NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #28

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I've had a very heavy heart & an overall bad taste in my mouth re our justice system after the Casey Anthony verdict. Hearing this gave me hope.

:heartbeat::rose: Justice is coming, baby girl! :rose: :heartbeat:
Blessed Be! I am so glad to see movement on this case. I pray this woman gets what she deserves, but unfortunately, we are not a society that tortures and that is what my heart says this piece of human excrement deserves. I know that is not the loving, pc thing to say. But it is how I feel about this woman and the man she handed her precious angel baby over to.

I am not a violent person. I do not join lynch mobs. But what these people did is beyond comprehension, beyond redemption, beyond all reason.
When i was reading the article i was wondering if LE found out this wasnt the first time she sold her? :sick:

If she was sold before, I hope LE finds the buyer/s and lock them up. This is really a sick case.
Thanks to you all for keeping precious Shaniya's memory alive and her thread up to date. After the high of seeing Emma Barker's murder convicted and the low of seeing Caylee's murderer acquitted this is some long awaited good news!

May they both rot until they are put to death.
Thanks to you all for keeping precious Shaniya's memory alive and her thread up to date. After the high of seeing Emma Barker's murder convicted and the low of seeing Caylee's murderer acquitted this is some long awaited good news!

May they both rot until they are put to death.

Unfortunately, until recently there wasn't much hope to cling on to (thank you Kimberly [SS I cant rememeber your whole WS name] for giving us hope). While I doubted NC's JS, your posts gave me hope and Im truly thankful for that! So, thank you, thank you thank you. You were right all along, and I am just SO happy that both of these monsters will be and are being held accountable for their actions. I couldnt get past the fact that AD was free to walk the streets for all these years , so I cant even begin to describe how happy I am that that witch <sorry mods, Im actually being NICE) is finally where she should have been in the first place!

:heartbeat::rose: Justice is coming, baby girl! :rose: :heartbeat:
Unfortunately, until recently there wasn't much hope to cling on to (thank you Kimberly [SS I cant rememeber your whole WS name] for giving us hope). While I doubted NC's JS, your posts gave me hope and Im truly thankful for that! So, thank you, thank you thank you. You were right all along, and I am just SO happy that both of these monsters will be and are being held accountable for their actions. I couldnt get past the fact that AD was free to walk the streets for all these years , so I cant even begin to describe how happy I am that that witch <sorry mods, Im actually being NICE) is finally where she should have been in the first place!

:heartbeat::rose: Justice is coming, baby girl! :rose: :heartbeat:


I get the sentiment as intended and take no offense at your choice or wording.
Unfortunately, until recently there wasn't much hope to cling on to (thank you Kimberly [SS I cant rememeber your whole WS name] for giving us hope). While I doubted NC's JS, your posts gave me hope and Im truly thankful for that! So, thank you, thank you thank you. You were right all along, and I am just SO happy that both of these monsters will be and are being held accountable for their actions. I couldnt get past the fact that AD was free to walk the streets for all these years , so I cant even begin to describe how happy I am that that witch <sorry mods, Im actually being NICE) is finally where she should have been in the first place!

:heartbeat::rose: Justice is coming, baby girl! :rose: :heartbeat:


I'm thrilled with the indictments!!!

Can't wait for the trial.
Thinking of this beautiful angel this morning.


What a beautiful, beautiful child. Her complexion is absolutely perfect. At a glance, she reminds me of one of the, IMO, most beautiful women I have ever seen: Halle Berry - I would love to see a picture of Berry when she was the same age. Just pure and God-given perfection. And she is in His arms...

I'm sure this crime made all the Angels weep.

Just a gentle reminder to all that I am local to this case. (Please check the 'locals' listed.)
The above listed article is accurate.

I mentioned several posts ago that addressed the issue of this perhaps being significantly more complex than the rape and murder of Shaniya.

NO ONE in either LE or the judicial system has forgotten about Shaniya.

Take my word on that, as someone very close to the case.


:clap: First, Oriah, thanks for "riding herd" on the news from where you live -- it's always so good to have local people who have their ears to the ground on a case as big and as horrible as this (or any case, actually). And to know further that you are "someone very close to the case," your presence in that area and on this forum is great for the rest of us.

I am in Raleigh, NC, now, but I was raised about 30 miles from Fayetteville, NC, and I had a first cousin whom I visited there every summer for years, so I, too, am at least familiar with some of the "customs" and ways of life in Cumberland County and nearby. Each area of the US has its own "flavor" and sometimes they are very similar, and sometimes not. It's part of what makes the US us!

So please keep on keeping on with what you do for us, and don't let 'em get away with anything!
And the length of time doesn't bother me too much -- I feel strongly that they are taking their time because they want to do it right the first time since that will be the only shot they get at prosecuting for murder and rape and such.

Thanks, and keep your ear to the ground....:justice: for Shaniya and all the little children who have no voice and no way to fight back.

ETA: And another thanks for the heartbreaking job you do for those thrown-away children. How you even have a little piece of your heart left, I cannot imagine. Those cases must break your heart & tear it up every time you get a new case and try so hard to find and put them back together. What strength and what tenderness it must require. I won't go on & on, but thanks for patching up those that still have those tatters left on them -- you probably do find one now & then whose eyes no longer let you see their soul, because it has been stomped or squeezed out of them. You do it for them, and we thank you.
Shaniya is mentioned in this article about Caylee's Law...’s-Law?instance=secondary_opinion_left_column

Regarding the shocking verdict handed down in Florida in the Caylee Anthony case, I wanted to send an update on where things stand regarding the NC Statutes on child abuse, the reportingof a missing child, and misleading authorities.

We are already looking into legislation to address these issues, but it will be May 2012 before it could be introduced since thedeadline for new bills in the long session has passed. We have receivedhundreds of emails regarding the outcome of the trial in Florida, which was mind-boggling. There is no explanation in my opinion as to how thejury could have come up with such a verdict; but action needs to betaken to make certain this type of missed justice does not happen in North Carolina.

Another case that involves similar circumstances is the murder of Shaniya Davis, a 5 year old little girl from Fayetteville, NC who wasabused and murdered. This case deserves &#8220;swift&#8221; action and justice.
Shaniya is mentioned in this article about Caylee's Law...’s-Law?instance=secondary_opinion_left_column

Regarding the shocking verdict handed down in Florida in the Caylee Anthony case, I wanted to send an update on where things stand regarding the NC Statutes on child abuse, the reportingof a missing child, and misleading authorities.

We are already looking into legislation to address these issues, but it will be May 2012 before it could be introduced since thedeadline for new bills in the long session has passed. We have receivedhundreds of emails regarding the outcome of the trial in Florida, which was mind-boggling. There is no explanation in my opinion as to how thejury could have come up with such a verdict; but action needs to betaken to make certain this type of missed justice does not happen in North Carolina.

Another case that involves similar circumstances is the murder of Shaniya Davis, a 5 year old little girl from Fayetteville, NC who wasabused and murdered. This case deserves “swift” action and justice.

Sadly both little angels had a similar fate.
The trial was a joke. A bad joke.
NO BAIL IS VERY GOOD. :) Let her rot in jail, what she did in not forgivable.

Furthermore based on this photo it looks like She was beautiful, AND that changed.
Could Karma be getting to her? could she be eating hersel up from the inside out? hmmmm

When I saw her picture for the first time, at the beginning of all this, my thought was the same: She is quite pretty though not as much so as her very beautiful -- and dead, murdered, raped -- daughter. I hope she is eating herself up for this horrid decision, but I'm not so sure she is....

She pimped-out her sweet little girl in payment for a drug debt -- sure, why not?? I have been wondering, as many of us, if she had done this pimping before with her -- perhaps just for pictures for child-*advertiser censored*, and then MM got carried away, crammed toilet paper in her little mouth to keep her quiet (in the motel room, perhaps?), and then when she started struggling, just bashed in that little child-head.

All of those different charges are just a laundry list of what was done to the child. We know the penalties for 1st DM; the 1st D Rape and Sexual Offense with Child are both B1 Felonies where the penalty can be anywhere from 144 months (minimum for no points, mitigated) to LWOP. This depends on previous convictions (there is a "point" system for past felony convictions) and whether the offense is mitigated, presumptive, or aggravated. It's a bit complicated, but the judge has guidelines and some leeway on bestowing the penalties -- and no judge, IMO, will see anything on any of them other than "aggravated." It's all detailed in the NC General Statutes under Sentencing Guidelines (NCGS 15A-1340.17)

IMO, she'll be locked up for the rest of her life. :behindbar . Yes, she needs to settle-in and get used to it. And she will not be liked by her fellow inmates -- ever.

End of mini-rant. :rant:
I have not seen anything yet but I'm sure they are happy and relieved.

I know they were not happy when AD bailed out.

I'd like to know how she bailed out? Who had the money to bail her sorry *** (JMO) out? Was she making money from pimping her little girl or what?
This is fabulous news. The mother prostituted her daughter out - she might as well have killed this beautiful child herself.

May justice be served.


BBM - Don't worry -- that's exactly how she's being treated -- just as if she did do it herself -- with that 1st Degree Murder charge against her!!!! As you know!!!
Yes, sometimes Karma is a b****, huh?
wow i hope that mom and that drug dealer perv. get convicted and spend rest of life behind bars, if not death( is nc a death penalty or not?) however after the travesty of the caylee case, i have a very bitter taste in my mouth and no faith in the justice system. i hope this one proves me wrong...
ps, didnt her mom have aids? and relatively recently give birth?(iirc she was pregant when the story originally broke, or am i remembering wrong? either way hiv or not if she was pregnant please tell me the baby is far away/safe...
wow i hope that mom and that drug dealer perv. get convicted and spend rest of life behind bars, if not death( is nc a death penalty or not?) however after the travesty of the caylee case, i have a very bitter taste in my mouth and no faith in the justice system. i hope this one proves me wrong...
ps, didnt her mom have aids? and relatively recently give birth?(iirc she was pregant when the story originally broke, or am i remembering wrong? either way hiv or not if she was pregnant please tell me the baby is far away/safe...

She did give birth. The child is in foster care IIRC.

Just going from memory, the info is somewhere in this thread though, the baby was born around July 2010.
She did give birth. The child is in foster care IIRC.

Just going from memory, the info is somewhere in this thread though, the baby was born around July 2010.

You recall correctly, Kimberlyd125.

For people concerned for this child... well, for right now can we leave this child its privacy? I don't know about ya'll- but I would not want to grow up learning from the internet about the horrible crimes that my sister was subject to. :(

I would imagine that the issues this child is going to have to deal with are tough enough. Let's not cause any further pain by discussing this childs' life on the internet, when their life has just begun. Kwim?

Through NAMI I do work on changing Laws. Through my walks and fund raising, I do walk my talk. :D

Does not mean I have to stroke situations that I do not believe in, or swallow stories I do not buy.
NO I cannot buy how monster mom was set free :waitasec:
when a bail is set so low that a murderer can walk, something is not working right.

Not convinced that it is, no matter who posts that they work with LE.

Monster mom as you call her was not indicted yet, so her bail was low. Once the indictments come out, her bail amount will soar significantly!!

And I was not bragging about my occupation, just trying to explain how the system works here. Let's just agree to disagree when it comes to LE in NC!
You recall correctly, Kimberlyd125.

For people concerned for this child... well, for right now can we leave this child its privacy? I don't know about ya'll- but I would not want to grow up learning from the internet about the horrible crimes that my sister was subject to. :(

I would imagine that the issues this child is going to have to deal with are tough enough. Let's not cause any further pain by discussing this childs' life on the internet, when their life has just begun. Kwim?



ITA!! This child is gonna have a hard enough row to hoe !! Hopefully he will never have to learn about his sister's horrific death or know anything about his birth mother. Let's leave him be!
Nothing has ever been said on this thread that would jeopardize that baby's privacy.
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