NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #15

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LOL thanks for the giggle about the poop on the porch :D

Okay about what I bolded:

Nope I don't think she looked at all either and I think it's because she knew exactly who had Shaniya and she knew what was going to happen to Shaniya.

She said she laid Shaniya back down at 5:30 and then woke up and Shaniya was gone. She said she looked "everywhere". I beg to differ. It was all a sham. And now that you pointed out the poop on the porch it supports it even further.

I vote no poop porch patrol. She didn't step outside. Good point.
One thing that was thrown out there in the first threads that made since to me it that maybe the sewer was not paid and the sewer was shut off to the house. thus causing the back up.

I personally do not have a problem with the mobile home. It is older but looks okay from the outside. The yard is not an absolute mess. From what I seen of the MH park it looked okay.

My grandparents owned a MH park that I grew up in most of the MH were older. Most of the people who lived there were good people some were not. What you live, drive, or wear does not make you a good or bad person.
was there actually a sewage problem? Wouldn't the city be involved, I'm sure there would have been complaints from neighbors if there was a smell, or did the media suggest it based on the feces on the porch?
If a parent could afford a far safer place for a child to live in and they choose a place that is not safe for that child to live in then I think it is neglectful.

I have lived in a trailer before when my daughters were small. If the place had caught fire and became a death trap it would have been my fault. I allowed them to live in that trailer.

This is not a question of haves and haves nots. That little girl had everything and the dad took it away by sending her to the mom. He took a large saftey net he had built up around her by all the nice things he had and the area he lived in and yanked that saftey net away.

I'm coming in in the middle and I haven't read back..yet. All I can say is I have a 4 3/4 year old and a 2 year old. If I were not able to provide a safe area for them to live, I would need to evaluate my childs needs and as much as it would kill me inside...they would be with their father who could provide a better environment for my babies. OBVIOUSLY this precious little girl didn't have anyone looking out for her, not one true advocate for her well-being. JMO. may be onto something there...

I sense a hatred, a coldness...maybe jealousy ? on AD's part

I notice that the various white/bi-racial and black relatives on the dad's side all loved this little girl

the news reports always listed her as "black" hair, brown eyes, height weight

yet in that short crazy phone call to 911 the mother carefully says "Mixed"..
and "bi-racial"...did she hate her for that?? did she hate her one night stand white guy?

and ...I have my own ideas about how that one night stand went down

I think to sell her own child for sex... she hated her

such a horrible woman

I hope nothing but the very very worst for her....the death penalty is way too good for her... I hope before she gets it that she gets out in "general population" a few times
one night stand, hmmmm, didn't someone post that she was a babysitter, was that fact?
Dr. Fessel:
Letting your child sleep in a mobile home is not neglect IMO
Maybe that particular one, may have a point there.
But in general, no.
See Logical, this is what I was talking about. Not crime stats. They are general statements. Not really even talking about the case involved.

I lived in an older mobile home all of my life until I married. My parents loved me and took care of me but that's all they could afford. So, you're saying, if when I was a child and my home caught on fire, it would have been my momma and daddy's fault for having me in a mobile home?
That's what I'm asking.
Because if that is what you are saying, I couln't disagree more.
That's what I was trying to get at.

How someone feels in a tragedy is up to that person and the circumstances and I would never suggest how anyone should feel in something like that. All I can say is how I would feel.
5 year olds don't usually need diapers. Could the clothing in the car be tested to be sure they belong to Shaynia, and not another child?

You're absolutely right: most 5 yr olds don't, except the ones who have lost sphincter control due to repeated rape/sodomy. As a mother of two children and as someone who works with preschoolers on a daily basis, I know that normal sized clothing for a child will not usually fit over a diaper if it's not sized for it and if it is tight-fitting and not stretchy (like jeans). Once a child is potty-trained, oh boy! You can fit them into clothes you thought they had outgrown because now there's more room.

I'm just speculating b/c I believe MAM is carrying a diaper in the elevator picture. That's just an opinion - LE has never mentioned what he was carrying so we really don't know - they may not know.

Sure, maybe the clothing belongs to someone else. I was just offering up one possible explanation. MOO the Aunt dropped her was out of town...why aren't we casting stones at her? If it were my niece and I was asked to drop her off in a hell-o hole...I'd put my car in reverse and head home.

I totally agree with you but ultimately it was the father's decision. The whole situation unfolding before our very eyes is sickening. I just hope we all survive it. When a child is molested & murdered - we get mad, it's only natural. But when a mother knowingly pimps her 5 y/o daughter out on purpose to supposedly pay off a drug debt - it infuriates us and blinds us with so much anger that we're forced to look at everything to get to the answer as quick as we can...b/c it hurts so much to not have the answers. I personally think it's most of our parental instincts. By some of our posts, you can tell who this situation hits home with. Most of us know somebody that was molested or had an injustice done to they themselves. The passion is in the protective posts. I believe everybody has a right to their own opinion, but it's hard for me knowing I came from an abusive father to not automatically go into "protect" mode. I become this monster seeking perfect knowledge that it drives me nuts b/c I know that children are innocent. Since they can't make decisions themselves, it's up to their parents to make the soundest most sincere knowledgable caring decisions they can make. If proper protol isn't followed with regards to small children and their knowledge bases, then an injustice has been done.
LOL thanks for the giggle about the poop on the porch :D

Okay about what I bolded:

Nope I don't think she looked at all either and I think it's because she knew exactly who had Shaniya and she knew what was going to happen to Shaniya.

She said she laid Shaniya back down at 5:30 and then woke up and Shaniya was gone. She said she looked "everywhere". I beg to differ. It was all a sham. And now that you pointed out the poop on the porch it supports it even further.

Yes, I agree. She said she laid her back down at 5:30---well, what time does she claim to have awakened and found her missing? There's no timeline for 5:30 - 6:53 (time of 911 call). Plus, actual "sunrise" is around 6:50, so how well could she have seen while she looked "everywhere"?
See Logical, this is what I was talking about. Not crime stats. They are general statements. Not really even talking about the case involved.

I lived in an older mobile home all of my life until I married. My parents loved me and took care of me but that's all they could afford. So, you're saying, if when I was a child and my home caught on fire, it would have been my momma and daddy's fault for having me in a mobile home?
That's what I'm asking.
Because if that is what you are saying, I couln't disagree more.
That's what I was trying to get at.
The phrase I bolded says it all. Your parents did the very best that they could. There is a very big difference between your situation and a parent choosing to allow his child to live in a questionable environment.

I'm sorry for barging into your discussion wiht Dr. Fessel, but that point was so obvious to me that I couldn't let it pass without comment.
I see that there is a discussion about jurisdiction for the murder.

What county was the hotel in and how far is it from the county line? TIA I can't seem to find it when I do a search.
nite good people, will be on in the morn........hope Shaniya gets her justice tomorrow!!!
All perps arrested for murder 1 premeditated.......death penalty! (accually takes 20 years to do DP anyway) argggggg

Not always...the DC Sniper just fried last week..7 years after the incidents. There is hope LOL.
I've read all of the posts relating to Dad, and the role he played in what happened, and whether it is fair or unfair to 'cast stones' in his direction. It made me think about why there is such a focus on the father and his role in this (and I'm speaking for myself here. I think I have four posts on this thread, and three of them relate to the father).

I think, for me, it is because it is the part of the puzzle that seems like it should have been the easiest to control. I can't (and dont want to) put myself in AD or MAM's position. I can't even begin to fathom what was going on in their minds or their worlds. The kind of evil that they represent is (mercifully) foreign to me, it seems uncontrollable. BL is less foreign - he represents the part of this that should have been in control, that should have been protecting. I can put myself in his shoes the easiest, and think about what I would have/could have/should have done if I was in those shoes. Maybe that isn't fair - maybe I'm making assumptions about what I would have done that aren't completely fair, and maybe I'm making those assumptions based on information that hasn't been shown to be "fact".

I don't know if I'm articulating this at all well - or where it takes us - but I want to thank those posters who has spoken in defence of the father (or at least spoken for moderation in our approach to the father), because it has made me rethink how I am approaching the situation. (And now, time for bed)...
Another sleepless night, and I've got poop on my brain. lol.

Here's what's bothering me. When AD called LE, she said she had been outside checking around for Shaniya. So she knew there was poop on the porch.

If you woke up and your child was missing, and you looked outside for them, and you saw POOP all over your porch, and you called LE, would you say:

"Her hair is out and she didn't even take shoes or pants with her..."

or would you say:

"My child is missing and I looked outside and JESUS MOTHER OF GOD THERE'S POOP ALL OVER MY PORCH!!!! GET THE POLICE HERE NOW!!!!"

Why the heck didn't she say a single word about the porch poop to LE???? Is it just me or is that a big fat elephant in the room you want to cover in your story?

My point: she not only never looked outside, she *did not know about the poop*.


Hi All,

My first post. When the Mom was being questioned, I believe the second time, about the specifics of Shaniya's clothing - I felt the Mom hesitated a touch and brought up "hair out" first, rather than speaking directly to either Shaniya wearing pants or underpants. Got the feeling that she was very uncomfortable with that part of the call.
Bolded by me ~
LOL thanks for the giggle about the poop on the porch :D

Okay about what I bolded:

Nope I don't think she looked at all either and I think it's because she knew exactly who had Shaniya and she knew what was going to happen to Shaniya.

She said she laid Shaniya back down at 5:30 and then woke up and Shaniya was gone. She said she looked "everywhere". I beg to differ. It was all a sham. And now that you pointed out the poop on the porch it supports it even further.

You guys may have already discussed this. I have missed a whole thread and don't have time to catch all the way up.

In the 911 call - AD says she last saw Shaniya when she put her back to bed at 5:30 p.m. It is the Dispatcher that ASSUMES that AD means 5:30 a.m. and AD just goes with it. I'll see if I can find the transcript again.

I thought this was very odd - the dispatcher put words into AD's mouth, so to speak. I wonder if 5:30 p.m. is when AD really last saw Shaniya?

she may have been high on something when the child was taken, how does the messy blanket at the neighbors fit we know for sure it belonged to Shanyia?

LE said it was Shaniya's blanket. I'm really wondering how the blanket fits in. I think it's key to what happened.

I'm thinking a fear response hit Shaniya as she was being taken out the door and she got diarrhea. Probably taken from her bed in the blanket right from a sound sleep, and she just got awake enough for the fear to hit her as they went out the front door.

McNeil wipes her off with the blanket, puts her in the car, tosses the blanket in the neighbor's trash can, and drives off.

Where, I don't know. He's unaccounted for from approx 3 or so until 6:10 when he checks into the hotel with Shaniya. I doubt he went home because of his gf being there.

I wonder if he gave Shaniya a shot of drugs in the MH before he took her out, if there are drugs that can cause bowel incontinence within a few minutes in a child.

I wonder if there are any rest stops between the MH and the hotel they may have stopped at. Or gas stations with bathrooms.
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