NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #15

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Well I'll be hot d@m! That is how they knew that she didn't leave the trailer. That is how they knew that MAM didn't go into to the trailer to get Shaniya and take her out.

That's why the same day search warrants were worded to say that MAM got Shaniya from out in front of the house!

I'll be a son of a gun! They got both of them. Good.

Aaaahhhh it all starts to fall together now. You're right. Both of them. And that's why they let Coe go.
Oh wow I missed that! Who all looked?

And why oh why didn't AD say anything about the poop on the phone to LE!!??!!

In that same NG show, CNN transcript states (below), "feces on the back porch." During the Mom's conversation to 911 op, I believe she states she only has looked around the front of the home, not the back.

GRACE: Straight out to Gurnal Scott with WPTF radio. The bombshell tonight is not good, Gurnal Scott, the fact that the little girl`s favorite blanket is found in the neighbor`s trash can, that the blanket was covered in feces, and that it`s my understanding there was feces found on the neighbor`s porch. I`m not clear on that point. What can you tell me, Gurnal Scott?

GURNAL SCOTT, WPTF RADIO (via telephone): Well, that`s what the police are saying, that the feces were found on the back porch and on the blanket, as well. They are looking into any connection that there could possibly be in that. We also know that -- we know the house wasn`t a very clean area. As a matter of fact, the family isn`t being allowed back into the house because of sewage problems. So they are not in the house, and police are continuing their investigation there.
See Logical, this is what I was talking about. Not crime stats. They are general statements. Not really even talking about the case involved.

I lived in an older mobile home all of my life until I married. My parents loved me and took care of me but that's all they could afford. So, you're saying, if when I was a child and my home caught on fire, it would have been my momma and daddy's fault for having me in a mobile home?
That's what I'm asking.
Because if that is what you are saying, I couln't disagree more.
That's what I was trying to get at.

IF you read my will see that I "logically" have avoided fire stats, and/or saying things about mobile homes

I am talking about THIS mobile the worst part of the town

as I stated before...I have seen posts from people who live there and they all "KNOW" what the words Sleepy Hollow mean....a really bad and dangerous place

as was said "where you go to get drugs or prostitutes"...(something like that)

the stats have been published

and that "home"....4 adults...3 kids....and sewage problems

want to see pictures of it??

this is really a very bad looking mobile home old homes
and very run down...the one that AD lived in looks worse even than the others....with a clothes line of clothes out back

the home the dad lives in

Shaynia went from princess dresses and riding her "scooter" *(whoops hit the bmw) not even wearing pants....just an old tee shirt

just imagine that small trailer with people coming and going....did she ever leave the bedroom?? Coe seems to tell us she didn't

drugs...booze...guns...who knows what?? and perverts....johns...
what a horror hole

I haven't gone into things I don't know about such as fires...although come to think of it crack pipes and cigarettes...that whole place might have gone up in flames

Take a look at where the dad lives..and then look at this....and would you drop her off without going in??

if anyone talked to her...would she tell them about the new "daddy" that lived there...the people coming in and out...the pain and the fear ???

I do think these jerks killed her cause they had no way out..she was bound to tell..and some point the family who did love her (maybe just not enough) were bound to come around to get her

again...this all could have easily been prevented...or maybe prevented a "hard" way....but at least try...don't just take her there and dump her there without making sure it was safe and that AD was truly ready to be a mother
I can just speak for myself. In my parenting rule book, no child is allowed to live with drug addicts, filth, prostitution, felons, AIDS, etc. I would work night and day to provide. The sadness is Shaniya had a beautiful home, loving aunt and relatives, grass, treats...and it was all taken away for reasons I'll never understand.
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