks...and yes, I do understand the need some have to "protect" the dad or at least say lay off and let him grieve

I think hearing him talk about the "bmw" on tv...and the "foundation" and hearing him "preach" really made me even madder

IMHO some of these parents need to just back off..they are no role model, we don't need another foundation...they should just have some dignity and get the h off my tv

there was no need for the dad to come butt into his son's tv interview
he needs to either tell the whole story, the real deal or just go away

the message is clear to watch kids, to check on them to not take them for granted...we don't need him to say it
he is a case of teach by poor example at best
Don't be too shocked. In some states you are not required to attend school until 8 years of age

Jenny - Welcome to Websleuths! I just read your blog...amazing, simply amazing. What a strong woman to not go down w/o a fight! Thanks for sharing your experience. :hug:
Maybe he didn't think he needed to try because she never showed much interest in being a mom. JMO

In my mind, if she didn't fit the bill as a mother, then that would be all the more reason to go to court and make it legal so he would have legal rights to give her to someone who would not sell her little body and torture and kill her.
I have tried to keep up with the threads here for Shanyia, as well as read the links. One of the links I just read, had comments from others that are locals down there, and one person said,,,poor little Shanyia before this happened would not come to male figures. Almost like she was afraid of men,,,she would warm up to females in general but not the same reaction from the males in the family...From what I gathered from this comment, Shanyia could have been a victim long before this happened....This case is as sad as anything I have ever seen in my 59 years...

BBM...Her brother stated that on NG last night.
I think we are asking same question.
IF video in Hotel is same day baby was found then she was alive same day. and was at the final destination less then a day. YES? NO?
Video in hotel was played with and he did not leave hotel that day but a few days prior, and she was found where she may have been laying a few days.:waitasec:

We do not know where Shaniya was from 7:30am (when she left the hotel with MAM alive) on the day she was reported missing to when she was found beside the rotting deer carcasses.

She may have been alive for some time after the last reported sighting on the video of 7:30am on the day she went missing.

There is no TOD deteremined yet and that is what I am waiting for.
This raises issues in my mind:

Allen said Lockhart agreed Oct. 1 to let Shaniya stay with his family at night while Lockhart was gone and for her to spend the days at a day care run by Allen's mother. A day later, Allen said, Lockhart told him he had changed his mind.
"He said he knew she wasn't supposed to be over there, but he wanted to give her biological mother a chance," Allen said. On Oct. 3, Lockhart left town, Allen said, returning the day Shaniya went missing.
Just watched the video from the Nancy Grace Show of Shaniya's brother talking outside the front of the house. I, too, felt is was odd when Shaniya's dad came out and stood behind the son, putting his arm around him like he did. It did seem staged to me -- a big act. IMO.
We do not know where Shaniya was from 7:30am (when she left the hotel with MAM alive) on the day she was reported missing to when she was found beside the rotting deer carcasses.

She may have been alive for some time after the last reported sighting on the video of 7:30am on the day she went missing.

There is no TOD deteremined yet and that is what I am waiting for.

Me too. And praying they can determine cause of death. Manner of death will be homicide, we already know that.
Two more things that indicate sexual abuse, to me (MOO):

- he is carrying Shaniya, when there is no obvious need to. Would make more sense if he set her down, and held her hand or arm so prevent her getting away. Makes me wonder if she was having difficulty walking due to pain from sexual abuse.

- he is carrying Shaniya in a way that is very uncomfortable at her weight. Got to make your arms ache. The natural thing to do would be to sling the child onto your hip. So why would he choose the unnatural and uncomfortable way of carrying her, rather than the natural and easier way?

Well, slinging a child onto your hip puts their crotch area right on your hip. If she was injured or bleeding vaginally and/or rectally, especially with all her weight bearing down on that area, she might cry and squirm. Additionally, blood and/or bodily fluids could get on your clothes.


Yes. Something about the way he carried her was unnatural but I could not put my finger on exactly why. Very smart, and sad observation BeanE.
I want to know why some of you are "taking stock" in what BL's FIL are saying and looking for "signs and signals" in the interviews of his children? Why, all of a sudden is BL the bad guy? Ture, he had help raising all of his children, but since when does that make someone a terrible parent. I was a single mother for years...and my daughter at 15 months spent her days in a daycare while I went to school...and her evenings with my mom while I worked as a waitress to put food on our table. It was hard on everybody, but it was what I had to do.

There is obvioulsy bitter feelings between BL and his FIL's, but if they saw cigarette burns on Shaniya, why didn't they call CPS? If BL, was such a horrible parent, why didn't they call CPS? If they felt for one minute that Shaniya was in danger, it seems to me they are just as much at fault for not calling the proper authorities. If I thought for one minute that someone was putting cigarettes out on any nose would be right in the middle of it all...and shouting from roof tops intil it was checked out.

Lastly, BL and his FIL have obviously had a falling out, so I don't doubt that they are not praising him as a father...but IMO BL could have turned the other cheek when Shaniya was born and walked away. Although he may not be perfct and he may not have made great choices, Shaniya, up until now was left in a safe loving home when he could not care for her. Cut the guy some slack.

It's not all of a sudden. It's been like this for 2 days. I can understand questions about dad. But I do not think he is any way responsible for this.
Lets talk about the criminals IMO.
I can't speak on being a bad parent by letting her stay in a bad part of town. I lived in a trailer with my daughter that we had to move out of until the crime lab was done digging the bullets out of my walls from the driveby next door. The house after that was in an area where a 15 year old boy got shot 30 feet from my door, and it was safer to leave the boards on the windows...
I'm not a bad parent, but I have been a poor one.
A good parent in a bad area can still keep their kids safe. There is a distinct lack of good parents in this story, though. MOO.

Dear Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey are you two living in a safer area now?
I have tried to keep up with the threads here for Shanyia, as well as read the links. One of the links I just read, had comments from others that are locals down there, and one person said,,,poor little Shanyia before this happened would not come to male figures. Almost like she was afraid of men,,,she would warm up to females in general but not the same reaction from the males in the family...From what I gathered from this comment, Shanyia could have been a victim long before this happened....This case is as sad as anything I have ever seen in my 59 years...

I have not read this, But there s so much to read I must have missed it. but it freaks me out...
so not only have they seen cigarette burns on this child they have also seen her be uneasy around men? And they did not know the kid was being abused????
NO WAY....they did not know...NO WAY :furious::furious::furious:

Denial maybe? but NOT seems other knew and voiced it....
I m getting to a point with this that I may not care if they hang the father too.
Is there a legal obligation to report something like this? If not, there should be.

Here in Colorado the only legal obligation to report abuse falls on Doctors, counselor, ETC...
I have called in before though on my own son being abused by his father (not sexually) during his visits, it was a joke, I thought I had travelled to the twilight zone....
I am not sure how it works in NC I'll see what I can find...
His pain is great...My heart broke for him at first.
But His responsibility was greater, and the more I hear the more I too am holding some of my considerations.
One thing is for sure. People with pets do better research as to where their animals get housed for a weekend, then what was done for Shaniya. Daddy's Sister from her speech yesterday knew it was not a good place for the baby, and did not know that he was thinking to send her there for a long time, she thought it was just for a weekend. There is something wrong with this picture.
all the photo's where this baby looks like an angel are due to his sister, she dressed her, sent her to school, combed her hair and made her feel safe.
SURE as a father the pain and guilt are great and 20/20 hindsight is just 20/20.
BUT HE KNEW what kind of trash mom really was, and if he saw any cigarette burns on this child even one time, as everyone else has seen. How dare he send her????
PRETENDING that his pain is greater then Shaniya's pain. is nothing I want to support. Because I would be supporting enabling men to make babies and not take responsibility for them.
I am angry with him...But I am still watching and reading.
Because I DO see that his father in law is less then happy with him, and his own daughter sounds just like her grandfather. So I am not so sure how much is real, how much is just jumping on the man when he is down.
BUT cigarette burns are very real.....that is why I flipped.
Am I feeling for him? YES...Am I going to stroke him?...NO...

Great points. As a parent, advocate for children, and caring human being I feel for this entire family, including him. I agree with what a lot of people are saying about his poor decision making. I guess I just can't bring myself to knock the father of a murdered child.
I mispelled the first name. It is Dustrus Willis McNeill. I posted a lot of information about him and Samuel McNeill in the thread before this one, or early this morning.

He was arrested the same day as MAM. Samuel McNeill arrested yesterday. I'd have to find my post and repost it. I just said that Dustrus drives a Toyota, but that's not quite right. I couldn't find a vehicle for Dustrus, but there is a Willis McNeill that drives a Toyota. I don't know if it's the same person, so I just mispoke.

Dustrus' convictions DWIs, assault on a female, assault, simple assault, felony breaking and entering, larceny, larceny and receiving, and receiving stolen goods. He's also 56, four years shy of the age of the BOLO person (60). I'd really like to know if he in involved and if so, how. AND what kind of vehicle he drives.

Here is his picture from NC Corrections. I see resemblences between he and MAM, especially nose and mouth.
In my mind, if she didn't fit the bill as a mother, then that would be all the more reason to go to court and make it legal so he would have legal rights to give her to someone who would not sell her little body and torture and kill her.

Do you think this really ever crossed his mind???
I never heard of such a thing in my life before this case.
Dear Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey are you two living in a safer area now?

Yes, me and now all 4 kids are in a relatively quiet neighborhood.
But, when I was first out on my own, I lived in some dives.
It takes diligence in a worse area, but it is possible to keep them safe.

There are plenty of other reasons to crucify both parents, I just personally don't think the area where mother lived is one of them.

Do you think this really ever crossed mind???
I never heard of such a think in my life before this case.

I do agree with you on that one. I don't think that we can reasonably assume that the thought that Shaniya would end up dead in a ditch after creature sold her ever crossed his mind.
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