NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #23

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Oh, that's a really good point! I wouldn't doubt that AD collected benefits all 5 years. It could have been an agreement between AD and BL maybe that's the reason he was never put on the birth record......hmmmm
Or maybe also why they had no legal agreement regarding custody. MOO
I married a lady that had one daughter and there was no father listed on the birth certificate so I went down to the court house and for 5 dollars put my name as father on it and swore I was. Cheap adoption.

I was one of those kids.
Or maybe also why they had no legal agreement regarding custody. MOO

I would assume that once she hit school age DSS could verify she attends school in order to give benefits. My kids get a small stipend on my VA pension and I had to prove they lived with me. The main way I did that was with a form signed by the school. My daughter is turning 18 and they sent another form for the school to fill out to prove she is attending and will be in high school until June. Social Security Disability does the same thing
Excellent point - She lived in public housing on Melvin Pl.

Melvin Pl is the address of Housing Authority but one of the apartment names is McNeill Apartments - Surprised there isn't a Davis Apartments just to add to the confusion.
Some things that do not make sense to me;

No concrete reports of what drugs AD was on or doing, if MAM is a dealer he is probably not a user (other than pot).

The time of day and the whole motel thing is puzzling, had they been up all night blasting coke or smoking rock it would explain the time of day but it is pretty hard to do your thing after such a marathon.

I know it is useless and frustrating to apply logic to the behaviors of irrational/unstable people but some things just do not add up. Previous posters are correct, AD looks REAL good for a chronic crack/heroin user, and the dad, forget about it.....

There's more to this and I guess we'll have to wait til it comes out.
I would assume that once she hit school age DSS could verify she attends school in order to give benefits. My kids get a small stipend on my VA pension and I had to prove they lived with me. The main way I did that was with a form signed by the school. My daughter is turning 18 and they sent another form for the school to fill out to prove she is attending and will be in high school until June. Social Security Disability does the same thing

Since NC doesn't require attendance until age of 7, may not be concerned with a 5 year old.
Has anyone ever thought that it is possible that AD said Coe was the one that took Shaniya because MAYBE it was Coe that she "sold" Shaniya too. Maybe? just maybe. again this is just MO.
Melvin Pl is the address of Housing Authority but one of the apartment names is McNeill Apartments - Surprised there isn't a Davis Apartments just to add to the confusion.
Now that made me laugh out loud :D
Since NC doesn't require attendance until age of 7, may not be concerned with a 5 year old.

That refers to the school though,not DSS.
Here in RI school is only required until 16. I still had to prove the kids lived with me by sending the VA and SSDI I letter from the school.
I know these are not the same agency,but they may have similar rules
Hi there...just so sad :(

The school bothers me...why enroll Shaynia then let her be taken out or take her out??
I also question who had "authority" here...immunizations, enrollment, who to call in emergency?? Aunt Carrie was supposedly on the list cause that is how the cops knew to reach her?

I get bothered when people say "in a better place">> well it might be better but it is many years too soon....not to mention if it is so much "better" why wouldn't everyone just commit suicide or at least not have heart operations, chemotherapy...just say "I wanna go to the better place?"

I read Jennie in RI post...and her blog...(((hugs))) ...what an inspiration

Like Jennie I am not big on all this "God's Will">>> now this is JMO but I want NO part of a God who could create wars, Holocaust, 911, all all the sad litany of cases on these forums. I personally have had (many) rough and bad thing that has given me comfort is a book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"..written by a Rabbi (and I am Catholic LOL)

it proposes that God created us but we have free will...God does not micromanage us, he can't rig the lottery or zap a tumor or make a rejecting lover change their heart/mind...or even stop a horror wreck like the sad tale of little Shaynia

but he can be there to give us strength, hope...and courage...
maybe courage to visit the doctor or get a second opinion....courage to change laws...

this is also seen in Christianity under the idea of "Jesus Wept"..(ie, that not even the son of God can change everything)

it is pretty much what I believe...keeps me somewhat sane

I pray for strength

Any "God" who would "call" a little girl to heaven and devise such horrors/rape is not a God I want. I personally believe that God/Jesus are upset and "cry" for Shaniya and all the others who suffer...
and offer us strength and comfort

I prefer to be proactive rather than reactive

A good start>>> write your letter to the FCC for Klaaskids

[ame=""]A CALL TO ACTION! We need 3 minutes to change how we find the missing. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Solstice Canyon and SusieQ :)
Thanks for straightening my head out on the dates of Dessert Storm. On the previous thread. :blowkiss:
I can tell you that in MI, to prove a child lives with you, you take them to the welfare appointment with you and show your birth certificate. There is no collaboration with any other government agency except CPS. If your kids are removed from your custody by CPS, they flag your welfare file.
That's it. A birth certificate and a child. (And, yes, that does need to change.) That's all you need to receive benefits from them. Welfare workers don't do home checks or any of that here, but I know they do in some other places, not sure about NC.
Also, in the best interest of the child, a month after starting kindergarten isn't the time to decide it's also a good time to have 'mom' start bonding with the child. Starting school is an adjustment. Why compound it with visits to a mother she doesn't really know, in an environment so vastly different that what she's accustomed to? :waitasec: MOO

gee... yathink... :doh:


Hi. I have been following these threads for days but haven't posted. I have two things to add.

First, my feeling is that AD DID sell that baby to MAM. She probably told him (and perhaps several others before that) to go ahead and do what he wants. But she probably assumed he would bring her back. I wouldnt be surprised if that had happened before with other guys.

As far as the hotel thing goes, I really believe it is connected to the fact that they found feces on the porch/door handle. He may have intended to do it somewhere else, outside or in his car, but he had to clean her up first. That would explain why her scent was only found on the towels. He cleaned her up and they left.

I knew some people in my past who sell drugs. Money is no object because they didnt really "earn" it. It makes total sense to me that he took her to the hotel to clean her up, paid the money for an hour (like a john might for a prostitute) cleaned her up and intended to spend a little time with her there but heard about the amber alert and left. On NG tonight, one of the scrolls at the bottom of the screen said something like "McNeil is accused of killing Shaniya, raping her and dumping her body." The order of that sentence grossed me out but it is entirely possible considering how sick he obviously is...
Has anyone ever thought that it is possible that AD said Coe was the one that took Shaniya because MAYBE it was Coe that she "sold" Shaniya too. Maybe? just maybe. again this is just MO.
Even with that scenario, we'd need to explain McNeill taking Shaniya into the hotel, and then the charges of rape/murder against him. MOO
As I recall I really don't remember alot of rage at Caylee's funeral either !! Just saying hummmmmmmmmmmmm
Not at the Funeral, and not in a way we would have expected but I think with CA you can see rage and anger misdirected often and for a long time, she has just begun to stop raging.......She just dispersed it everywhere.
The Funeral is not a place to express the rage...It is the place to celebrate the decease's life.
But I do have to add since it was I who asked; where is the Outrage???
Some people internalize, some go emotionally numb, But the rage has to be there at some point.
The forgiveness is interesting at this early stage.
The problem I have with the "cleaning her up" from the feces is--why would he drive all the way to Sanford. I hate to be graphic but if it was that bad, the odor would have been awful and quite a ways to drive to clean her up. JMO
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